Page Eight THE PILOT, Sou them Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 1, 1935. We Have The New Spring Patterns in Dress Prints Pine “80 Square” Prints 20c Good Quality, fast color..15c Tot Wear Play Cloth 15 . Cretonne, new shades 15c Khaki Cloth 15c Feather Ticking 25c Pique, white and colors ....25c 81-inch Sheeting, 25c, 33c, 35c Father George Sheeting 10c NEW LOT SILKS, in Plain and Fancy Colors Plain Colors 69c Fancy Patterns 79c Paitern.s 10c and 15c MELVIN BROTHERS ABERDEEN. N. C. PINEHURST Arthur McMillen, who is a student I , the University of Virginia, passed '.\2 week-end here with his mother, I Mrs. Isabelle C. McMillen. Evelyn Gilliam and Mrs. Ber- ha Freeman were shopping visitors in Raleigh on Saturday. The Rev. and Mrs. A. J. McKelway had as their guests the past week-end Mrs. A. J. McKelway, Sr., of Wash ington, D. C., and Mrs. Sithers and small son of Fort Bragg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gouger, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McKenzie and Mrs. Kd Swaringen have returned from Durham where they went to attend the wedding of their brother, Robert I Cagle to Miss Rebecca Hyman. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mason have re- ' turned from Edenton, where they have been visiting for the past two ' months. They were accompanied home by their son Clyde Mason. Friends I will be glad to learn that Mrs. Ma son is improving, having suffered a slight stroke while away. Mrs. B. H. Palmer and son, and Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Palmer of Shelby, I and Mrs. \V. L. Shuping of Gaston-! ia. are the guests of Mrs, E!ric Nel-1 son. I Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Footman of! Liliington and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whit-1 ; ten of Fayeteville were visitors in' on Satxirday. '■ Richard Blue, son ot Mr. and Mrs. ^ i-Ialbert Blue was host to a number . of his little friends. After the movie ‘‘Vanessa, Her Love Story,” the at traction at the Pinehurst Theatre, i Monday, March 4th, matinee and' night, is a distinctive production ot | the better class which will appeal to those interested in finer pictures, j Women especially should like the pic-1 ture because it is a "love story” from start to finish. It deals with drinking j fighting men and demure but shrewd 1 women in the days wlien chivalry j rede the woods and lanes of Merrie I England. The cast is headed by Rob ert Montgomery who is in love with Helen Hayes. Miss Hayes is at her best and May Robson docs a good job as the spry grandmother of 100 years. Others in the cast are Otto Kruger. Lewis Stone, Henry Stephen son, Constance Collier, Donald Crisp, Aileen Pringle and Lawrence Grant. “Evensong,” the attraction at the Pinehurst Theatre, W’ednesday, March 6th, matinee and night, presents in its leading role that glamorous artist of the stage and screen, the lovely, ash-blonde Evelyn Laye. Tt seems quite fitting that Miss Laye, who has herself figured so conspicuously in opperetta successes, should be chos en to carry the role of Irela, the op eratic tar who turned her back Ton love in order to follow the call of, her career. Naturally this role calls for a voice of extraordinary beauty, and of this Miss Laye is assuredly possessed, as adrairers all over the at the Ck>uiitry Club with sight ta* bles in play. Prizea for high scores were won by Mrs. H. B. Loeb, Mrs. Karry Gage, Mrs. Robert Skinner, Miss Hatfield, Miss Thompson Mrs. Elmer Harrington, Mrs. Elmer Davis and Mrs. H. E. Thrower. Tomorrow, Saturday, the monthly business meet ing will precede the game. It Pavs to Advertise in The Pilot. RAEFORD THEATRE Raeford N. C. Friday, March 1 Shows at 3:30, 7:15 and U EDITH WHARTON’S I A OX* «00l* r»TO« • JUNI ClAtWOMH ISTHIII (AISTON "'Saturday,” March 3 Shows at '^:30, *<:15 and U rtt tmn. ^ IN WITH Monday-Tuesday, March 4, J Shows Daily at 3:30, 7 and 9:20 APPAREL. For Active or Spectator Sportswear White Flannel Skirts ....$3.25, $6.50, $9.00 Imported Tweed Skirts $6.50 Coats to match or solid color $11.75 Novelty Flannel and Tweed Skirts _ $1.95—$2.95 Ang-ora Suits, Double Breasted Coats, in colors with White Skirt $25.00 Swagger Coat to Match $25.00 DOBBS Straws and Felts $5.00 up Chamois and Suede Coats, 25% Reduction. THE Carolina Theatres Pinehurst-Southern Fines PRESENT At Pinehurst Monday, March 4th, 3:00 and 8:15 ' they were guests at his home tor country can after hearing her ' !iupper. Those present were Jane in Noel Coward' .stage production ! Drexel. Joan and Graham Johnston, “Bitter Sweet," of a few seasoos ago. j Freddie and Jackie Powdrell, Toby I "Evensong” is ba.scd on the pljty and ' Biddle, Dimcan Vail, Harold and novel by the same name. Laye Bradley Buckminster, Fay Neville, I is supported by a notable cast Peter Tufts and Billy Blue. Mrs. L. M. Murray was hostess at bridge on Monday evening at the i Country Club for Mrs, Harold Cal- ‘‘Living on Velvet,” the attraiTtion at the Pinehurst Theatre. Friday, March 8th, matinee and night, Tiiiere are imusual air maneuver.^ with some lowaj', Mrs. Eric Nelson and Mrs, maddest stunting imaginatrle ; Bert Nicolls. On Saturday Miss Mary Currie was :i hostess at tea at the Country Club, entertaining for Miss Louise Futrelle of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Francrcs Ni colls and Mrs. A. P. Thompson. Mrs. Charles W. Picquet was host ess at bridge on Thursday afteiTiOon. .\fter the game refreshments were , served. Mrs. Williard. Dunlop receiv ed high score prize and Mrs. A. P. Thompson Low. A GAUMONT BRITISH PRODUCTION One Cent a word each vharire, 25 cents. All Want Ads must be paid for inMrtloDv by an airplane pilot, who' plays tit«» role of an airman suppQ.^ed to be somewhat "cracked” after a terrifi*.* ■ accident. There is a unique romance? in the story in wliich two fri.inds love'j the same girl, but each does his best i to give her to the other to niake the woman happy. Kay Francis has the ; leatfing rofe of a beautiful society girf, who is madly infatuated with the daredevil aviator and ^marries , him despite the objections of her fam- i I ily'. George Brent, as the aviator does ^ an unusually Tine piece of work; and I Warren William is excellent. Helen: ' Lowell anrf Henry O'Weill, both vet- | ~ erans of the stage, deserve special ' mention far their characterizations, i rtion. Miatmam An excitihg and hilarioas screen xnittziisaz All Knitted Suits Greatly Reduced. C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE i SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. «• WediDM»dayp iVfarcb: 6 S4io\vs at 8:30, .*:15 ivnd 9 smm “ T T THOMA TODD I LAU»KOrf CRCWS ‘'SXETS” GMbAGMei otfoc Wii»wi CATien I'hiinwlay, Friday, Maich 7, 8 Uin^er Rogers and Francis L^rieter in “Romance in Manhattan'' The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. GEO. C. ABRAHAM, V. Pre.s, ETHEL S. JONES, Ass’t. Cashier IJ. S. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY A SAFE CONSERVATIVE BANK DEPOSITS INSURED BY The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WASHINGTON, D. C. ccfinn maximum insurance ccnnn ^uUUU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR ^UUUU At Pinehurst Wednesday, March 6, 3:00 and 8:15 llifiUg an Vphet" IVILLIAM MlliliE DKEWT kf FRANK BOBZAGE • A Firtt N«tMaal Pictur* At Pinehurst Fiiday, March 8th, C:CO and 8:15 kcforc I entertainment, “The Whole Town’s Talking,” Cfie attraction at the Soath- WELiTkXOW N PLA3«0 M.\Nl F^- ern Pines Theatre. Monday, Tuesday, turer has small tipright piarao in | Wednesday, March 4’,, 5v 6, witdl 'a' this locality. Will sell at bargain Tuesday matinee, is even at this ear- rather than ship back. Terms can | ly date certain to be incriKled ammig be arranged. Write Factory Dis-: the ten best pictures of the current tributor, Box 1124,. High Point, N. | year. Crammed full of suspense, ac- i c. Maris, tiim, comedy and' startling surprises, , — tire film presenCs EMward G. Rol«n- son in hiis first .screen comedy role. Rtobinson is cast in the' thrtE-inspirsng LOST — One pair of horned-rim glasse.s in browTi leather case. Please return to Algene Hoskins at' gf inoffensive little clerk who Carolina Power and Light Co., or i Post Office and receive reward. 1 EDWARD (i ROBINm THE WHOlt I0WN5 TALKING A COIUMBIA PICTtfHt _Adcutormat WTT—5t8A—1 col.xl4I. A t So: tiie n i^ines 1 Icn„Trej., Vvol, Ma^ch 4 IVl.;tinee Tuestlay at 2:00 carouses through a suries of laugh laden aiiVentunes wl»*n hK startling resemblance to an escaped despera do is dfecover'td; Jeam Ardhur is fea tured opposite Robinson as a fllp'^ young stenographer whom the meok ' FOR SALE: To cfose estate ,the Achorn place in Pinebluff. Three bedrooms and bath; hot air fur nace with new Oil-O-Matic oil burner; nearly three acres of ad wed f(U-years. But only j when ftis name races across the na- FOR SALE: The Holbrcwk place,| tions’s front page is he able to sam- which the heirs wish to dispose ot i mon up en-mgh cwuragjr to tell iter Four bedrooms and bath, steam ' of hii love. Wallaos Fond turns in one i heat, seven lota. Levi Packard. M30. of Ws suj^ire perfoimance.s as a : — newspaper reporter; Arthur Byron PRIVATE 'rUTORING - Teacher ^ credinably I with graduate training and success- ^ Attorney; Etienne Gi- : ful tutoring experience will take .^tertatong as the har.«,cd I limited number for mdividual coaching. R. M., The Pilot. head cleirft. 1 The most slartling- innovation in ’ MULE FOR SALE; An extra good screen entertaihmetrt since motiion working mule weighing around pictures were first discovered is of- 100 pounds. Sound in wind and f^red ia a return engTigement of ‘Ses , limb. Priced very low. See D. D. quoia” M-G-ttTs nature drama ftrtitur. I I Elliott, Southern Pines. ! J«an Parker, and the attcaction — - at thje Southern Pines Theatre,. March LOST AUTO LICENSE NO. 205-996. 7_ g 9^ Thursday, F^day, Saturday, i Finder notify Rev. W. J. Pledger, | with a Saturday matinee. A human Box 55, Southern Pines, N. C^ j romance ts blended into a story ot FOR RENT: Centrally located sunny Americar* animal Jite containing such apartment, comfortable and con-: scenes as a mountain lion venient. Pleasant porch. 15 Penn. ^ deadly en emies, playK^g together like lambs. Ave., East. Opposite Municipal 1 tennis court. Lillian A. Roberts. Southern Pines Thu.-Fri.-Sat., March 7. 8, 9, MaUnee Saturday at 3:00 Added Attraction; Laurel and Hardy in “TIT FOR TAT” Worlcs Like A CiiannOn TOUGHS OLD COUGHS E.ASTERN STAR PARTY AT EDDY HO.\IE GREAT SICCESS The party given by the Home Com mittee of Magnolia Chapiter No. 26, Order of the Ea.-itern Star on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. C. Eddy, was an unqualified success, so cially and financially. This offair was given for the benefit of the Masonic No argument—money back if two ! or three doses of Bronchuline Emul- . „ ^ „ Sion don’t give you InSTANT, unmis- takable relief. Broad Street Pharmacy! Greensboro and the committee in . „ . ' charge is anxious to express its ap- and all other good druggists guaran-; r., ^ ^ jj. oo t, I preciation of the hearty support giv- Contains no chloroform nor other ^ worthy cau^e. More than narcotics, and no sweet, sugary syrup. ■ ^ games TVT t X. J! . „ provided for their amusement. Not habit-forming. Smells worse than j it tastes. But if you are coughing yourself to pieces, INSTANT RELIEF THISTLE CLUB Last Saturday afternoon the This- is what you want—and what you get. j tie Club held its weekly bridge tea The Mid-South Insurance Agency INCORPGR.VTED Announces That J. N. S. Brewster, Jr., has purchased the capital stock of this corporation and in asso ciation with Mr. H. G. Phillips, joint owner, will continue the business under the same firm name in its former location next to the Bank of Pine hurst. The new officers are: J. N. S. Brewster, Jr., President, H. G. Phillips, Treasurer, and H. D. Vail, Secretary. Mrs. Irene Couch Millar, who has been con nected with the ag’ency for some three years, will continue with the new organization.

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