Friday, Fcl>ruary 15, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina She Ark Southern $inrs, N. C. Mrs. Millicent A. Hayes, Principal A COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Kindergarten through the 8th year MUSIC—ART—LANGUAGES Tutoring Arranged for Older Groups Limited Accommodations for Boarders At me APITAL By M. R. Dunnagan, The Pilot’s Raleigh Correspondent THE HOME SCUCCL Kindergarten First and Second Grades Apply to MISS LAUKA M. JENKS Phone 7973 Moderute Kiites Will be in his office ov«r th« Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, fmm 10:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him If your eyes are weak. DRS.NEAL&r.RIFFITfl Veterinarians Office at llace Track, Pinehurst. Also at Swiniierton StahlcN, Southern Pines, daily E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Southern Pines, N. C. TeL 5033 A. L.. ADAMS PAINTER — DECORATOR PAPER HANGER WALL PAPERS Phone 6922 J. N. POWELL, INC. Undertaking Embalming Ambulance Service East Broad St., Southern Pines R. A. WARREN For Fine Repairs Watches—Clocks—Jewelry West Broad Street Southern Pines Anti-Sales Tax Plan ' Promise of the revenue plan of the anti-sales tax group of the General I Assembly, by which it is claimed I that the sales tax can be avoided and even more money raised tor schools and other State needs, early this week ,to be placed before the Finance committee, gave hope of early action on this proposal. Chairman R. Gregg Cherry of that committee appealed to the group to pl&ce its plan before the committee, where it belonged, for action. The group, headed by Dr. Ralph McDonald, Forsyth and W. L. Lump kin, Franklin previously claimed the committee was "stacked” and plan ned to present the substitute meas ure on the floor of House and Senate. Chairman Cherry said it would de lay work if that were done, asking the group to place it before the com mittee, then, if it were voted down, it could later come up on the floor, which is expected to produce the hardest fight so far made in he ses sion. The committee had approved re moval of the $10 limit of sales tax on large purchases, making the tax three per cent of total sale price. Milk may be excluded from the taxed items. Opponents of the sales tax claim this is one step toward victory in seeking to remove the sales tax entirely. Other items in the tax .schedule have been increased by the committee. They All Want Money The Appropriations committee, likewise, has been holding frequent meetings and hearing appeals for moi’e money. School folks, about 1000 strong, were in Raleigh Wednesday, while labor and highway employees painted a poor picture of conditions of workers under reduced salaries, Supt. Clyde A. Erwin asked foi $22,- 000,000 for schools and 25 per cent increase in teacher salaries. Thi.s would please Governor Ehringhaus, he has said, if revenues can be found to do it. Dr. Frank Giaham appealed effectively for increase appropria tions for the State University for liv ing salaries for teachers. may now renounce the rights of curtsey, as minor married women Page Thrs* Thomas of Greensboro was a guest of the club. A delightful social hour was enjoy ed and the hostesses, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. W. C. Les lie, served refreshments. Miss Mary Beasley invited the club to meet with her in March. Mr. and Mrs. Redga Thomas and Mrs. George Blue underwent an little son. Mack, of Cameron route, appendicitis operation in the Lee were Sunday dinner g,jests of Mr. and County Hospital in Sanford ou Sat urday and is getting along very nicely. Home Mission Program Miss Marian McMillan was Mrs. R. L. Oldham Albert Graham spent last week-end in Raleigh. L. H. Furr and Linwood Furr of Raleigh visited relatives here during the week-end. Miss Beulah McLean was shopping in Raleigh Saturday. A. G. Edwards, Jr., of Elon Col lege visited his parents Sunday. the could do previously. The tax was re- i leader of an interesting Home Mis- moved from male breeding animals, i sion program at the Presbyterian An act passed allows State employees ' Girlr’ Circle meeting held last week to direct payments of insurances, : at the McMillan home. Readings dues, etc. from their salaries. The law \ were given by Miss Agnes SmiLh and on discharge of State witnesses by solicitors was amended. A new law provides for restoring burnt, lost, de stroyed or stolen court records. Walk- athons, marathons and the like are illegal after April 1. Congress was memorialized to pass Miss Myrtle McMillan, and a duet, "Nobody Told Me of Jesus,” was sung by Misses Mary Frank and Marian McMillan. Miss Margaret Smith of Cameron was a guest at the meeting. J. M. Tyson and Miss Marie Ty- tiigHland I_iOdge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. legislation to increase the price oi j son spent Sunday in Carthage at the potatoes and take the profit out ot home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wallace, war, in resolutions enacted. ' where Mrs. J. M. Tyson is recuperat- i . ing from her recent illness. Text Book Rentals | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boggs and :: Governor Ehringhaus’ public school ^wo small children and Vanct; Cox of || textbook rental system plan was Broadway visited at the home of W. among the new measures introduced. T. Cox on Friday. Warren Cox, who |; It would set up an initial fund of $2,- : has been very ill with pneumonia, is | || The Hollywood Hotel Corner Federal Highway No. 1 and New York Avenue Rooms are Large, Verandas Sunny. Rates Moderate, Call, write or wire J. L. Pottle & Son, SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA 000,000 from federal agencies, create , i^^w much improved, a commission of five, the Supt. of , Miss Agnes Cameron of Washing- Public Instruction and four others ton, D. C., and Miss Lena Cameron ot named by the Governor, to work out Greensboro visited their father, D. A. a plan whicl> may be inaugurated at- , Cameron, the first of the week, ter approval by the Governor and ' After spending a month in the Council of State. I Sandhills visiting relatives, Mrs. Senator John Sprunt Hill’s liquor Florence Thomas returned on Satur- control bill was intioduced Fridr.y, It | ^ay to Greensboro. i provides for State wholesale purchase Harry Laubscher, who for several j and bottling, with retail store con- weeks was a patient at the Fort trol, the State getting 10 per cent Bragg hospital, visited his mother, ^ pi'ofit and the counties the balance, M>’S- I'^mma Laubscher, last week and j estimated at $3,600,000 for public Sunday returned to the CCC^camp , welfare, relief, old age security, cm- Polkton. | ployment, etc. Assistant For Seawell John W. Aiken, Hickory, former State senator, han been named by Attorney General A. A. F. Seawell Mrs. C. R. Ammons of Norlina was the guest of Mrs. A. M. Cameron during last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cox and chil dren ,Winona, Lorine and Royall, Jr., of Lumberton called on friends in as one of his a.ssistants ,to fill a place ^‘>wn Sunday afternoon. COAL — COKE ANTHRACITE POCAHONTAS W. VA. SPLINT KENTUCKY RED ASH STOKER NUT COKE Prompt and Courteous Delivery C . G. FARRELL PHON'E .58 Aberdeen, N. C. DIAL SS41 For Quality Cleaning MONTESANTI Other Matters Dehiyinl Unless the sales tax fight holds up matters too long, the Revenue, as well as the Appropriations, bill, may be expected to be approaching final form the latter part of this week and may soon get to House and Sen ate floors. Then the other committees, holding few meetings because many of their members were in the more important meetings, preventing quo rums, can begin to work properly. Several bills struck saags and went over the week-end to this week. In these are the drivers’ license bill, the cosmetic art amendments, and others. The sub-committee of the joint roads committee recommended re duction of license tag fees for cars to 40 cents, instead of 55 cents per 100 pounds, and a minimum of $9, in stead of the present $12.50. Some Bills Passed Only 86 measures of all kinds, res olutions, local and public bills, had been passed Saturday, out of more than 450 bills introduced to that time. Tolls from the Chowan, Cape Fear and North East river bridges were removed in acts passed, the highway division taking over bond payments. Married men under 21 years of age FligHland Ezines Inn and Oottage’s (WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS) SOUTHERN PINES SEASON DECEMBER TO MAY Highland Pines Inn with its Splendid Dining Room Service and its Cheerful Homelike Atmosphere Caters to the Requirements of those Occupying Winter Homes in the Pine Tree Section. The Hotel is Situated on Weymouth Heights (Massachusetts Avenue) Amid De lightful Surroundings. Good Parking Space is Available for Motorists. All Features of First Class Hotels are Included at Highland Pines Inn. Best of Everything. vacated bj' promotion of Mr. Seawell to the chief position vacated by the death of the late Dennis G. Brum- mitt. Mr. Aiken has been actice in legal and political matters in^westein North Carolina for .several years. He is a graduate of Lenoir-Rhyne Col- legg and the University of North Carolina. Mr. Aiken has served as city attorney in Hickory, attorney for Catawba county and county Demo cratic chairman. He was on the Itex- Williamson Beasley spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith, Linwood Keith and Misses Sallie and Be.ssie Cameron were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Braddy of Rockfish. David Wilson and Edgar Oldham of the CCC camp at Polkton visited homefolks during the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore and lit tle .son visited friends in Rocking- ican border with the National Guard Sunday. .and later in the air sei’vice in France. | ^ Mrs. W. D. McCraney and Mr. Aiken will be in his new duties i little grandsons, Duncan and Billy February 18. The job at present pays $3,800 but with the expected increase in State salaries would pay $4,350 a year. State Highway Engineer W. Vance Biase, for several years Bob McGill, visited at the home ot Dr. Earl Hunter in Sanford Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W'. J. Cameron and Mrs. S. R. Smith spent Friday in Southern Pines with Mrs. Kate Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron and assistant State highway engineer, | family visited Mrs. Cameron’s par- was unanimously elected last week ' ents. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. McKay, at as State engineer to succeed the late Buie’s Creek Sunday. John D. Waldrop, who died following a motor accident in New Bern last summer. Mr. Baise, native of Cas well county and graduate of State College, has been with the State highway organization since 1920, serv ing in many capacities, and has been acting engineer since Mr. Wald rop’s death. He is the first native North Carolinian to hold the position, previous engineers having come from other states. His appointment by the commission meets with general ap proval. TURKEY DINNER WEDNESDAY The ladies of the Women’s Society will serve a George Washington tur key dinner in the assembly room of the church of Wide Fellowship, cor ner of New Hampshire avenue and Bennett street, at 12:30 p. m. Wed nesday, February 20th. Everybody is invited. The price will be 65c. VASS & woxx'm Write for a Free copy of Wood’s Catalog offering New Varieties, Old Favorites, Planting Table, etc. T. W. Wood & Sons, Richmond, Va am, SOI'THEKN PINES, N. C. McNeill & Company Thrower’s Pharmacy ■ABERDEEN, ]V. C. Aberdeen Hardware Co. Burney Hardware Co. PINEHUKST, N. C. Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc. Smith & Ritter Pinehnrst Depjirtinent Store VASS, N. C. A. W. McNeill C. & P. Store AND THIS NEWSPAPER-1 FULL YEAR You Save Money on this Amazing Combination Offer 4 Leading iVlagazines and Your Favorite Newspaper Pi€kl THagazinej Pick 3 Magazines] iM. H. TURNER, Managing Director W. E. FLYNN, Resident Manager CH.AS. J. SADLER, Mtrr. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS EXCELLENT CUISINE RATES » MODERATE Woman’s Club IWeets The February meeting of the Vass W'oman’s Club, held Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. B. Graham, was marked by fine attendance and en thusiastic interest. Communications from various fed eration chairmen were read, and the club voted to observe Better English Week and to ask the local school to cooperate in the observance. Teach ers’ salaries and school allotments were discussed at length, and the club went on record as endorsing State iSuperintendent Erwin’s pro posal and directed that our represen tatives in the Legislature be advised of this action. The club also voted its opposition to any modification of the liquor control laws. Mrs. G. W. Brooks, chairman of the American Home department, presented the following program; “Accident in the Home,” Mrs. W. H. Keith; “How Not to Furnish a Home,” Mrs. C. J. Temple; “House hunting,” Mrs. R. C. Rosser; "The American Home,” Miss Mary Beasley. Mrs. A. K. Thompson was received into membership, and Mrs. Florence □ Better Homes & Gardens ^ □ Delineator □ McCall's Magazine * p Psthlincot (Weekly) □ Pictorial Review. * □ Open Road (Boys) □ Parents' Magarine ^ □ Sports ^ j\VO>\ANS'0l'ORli)P lYr. .2 Yrs. □ Woman s wona. □ Household Magaiine.... □ Silver Screen □ Woman's World L-J ..2Trs. □ Needlecralt □ Clovevleal Review ZJ' • □ Home Circle Check 1 magaxine thus W OThe OCJoverleaf Review. J J'' U Capper's Farmer... | 0\1/'Road^BOYS/IB n H ’ •‘■ J □ ^erybody’s Poultry Mag ’ l v U Woman s World 1 Yr. □ DM. Poulfry J yr. Check 3 magatiaes thu* (X) XF^YOU PREFERJ YOUWAYCHOOSEf A^4^CAZtHES; iFRt)MGR0Ti|-2! €iiuarantt>e Thin Otter! Our arrangement with the publishers’ own representative enables us to make you this remarkable offer. It is strictly 3uarant.eed, and all subscriptions will be entered promptly. If you are at pre sent a subscriber to any of the maga zines, your time will be extended. IJSHi: TWS H.%1V|>Y ORDER BLAIVK TOD.%YI Check the four magazines desired and return list with your order. Fill out coupon carefully. Gc«tlem«n I enclosc $ picaj, st„<i fh* four mjgizinct checked wifh 3 year s tubscripfion to your newspaper % Name Sfrcer or R.F.D ^ Town and State » ^MSTEDt5EHT0N REQUEST

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