Friday, December 14, 1934. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Seven NOVEMBER WEATHER by P«rsonal Instructions uilng mtfhodf racommandad by WORLD CHAMPIONS We teach you free all the ftindamentals of the game of billiards... how to hold the cue ... how to stroke the ball correctly... Come In and register at once. THE RECREATION Billiards and Bowling For the first time in nine years Thanksgiving Day showered us with rain, 2.85 inches falling, one-half inch above the normal fall for the entire month, making a total for the month of 5.73 inches. This i.s over 3 1-4 in ches above the normal, thus bring ing the precipitation for the 11 months of the year to 7.55, inchea above the long time normal record. While Thanksgiving Day was moist, it was warm, registering a high of 66, and a low of 61. A rather unusual rain, thunder and lightning storm on the night of the 10th gave variety to the month, which had 14 days wiih a tempera ture of 70 or more, and ranged from 80 on the 8th to 24 on the 13th, and for the whole an average of four- tenths of a degree over the long t.>me normal, and two degrees above 1933. Long time Max. Min Aver, average 64.5 41.3 52.8 1933 62.2 40.2 51.2 1934 65.2 41.2 53 2 The Week in Aberdeen It Pays to Advertise in The Pilot. TREE TOPS A SALE of House-, hold and Other Furni.'^hings will be] held at Tree Tops,] corner of Maine '■ Avenue and Ridge Street, beginning December, 19, andj lasting thru the hol idays : E m e r s o n ^ Grand Piano, Kose-j wood ('ase. Beauti ful llo.‘^e\vood Library Table. Flemish Oak Library or Office « Table. An unusual Desk. Yellow Keed, three piece living- || room set. Mahogany V'eneer Dining Room Table, Chairs and Sideljoard. Oak Dining Room Chairs, Children’s Chairs. || Glassware and Pottery. Antic|ues. An Old Time Jennj’ Lind H Spool Bed, Cokmial Style li-4 Bed. Twin Beds, copy of Co- lonial. Eight-Day Clock w’ith Mirror to match. Old Time || Clock Cases. Candle Mould. Guns (Ancient Fowling Pieces). H A prong-horned Antelope Head, mounted. Many miscella- neous interesting articles. A Cup of Tea and Fortune Free, S *« afternoons with every 50 cent purchase A. E. C. HUTT I Salting 'Time Just Received a Carload of SALT Which We W’ill Sell at a Moderate Price. McNEILL & COMPANY Telephone 6244 Southern Pines Mr. and Mrs. Reid A. Page are spending several days in New York City this week. Mrs. Ru.sseil Clegg of C.irthage was the guest of her brothci, K. T. McKeithen for a few days this week. D. D. Cameron and family have moved from the Green home on the Lauringburg road to the J. A. Mc Keithen residence in town. Mrs. Ella Juat and Miss Bessie Bethune spent the day in Raleigh last Wednesday. Edgar Bowman oi Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end visiting Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Bowman. Mrs. Jack Taylor, who ha.s been ill for the past week, is improving. Earl Freeman, Jr., the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Freeman, has whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Burney spent last Sunday in Raleigh. Mrs. George G. Martin left last week for Siler City where she will be the guest of her .*?ister. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy, Miss Harriet Purdy and Mrs. W. D. Owens of Monroe were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Weaver. Miss Mamie Queen of Fort Valley, Georgia, arrived last weeK to be the guest cf her sister, Mrs. Jack Tay lor. Mrs. Robert Gwyn, Mis. A. P. Pen nington and Mrs. Forest Lockey were visitors in Charlotte iast Tues day. Miss Lois Raymond, French teach er at Duke University, was the week end guest of Mrs. J. Talbot John son. Frank W. McClucr, Jr., spent sev eral day.s last week in New York City on business, , Mrs. W. T. Worsham, who is ill with bronchial pneumonia at h?r home cn Pinebluff road, is not much improv ed. A. A. McKeithen. who came home from Columbia, S. C., after making a satisfactory recovery from a re cent appendicitis operation, is visit ing Mis. A. A. McKeithen at Albe marle. Miss Edna Tillman spent the week end at Putnam visiting her mother. Kiiok ('lull Mrs. R, N. Page, Sr.. assisted by her daughter, Mrs. R. N. Page, Jr., entertained the Thursday Afternoon Book Club at her home on Page Hill j last week. The topic for the aftei- noon’s study was "Future Dreams” and interesting papers on “Your Amti'ica and Mine” and “Are We Be coming More Cultured” were given by Mfs. J. Talbot Johnson and Mrs. H. E. Bowman. The special guests were Mrs. Frank Shamburger, Mrs. L. T. Aveiy and Mrs. Mattie Page. lloni(‘ uiid <>ar(l«Mi ('luh The Home and Garden Club met at the Community House last Tues- j day afternoon with Mrs. Forrest | Liockey hostess. Plans were made for ; the Christmas meeting and holiday i activities. Mrs. R. C. Zimmerman read j an article on “iiirus and Berrios that ! Brighten the Winter Garden;” Mrs. [ Jones Macon a reading on “The Mak ing of Morroco” and a poem “Thanks- | giving” was read by Mrs. George Martin. Those pre.sent were Mrs. G. A. Charles, Mrs. Margaret Jones, Mrs. Arnold Ferree, Mrs. Robert Farrell, Mrs. B. G. Peterson, »/Irs. Jack Smith, Mrs. G. C. Seymo\u' and Misses Bert and Ila Blue. The district meeting of the Educo (’lub was held in the Community House last Thursday evening, with State Superintendent of Education, Clyde Erwin, as the principal speak er. Tho.“^e present from the Aberdeen school district were Prof. R. C. Zim- - merman, J. W. GralJam, H. W. Doub , and John Fiddner. Supper was serv- | ed by the Home and Garden Club. Mrs. Jack Smith entertained her bridge club last Friday evening, with three tables in play. Mrs. Malcolm i Plea.-sants was the recipient of the j High score prize, Mrs, E. B. May- i nard, the con.solation prize and Mrs. K. B. Flinchum, guest prize. ' A number of people from Aberdeen attended the annual bridge party at the .State Sanatorium last Tuesday evening. These winning prizes were Mrs. Arnold Ferree, Mrs. Robert Farrell, and Mrs. S. L. Windham. Harry DuMeer was the lucky win ner of the box of apples. Opi ning of Tea Kooiii Alls. T. B. Wilder’s "Tea iioom at the Pines” was officially opened Tuesday. Its attractive setting among the pines and the popularity of Mrs. W'ilder will no doubt di'aw a large patronage during the winter months. YOU CAN HUY AT Ol ll STORE FOR womp:n You can make choice selections from oui' assortment oi peifumes compact.s and toilet sets. Christmas bvixes ot stationery and Chii.stma.s greeting tards offer many op portunities. Practical gifts are available tor you, too. FOR MEN Plenty of gifts for men: cigars, tobacco, pipes, cigarettes, leather bill folds, military brush sets, stationery, Scout flashlights, I’etniedge razor and blades, toilet sets, shav ing cream, and lather brushes, Braeburn golf balls, foun tain pens and pen and pencil sets, FOR CHILDREN Make selections from these items: beautiful Christmas boxes of candy, stationery, 'Scout flashlights, billlolds, novelties, toys and many other items. Come in, look around. You will save on every gift. HOIJJNGSWORTH and RI SSEL McPH.ML CANDIES in holiday wrappings. Bryan Drug Company Al)enleen :: n :: Cameron ancl Community t used to be Bl ue Monday but fin Vi •• ♦» «« ii INSURE WITH THE MUTUAL AND SHARE THE PROFITS H. A. LEWIS, AGENT | SOUTHERN PINES ft JONES’ CHRISTMAS SALE PRICES Continue Through December 31st Let us help you make the most of your Christmas Dollars. We have Practical Gifts for every member of the family at prices to fit every purse. An attractive showing of Bedspreads, Lingerie, Sweaters, Hosiery, Ties, Men’s Scrafs, Shirts, Handker chiefs, and many other items that will satisfactorily solve your gift problem. W. W. JONES & SONS DEPT. STORE Carthage, N. C. In last week’s Pilot the contribu tion taken for Barium Springs Or phanage at the Pr'sbyterian Church on Thanksgiving morning was report ed as $10.00. This was an error; it should have been $100.00. This church is noted for its liberality to all causes, and especially to the Orphanago. Miss Jacksie Muse charmingly en tertained the Merry-Makers on Wed nesday evening last week. After sew ing was laid aside an enjoyable con test made the ladies put on their ‘‘thinking caps.” Mesdames H. L). Tally and J. D. McLean were the win ners. The Woman’s Club met on Thurs day afternoon of last week with the vice president. Miss Margaret Thom as, presiding. The W'elfare Depart ment. Mrs. J. M. Guthrie, chairman, was hostes.s, and piesented a fine program, Mrs. C. A. Lawrence of Vass gave a talk on ‘ Indian Welfare,” which was both informing and en tertaining. Ann Gaston teacher in the colored school here, told of her twelve years welfare work among the mem bers of her race. A quartet of colored girls from tli^ first grade sang three Spiritual songs, which closed the pro. gram. In the school lunch contest, Miss Sneed, case supervisor of Moore county, awarded first prize to Mrs. J. E. Snow': second to Mrs. Don ald McDonald and third to Mrs. Gra ham Bullock. Tne ciub voted for each member to donate a gift for the nur sery school Christmas tree. Miss Ra chael Gilchrist, club president, is principal of this school. Leighton McKeithen, Dr. Archie McKeithen of Louisville, Ky„ W. B. Warner of Southern Pines and Rob ert Hartness of Sanford went to Lake Mattamusket in Dare county, on a duck hunting trip last week, return ing on Friday. They report a season of rare sport. Little Shirley Graham, who has been making her home since her mother’s death with her aunt in Gib son, ha.q returned to her father, Stan ley Graham, and will be at home with him on Route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Arch AIcDougald of Hamlet spent Sunday with Mrs. Julia McDougald and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally. Miss Maggie McLean of Carthage is spending a few days with Mrs. J. E. Snow. Miss Catharine McDonald of the Elise school faculty and Miss Ma mie Arnold, principal of Needham’s Grove school, spent the week-end with home folks. D r. Archie McKeithen, prominent surgeon of Louisville, Ky., visited his mother, Mrs. M. McL. McKeithen, last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Parker spent W'ednesday in Garner and Raleigh. Miss Annie Borst, who has been suffering with her eyes for several days, was accompanied by Mesdames H. D. Tally and H. O. Averitte to Fayetteville to consult Dr. Lilly. Mrs^ Sallie Smith of Vanceboro, mother of Mrs. J. D. McLean has been on the sick list for a week. Mrs. C. H. Durham of Carthage reorg|inized the Woman’s Missionary Soci^y of the Methodist church last Sunday eveninfij. The following from Cameron were shopping in Raleigh last Saturday: Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry, Mrs. L. B. McKeithen and sons, Murdoch and L. B., Jr., Misses Minnie and Jacksie Muse, Ellen Royal Jones, Mrs. W. M. Wooten and Kenneth Wooten. I Mrs. Loula Muse sptnt Thursday I and P’riday in Henderson, guest of : her .son, Di. J. D. Muse. ! Misses Thurla Cole and Mary Hen- ' drix were shopping in Sanford Mon- i day afternoon. i J. A. Phillips Jr., made a business I trip to Philadelphia Tuesday. Mrs. James McLean of near Cam- ' eron is critically ill at her home. All I cf her children are at her bedside ex- I cept her son, Dr. John McLean ot ■ Godwin, who has recently had a ma- ' jor operation in a Fayeteville hospi- i tal. I The Baptist ladies met on Tuesday ' evening at the home of Mrs. Laura Rogers to work on the quilt they have recently made for the Thomasville Orphanage. LAKEVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Caviness and ' little daughters of Aberdeen visited ■ Mr. and Mrs. John Caviness Sunday. Mrs. Charles Rose and Miss Rosa lind Caddell of Carthage called on Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cau.scy Friday. Ml’S. E. J. Fitzgerald and Mrs. Charles Hudson of Pinehurst and Mrs. A. S. Newcomb were the Tuesday : guests of Mrs. R. T. Woodruff. ! Ernest Wilson of Woodville is vis- , iting Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wilson. ! John Strickland of Broadway spent ' the past week with Mr. and Mrs. D. ' A. Morrison. I Misses Mildred Gunter and Alma i Mclnnis and Ralph Wallace motored to Fayetteville Saturday. Messrs Wallace, Herman, Roswell and Richard Matthews of East Bend spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Matthews. Mrs. A. W. Williams left Saturday for an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacKie of Ithaca, N. Y. D. M. Mclnnis, Ralph Wallace and Miss Alma Mclnnis were the Sunday night dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert of Cameron. Mrs. R. T. W'oodruff, Mrs. A. S. Newcomb and Miss Alice Littlefield were in Fayetteville Wedne.sday. Grover Hudson and Henry Flem ing of Booneville spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Strickland and baby of Broadway are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Morrison. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mac Kie of Ithaca, N. Y., a son, on Sat urday, December 8. Mrs. MacKie was formerly Miss Kay Willikms. ash'day now is one day that "'III :: LAUNDRY cn WONDER of wonders, thoui^h, is that the Family Laundry actually saves van money in the long run. And is actually easitr on ycur clothes. More and more housewives are making this glad discovery. i :: (/oes it tjeit THE FAMILY LAUNDRY. mC Telephone filOl Southern Pines KE.VL ESTATE TR.V.NSFERS L. O. Martin and wife to S. H. Lee and wife, property m Mineral Springs township. L. O. Martin and wife to S. H. Lee, property in Mineral Springs township. W. W. Harris to Lewis Harris, property in Mineral Springs township. W. W. Harris to Sallie Harris Hor ner, property in Mineral Springs tpwnship. W. V. Fisher and wife to Ray E. Fisher, property in Greenwood town ship. C. Dowd and wife io K. B. Dowd, property in Moore county. W. H. Chrisco to C. S. Chrisco, property in Moore county. The riiot 13 read by some 10,000 persons each week. Regular advertis ing would drive your message home to these prospects. SNAP THE STRAIN WITH THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES question that "t a crowd, ice-cold Coca- body » him- -_body crushed. more ICE>COLD COCA-COLA IS IVIRY PIACI ILSI- IT OUGHT TO BE IN YOUR FAMILY RiFRIGERATOt / COCO-COLA BOTTLINO CO. Aberdeen, N. C. m mm

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