ftigt Six Nitrogren Investment Will Pay Dividends N. C. Experiment Station’s Tests Have Proven Value, Says Garrison By E. H. Gui'ri!«oii, Jr., County Fiirm Ajfciit Money invested in nitrogen for spring appplication to small grain will pay larger ilividonds than any other investment made in the produc tion of the grain. The North Carolina Experiment Stations has conducted a large num ber of testsi to detei mine the value of various nitrogenous fertilizers, and the best amounts to use. With wheat. 100 pounds of nitrate of soda will give five to eight bushels increase. At present price, a five bushel in crease will give $3.30 per acre above the cost of nitrate of soda. Wheat will not give as large an increass for the second hvmdred povmds of nitro genous fertilizer. For this reason 100 to 130 pounds of nitrate of soda is recommended. Oats pay well for nitrate of soda up to 200 pounds. Usvially the first hundred pounds will give 15 bushels increase over the first. To get the best results, top-dress ing on small grain .shoukl be done early. All this should be applied by the lf)th of this month. There is no danger of frost hurting grain at this time of year. The nitrate of soda can be applied broadcast over the small grain with out any covering, but it is advisable to run over thi.s small grain after ap plying the nitrate of soda with a weeder or a drag harrow with the' teeth turned back. ■ Any of the winter crops grown for i hay will pay good returns for 150 j pounds of nitrate of soda per acre.' The nitrogenous fertilizzer should be applied to the hay crops at the same date as for grain. PINEBLUFF Mrs. C. I. Hardy and daughter of Rochester. N. Y., were week-end guests of Mrs. Hazel Allison. Miss Louise Hunt of York. Pa., is a g^est at the home of Frank Krug. Miss Harriet Ames fell on the porch at her home last Thursday and | fractured a bone in her leg. She vi-as ' taken to the Moore County Hospital Friday where she is resting quietly, i Mrs. E. M. Wilson and daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers and little ■daughter, Rosa Ann, of Cuba, N. Y., are occupying an apartment at Mrs. ^ McMim’s. ' Little Joseph Adams celebrated his sixth birthday Saturday afternoon. Several of his friends gave him a surprise party. Games and refresh-' ments were enjoyed. Edwin Way of Athol Springs. N, j Y., and William Deegan of Buffalo,! N. Y., have been guests of Mr. Way’s | sister. Mrs. Ida Austin for the past i week. ' The 4-H club of boys and girls of Aberdeen and Pinebluff held a rally in the Pinebluff school house last Thursday night. Miss McDonald, 4-H Club leader, and Mrs, C. O. Newell vvere chaperones. Mrs, A, G. Wallace is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S Reynolds in South ern Fines. Esther Farrell. Betty Warner and Cora Wallace entertained twenty of their frie'ids last Friday night at the Wallace home. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served. The Ladies Aid of the M. E. church will meet next Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. at the church. Mrs. James Farley and Mrs, M. J. Connors of White Plains, N. Y.„ are guests of Mrs. Margaret Foley. LEGAL NOTICES OF VALUABLE FAK.vT^ PROPEIITV Lnrlcjr and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by J. Clyde Kelly and wife, Louise Kelly, on the 30th aay ot June, 1928, and recorded in book 4Y, Page 321, we will on Saturday the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N, C„ sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the f-llowing land, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel ol tend lying and being in Carthage Township. County of Moore, State of N, C., adjoining the lands of R, A, McLauchlin, D, D, Kelly and others and being on the waters of Mineral Springs Branch, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a large sweet gum, pine and maple pointers in the Min eral Springs Branch nean the head of it, Lewis Ritte:’s beginning corner, running as his line S. 20 W. 11 chs. to a pine, red and two hickory poin ters; thence S, 69 E, 25 chs, to a stake in a field, about 30 or 40 yards, N, of the Raleigh Rd.; thence S. 16 E. 14.35 chs. to a stake. Mulberry and Sweet Gum pointers, Riddle’s corner; thence as his line N, 84 E, 7 LEGAL NOTICES chs, to a stake, old field pine pointers, 1 lienee as another of his line N, 14 1-2 W, 15 chs, to a stake in the Ral eigh Rd„ persimmon, sweet gum pointers; thence as said road N, 65,5* E, 7,50 chs, to a branch; thence up said branch to a small white oak; white oak, maple, and sweet gum pointers; thence N, 46 E, 30 chs,; thence N, 71 W, 38 chs, to Mineral Springs Branch; thence up the va rious courses of said branch to the beginning corner; Being the land al lotted to E, Kate Kelly in the consent division of the lands of Evander Kel ly, tlec'd., amongst his heirs at law in 1890 and referred to in the said di vision as the Home Place of Evander Kelly, Being the same land conveyed to J, Clyde Kelly, by E, Kate Kelly (single) by deed dated September 3rd, 1921, and recorded in Book of Deeds page 293, public registry of Moore County, This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of J, Clyde Kelly and wife, Louise Kelly, to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 4th day of February, 1935, INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N, C, F15-M8, EXECUTKICES’ NOTICE Having qualified as exxecutrices of the estate of Anna D, Riggan, deceas ed, late of Moore County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before January 18, 1936, or notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th dav of January, 1935, KATHERINE J, RIGGAN and LENORA O, RIGGAN, J18,F22 Exxecutrices, ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J, A, Thomas deceas ed, late of Moore County, North Car olina, this is to notify all persons hav. ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said es tate will please make immediate paj'- ment. This 12th dav of January, 1935. EVT^LYN THOMAS, Administratrix of the estate of J, A. Thomas, deceased, F22 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the \m- dersigned, J, W, Cameron, Surviving Paitner of J, A, Thoma.?, deceased, operating under the trade name of Cameron Hardware Company is now closing up the business of the part- nership, and all persons having claims against the said partnership shall ex hibit ame to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1936. or this notice will be pleaded as a bar to a recovery. Ail persons owing the partnership will please make im mediate payment, J. W, CAMERON, Surviving Paitner of J, A. Thomas, deceased. This 12th day of February, 1935. MS SALE OF VALUABIJ-; FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed ot Trust executed by June Sullivan and wife, Rozelle Sullivan, on the 26th day of October, 1932, and recorded in Book 57, Page 216, we will on Sat urday, the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o'clock Noon at the courthouse door in Moore County. Carthage, N, C,, sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit; Lot 15 containing 2,10 acres, more or less, of the N, C. Joint Stock Land Bank land, known as the Benner farm, made by H. H. Fry, C. E., Oc tober, 1932, and recorded in Deed Book 115, Page 598, Register of Deeds Office, Moore County, This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of June Sullivan and wife, Ro zelle Sullivan, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by .<?aid Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will bt re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 30th dav of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N, C. F15-M8. SALE OF VALU.XBLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Walter E. Por ter and wife, Mollie W. Porter, on the 26th day of October, 1932, and re corded in Book 57, Page 225, we will on Saturday, the 9th Day of March, 1935, 12 o’clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Lot No. 27 containing 1 acre. Lot No. 28 containing one acre, and Lot No. 29 containing one and five-tenths as shown on the map ^-f the North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank land, known as the Benner farm, made by H. H. Fry, C. E., October, 1932, and recorded in Plat Book 45, Page 598, in the Register of Deeds Office, Moore County. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. THE Pn/yr, SoaUwrn Pines LEGAL NOTICES This sale is made by reason of the failure of Walter E. Porter and wife, Mollie W. Porter, to off and discharge tho indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 29th day of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Tnistee, Dur ham, N. C. F15-M8. SALE OF VALUABLE F.VRM I'UOPKRTV Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by D. W. McNeill and wife, Cornie McNeill, and H. J. McNeill and wife, Minnie McNeill, on the 22nd day of June, 1926, and re corded in Book 45, Page 250, we will on Saturday, the 9th bay of March, 1935, 12 o'clock Noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N, C„ sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit; 1st Tract; Lying on the W, side ot Hurd's Creek, and on the N, side of the Old Camvjron-Carthage Stage Rd„ beginning at a stake in said Old Cameron-Carthage Rd,, at W, C, White's corner; runs thence with his line N, 4 E. 28 chs, to the last cor ner of Tract No. 2 herein; thence N 68 E. 16.80 chs. to a stake corner of the Henry McNeill Estate; thence as his line S. 62 E. 1.90 chs. to his corner; thence as his other line S. 70 E. 9 chs. to his other corner; thence as Thomas McDonald's line S. 18 E. 22 chs. to his corner; thence as his other line S. 44 W. 15 chs. to a rock; thence S. 60 E. 3.55 chs. to a stake near the church; thence as the church lot line S. 48 W. 2.40 chs. to the Old Cameron-Carthage Rd.; thence as it N. 58 W. 14.05 chs. to a point in said road; thence continu ing with said road 14 chs. to the be ginning, containing 100 acres, more or less. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake, corner of the John McNeill Land 12 chs. S. 85 W. from the second corner of the above tract; thence with the Monroe Line N. 1 1-2 E. 17 chs. to a stake, Monroe’s corner; thence as his line N. 28 E. 16.25 chs. to a stake. Miller McDonald’s corner; thence as his line S. 66 E. 7.20 chs. to McDonald’s other corner; thence S. 4 W. 27 chs. to the second corner of Tract No. 1 above described; thence as the McNeill Line S. 85 W. 12 chs. to the beginning, contaming 32.85 acres, more or less, 3rd Tract; Beginning B.t a stake, corner of McQueen Heirs land, and a corner of the Carolina Bennett Land; runs thence with McQueen's line N. 28 W, 17,20 chs.; thence as his other line N. 45 E. 7.30 chs. to his first corner; th- nce as his other line N. 42 E. 4.75 chs. to a corner of the S. T. Johnson land; thence as that line S. 52 IC. 16.25 ch>-. to D. J. Monroe’s corner; thence as his line S. 20 1-2 E. 1;. 90 chs. to the line of the Caroline Bennett land; thence with her line S. 68 1-2 W. 17 chs. to the beginning, containing 36 acres, more or less. 4th Tract: Lying on the waters of the Cattail Branch of Crane’s Creek, adjoining the lands of J. W. Hartsell, J. Yow. Mrs. J. R. Loving and others: Beginning at a stake the swamp, N. side of the Cattail Branch. Kath arine Hunter’s and J. R. Loving’s corner; running thence with Loving’s line N. 66 2-3 \V. 11 chs. to a stake at an old Rail Bridge on the S. side of a ditch, 2 cherry-ti-ee pointers, thenee N. 37 W. 15 chs. to a stake, hickory pointers, McPherson's, Yow’s and Loving's corne»" thence S. 55 W'. 2.S chs. to a stake. Vow's '•omer; thencc S, 4 1-2 E. 10 chs. to a stake 2 pine pointers, Yow's other comer; thence S. 40 E. 23 chs. to a stake in a bottom, one pine stump pointer; thencc N. 25 E. 15 chs. to the begin ning, containing 26 acres, more or less- This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. Thi.s sale is made by reason of the failure of D. W. McNeill and wife, Cornie McNeill, and H. J. McNeill and wife. Minnie McNeill, to pay oft and discharge the indebtedness secur ed by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purcha-ser at tiit sale. This the 30th day of January, 193R INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORriiflK- ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N. C. F15-M8. EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Execuurix of the Last Will and Testament of Dr. Ernest M, Poate. deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims apainst said estate to present the sfi e duly authenticated to the under signed on or before the 5th day of February 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of th<*ir recovery’. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of February, 1935. JULIA C. POATE, Executrix of the Estate of Ernest. M., Poate, deceased. F8-M15. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrw. of thei <^tate of Melvin Sanborn, deceas ed, late of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, thte is to notify all persona having: claims against the estate of the said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of January, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make iri^'aediate pajnnent. This 30th day of January, 1935. NELLIE F. SANBORN. ’^S-MIS, Executrix. Aberrfegg, Worth Ckfofam LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA, M(H)RE COUNIT. IN THE SUPEltlOR COURT FRED MtfV'ER vs. MRTH.V S. MoIVER. The Defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced by the Plaintiff in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina to ob tain an alxsolute divorce upon the grounds of .‘reparation and the De fendant will further take notice that if she faii.s to answer or demur within the time required by law to the com plaint filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, then the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This the 31st day of January, 1935, JOHN W^LLCOX, Clerk of the Superior Court, Robert E, Denny, Attorney for Plaintiff. Fl-22. NOTICE OF CX)M.MLSSIONER’S S.ALE. NOTICE is hereby given that un der and by virtue of the power and authoHty conferred upon me ih those two certain judgments made and en tered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County. North Caro lina, on Monday the 22nd day of Oc tober, 1934 and on Monday, the 'ilst day of January. 1935, wherein, At lantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Ral eigh is plaintiff vs, C. H, Baaz and wife, Cora V. Boaz, Dorothy Boaz, Ethel Biiaz, C, J, Denny. Trustee. Bes sie E. Boaz Denny, and J. Albert Shepaid. defendants, the undersign ed commissioner will, on Monday the 25th day of February, 1935 at or about twelve o'clock noon at the court house door of Moore County in the Town of Carthage, North Car olina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in Greenwood Township, Moore County, North Carolina, containing 161 acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W’, A. Muse, James Doss, A, Z. Eason. Neill A. Mc.Neill heirs and others, hereinafter called “First Tract;" and al.so all tract, certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and Being, in the aforesaid towm- ship. County and State, containing four acres, more or less, adjoining the lands of W, A, Muse and others, said 4 acres of land lying on the Northwest bank of Dry Fork Ck. and immediately southeast of the Mc- Dougald 16 acre tract which .said 4 acre tract is hereinafter called "Sec ond Tract"; both of sarid tracts more particularly described as follows: 1st Tract: Beginning In the upper edge of Mill Pond on the Armstrong line, white oak and gum pointers; thence S. 10 E 52.6 chs. to the 3rd corner of the widow McDougals 16 acre tract; thence S'. 4i6 W. T9-10 chs. to the second corner of said tract, a state in the center of tiic old Fay etteville Road at a point where the old Cameron and Sanford Rj)ad crosses said Fayetteville Road, thence as said old Fayett<rv’ille Road N. 40 W. 13 chs. to a point in said old road 20 ft. Northwest of the new highw’ay; thence as said old road again N 62 \\ . 3 chs. to a point East of the Ford cn Little Cranes Creek,- therce as said road again N*. 33 3 -2 W. 6 1-2 cl’K. to McNeill'fe- fourtft corirer ot n 1-2 acre tract; thence N. 8 E. 8.50 chs. to McNeill’s third corner; thence N. 80' W. 3.66 chs. to a stake; thence N. 89 W. 3.25 chs. to a siake in aforesaid Fayetteville Road, said McNeill's begihning corner; thence v/ith said road again N. 33 1-2 W. 20 chs. to Eason's corner of las 3 1-2 acre tract; thence N. 75 1-2 E. 10f.l2 chs. to another staktr; thence S. T7 E 4.45 chs. to a stakf. corner of 3 1-2 acre tract; Utence N. 12 3r-4' E. f.eo cits, to a stafte, another C(*rner ot 3 1-2 acre tract; thence S. 87 E. 6 efts, to a stake in corner of 3’ 1-2 itcre tract; thence N. 7 W. 2 chs. to the Armstivng line; thence with the Armstrong' line 21 chs. Northeaster ly to the beginning, containing 161 acres, mone or Itas. 2nd Tract. Beginning en the Nortii>- 'vest bank of Dry Foi-k Cre*k run.^- r’ing S. as W. 12.75 efts, to a stekke in the wteaterly edge ot the Seaboard Air Line Railway right of vray,^ thence S; 39 E. 4.50 chs. to a white oak on the Northwest Bank of afore said Dry Fork Creek,* thence '.vith the 1 varioua courses of said creek about 15 chjj. to thie first station, ceastain- ing 3‘.9tJ acrus, more or l«ss. Excepting; however, from the fore going description of the first tract abore described, on which the said forgoing judgment and recovery is not a lien, for the reason that the licai thereon has heretofore been re leased by the pla'utiff, the following tract or parcel of land included in the t)oundaiies of the foregoing tract of land, to wit; All that certain piece, parcel ojr tract of land, situate, lying and be ing In Greenwodd Township, Moore County, State of North Caroljoa. and having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more. CUUy ap pear by reference to a plat thereof prepar^ by M. McQ. Baiiey, Sur veyor, Sept. 22, 1933, which is on file with the Atlfintic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, and being more par ticularly described by metes and bounded as follows: Begirming at a stake in East edge of North Carolina Highway No. 50 in McNeill’s line, thence S. 6 1-2 E., 7 chains to a marked gum with Cher ry tree pointers, McDougald or Thomas comer; thence S. 46 W. 19.10 chains to a stake in the old road Thomas comer; thence with an old road N. 40 W. 10.75 chains to a stake in South East edge of the first bove mentioned State Highway No. '0; theace along the eastern edge of LEGAL NOTICES said State Highway No. 50 U»e fol lowing courses and distances; North 74 degrews 10 minutes East 7.45 chains; theace N. 68 1-2 degrees IJ'Ast 3.50 chains; thence North 62 degr»ies East 3 chains; thence North 58 1-2 degrees East 3 chains; thence North 49 1-2 degrees East 6„50 chains to the point of beginning, containing 16.50 acre.s, to be the same, more or less. The above sale will be made sub ject to the confirmation or rejection of the Clerk of the Sciperior Court ot Moore County, North Carolina. This the 25th day of January, 1935. U. L. SPENCE, Fl-22 Commissioner. SALE OF A’ALUABLE FAR.M PR(»1*ERTV Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by H. K. Barry and wife, Grace M. Barry on the 1st day of April 1933, and recorded in Book 57, Page 463, we will on Saturday the 23rd day of February, 1935, 12 o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-w'it. Two certain tracts or parcels of land in Sandhills Township, Moore County, State ■ f N. C., bounded as follows, viz: Those certain farm plats known as Lots Nos. 29 & 23 as shown on a plan of the holdings of the New England Manufactmlhg Mining & Estate Co. of N. C., said land is located in what is known’ atr Silver Springs, adjacent to the towa of Pinebluff, N. C. and is bounded ss follows: Lot No. 29: Beginning at a- state, a corner in Raleigh Ave. & Cherry Street, on the Southern edge of -said Raleigh Ave. running thence’ with Cherry Street, in a Southerly direction 1100 ft. to a corner of C’lerry Street and Park Aventie; thence with the Northern line of Park Avenue in a Westerly direc tion 550 ft. to a corner of Walnut St. & Park Avenue; thence wtih the Eastern line of Walnut Street in a Northerly direction 1100 ft. to Ral eigh Avenue; thence in an Easterly direction with Raleigh Avenue to the place of Beginning, this being all that tract of land conveyed by the New England Mfg. Mining & Estate Co. to Mrs. Sadie Morgan, by deed dat ed. April 28. 1905, containing 14 acres, more or less. Lot No, 23, Com mencing at a stake 650 ft, from the Northwest corner of Lot No, 29, run ning thence N, 70* 34' W. 550 ft. to a stake on edge of Pine St. thence S. 19* 26' W. 1100 ft. to a stake on the edge of Park Ave. thence S. 70* 34' E. 295 ft. another on the edge of Park Ave. in the S. line of said farm plat 23; thence N.* 19* 26’ E. 256 ft. to a .stake, a corner of a 1 1-2 acre lot deed by George R. Morgan and wife to Albert B. Adams; thence S. 70* 34’ E. 255 ft. to a stake in the E. line of farm plat 23, or Pecan Street; thence N. 19* 26’ E. 844 ft. to the beginning, containing 12 1-2 acres, more or less. Excepting from this iot No. 23, 6 acres sold by Willie McPherson and wife, Venofia McPherson, to Fannie Cummings, and cut off across the Northeast end of said Fannie Cum mings by a line drawn ptarallel to the fine of RaJeigh Ave. This land is «oId subject to all vm- paid taxes. This sale is made by rea-son of the failure of H. El. Bariy & wife, Grace M. BUrry to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10' ,. w’ill be required from the purchaser at the sale. 'Fhis the 19th day of Januaiy, 1935. ] INTERSTATE TRfJSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee. Durham. N". C. Fl-22. S.\LB OF V.VLUABLE FARM PROPEKTV Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of- Trust executed by Colin G. Spencer, imi wife, L<ena F, Spencer, on the 13th day of July, 1925, and recorded in Book 39, Page 242, we will on Sat-^ iixday, the 23d day cxf February, 1935 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse dloor in Moorw Ccitmty, Carthage, N. C.., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest btdder the fallowing land, to-wit: In Moore County, N. C., Ritters Township, and bounded as follo(ws, Tiz: Beginning oa the south sid« of Deep Piver. at the mouth of Watery Branch, a drain of said river« and running thence up said branch its various Courses (S. 49 W. 4.8W chs.; W. 2 chs^ N. 69 W. 3.20 chs.; N. 29 W. 3 chs. N. 65 W. 3.10 chs.; S. 78 1-2 W. 4.33 chs.; S. 57 W. 3.75 chs; S. 15 EL 5 chs.; S. 25 W. 2 chs.; S. 48 W. 5 chs.; S. 78 W. 4 chs.; S. 58 W. 5 chs.) to what was former ly Robert Cheek’s 150 acres survey; thence S. 86 1-2' E. 14>25 chs. to a stake: thence S. 3 1-2 W. 2 chs. to a stake in a field, a corner of lot No. 7; thence S. 86 1-2 E. 19.75 chs to a stake, pine pointers, on a line of lot No. 1; thence S. 6 chs. to a stake, pine pointers, a corner of Lot No. 2; thence S. 3 1-2 W. 15.80 chs. to a stake, pine pointers, on a line of Lot No. 3; thence N. 86 1-2 W. 4 chs. to a white oak, 2 White oak and dogwood pointers, a comer of lot No. 3 and 5; thence N. 80 W. 16.15 chs. to a stake, pine and hickory pointers; a comer of lot No. 5; thence S. 3 1-2 W. 17.90 chs. to a stake; thence N. 86 1-2 W. 40 chs. to a post oak. Shearer’s comer; thence S. 3 1-2 W. 42.40 chs. to a stake, among post oak and pine pointers; thence N. 86 1-2 W. 15 chs.; thence N. 23 1-2 E. 19 chs. to a post oak; thence N. 19 7 chs.; thence N. 8 1-2 E. 44.80 -h.s.; thence N. 70 1-2 W. 27.70 chs. T a hickory on the bank of Deep ■‘ivpr; thence with .the river N. 12 W 19.25 chs. to a white oak on the banks of s»ld river | thence across said ver about 2 chs.; thence down the fYidiy, FW»ruary 22, LEGAL NOTICES North bank of Deep River, th« var ious courses of its water littis to a box elder near a drain or gut that empties in the river, 3 ash poirfters, on the bank of said river; thence W. 5 chs. to a pile of rocks, 3 pines and a small red oak pointers; thence N. 10 W. 13 chs. to the center of Pates Creek, ironwood pointers on the bank of !9aid Creek; thence down the-various courses of said Creek to Deep River stopping at the first bank thereof; thence down the various courses of the water line on the North bank of said Deop River to the point opposite to the mouth of Wa tery Branch; thence across said riv er to the beginning, containing 706 acres, more or less. This is the same tract of land here tofore conveyed to C, G, Spencer by A, J, Jones, by deed dated March 6th, 1923, and recorded in Bo#k 87, Page 167, office of the register of deeds for Moore County, This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Colin G, Spencer and wife, Lena F, Spencer, to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, A deposit of lO^J, will be reqnirccl from the purchaser at the sale. This the 18th day of January, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. Fl-22. SALE OF V.ALU.4BLE FARM PROPERTY UnUder and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by H. T, Dana and wife, Margaret B. Dana, on the 28th day of February, 1923, and recorded in Book 39, Page *188, we will ort Saturday, the reth day of March. 19.S5, f2 o’clock noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County. Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit; That certain tract of land begin ning at a bbrowri stone near the E. bank of Horse’s Creek, Leonard Tufts SW corner and running thence across Horse's Creek W. 2603 ft. to a stake; thence N. 20 1-2 W. 1388 ft. to a stake; thence W. 710 ft. to a stake; thence N. 29 W. 689 ft.; thence S. 20 W. 599 ft. to a stake: thence S. 5 W. 1465 ft. to a stake in the line of the Belle Orchards (Inc.); thence W. 542 ft. to a lightwood stake beside a Road; thence along said Road N. 4. E. 2175 ft., N, 3 E. 445 ft. to a stake beside the RoRad; thence E, crossing Horse’s Creek 5433 ft, to a stake in Tufts line be side a cultivated field; thence as Tufts line S, 6 1-2 W. 2640 ft, to the beginning, containing 260 acres, more or less. This land’ is sold subject to all un- paiil taxes.. This .sale is made by reason of the failure of H. T. Dana and wife, Mar garet B: Dana, to pay off and dis charge the ijidebtcdness secured by said Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 6lh day of February, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee. Dur*- ham, N. C. F22-M15. SALE OF \ ALUABLK FAR.M PROPERTV Unu>r and by virtue of the author ity c(»nferred upon us in a Deed of Trust tfxecuted by Jennie Belle Cam eron, (unmarried), on the 29th day of May. 1923, and recorded in Book 28, Page 30, we will on Saturday, the l«th day of >Iarfh. 1985, 12 o’clock noon at taie Courthou.'fe door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest biilder the following land, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Gieenwood Town.ship, M^ore County, N, C„ adjoining the lands ol N. A. Camwon, W. J. Cameron, and •thenr, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the middle of the Wa gon Ruad, one pine and two black jack pointers; running S, 24 chs, to the centea" of Stoney Branch, pine and goim pointers; thence as the chan nel of said branch about N.. 45 W. 9 chs. to a turn; thence as the branch about N. 85 W. 32 chs. and 30 links to comer; stake and pointers; thence N. 3 E. 25 chs. and 50 links to a stake and pointers: thence S. 87 E. 21 chs. to a stake and pointers; thence N. 62 E. 11 chs. and 25 links to the middle of the above named wa^n road; thence as the road to the beginning, containing 135 acres, more or less. This land if sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Jennie Belle Cameron, (un married) to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Tmst. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the pjurchaser at the sale. This the 5th day of February, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur ham, N. C. F22-M13. ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Having qualified this day as Ad ministrators of the estate of J. F. Allred, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to not ify ail persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of January 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to us. Dated this 14th day of January; 1935. D. I. ALLRED and CHRISTINE ALLRED, J18.F22 Administrator*,

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