Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina FridAy, Pebrnary 22, 1935^ THE PILOT Published every Friday by THE PILOT, InoorporaUHl, Aberde«‘n and Southern Pint's, N. C. NEL.SON C. HYDE, Muna^^tnK- Editor BION H. BUTLEK, Editor JAMF:S BOYD STKUTHEKS BUKT Contrilmting Edit-orH SubM'ription Kates: One Year Six Months Three Months .... Address all communications to The | them. Pilot, Inc., Southern Pines, N. C. selves to produce the things we need, mighty few people will go out of their way to work for us. What is produced in this world is what we will have. And as one Cl tne fundamentals of nature is “root hog, or die,” it is The Pilot’s guess that in spite of the current theory that we are go ing to quit working, we will ipresently find out that the hog { that doesn’t root is going to be $2.00 I hungry when :^upper time cornea. $1.00 j Nature works things out accord- .50; injjr to her own plan, and man will find he has to conform to Ehitered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second-class mail matter. THE SOUTHERN I’INES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE In the older days when the women reached a point where they had to talk and eat they had ^ quilting bee or a sewing bee jJiUiN H. liL iLfcK where they could gather around Little Nancy scratched at the chatter and lead up to a door as was her wont, but there dinner that was a work of local was no answering word for the skill. In the^e day^ they play little Sealyham on Thursday bridge, and the men gather to morning. talk and eat. The gatherings All was quiet at Valhalla. , take various forms. One of the Bion Butler had gone on his most interesting, perhaps, be- last assignment. such affairs as the Cham- And bequeathed to others the Commerce dinner last task of writing the story of this i kind is dav long dreadecl in The Pilot of-; wholly serious, not a matter lice, his Pilot office. , of eating as you might imagine a bit social in its way, and yet Grains of Sand WEST END ruary, March and April, and every one is smiling again. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Sinclair and j small daughters spent Saturday and Folkd are starting to flock into the j Sunday in Chapel Hill visiting Mrs. Sandhills for the mild months of Feb- | Sinclair’s mother and sisters. B. W. Pulliam whose business head quarters are in Charlotte, spent Sat- j urday night and Sunday with his A lot of them stayed up north ' family here, awaiting the gold decision, and hur-1 Ralph Wallace of the. high school ricd down a,s soon aa the Supreme | faculty spent the week-end In Lake- Court upheld the government’s mon- j view. etary program. j M. C. McDonald, Jr., spent from Seven extra Pullmans, just for Friday until Sunday in Davidson with Southern Pines and Pinehurst, are ar riving this morning for the Washing ton's Birthday week-end, and there were two extra cars on yesterday Allan McDonald, who is in school there. The West End Book Club met in the home of Mrs. W. A. Johnson morning’s train, which means that i Thursday evening with Mrs. B. U. more than a dozen carloads are here j Richardson as hostess. The program 10 help swell the population. The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada makes a fine annual re port, covered in an advertisement in this issue of The Pilot. This is one ol the big substantial financial organi- gations and Southern Pines is proud to have it represented here by a lo cal agent. ' Building activities in North Caro lina in January increased ,51 percent over January, 1934, figures released by the State Department of Labor show. was in charge of Mrs. Hogwood with Thomas Dixon as the subject. June Currie, son of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Currie of Cameron died ear ly Sunday morning. The funeral was conducted by the Rev. Lacy McDuf fie from the Presbyterian Church at Candor Monday afternoon at 2:00 with burial at Jackson Springs. Rel atives from here attended. SILVER TEA WEDNESDAY KE.\L ESTATE TRANSFER W. G. Smith to W. H. McNeill, property in Sandhill township. A silver tea will be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Abra ham, corner of May street and Con necticut avenue on Wednesday, Feb ruary 27 at 3 p. m. There will be a short musical program and a talk on Chinese art will be given by Mrs. H. H. Pethick. There will also be an exhibit of porcelains and other Chi nese curios. IHIigliland. l_jo<lge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. Sun under all of it is the feature that | has to do with the welfare of 1 the community. Southern Pines and vicinity An army aviator, trying to find Fort Bragg, was forced down in a field on U. S. Highway No. 1, this i side of Sanford, Sunday afternoon, and said thu.t his plane may have to remain in the field a week—waiting tor the ground to dry out. The aviator, whose name was not learned, left Charlotte for Fort Bragg, Bion Butler made The Pilot. And more than any other one person, Bion Butler made the Sandhills. Here was his. heart for more than forty years. Here, , , , , , , , with never a thought of self, of largel\’, through personal gain, he told the story ' of the pine trees, the birds, the'.^‘"'^ ^veek. \\hile woik- sprouting little villages, the far- ^ same line as Pme- mprs thp srna.ll industriGS thG wnlCn Wfls plott6cl 1 intending to follow the Southern Ss,” ^fSends ot-^ He started following the matter of what walk of life,' Soi^thern Pines to be planned [ seaboard Air Line tracks by mistake, good part of up and down the Seaboard looking for Fort Bragg. He tinally ran out of gas, and had to iiind in the I'jpld. The pilot soon had the tank filled with gas, but when he tried to take off, the what condition of servitude. He loved us all. No man ever heard Bion But ler sayi an ill word of anyone. Through his newspaper years he fought many a hard battle for those things he believed in. He pitted himself against many a worthy foe. But he never left an enemy in the wake. Gentle, and carried out by mass action. i however, and spent Which is as a rule more difficult i the afternoon riding of accomplishment than indivi-' dual action. The remarkable re sults of voluntary mass effort on the part of the people of this . communit.7 is rather surprising if we turn to analyze the results. ' muddy field gripped the plane’s tires Here is one of the most attrac-, caused its nose to tilt into the tive human neighborhood organ-1 ground. IfinHlv fVinticrVitt’iil urp vvnrrlc Ithat Can be imagined, j Disgusted, the pilot gave up and kindlj, thoughttul aie \\ords | intelligently planned, effi-ly^., It's there now, unless some one has swiped it. SLXTEEN T.VBLES OF BRIDGE AT THISTLE f'Ll B PARTY there, discussing with the oth ers the shape in which to turn affairs, each stimulating the rest, advances the community and in the desirable direction. which come to us. His fairness directed financiallv an ' , u in -,1] hvnno-Vif mpn in .ill tureciea, iinanciaiiy an , plane in the mud. in ail thiiii,.'? brought men in example of good management, walks of life to that little and what is best of all, a foun- strewn study ot his out tit y^l~!dation that is a model for the halla, men seeking counsel; ban- future kers, politicians, business men, | ' . . , affairs a^ this the clergy, the colored man with ' \ ^ ^ \ ' , . I-.., 1, rn. uj- that shape the future. Each in- his little problems. They sought, Lndintr a hand here and out a friend and they found a ‘Uncling a nand nere and philosopher, a mind always clear, always able to grasp the sub ject and render a .I'ust verdict. He has seen the Sandhills grow from the days '.vhen pigs Southern Pines is only at the Of its development. All those natural factors that I have induced the present popula-' to the communitji of fine homes and hotels and shops and comely thorofares of today. His fluent pen has guided its destiny and heralded its glories; the world knows of us today because of Bion Butler. tion permanent and transient are still influential. In addition to the natural resources the at tractions have been increased through the work of the stead- Our heart goes out to those [\y increasing population. More sterhng characters most vitally land more the community will ex-' b Gifford affected by his going away. ; pand. The Chamber of Com- The Thistle Club gave a Valentine party to its members and their friends last Saturday afternoon at the Southern Pines Country Club. Sixteen tables of bridge were in play, and several members came in later for tea. The tallies, prizes and all details carried out the Valentine mo- tiff. Prizes for high scores went to Mesdames Tracy, Pethick, Cray, Pri- zer, Hoag, Smith, Baker, Wiley, Ever est, Andrews, Davis Loeb and Wood ruff and the Misses Eddy, Riggan and Campbell. The door prize, heart- shaped box of candy, went to Mrs. J. Ours is a great loss; theirs im- merce will stimulate the expan-' measurable. I ,,ion and Kuide it in the right di-, ™ wL„ THE quarrel WITH WORK The Pilot has many times re marked that people are funny cattle. To read the papers these dajis and notice the constant ef fort to dodge work, the clamor for shorter hours, for a lessen- ; rection. The stimulation is im- I personal for the common welfare and the work of the common ef fort. The effort is largely educa- tional which encourages further ““J’ i;™,' ^ development and on broader and more interesting basis. Fortunateli(< the foundations have been well laid. The ground on which to build is intelligently ed necessity for individual exer-1 year the work of tion, would incline a visitor from proceeding years adds its cumu- some other planet to suspect that! resuK in making the Sand- our earth is a vast prison where \ attractive place. Those everybody is sentenced to hard i backward labor for life. I ten, twenty, thirty or forty Work is merely the means of | ^ realize what has elected, remember thatS;he producing something. We are all | ®V ‘^one and how mu^ faster nois:< enough in our clamor for today. The Chamber the results of work, but a short-1 ® Commerce is doing a marvel- sighted proportion of the people j -^nd no man can for^ seem to think it is a virtue to j ma^itude of the fruition acquire the things wanted and | those extorts, let somebody else do the work. | ' In the older generation a pride XHE ELECTION of creation seemed to follow the results of work. The mechanic was interested in the thing he turned out, the mowers in the meadow pressed on the heels of the man who led them in the swath, workers competed with tions come up for the increase of the number of names on the elec tion ticket. This at the present time is brought to the front by each other in the volume and the' the proposal to elect county tax OF MORE OFFICERS •e in har- mon,'# with them than over an outsider placed in authority above them. The Pilot is not persuaded that a general elec tion would have given the pres- better chairman with the possibilities of one not so capable. As for tax collecting, it seems doubtful if in choosing a man in a general election the voters of the county would give such study to the general quaJifications of the candidates as the board of commissioners will give. Those familiar with the choice of Mr. Huntley, when he was first can didates presenting themselves at that time were carefully^ analyz ed by the board individually and inquiry was made bji representa tive persons over the county as to the fitness of more candidates than many people were aw'are of. An effort was made to get the best available man and the decision was not made until all From time to time sugges- possible information was obtain- quality of their product. But to day one of the chief ambitions seem to be to lessen our hours of production and efforts and to interfere with the men or wo men whose interest in their work inclines them to be friendly to ward it. ProbabljT if idleness is what the world wants, that’s what it ought to have, always remem bering that if we are not inter ested enough to work for our- collector and chairman of the board of county commissioners. The theory is that every) citizen should have a voice in the selec tion of the officials. It is The Pilot’s opinion that the best way ' to select a chairman for the board of commissioners is by the commissioners itthemselyes. For they have the responsibility^ They have the close acquaintance with the members v/hose num ber will contribute the candidate ed concerning every; prospect. Names were entertained of some men who had not the faintest idea they were being considered. It is impossible to make as crit ical a selection by popular vote. In the first place only a limited number of candidates v/ill appear and possibly on the list is not one who maj7 be most available. Collecting taxes is a job that re quires a man highly adapted for the work. It is perhaps the most essential outside the office of commissioner, one that needs ab solutely the best that can be picked, and not a man that is merely accepted as a candidate. (An Editorial in the Montreal Gazette of February 13, 1935. Mr. Arthur B. Wood, president and managing director of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, was able to present a highly encouraging statement to policyholders and share holders at yesterday’s annual meet ing of this great Canadian institu tion, a statement no less gratifying to the general public than to those more directly concerned in the com pany’s operations, since there is evi dence in it of the industrial improve ment for which all have been anx iously waiting. The Sun Life con ducts a world-wide business but the three chief countries in which it op erates are Canada, the United States and Great Britain, and im proved conditions and increased bus iness activity in each of these coun tries are reflected in the statement. Life insurance had stood as a bul- walk of security in these and other countries during the years of depres sion, protecting many thousands of people from the worst effects of the adverse condition.s that have pre vailed, and now that the worst of these conditions has been passed, public appreciation of life insurance and life i.nsurance services is being demonstrated upon an impressive scale. One of the most striking evi dences of industrial recovery is to be found in increased group life busi ness in the three countries already Mentioned, a development which in dicates clearly a renewal of confi dence in the future of indu3try and a natural increase in the number of persons employed. In the case of the Sun Life alone this group life busi ness in force increased by approxi mately $25,000,000 while new group life business increased by nearly 100 per cent. Still another encouraging factor is found in the reduction of loans applied for and in the repay ment of old loaJis, the cash repay ments being 31 per cent, greater in 1934 than in 1933. This chiefly im plies that the policyholder, as a rule, is in easier circumstances. While governments are experiment ing with social legislation of various kinds, and notably in the insurance field, it is interesting and instruc tive to note the scale upon which the needs of persons in moderate means have been met and are being met through the regular sei-vices of established companies. For example, the Sun Life Company last year paid out $88,000,000 to policyholders and of this great sum 85 per cent, was in amounts of under $5,000, with an average under $2,000; in other words, the benefits of this enormous outlay were spread over a very large field of comparatively poor people, certainly of peo.'^le who could not be classed among the rich. The company itself has strengthened its position mater ially, taking full advantage of the betterment in general conditions. The assets of the company now stand at $665,378,716.34, an increase of $41,- 232,681.14. New paid-for business exr ceeding $236,000,000 represents an in crease of approximately $20,000,000. Cash in banks amounts to another $20,000,000, while fourth among the outstanding features of this sixty- fourth annual report is an excess in come over all disbursements of more than $43,000,000. With an increase of business in force amounting to more than $309,000,000 since 1929, and a total now standing at $2,748,000,000, the Sun Life more th£Ln maintains its position in the front rank of the great insurance institutions of the world. In his annual address, Mr. Wood struck a very confident note, observ ing that the hopeful pronouncements of financial and induetrial leaders are being confirmed by statistics and that, what is of even greater impor tance as practical evidence of re turning prosperity, there is a gen eral improvement in public confi dence. The president spoke of the ex tent to which this betterment has been reflected in the business of the Sim Life Company and pointed out that there is a similarly close asso ciation between assurance companies and business through the wide diver sification of the former’s investments. Mr. Wood gives a very clear idea of the general movement of business when he says that insurances in force were at their peak three years ago, that reductions of approximately 5 per cent occurred in each of the years 1932 and 1933, and that the downward trend was arrested last year when the decline was under 1 per cent., and he identifies as the most significant factor in the im proved situation the marked decrease which took place in lapses and sur renders of policies, these being 18 per cent less than in 1933 and the low'est since 1929, while reinstate ments and revivals were the highest in the company’s history. At the same time, substantial savings have been effected in the cost of manage ment and operation without impair ment of the high standard of serv ice to policyholders. There has been, concurrently, a further reduction in death claim.s, these being among the principal sources of profit earnings Dy life companies. The third important ■si/urce is the excess of interest real- ired on investments over the rate required to maintain policy liabilities, and, as Mr. Wood points out, this factor is inevitably affected by changes in ge:ieral investment ex- ' perience. The policy ui-'UG.lly pursued is to invest chiefly in long-teim se curities corre.spondins' to the long term nature of the policy contracts, and as a rule the annual income of an established company is substan tially in exces.d of all obligations that arise. Conditions of two or three years ago, however, were abnormal, with an extraordinary demand for policy loans and surrender values, and the problem of the companies be came that of maintaining sufficient liquidity to meet these demands fully and promptly. This involved maintain ing substantial cash balancfes and in creasing holdings of short-term bonds. With the passing of this phase consequent upon a general economic improvement the companies are again turning to long-term investments. Rates of interest, however, are at a low level and these conditions create the most exacting current problem with which the companies have to deal. Nevertheless, the experience of the Sun Life during the past year was very satisfactory, while new invest ments were limited to bonds and oth. er high-grade securities. With a f ir- ther improvement in conditions the mortgage field may again become available, the company, as Mr. Wood states, being desirous of extending and enlarging this valuable form of public service. Mr. Wood discussed briefly the present tendency to discriminate against life insurance companies in the field of taxation. Taxation, as he points out, falls upon the average equity of the individual policyholder, and is imposed, therefore, upon the finest type of citizen, the man in a modest station of life who is seeking to protect his dependents. This is a matter which governments would do well to consider in view of the fact, wuich Mr. Wood emphasizes, that the burden falls always upon the policy holders, Other features of the presi dent’s address, if somewhat more technical, are scarcely less interesting than these which have been mention ed, and a careful study of the com plete address will more than compen sate the reader, whatever his station in life may be. The Sun Life Assurance Company is Represented in the Sandhills by E. C. SOUTHERN PINES, STEVENS NORTH CAROIJNA I

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