Friday, February 15, 1985. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Flr» The V AL.ET Cleaners and Pressers For the Sandhills Tel. 5651 Southern Pines SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAMS LOSE IN POUR CONTESTS I The Southern Pines School girl’s ' team lost to Lemon Springs last ; Tuesday by the close score of 34 to 27. It WRs a good game with raa'ny thrilling moments. Bleanore Eddy was I high scorer with eleven points. In the Elise game Wednesday night, which Ellse won 35 to 10 Mary Eliz abeth Cameron was high scorer with six points. The players were Elean- ore Eddy, Mary Elizabeth Cameron, : Eleanor Harloe, Virginia Stevick, Su- I aan Clarke, Mary Jane Woodward. The Week in Southern Pines Mrs. W. E. Swan and Stanley Westbury, L. I., and daughters, the Swan of Alexandria, Va., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James H. Schwartz at their home on South May street. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Loeb of Phil adelphia, Pa., have arrived and are Misses Nora and Leila Burton are guests at the Highland Pines Inn. Mrs. S. Sloan Colt of New York and Mrs, Harry Darlington of Pittsburgh are guests at the Paddock for sev- spending several days in Southern Frances Sparks, Chhistine Maples and While here they were guests guests at the Hollywood for an in-1 eral days. Boylston A. Tompkins is definite stay. i also at The Paddock, having return- Congreesman and Mrs. M. G. Un-1 ed for several days hunting. Other re- derwood and family of Ohio left a j cent arrivals are Mr. and Mrs. Wll- few days ago for Washington after < liam P. Willetts, who came Tuesday for several weeks’ stay. luplalna the marvclou«^l/lanf Tr^t^nrnt which li bringlna _ ame^iiig relief. Sold oixlrooclid * money-back guanmttt. I —for those suffering from STOMACH OR DUODENAL ■ V'LCBRS, POOH DICES- ■ TION. \CIU DYSPEPSIA. ■ SOUR STOMACH. GAS.SI- ^ NESS, heartburn, con- m STIPATION, OAI> BREATH, ^ SLEEPI.esSNESS OR HEAD- - ACHES, DU£ TO EXCESS ACID. * A*k for a frrr couy ot iV-'Lird's Wc are AuthorizfjU Willurd Deuiera. BRYAN DRUG CO., Aberdeen, N. C. Sylvia Pethic. at the Highland Lodge. The boys’ team lost to Lemon j I’'”’® Fisher of the University Springs 25 to 12 and to Elise by the , Carolina spent the week- score 17 to 8. These defeats brought their average down but not their end here with Miss Birdelia Bair. Mrs. Anne Hundlett McGuire spirits, for they are looking forward | Washington, D. C., has arrived to to winning their last two games. High | season at the New Eng- scorer for the Lemon Springs’ game | House. was George Pottle and for the Elise ! Frederick DeP. Town-| of Newark, N. Y., are here for a few game Bob Beck. Players were Bob I house months’ stay, guests at the Mid-Pines. Beck, Charles Bonoy, George Pottle, 1 Mrs. Edgar T.! Mrs. Barrett Harris returned this Bill Winter, E. Newton, Stancil Stroud, j Chapman. Mr. Townsend is the son week from Charlotte where she was Miss Florence M. Brown of Roches ter, N. Y., is a guest of Miss Alice May Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brenton of Al bany, N. Y„ arrived Monday and of have opened their home on Indiana avenue for the remainder of the seasoil. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Comstock Throngs Pay Final Tribute to Mrs. Davis Highly Esteemed Resident Vass Section Passes Af ter Long Illness of Harold Fowler and Richard Lowell. BUICK IS THE BUY FOR 1935 A General Motors Product Body by Fisher COME IN AND SEE THE CAR WITH MORE THAN 100 NEW IMPROVEMENTS Everywhere people are saying “ that Buick’s 1935 style is the one distinctive style of the year. They are saying, also, that Buick is the buy for 1935. And so it is^ Buick style for 1935 is as different and in- \ dividual as Buick performance and depend ability are superior. Come in and see the 1935 Buick. Drive the car with more | than 100 new improvements that increase ^ comfort i.» widen the already wide margin j of safety • • * make the finest performance ' still finer ... and raise the famous Buick dependability yet higher. Compare the 1935 Buick, model for model, price for price, and Buick itself leaves you no choice but Buick. Come in today and take a demonstration. 795 and up. List prices ftC Flint, Mich., tub* Ject to chapge with* one notice. Special equipment extnu G. M. A. C* termt* B U I C K WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBU-ES ARE BUILT . * . BUICK WILL BUILD THEM MARTIN MOTOR CO. Aberdeen, N. C. of Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Nellie Fisher is making her home with Mrs. Lillian Miles. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Harris, Sr., for several days. Mrs. F. M. Gardner was hostess on I Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schaefer and ^ ^^onday night to the Young Ladies’ j their small daughter Jean of Ashe-1 circle of the Willing Workers of the ; boro were guests of Mrs. Schaefer’s | Baptist Church. I mother and sister, Mrs. R. E. Wiley | The Thistle Club will entertain its ; and Miss Katherine Wiley over Sun-, members and their guests at a Val- day. I entine bridge party Saturday at the I Miss Fiery Rivers of Raleigh visit-1 Southern Pines Country Club. ; ed her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Mrs. Richard Skinner entertained I and Mrs. W. T. Upchurch over the j the Sewing Club at her home Monday I week-end. Glenn Mclver of Sanford ' afternoon. I was also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Up-1 Miss Eleanor Moore, bride-elect of church Sunday. l this month, was honored Wedne.sday I Mrs. L. M. Daniels has returned evening at a miscellaneous shower I from Belmont where she spent the { and supper given by Miss Millie Mon- ! past week-end as guest.s of Mr. and tesanti at her home on Pennsylvania Mrs. Mattie Davis, 73, one of the most highly esteemed women of this section, passed away at her home five miles west of Vass on Friday evening following a long period of declining health. The funeral service was held at the Vass Methodist Church at 2:00 o’clock Sunday afternoon with many more people than the church auditor ium could accommodate there to pay their last tribute of respect. The ser vice was conducted by the pastor, the Rev. L. M. Hall, who paid a high tribute to the life of Mrs. Davis, commenting especially on her stead fast faith. Pallbearers were John Willcox and M. G. Boyette of Carthage, C. L. Ty son of Vass, H. Homer Leonard ot I High Point, J. M. Blue and C. B. I Horne of Vass Route 1. The beauti ful floral designs were carried by j members of the Ladies’ liible Class, ; the class to which Mrs. Davis belong ed and to which she was most devote- ed. Interment was in the family plot in Johnson’s Grove cemetery. Mrs. Davis was a native of Unioa county, but with her family came t» Moore county in 1912 and settled i* the Clay Road section, between Vass and Carthage, and throughout tha years the family has been prominent ly connected with church and busineai affairs. Mrs. Davis was a fine Christiaa character, living her life quietly but beneficently, and exerting a whole some influence upon all with whom ! she came in contact. During the clos- |ing months of her life, she was almost I blind and much of the time was con- ! fined to her room, but she bore her I suffering with patience and remain ed bright and cheerful. Surviving are five sons, J. M. Davis and Herman Davis of Vass route 1, W. H. Davis of Badin, L. L. Davis of Guilford and James Davis of High I Point; one daughter. Miss Ethel Dav is of Vass route 1; two sisters, Mrs. I J. T. Leonard and Mrs. J. P. Marsh !of Marshville, Ed M. Greene of Peach- ! land, and J. G. Greene of High Point j The husband, W. P. Davis, pas.“ed I away ten years ago. DEALER ADVERTISEMENT Mrs. Neal Baxley. T. N. Barnadale of Knollwood has as his guest for a few days Mrs. Hatfield of Bradford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Dingley, Jr., arrived Thursday from Palm Beach, Fla., where they have been spending the winter. They will visit their par ents, Mrs. H. M. Dingley of Pine- hurst and Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Mud- gett of Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Prindle ot Chevy Chase, Md., have arrived at the Highland Lodge for an indefi nite stay. Mr. Prindle is U. S. geol ogist who has come here for a sur vey of rock and soil of the Sandhills to assist the Reforestation Com mission. Mrs. Harris Cashion and small daughter have returned to their home here after spending the past week-end v/ith her parents in Hoff man. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Durant had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Huddleston and family of Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Brinkerhoff of Brinktrhoff, N. Y., arrived Wednes day for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar T. Chapman. Charles T. Wood of Staten Island arrived Sunday to spend several weeks at the Woodworth. Mr. Wood has .spent a number of seasons here. He is an ardent golfer. General S. J. Austin of Washington, D. C., left a few days ago for Flor ida after stopping for time at the Highland Lodge. General Austin is a retired officer of the U. S. Army. Mrs. Kitty Conrad, Mrs. Bertha (Howell, Mrs. Betty Loughlin, Mrs. j William Miller and Miss Abbie Jones j spent last Wednesday in Fayette ville. Mrs. Craighill Brown has gone to Florida for a few weeks’ stay. Mrs. William Miller left this week for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will visit friends. Among recent arrivals at the Hol lywood are Mr. and Mrs. C. Bailey of Burnt Hills, N. Y.; Mrs. C. M. Moore of Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. E R Smith of Collingswood, N J. and Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Shull of Camden, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. George H. McGuirc left this week for Wash ington and Syracuse, N. Y., after spending several days at the Holly wood. Mrs. Fleming Tucker and her grandchild of New York City and Mr. and Mrs. John Randall Dunn of Boston, Mass., were recent guests at the Hollywood. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Fiske have returned to New York after spending a week as guests at the Mid-Pines. Mrs. Ethel M, Weigel of East Or ange, N. J,, has leased one of the Dodge cottages for the remainder of the season. Mrs. Franklin King of Boston is at the Paddock for a stay of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John L. McKinney, who are at "Witchwood” in Wey- fouth Heights, have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. John R. McKinney of New York. Miss Laura Kelsey ha.s returned to her home on Morganton Road from Montclair, N. J. She was accompan ied by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Pres ton H. Kelsey and son, and Mrs. Kel sey’s sister, Mrs. Joshua A. Davis, who will remain for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Burton of avenue. Mrs. E V Loughlin entertained at the home . Mrs. William Miller at a bridge luncheon Thursday. There were two tables in play, Mrs. Harriet E. Stevens winning the high score and Mrs. Bertha Howell the second high. Mrs. F. M. Gardner entertained the choir of the Baptist Church and friends at her home Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Clara Pushee entertained at dinner Tuesday evening, her guests including Mrs. J. C. Musser, Mrs. M. G. Nichols, Mrs. W. C. Mudgett, Mrs. Kenneth Trousdell and Mrs. Al bert Kenworthy. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thrower enter tained at dinner and bridge at Love- joy’s Tuesday evening. Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. George Procter, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Woodward, Dr. and Mrs, Levis Prizer and Mr. and Mrs. Char les P. Everest. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley W. Burke Wtjre hosts at dinner Monday night at their home, honoring their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walker of New York City. Miss Mary Hall entertained at bridge and a lingerie shower honor ing Miss Eleanor Moore, whose mar riage to Buster Doyle will be an event of this month. Mrs. William C. Mudgett entertain ed at her home last Thursday after noon for Mr. and Mrs, John R. Wes- terfield of Fells, N. J., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Trous dell. Mr. and Mrs. Almet Jenks were hosts at a hunt tea at their country home last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar T, Chapman entertained at dinner recently, their guests being the Rev. Craighill Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frankl. Mr. and Mrs. O, E. Williams had as recent guests their nephew, Niles Welch of St. Mary Seminary, Balti more, Md. Recent arrivals at the Highland Lodge are Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Har rison of Rochester, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs, Rougest, Miss Elsie Rougest and Robert Rougest of Belmont, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Drew of Barre, Vt.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Proctor of Detroit, Michigan; Mrs. Donald McLean and Miss Elizabeth McLean of North Ton.wanda, N. Y. Miss Ruth Day and Miss Anne Collins who operate a summer camp at Ray mond, Maine were at the Lodge for a few days last week, and have gone on to Florida for the remainder of their vacation. Mrs. H. H. Elder of Siler City re cently visited her mother, Mrs. J. D. Welch at her home on Connecticut avenue. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Moore Rich ards of New York, who have been the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Moore for the past several days, left Wednesday for Florida. Mrs. George Jenks and Mrs, Ed gar T. Chapman sponsored an art exhibit of Walter Frankl’s works at the home of Mrs. Chapman Tuesday afternoon. On exhibit were land scapes, still lives, negro studies and portraits of Mrs. Charles Ilseley, Mrs. Henry M. Dingley, Jr., Mrs, Craighill Brown, Miss Ruth Cameron, Miss Lindeberg, Miss Julia Burt and little Miss Jane Moore. PENDER’S Quality Food Values - - at money saving prices Southern Manor STRING BEANS No 2 I Can lO Libbys Cooked Corned Beef 2 - 29® Libbys Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 2 1 ( Can lO Whole Giain RICE 2ib»9‘ Morris Luncheon TONGUE No. 1 23 Can Heinz Prepared SPAGHETTI 3 23*^ Santa Clara LARGE PRDNES 10 Ib California Libby’s Pineapple JUICE 2 cans PEACHES 2 large 0| c cans VI Red Sour PITTED CHERRIES 2 25* Wesson Oil, quart can ... 39c Lemon Layer Cake, Large 35c Our Pride Bread, Loaf 10c D. P. Blend Coffee, lb. 25c

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