MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 13. spRiNca mahl«y SPRinos PIHES MHLCr MaKSHTj PILOT eg;. FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCl LATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, February 22, 1935. FIVE CENTS Chamber of Commerce to Campaign for Recreation Center in Southern Pines Hu^h .1. Betterley Elected Presi dent and “Forward March” Adopted 1935 Slogan With its election of Hugh J. Better- ly as president, the new board of di rectors of the Southern Pines Cham ber of Commerce pledged itself to launch a campaign for an auditorium and recreation center at once, and to make “Forward March” the slogan for the organization for 1935. Mr. Betterley’s election to head the Chamber, succeeding Nelson C. Hyde, was unanimous. Ralph L. Chandler was elected vice president. Dr. L. B. McBrayer national councilor and U. D. Shields Cameron secretary and treasurer. The following were elect ed to the board of directors at the annual meeting held last week at the Mid-Pines Club: W. L. Baker, H. L. Betterley, Frank Buchan, Shields Cameron, Herbert Cameron, George W. Case, R. L. Chandler, E. T. Chapman, R. S. Du- Rant, R. L. Hart, Dr. George G. Herr, Nelson C. Hyde, Dr. L. B. McBrayer, J. A- McPherson, Dante Montesanti, George C. Moore, Dr W. C. Mudget, F, B. Pottle, E. W. Reinecke, S. B. Richt'-dson, C. J. Simons, J. Fred Stimson, Hiram Westbrook and J. M. Windham. Honorary directors: Charles W. Picquet, John J. Fitzger ald, Harry Buckley and Frederick Stanley Smith. For Rrrreatlonal FufllltloH The need of a recreation center in Southern Pines was stressed by a number of members, among them Mr. Richardson, Mr., Mr. Betterley and Dr. McBrayer. The fre quent complaint heard from winter visitors that there is no general meet ing place here, no community or so cial center, no place to drop in to meet other winter residents, enjoy a friendly bridge gp'.ne, a game of bil- lards or other pastime, was voiced and the argument set forth that im- til this condition is remedied South ern Pines could not hope to compete with other winter resorts. It was pointed out that a large percentage of the winter population here does not play golf or tennis or ride horses, and that some recreational facilities they might enjoy must be provided for them. President Betterly is to appoint a committee, this week to look into the possibility of a federal loan under relief funds for such a community and recreation center, to contain an auditorium large enough to accommo date convention meetings, mass meet ings, stage productions and such af fairs; to have card rooms, a reading room, billiard room, possibly a swim- ning pool and bowling alleys. It was also suggested that municipal offices be provided in the structure. In addition to the launching of the campaign for an auditorium, plans were discussed at Tuesday’s meet ing for the second annual Spring Blossom Festival here in April. A meeting of committee chairmen was held on Monday night at which time General fChairman S. B. Richard son pointed out the duties of the var ious committees and started them off on their work. I C. of C. President llltJH .1. BKTT^fUl.EY MAIL CARRIER IS HELD UP. ROBBED OF CAR AND CASH John Monroe, Eagle Springs, Forced to Surrender Auto at Point of Gun S.ANDHILLS BUSINESS IVfEN .APFE.VH BEFORE COMMITTEE The Sandhills section was repre sented at the public hearing in Ra leigh Wednesday on Senator John Sprunt Hill’s bill to provide for the sale of liquor through state-operated stores. Among those from here ap pearing in support of the bill were James W. Tufts, E. G. Fitzgerald, Donald J. Ross, James MacNab, and Livingston L. Biddle, II, of Pinehurst, and William Flynn, M. H. Turner, John Fitzgerald, and Howard Bums of Southern Pines. Their arguments were that it Is detrimental to the interests of this section, the winter home of. so many northerners, to de prive them of the same rights here that they enjoy in their Northern homes, and that the liquor traffic in North Carolina can be better control led by a law consistent with federal laws than it is at present. John Monroe, R. F. D. mail car rier from Eagle Springs, was held up and at the point of a gun forced to surrender hia automobile to two young white men, who also relieved him of a small amount of cash before speeding away. The robbery occurred on Monday not far from Eagle Springs. Mr. Monroe, driving a car that was practically new, had return ed from his mail route and was on his way to his farm when the hold up took place. According to the report, two men appeared at a filling station and ask ed if anyone was likely to come along in a new car, ^^iving the impression that they wanted to get a ride. While there they ate some canned goods and drank coca colas. Becoming sus picious of the men becausp of their inquiry about a “new” car, the filling station operator, it is said, carefully placed the cans and bottles used by the men to on side, thinking they might prove useful as a source of fingerprints. Officers were soon on the trail, and reports were heard of a speed ing car having been seen along the highway toward Asheboro, but no ar rests have been made. Princeton’s Highest Honor to H. A. Pag-e, III Aberdeen Boy Awarded M. Tay lor Pyne Prize, For Excel lent Scholarship The M. Taylor Pyne Honor Prize, the highest general distinction Prince ton University confers upon an under graduate, will be bestowed today upon Henry Allison Page III, son of Henry A. Page, Jr., of Aberdeen. The award will be made by Prc-pident Har old W. Dodds at the winter meeting of the Princeton National Alumni As sociation held in the Faculty Room of Nassau Hall. The Pyne Prize is the second honor which has come to Page this year. Early in January he was chosen as one of the four Rhodes Scholars from the South Atlantic district. Page, whose scholastic average has been among the highest in the senior class, was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa Society his junior year and is (Please turn to page 5) GYMKHANA POSTPONED HUNTER TRIALS TO PRECEDE RACES HERE MARCH 16 Full Day’s Program Announced by Sandhills Steeplechase & Racing Association ENTRY BLANKS SENT OUT Entry blanks and conditions for the first race meeting on the new course of the Sandhills Steeplechase & Rac ing Association on the Midland Road were mailed out to owners of lead ing hunt race horses this week. The entries close on March 10th, ten days before the meeting. The first race on the program will be the Pinehurst Steeplechase, a pri vate .sweepstakes of $10.00 each, for maidens and winners of one race. Four-year olds are to carry 145 pounds, five-year-olds 150 pounds, six- year-olds and upward.s, 155 pounds. Former winners five poimds addition al. This race is to be two miles over jumps. The second race will be the Sand hills Cup Steeplechase, three miles over timber fences, for four-year-olds and upwards. Weight, 165 pounds. Four-yea’-olds allowed 10 pounds, five-year-olds five pounds. A trophy for this, the feature event of the af- ternjon, has been presented by Mrs. Verner Z. Reed, Jr., of Pinehurst and Newport, R. I., in addition to which a purse of $150 goes to the winner, $35 to the second horse and $15 to the third. Third on the card is the Southern , Pines Steeplechase, a private sweep- I takes of $10.00 each, for four-year- i olds and upwards, four-year-olds to carry 150 pounds, five-year-olds 157 pounds,six -year-olds and upwards 162 I pounds. Non-winners in 1934 and I 1935 allowed five pounds. This race, I two miles over brush is for amateur I riders only. I Hunter Trials i The day will be a full one for horse : lovers. The committee, comprising Almet Jenks, chairman; Nelson C. ; Hyde, Noel Laing, Verner Z. Reed, Jr., James W. Tufts and P. S. P. Randolph, the racing secretary, de cided last week to have hunter trials in the morning on a course laid out inside the race course and entry blanks for the trials have also been mailed out. There will be two classes, one for thorobreds and one for non- thorobreds, with suitable trophies for the winners. The course will be ap proximately one mile in length, with some ten fences, the horses to be judged on manner of going, hunting pace, etc. Work on the new course has been progressing rapidly during the past week, with a large force of men hard at work erecting the brush jumps, rolling the timber and brush courses and mowing the inside hunter trial course. Many of the leading hunt race | horses in the country are expected to i be among the enti-ies in the brush | and tin\ber races, ana assurances! have already been received of a big entry in the hunter trials. \ Friend of Ail BION H. BUTLER Engaged in Conversation With a Former Slave. Adventurous Days Preceded Mr. Butter's Coming to Sandhills Due to the death of Bion H. Butler, the gymkhana committee, Rev. J. Fred Stimson, Nelson C. Hyde and Herbert Cameron, yesterday postpon ed the event scheduled for this after noon at the Southern Pine* Horse Show ring. George St. John, Pioneer Hotel Man Here, Dies Began Operation of Piney W(H)ds Inn in 1895 and Was Annual Visitor With the death of George St. John at the home of his son Charles in East Orange, N. J., on Saturday pass ed the last survivor save one of the group of pioneer hotel men of South ern Pines. The brothers, Charles and George, | begun the operation of the old Piney; Woods Inn in 1895, and for thirteen years made it one of the best known: hotels in the state, doing much to ■ forward the interests of Southern j Pines. In 1905, wijh Charles’ son Leon, | they leased Oak Hall, now the South- ] land, and from there they went to Hendersonville to operate the St. John. Surviving the deceased, who was 84. last September, is an older brother, Joseph; two sons, Charles and George, and two daughters. For years Mr. St. John during the month of February paid an annual visit to Southern Pines as the guest of C. T. Patch. Traveled 14,000 Miles to Get Story of Oil Wells in Russia BV ID.A BRItiOS HENDERSON (Reprinted from Charlotte Obbserver of Sunday, June 4, 1933.) Bion H. Butler, beloved dean of the Sandhill’s host of newspaper men and literati, needs no introduction to the people of North Carolina. For forty odd years since he left news paper work in Pittsburgh to make this state his adopted home, this man has labored for the good of North Carolina. As editor of The Pilot, live little paper of the Sandhill section, be sides through other newspapers scat tered over a wide territory, Bion Butler has indeed told the world about his section as few other men have. He has had the hardest part laying the foimdation work, the cre ating of public sentiment in favor of the pine woods of Carolina, the writing of words across the sky that has resulted in establishing Pinehurst and Southern Pines as nationally known resorts; where not only tour ists go to spend a while, but others who, having once gone there, have been caught by the lure of the lovely long-leaf pine country to build homes for themselves. Since Mr. Butler discovered the beauty of the rolling Sandhills, hand some hotels, attractive shops and homes, n^ny of them really palatial in their architecture and appoint ments, have sprung up like magic under the shadow of the glory of the long leaf pines whose slender needle like leaves give out a healthy aro matic fragrance. Here, too, has been formed a Writers’ Colony where na tionally renowned writers and au thors spend their winters—these claim that they live there because they have found conditions ideal for A'riting—not too far from the larg est literary center. New York, and situated in an atmosphere of quiet peace conducive to soothe the sensi tive nerves of those who do creative work. Also, the peach farmers of the Sandhill section which now acknowl edges few superiors in the peach in dustry, gratefully claim that Bion Butler encouraged and advised them in their initial endeavor to establish their large peach farms w’hich have become the chief commercial asset of the several counties which com pose the Sandhill region of North Carolina. However, the efforts of this versa- ‘Pti'ase turn to pnge 4) Tributes From Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus: Please convey my sympathy and condolence to family of Mr. Butler. His fine service to state and com munity will long be remenibered. From Murdoch M. Johnson, Member South Carolina Legislature: for mer North Carolina State Senator: Am immeasurably grieved at news of death of Bion Butler. He has light ed more burdens, settled more diffi culties and gladdened more hearts than any man I know. The Sandhills and Moore county have lost their best friend. A great pen is silenced, a great heart is still. From U. L. Spence, Slate Senator, North Carolina: Am profoundly grieved at the death of your distinguished citizen and my lifelong friend. I extend my condo lence. By Frank Buchan, Postmaster, South ern Pines: , ' Regardless of wealth, poverty, creed or color, Bion Butler had abid ing faith in humanity. He refused to see anything but the good in every body. Those of us who for so long have sought his advice on all our problems, and found it so easy to confide in him, will miss him much. From Struthers Burt: Am so deeply sorry at your news. I do not know what we will do with out Bion. He was like one of his own well loved pines. From Thad S. Page, Secretary to U. S. Senator J. W. Bailey: Deeply grieved to learn of Mr. But ler’s death. The Sandhills section has lost one of its soundest men. My deep est sympathy to members of the fam ily. From Superior Court Judge F. Don ald Phillips: Please convey my sincere sympathy to family. By D. G. Stutz, I.Ayor, Southern Pines: The passing of Bion H. Butler, who for thirty years was a pioneer in the development of Southern Pines and Moore County, comes as a distinct 3ho«?k to the town and surrounding communities. He was a friend to both the white and the colored and the en tire community mourns Its loss. He {Please turn to page- 4) Bion H. Butler, Iditor of Pilot, .Aged 77 Ends' Lifetime of Devotion to His Profession and Service to His Community. FINERAL ON SATURDAY Bion H. Butler, editor of The Pi lot, associate editor of the Sandhills Daily News, leader in the develop ment of the Sandhills over a per iod of nearly 40 years, died at his home, Valhalla, on the outskirts of Southern Pines shortly after one o’clock yesterday morning. He had been in ill health since last fall, but had continued to the end his editor ial duties, dictating from his bedside when unable himself to write. Mr. Butler had devoted half his life time to the “Upbuilding of the Sand hill Territory of North Carolina,” the slogan carried on The Pilot masthead. The fame of this section throughout the world is due more to him than to any other one person. His going is a community loss, and an irreparable one. And beloved of all, it iB a per sonal loss to the thousands who call ed him friend. Funeral Saturday at 3:30 Mr. Butler’s body will lie in state at the home all day tomorrow, Sat urday, where his friends, both white and colored, may call. The services will be at 3:30 o’clock at the house, with the Rev. J. Fred Stimson offi ciating, assisted by Dr, T. A. Cheat ham of Pinehurst, the Rev. E. L. Bar. 1 ber of Aberdeen and Father Dillon. Burial will follow at Old Bethesda j Cemetery. The following have been asked to I serve a.s honorary bearers: Leonard 'Tufts, John R. McQueen, J. R. Page, Henry A. Page, Sr., Dr. William C. I Mudgett, J. M. Windham, Union L. Spence, Arthur S. Newcomb, M. G. , Nichols, James Boyd, George T. Dun- I lap, Claude L. Hayes, C. T. Patch, Dr. j A. H. McLeod, Dorsey G. Stutz, M. I C. McDonald, G. C. Abraham, O. H. I Stutts, Robert L. Hart, Stacy Brew- . er, R. S. DuRant. M. H. Folley, G. IC. Seymour, Henry McCoy Blue and W'. H. McNeill The active bearers will be Nelson ' C. Hyde, Charles W. Picquet, J. Tal- : bot Johnson, Rassie E. WMcker, Harry Goldsmith and John G. Hemmer. I A favorite song of Mr, Butler’s, ■ heard by him in Mexico years ago, "Flee as a Bird,” will be sung at the ' services by the following; P. Frank Buchan, S. B. Richardson, Shields i Cameron, T. A. Kelly, Dr. L. M. Mc Brayer, J. B. Gifford, D. S. Packard, Willard Dunlop and A. L. Adams. Born in 1857 Bion Butler was born on June 28, 1857 in Brookville, Pennsylvania, the son of Lieut. Col. Cyrus Butler and Elizabeth Butler. His father fought through the Civil War. He attended Pittsburgh schools at an early age, afterwards going to the military school at Titusville, Pa., where at the age of 12 he learned to set type. His early inclinations were toward news paper work, and at 19 he established the Courier at DuBois, Pa., to this day a thriving paper. He later became affiliated with the Pittsburgh Times !and it was during this connection that : he was given the longest individual i newspaper assignment up to then, i that of the study of the development I of the oil industry in Russia. His complete and thorough report of his studies in Russia led to his becomirig a special writer on the oil, coal and other industries of Perm- sylvania, for various newspapers. And it also started the wanderlust I which led him to all parts of the North American continent in his zeal ! for information and news. One cold I I day in Pittsburgh he wandered into the railroad office and asked the agent for a ticket. "Where to?” “Any place that isn’t cold,” Mr. Butler said. Moves to Tennessee He was given a ticket to Knoxville, Tennessee, and for some time wr>rk- ed on the Knoxville Courier-Joumal. Later he went west, visited Mexico, (Please turn to page 4)