Friday, March 29, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page TbrM NIAGARA ly Isaac Morgan of Chapel Hill is spending some time with relatives here. E. W. Marble, who spent a few weeks with his wife and daughter here, left recently for his home in Farmington, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Paul have re turned from a trip to Georgia. John Frank spent the week-end jn Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Wilson and son A^^APITAL 11th Grade First in Aberdeen B&L Contest PINEBLUFF By M. R. Dunnagan, The Pilot’s Raleigh Correspondvnt Revenue Bill on Way The 1935-37 Revenue bill, including the three per cent sales tax and with out exemptions, passed Its first read ing and main hurdle in the House left Monday for their home in Tilton,! of Repre.sentatives last Friday after- N. H. I noon, on its second reading at a mid- A large crowd turned out Sunday | night session the same night, and on afternoon to see the new streamline i its third reading Monday, after the Keen Competition Manifested in Schools For Prizes For Sale of New Stock Shirley and Charles are visiting Mrs. Howie’s parents in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bell of Fay^ etteville were guests at J. D. Adcox’s home Sunday. Edith Howie, Hazel” A^cox Mrs. Leila Mason and daughter Vera of Friend.ship, N. Y., are occu pying Mrs. Latshaw’s apartments. Miss Elizabeth Fletcher spent Sun day In Hamlet as a guest of Mrs. Her- and France.s Van Huel were guests of The contest recently sponsored in ^Van Boskerck. Flora Macdonald college over the the Aberdeen schools by the Aber- Fletcher had as her week-end, it being hospitality week, ommittee for several days, is one of Building Loan Association Tuesday Mrs. Stubbs of Miss Helen Tufts of Cambridge, Jack.son Springs, Miss Margaret, is a guest of Miss Anne Pop- them The Senate, while the House was on the Revenue bill, cleared its calendar in readiness for the Revenue measure. It disposed of several measures last week. It limited hours of work in State Institutions to 12, passed the i photographers bill, the bill to allow for the sale of stocli in the February series came to a close, and the re- .'•ults obtained were considered very satisfactory from standpoint of new stock sold, as well as from building and loan educational standpoint. Keen competition was hianifest- Stubbs of New York City, Mrs. Al- ham for a few weeks. bert Austin and son Edward *of Gas- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard tonia, and Mrs. Fred B. Monroe and Troutman a boy, March 27. The young Fred Bethune, Jr., of West End. Misses Carrie McIntosh and Celma man will be called Howard, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Hampton of Fair- Lee and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnia Stubbs of Laurinburg were entertained at train pass here. auto sales tax bloc had succeeded m j organization of district health de- i between the Eleventh and Eighth ^ ^ Howie’s Sunday. The Rev. C. R. Dierlam of Chapel i reducing the tax to two percent, but partments, and others. The Senate , Eleventh winning the first Mina Latshaw was taken to Hill held a very successful meeting | which gains were lost again Tuesday. Judiciary 2 committee reported ^10.00 with a percentage of {jjg Moore County Hospital last Sat here the past week. His method of | After one of the most hectic legis- “without prejudice” the five per cent giving chalk talks In explaining the lative weeks in many years the bill, beer bill, after a lengthy hearing Frl- Bible was very helpful to everyone The church was full every night. Lincoln Burgess, Alton and Char lie Green of Lilllngton w'ere visit ing old friends In Niagara on Mon day. It Pays to Advertise in The Pilot. She Ark l^uthern ^Binrs, N. Mrs. Millicent A. Hayea, Principal A. COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Kindergarten through the 8th year MUSIC—ART—LANGUAGES Tutoring Arranged for Older Groups Limited AccommodatienB for Boarders as passed In the House Is in almost the same form in which It was intro duced two months ago and in w’hich It was reported out of the Joint com mittee two weeks ago—which means that it has been changed in only a few respects from the bill written and approved by the Advisory Bud get Commission and Governor Eh- rlnghaus. It will "almost” or may ac tually provide revenues needed for the Appropriations bill which the 232, the Eighth running a close sec- urday where she Is receiving treat- ond w'lth 207 percent and winning jnent for neuritis, the So.00 prize, Thomas Foley and George Asp- In the Grammar School Miss Me- bury of Mlllbrook, N. Y„ were guests Maness' Fourth and Fifth grade won of Mr. Foley’s aunt, MargaretFoley J" David Durant of Lee, ities were sent bapk to the commit- pi'ize of $7..50 with a percentage ' Tuesday night. Mass., are guests of Miss Anna Pop- tee. I of 157. Mrs. Charles' Fifth grade won Miss Florence Fowle of Minneapo- day. Bills to Increase salaries of State Treasurer and Commissioners of In- .surance, Labor, Agriculture and Util- ■students at Chapel Hill were guests of J. H. Suttenfield leist week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Townsend and Dr. and Mrs. Nichols of Jamaica, L. I., are spending some time at the Tow'nsend home. Miss Claire Raymond of Law'rence- Olher Bills Will be in hie office over th« Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, fi)om 10:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him If yoor eyes are weak. favorably reported. The automobile House is expected to take up and license plate cost bill was set for make short w'ork of this week. this week in the Senate. The bill to The course of the bill starting in inocculate all dogs against rabies was the House the first of last week and passed after amendments, to which two sessions daily were de- Bills Introduced this session reached voted, was one of the most unusual 1200. of which 466 had been either legislative phenomina in the State’s i"atified or ordered enrolled for rati- history. As the week started the Me- f'cation Saturday. Last week 20 pub- Donald-Lumpkln bloc, seeking to in- bills and resolutions were rati- crease corporate taxes and eliminate and 90 local bills. the sales tax, gained much momentum ^ Tuesday and W'ednesday, in which CARTHAGE ! days It wrote into the bill in the . I form of amendments almost all of Mr, and Mrs, Joe Mims and N. A, ' the McDonald-Lumpkm proposals, McKeithen, Jr„ of Lumberton vislt- 1 .second prize of $2.50 over Miss Mc Lean’s Seventh grade by a slight mar- Bllls to abolish and transfer tiie ' Commissioner of Banks to the Utili- The association was rendered ties Commissioner and limit to two splendid assistance and cooperation the State bank examiners were un-1 by the faculty In both schools, and wi.shes to publlcally express apprecia tion, as well as to the boys and girls who did so much to K.alie the con test a success, \! THOKS TO T.VKE 1‘AKTS IX OWN PL.VYS .\T r.VKTHVGK lis, Minn., arrived in Pinebluff last Mr. and Mrs. L. A. MacDonald and w'eek and is occupying her house for daughter Selma of Greensboro were a few weeks. Sunday guests of John Fiddner and Mrs. H. L. Howie and children, family. < Studio performances of “Job’s Kinsfolks,” a tragedy by Loretta Carrol Bailey, and “Sleep On, Lem uel,” a Carolina negro comedy by John W. Parker, will be presented on April 5 at the high school auditorium in Carthage at 8:30 o'clock. The author of each of the plays will McKeithen Present and play the leading role ^ in his play. Playing with tiiese will ! be members of the extension classes ' In Play Production, a course offer- , ed by the University of North Caro lina and given by Prof. John W. Par- DRS. NEAL & GRIFFITH Veterinarians Office at Race Track, Pinehurst. Also at Swinnerton Stables, Southern Fines, daily . Thursday, however, the day started ed Mr, and Mrs. N. A. with reversals and at the end of that Sunday. day the bloc had lost practically every Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ledbetter of inch of ground it had gained. The Rockingham were the guests of Mrs. bloc had a comfortable majority the Tom Jones Sunday, lirst two days, but lost control Thurs- Dr. D. M, Currie of Philadelphia is i day and by Friday was in complete visiting his mother, Mrs. J. L. Cur-1 Players selected to play va- : rout by the so-called administration rie. j from Fayette- forces, headed by Chairman R. Gregg Mrs. W, R. Clegg, Mi-s, Charles ,^*^^bam. Chapel Hill, Carthage Cherry, of the Finance committee, Nicoll, Miss Annie McKeithen and j Hemp, and Di. Koch o the n who gained full control. Majorities Misses Mary and Frances Ann Clegg | j!x^cted ^o e pr^en^. that increase from six to eight per.spent Saturday in Raleigh. E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storagre Southern Pines, N. C. Tel. 503S A. L.. AOAMS PAINTER — DECORATO* PAPER HANGER WALL PAPERS Phone 6922 cent the tax on gross revenues of power utilities companies, telephone companies, and increased Insurance, and chain filling stations and chain store taxes had to let the increase be removed Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mi's. Hamilton and Mrs. Ella Thom are spending a few days in Carthage with their sister, Mrs. J. I<. Currie. L. W'. Barlow of Richmond spent the week-end in Carthage with his family. Mesdames F. H. Underwood, S. F. Cole, C, H. Nicoll, and J. M. Lane vis ited friends in Parkton Friday. W. H, Griffin of Roxboro spent the week-end with his family here. Sandy McLeod of Brevard is spend ing a few' days at the Carthag’ Hotel W'lth Miss' Margaret McLeod. Miss Marie Clegg Is Improving at the Moore County Hospital where she is taking treatments. Misses Margaret McLeod and Em mie Hearne Horton shopped in Fay- This program is spo nsored by Cir cle No. 2 of the Methodist Auxiliary of Carthage and the charges will be only 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for all school children. NOTICE To Depositors and others creditors in the The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. SOUTHERN PIN'ES, N. C. A.s required of all banks operating under the laws of this State by the Act of the General A.ssembly (duly ratified and known as House Bill No. 185) this bank hastens to give you due notice of the effect of this legislation, according to the following statement specl- ficall;# set out in the Act: “That on and after July 1, 1935, by virtue of Chapter—Public Laws of 1935, the additional or double liability heretofore imposed by Statute upon the Stockholders of banks, in the event oi the liquidation of such banks, doinff business under the laws of North Carolina will be no longer im posed.” Norris L. Hodgkins CASHIER J. N. POWELL, INC. Undertaking Embalming Ambulance Service East Broad St., South«'n Pines COAL — COKE ANTHRACITE POCAHONTAS W. VA. SPLINT KENTUCKY RED ASH STOKER NUT COKE Prompt and Courteous Delivery C . G. FARRELL PHONE 58 Aberdeen, N. C. | Sales Tax Passes Tho first object w'as to remove the sales tax. and failing that, to re duce If to two per cent, and failing that, to put back the exemptions on basic food Items. The first test Fri day was the Douglass of Wake amendment to take out the sales tax and substitute a tax on tobacco and tobacco products. It was voted dow’n 77 to 33. The Carr of Duplin amend ment to reduce the sales tax to two per cent w’as lost 51 to 43. The Wil liam of Hyde amendment to exempt ; etteville Saturday, about the same food items as in are Misses Martha and Sara McLeod now exempted lost by a 56 to 41 vote, of Sanford are visiting their aunt, Then the sales tax article of the bill Mrs, Mollie Person, was adopted 55 to 38. j Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Billups of This w'as all done in the House op- Kernersville are visiting Mrs, Blllup's eratlng as a committee of the whole., mother, Mrs, Mollie Person. At the end of the voting the commit-1 Dr. J. L, Down and daughter. Car- tee dissolved and the Revenue Bill; olyn spent a few days In Charlotte was adopted by the House in regu-1 lotte last week. ^ lar session, the second reading at the I Mrs, George Muse has returned mld-nlght session and the third Tues- j home after a visit with relatives in day after the reversals of Monday, i Rowland. The fight had ended in the House and 1 Misses Mary Frances and Myrtle the scene shifted to the Senate, while; Dowd, students at Wingate College, the House takes up this w-eek the j spent the week-end at home. Appropriations bill. | Miss Katherine Shields returned to Raleigh Monday night, having spent Dr. Adjournment In Sight j the week-end with her father. Action last week Indicates that ad- j Henry Shields, journment may be reached In three Mrs, George Carter and Mrs. Dan weeks, although It will probably take I Carter were hostesses to the Thurs- four weeks. Several Important mat-1 day Evening Bridge Club and some ters are yet to be attended to. In addl-1 of the teachers on Thursday evening, tion to the Appropriations bill. The Contract was played at four tables. Hill liquor bill, in the Senate Finance Mrs. Charles Nicoll received high j score prize for club members and ' Miss Frances Hunter for guests. Mrs. R. G. Wallace entertained her I contract club on Tuesday afternoon. I A surprise birthday dinner was i given to Dr. H. S. Shields on Mon- I day evening at the Carthage Hotel I by his daughter. Miss Katherine I Shields. Courses were laid for twelve i of his friends. Mil ^ y >./ f rVr ;’r H '\\ * • ;Trn'vrvvT-trr.:T*f' .< / ^ Highland l-iodge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. PERTUSSIN mm*--' - »•’.r-•ewr.. ■* CHAS. J. SADLER. Merr. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS EXCELLENT CUISINE RATES MODERATE SAFE FOR EVERY COUGH PRESCRIBED BY (PHY9ICUNS usr- J 49c. A 1.19 THROWER’S PHARMACY, West Broad St. Southern Pines In A Class By Itself There is no way to compare the Ford V-8 with any other car because there is no other car like it. The Ford enables you to step up into the fineH;ar class in per formance, beauty, comfort and safety. But there is no stepping up in price. That is kept do^-n by Ford low-profit policies and unique manufacturing methods. These are as different as the car itself. It takes eight cylinders to give the modem performance you need these days. The Ford is powered by a V-S — the finest t>'pe of eight-cylinder engine. You have to pay more than $2000 for that in any other car. FORD MOTOR COMPANY

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