Friday, Febniary 22, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina B Ta.kS'on'indialThe Week in Southern Pines I Mrs. F. G. Sanford of Stafford Will Tell of Great Need For i Springs, Conn., arrived Sunday at Medical Women in Combat- j the Hollywood. Mrs. Sanford will re- ting Terrible Conditions main for some time to be joined la- . ^ , I ter here by Mr. Sanford who has gone Dr. Ida Scudder, on furlough from | ^ the Missionary Medical C ollege for Brooklyn and Joseph M. Women at Vellore, South India, will address a Union Missionary Rally at the Church of Wide Fellow.ship in the enterprise in which she has had, ^ ^ ^ ^ i Toronto. Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson of Mountain Lakes, N. J.; Mrs. H. B. Kennedy and Downey of New York City are guests at the HollyMS'ood for an indefinite ^ stay. Other arrivals are Mr. and Mrs. Southern Pines on Friday, March l.t ^ ^ pitlston. P.,; Mr. a» » , u i , , ,, , Mrs. A. M. Peters of Brooklyn, N nating m the Woman s Medical Col- j j •»» tt. i • n. ® ^ ^ lY.; and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin G. lege. There Dr. Scudder and her aaso- i . , . , _ , ,,, ^ „ ® ^ • 1 * W right of Rockville Centre, N. i. ciates from Great Britain and Amer-, ica are training a corps of Indian ^ Harry M. Vale is spending several women and nurses who can minister ^ days of this week in New York, to the suffering women of India. | Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Laing of Child marriage and superstition, with Washington, D. C., have arrived for utter ignorance of medicine, have ^ a visit of several days with Mr. created a terrible condition. A very' Laing’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. few American women doctors have, Laing. gone to the 150,000,000 women of In-1 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Halliday of dia. “We can never send enough to Minneapolis, Minn., are here for the meet the need," says Dr. Scudder. | winter season, having leased the Jor- j “The only hope is training medical don house on Country Club Drive. women. We have seven nationalities! Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brennon of of Indian women in this college. They Albany, N. Y., have arrived to join are in demand, not only in our mis- the winter residents of Southern sions, but in Government as well.” Dr. Scudder is in the United States, covering the Chain of Missions in Florida, January 26th to February 28th; in Southern Pines and Pine- hurst March 1st and 2nd; then, be ginning with W'ashington, Baltimore and Philadelphia, she will go on to the West. 17TH DISTRICT JR. O. U. .M. INITIATION AT C.ARTH.\GE Tonight, Friday, at 7:30 o’clock,, the councils in the 17th District, Jr. O. U. A. M. wdll meet in the Hall of Carthage Council No. 165, at Car thage for a district-wide class ini tiation. On this night similar meet ings will be held in each of the 28 districts in North Carolina. District No. 17 is composed of Lee, Montgomery and Moore counties. Frank F. Watson of Sanford is the District Deputy State Councilor. These classes will be known as the Washington’s Birthday Classes. "I his is one of the objectives of the State Board of Officers of the Junior Order. Great interest is being shown in the preliminary arrangements for these me^ngs. I^t State Councilor, B. C. Slske, will be present at this meeting and bring greetings from the State Coun cilor in a brief address. The Juniors throughout the district are urged to attend. Pines. They have leased a house on Indiana avenue for the remainder of the season. Carlton Palmer returned this week from New York where he has been for a few days. Mr. Palmer will at tend the Washington Birthday races in Camden, the later part of this week. Mrs. William A. Holabird has re turned from Washington, D. C., where she has been visiting her son- in-law and daughter, General and Mrs. William Cruickshank. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Bull of Mid dleton, N. Y„ were among prominent guests arriving at the Mid-Pines Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Tower of New York, Mrs. R. Mann Pag'e of Pitts burgh, Dr. and Mrs. Horace D. Bei lis of Trenton, N. J., and William A. McGill of Pittsburgh arrived Tues day to spend some time at the High land Pines Inn. Mrs. H. B. Weatherspoon was call ed to Columbia, S. C., this week on the death of her father R. W. Tay lor. Thomas H. McGraw of Pittsburgh, Pa., has joined Mrs. McGraw for a visit of several days at their home "Cherokee Farm” near Aberdeen. Gordon Mendelssohn has as his guests for a few days, Mrs. Morgan Cowperthwaite and son, John K. Cowperthwaite of Far Hills, N. J. Harry A. Sanders of Greenville, Many a house has been rented by a Maine is spending several days in i Southern Pines and is a guest at the ■ Want-Ad. Hollywood. During his stay here Mr. Sanders has visited many of the near-by towns and cities. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett Arkell of New York City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark ArKell at their home on Weymouth Heights. Harry Parker spent a few days in Southern Pines this week en route to his home in Quincy, Mass., after spending some time in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. Merrow, Mrs. E. Baker, Mrs. Harriet E. Stevens and Harry E. Taylor spent Tuesday In Fayetteville. Mrs. Craighill Brown has return ed from a two weeks’ visit in Flor ida. Kenneth Trousdell is at Sea Island Beach, Ga., for a visit. William Liebert who has been vis iting in Winston-Salem for some time has returned to his home on Vermont avenue. Bob Gifford will be home from Loui.sburg College in Loulsburg to spend the week-end with his parents. Miss Theresa Montesanti who is in school In Asheville will spend the j week-end with her parents. j Miss Mary Averitt visited in Ches terfield, S. C., Sunday. Miss Mary Yeomans, Miss Mar garet Bishop and Mrs. Hardison were in Fayetteville for the day on Tues- j day. James Boyd Is expected to return today to his home on Weymouth from New York where he has been for some time on a business trip. Miss Alice Squires has returned to j the Women's College of the Univer sity of North Carolina after spend ing this past week-end with her par ents. Miss Amy Newcomb, formerly of Wilmington, and now a member of the N. C. Little Symphony Orches tra arrived this week and is at the Highland Pines Inn. Pope Inman, Charles Spencer, R. A. Brindell and George Buttry at tended a business meeting of the A. & P. Stores held In Raleigh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dunn of Eller- be were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dunn. Mrs. D. D. Shields Cameron and infant daughter returned to their home here from the Moore County hospital Wednesday. Mrs. W. E. Matchett and small son Billy of Indianapolis, Indiana ar rived Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. Matchett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hayes. Miss Katherine Buchan will arrive Saturday from Louisburg College to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P, Frank Buchan. S. V. Demarest of Ellenville, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hutt at their home on South May street for a few days. Mrs. Henry R. Luce, who is the wife of the editor of Time Magazine, and Thomas W. Durant of New York are guests of Mrs. Carlton Pal mer. Dante Montesanti was in Raleigh Wednesday to attend a meeting of The Dyers and Cleaners Association. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jenkins and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Slack were guests at the Hollywood this week for a few days golf, en route to their homes in Terre Haute and Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Slack is a well known at torney and former mayor o€ Invllana- polls. I The Women’s Auxiliary of the ' Episcopal Church met Tuesday af- | ternoon at the home of Mrs. A. J. I Drew. Mr. and Mrs. William W. Phelps of Westbury, L. I., are guests for several days at the Highland Pines Inn. Miss Eleana Ewart, who is a mem ber of the faculty at Louisburg Col lege, will be the house guest of Miss Margaret Gifford this week-end. Miss Anna Cameron visited Miss ! Susan Swett at the Women’s College , of U N. C., in Greensboro last week-1 end. Miss Eleanor Sparks spent last i week-end in High Point as the guest of Miss Martha Carlisle. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker an- | nounce the birth of a son on Monday, 1 February 18th, at the Moore County i Hospital. i Mr. and Mrs. George Eustis arrived ! from Washington to spend the week end at their cottage on Young's Road. Mrs. George C. Moore attended a party Tuesday of this week in Fay etteville given by Mrs. George Elliot, Jr., for her sister, Mrs. Adeline Mc Cormick of New York City. Recent arrivals at the Mid-Pines Club were Mr. and Mrs. Astell J. Byles of Ardsley-on-Hudson, N. Y., Mrs. Charles de Rham, JrJ., of New York City and Mrs. S. Griswold Flagg of Radnor, Pa., Mrs. Wallace D. McLean of Scarsdale, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin C. Bull of Middleton, New York. Burrell G. White returned Monday to his home “Sunnyfield” in Knoll- wood, after a ten days’ visit In New York. Friends of Miss Sarah Keith Pat terson will be interested to know she has successfully passed the examlna- j tions for nursing in Virginia and was given the ‘Blue Seal,” and honor for an average of 92 or more. Miss Pat terson Is a graduate of Southern Pi.ies High School, class of 1930, and of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Richmond, Va. Arrow Shirts for Spring New Stripes a n d “ Checks in the latest /|i| shades of Grey, Green, ^ Blue and Tan $2.00 up The Tog Shop Broad St. and N. H. Ave., Southern Pines Fertilizer Time for vour Plant Beds and Garden Seed DEPENDABLE FERTILIZERS MAKE GOOD CROPS . This year—insure your work with ACME The best Fertilizer for the Sandhills. Now is the time to figue on your spring needs. And As For Seeds—We Carry Wood’s. McNEILL & COMPANY Feed and Seed Store BROAD STREET SOUTHERN PINES CAMERON MRS. V'. R. ROBSON DIES .4FTER BRIEF ILLNESS i OFYOUR : FAVORITE MAGAZINES 1 AND THIS NEWSPAPER-1 FULL YEAR You Save Money on this Amazing Combination Offer 4 Leading iWagazines and Your Favorite Newspaper Pi€kl WaQazinej □ Better Home* 4 Garden* •. ^ □ Delineator ’ □ McCaU’8 Magaxine ’ □ patbiinder (Weekly) * □ Pictorial ' □ Open Road (Boy.) □ Parent*' Magaxlne d Sport. □ Silver Screen. * □ Woman'* World □ Household Magazine^ □ Needlecrah □ Clorerleaf BeTlew • □ Home Circle Check 1 magaxlne thtu ® lU'OWANSWOBJLP P/ck3 lagaiines\ Farn,»r -»v uwpper«r«nner □ Home Orel...., JJ'- Mechanic,’;;' *i n '';;; LJ Dixie Poultry ‘ We Gmaramiee Thia OUmrt | USE THIS HANDY OBBEB BItAIVK TODAY! Our arrangement with the publishers* | Check the tour magazine* desired and return litt own representative enables us to make * coupon carefully. you this remarkable offer. It is strictly | ' juarantced^ and ail subscriptions will be entered promptly. If you are at pre> sent a subscriber to any of the maga- lines, your time will be eat»»r. jed. E3EI Ntmt StTMt or R.F.D Town ami State QUOTATIONS ON MAGAZINES NOT LISTED SENT ON REQUEST Socials Mrs. Millard H. Turner entertained the Sewing Club Monday afternoon at the Highland Pines Inn. Mrs. T. Shay was hostess at a bridge and tea last week at the Park View. Mrs. E. C. Eddy will be hostess to the members and their friends of the Order of Eastern Star at her home on Mas.sachusetts avenue Monday [ evening, February 25th. The enter- I tainnient for the benefit of the i Eastern Star and Maaonic Home. i Various games will provide the en-1 tertainment. For information and ' reservations see Mrs. George | or Mrs. Eddy. | The All States Association will en- | tertain at a social Friday evening at the Civic 01ub. A program in honor of Washington’s birthday will fill the early part of the evening, after which there will be dancing and re freshments. Music will be furnished by the Sandhills Rythmn Boys. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gould enter tained Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Nichols at dinner Sunday at the Hollywood. Mrs. J. Herndon Smith of St. Louis entertained at dinner last night for a party of five at the Highland Pines Inn. Mrs. Francis Robinson entertained at tea at her home in Weymouth Heights for Mrs. Clement W. Booth of Southold, L. I. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin White en tertained at dinner at the Lovejoy Cabin on Monday night. Mrs. I. Bodine Valle was a lunch eon hostess Monday at Lovejoy’s. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Conafit of Weston, Mass., entertained Tues day at dinner and golf at the Mid- Pines Club for Mr. and Mrs. Heman Gifford of Millbrook, N. Y. PORTRAITS BY PHOTOGRAPHY The Eddy Studio is making an earn est effort to Induce Will H. Towles of Washington to visit Southern Pines. Mr. Towles Is the director of the School for Photographers under the auspices of the N. P. A. of Amer ica which school in Indiana Miss Ed dy attended last summer. His por traits have won recognition here and abroad as he holds sLxty-five awards. This is an opportunity to have that photograph taken. Eddy’s Studio. Adv. Circle No. 2 of the Presbyterian Women's Auxiliary met with Mrs. Alex McPherson on Friday after noon, with Miss Thurla Cole, chair man.. conducting the devotional. Af ter the business session Mrs, J. M. Guthrie admirably reviewed the mis sion study book for February, Circle No. 3, the Girls’ Circle ot the same auxiliary, met on Saturday afternoon with Miss Jeanette Woot en as hostess. Miss Virginia Graham, chairman, conducted the devotional, and Mrs, J. M. Guthrie reviewed Planning,” the Good Life,” by Dr. H, H. Sweets, Mesdames J. E. Snow, W, G. Parker and J. M. Guthrie attended the Ex ecutive Board meeting of Fayette ville Presbyterial held in the Rae- ford church on Thursday of last week. Cameron and Sanford played bas ketball in the Sanford Gymnasium on Friday evening. The scores were: girls, 13-35 in favor of Cameron, and boys, 16-37 in favor of Sanford. Prof. and Mrs. R. F, Lowry, Bruce Thdrrington and Miss Mary Fran ces Turner attended the Duke-Caro- lina basketball game at Chapel Hill last Saturday evening. Miss Mary Thomas spent the week-end in Raleigh. Dr. H. O. Averitte, after a week’s illness with influenza, was able to resume his practice this week. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Matthews of San.”ord and Mrs. Georgie Matthews vis* ted Miss Frances Matthews at Plnehurst last Sunday afternoon. Miss Lucile Rogers of Route 1 has accepted a position with Mrs. S. Y. Ramage in Pinehurst. Misses Catherine Wicker and Mar garet McLean were supper guests of Mrs. R. F. Lowry on Friday evening, and Miss Jean Swett was supper guest of Miss June Mclver Hemphill the same evening. These girls played basketball at Sanford that evening. Ralph McFayden of the C. C. C. camp spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Georgie McFayuea. The Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill spent Monday afternoon in Sanford, guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Tea gue. Miss Mary .McDonald spent Sunday in Whiteville. Carlysle Gibson of Rockingham was the guest Sunday of Mrs. Janie Muse. Miss Elva Bryant of Jonesboro and Mrs. Olive Hall Robson, age 32, wife of V. R. Robson, passed away, after a short illness, early Wednes day morning, February 13th at her home three miles east of SoutheVn Pines, Mrs. Robson was before her marriage Miss Olive Frances Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Hall of South Carolina. She wa.s mar ried on May 8, 1918, Funeral services were conducte