Four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 29, 1935, HIGH SCHOOL GLEE CLUB IN CONCERT SUNDAY NIGHT The Southern Pines High School Glee Club, assisted by the Music Club string ensemble will give a con cert Sunday at 7:30 at the Church of Wide Fellowship under the auspices of the Community Hour. On the pro- C^ram, arranged by the director. Prof. Frederic Stanley Smith, will be Mrs. W. Bartram Robeson of Flora Mac donald College, Mrs. Raymond D. Kennedy, the Misses Bishop, Yeo mans, Gethel and Raymond, A. B. Yeomans, Raymond Kennedy and Mr. Smith, and boys, girls’ and mixed choruses. Pilot Advertising Pays. The Week in Aberdeen Mrs. Sammie Matthews and chil dren of Sanford are visiting Mrs. Mat thews’ mother, Mrs. M. S. Weaver. Miss Nora Norris of 'the blind school in Raleigh, spent the week-end visiting Mrs. Joe Pleasants. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Shamburger, who has been so ser iously ill at the Moore County Hos pital following a major operation, re joice to hear she. is better. Mrs. Ogden Smith of Perry, Flor ida, Dr. B. F. Cliff of Hendersonville and H. G. Cliff of Asheville, attend ed the funeral services held for their father and brother, F. D. Cliff last Sunday afternoon. GRANDMOTHER'S Pan Loaf 6c W- SWIFT’S JEWEL 8-Hi. Csrtoii * I ^ $1l2 ALASKA PINK SALMON Tall Can 1 Qc FAT BACKS lb. 15c ENCORE MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 3 packages XTC Encore Canned Spaghetti, 3 cans .. 19c Encore Noodles, 3 pkgs 19c Tomatoes Full PacK ^ SNOWDRIFT No.2 Cans 25° Mb. Can ^ 22 Lorna Doone Cakes, lb 29c Rajah Syrup, 12-oz. hot 15c SUNNYFIELD CORN FLAKES 3 20c FLAKES 2 19c POSTTOASTIES 2 packages 15c INSTANT Sm. POvSTUM Can LUL MINUTE TAPIOCAs Pkg. 15c Swansdown CAKE QQ^ FLOUR, Pkg. .. OOC JELLO 3 Pkgs 20c Iona FLOUR 24-lb.B.|90' FRUITS and VEGETABLES CALIFORNIA CARROTS, bunch 5c Texas Peas, lb 25c Florida Peas, 2 lbs. 25c Celery, bunch lOc Lettuce, head 10c Asparagus, bunch 70c Bananas, 2 lbs. 11c New Potatoes, lb. 5c Rhubarb, lb. 25c Oranges, large size, 2 doz. 45c Honey Dews, each — 30c MEATS TURKEYS, finest quality obtainable, lb 39c Pot Roast, tender and meaty, lb. 23c Leg of Lamb, Wilson’s certified, lb 33c Fryers, milk-fed, lb 35c Pork Chops, lb. 25c Fat Back, lb. 15c Roasting Chickens, Hens, Pinehurst Sausage, Sandhill Hams, Squabs, Long Island Ducks, Sweetbreads, Fancy Lamb Chops, Calves Liver. SOUTHERN PINES STORE CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE OF FROSTED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TELEPHONES! Southern Pines - - 5422 Pijiehurst - - 3881 Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Lewis have moved from Elm Street to a bunga low on Highway 70, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald will move shortly into the house vacated by the Lewis family. Miss Katie Lee Shear of Candor was the w'eek-end guest of her aunts, Mrs. Ella Juat and Miss Bessie Be- thune. Miss Rosser, a former member of the high school faculty, spent a few days last week at The Teacherage visiting Miss Margaret Shaw. L. A. Bethune and son, Stewart j Bethune of* Clinton and Charles Be-1 thune and family of Russellville, S. | C., spent the week-end visiting rela tives here. Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Zimmerman and family motored to Green, S, C., Sunday to attend the birthday cel ebration of Mrs. Zimmerman’s moth er. Miss Marguerite Hall of Greens boro spent the week-end visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Lewis. | Mrs. W. W. Norris has been ill at | her home for the past week. i Robert Carter and two daughters j of Raleigh, visited here last Satur day. Mrs. Francis Pheasants, who has been undergoing treatment at the State Sanatorium, has returned home. Mrs. J. G. Campbell has been ill at her home for several days. Girls enjoying “hospitality week” at the Flora Macdonald College from the high schools here were Misses Frances Jean Freeman, Edith How ie, Dee Batchelor, Frances Van Hew’- ell. Hazel Adcox and Dorothy Wil liams. The Rev. L. M. Hall, scoutmaster, took his troop of Boy Scouts on a hike and picnic last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page of Statesville announce the arrival of a son. William Francis on March 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Flinchum of Sanford announce the birth of a son, Saturday. March 23rd. Mrs. C. E. Pleasants, Jr., was host ess to the Walter Hines Page Book Club, and the Home and Garden Club, and a number of additional guests last Thursday afternoon at the Com munity House. Both clubs had in teresting programs. Mrs. Malcolm Pleasants entertain ed her Bridge Club last Friday even ing at her home. After an interesting hour of the game Mrs. B. G. Peter son received high score prize and Mrs. Robert Gw'yn second prize. Mrs. George Martin was a special guest. Little Peggy Lou Taylor was host ess to a number of her friends last Saturday afternoon, entertained for her seventh birthday. A number of games were played after which re freshments were sevred and the guests presented with Easter fav ors. The Men-of-the Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Presbyterian Church tonight, Fri day at 7 o’clock. Supper will be serv ed. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected and all members are urg ed to be present. I Lacy B. Frye Dies of I Pneumonia in Georgia Former Successful Mill Man in Moore County Passed Away on March 14 His many friends and relatives in | Moore county were saddened to learn of the sudden death of Lacy B. Frye, who died at his home in Millen, Ga., on March 14th. He suffered an at tack of influenza and had recoved to the extent that he was attending to his business matters and was taken suddenly ill on Monday with pleurisy and developed double pneumonia from which he died the following Thursday morning. He was a prosperous and success ful sawmill and lumberman in Moore county and other sections in North Carolina for a number of years and was the Junior member of the East- Star Over 80 “Three Score and Ten Sewing Circle” To Put on Skit at Civic Club Musical This afternoon at the Civic Club in Southern Pines there will be an "afternoon of music,” starting at 3 o’clock. The musical program will be preceded by a skit put on by the “Three Score and Ten Sew ing Circle,” all the performers hav ing attained the age of close to 70 years. It is said that the "star” is cents is to be charged for seats, well up in the eighties. Fifteen payable at the door. Shriners Elect Officers, Plan Ball Next Week Proceeds of Dance Will Be Used For Care and Treatment of Poor Children PINEHURST At the annual meeting of the Sand hill Shrine Club the secretary’s re port revealed that another succrgsfui year’s work has been accomplished in the treatment and care of crippled and underprivileged children and that no application has been refused that comes under the charity of this or ganization. The following officers and directors were elected for the ensuing year; John J. Fitzgerald, Southern Pines, president: D. G. Stutz, Southern Pines, first vice-president; G. A. Charles, Aberdeen, secretary- treas urer; directors, Donald J, Ross, Pine- Mrs. Minnie Lyman of Orange, Va., , hurst; W. J. McNab, Pinehurst; wood & Fry Lumber Company. This |is visiting Mrs, H. E. Conant. | Thomas Craig, Pinehurst; John Fidd- firm moved to Midville, Georgia about | Mrs. W, R. Gilliland has returned | Pinebluff; second vice-presidents, 12 years ago and began operation to her home from the Moore County j B. Emery, Pinehurst; J. C. Leigh, there under the same name. Later Hospital, where she underwent an op-* Hamlet; C. M, Gunn. Sanford; J. B Mr. Eastwood returned to North eration, Carolina and Mr. Frye became the j Miss Martha Wescott is home from .senior member of the Frye «& Wasden Mars Hill College for the spring va- Lumber Company, of Millen, Georgia.; cation. He was a most likeable man and j Prof. E. V. Pullias was the guest his friends were numbered by his ac-1 W'ednesday of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. quaintances. Upright, honest and hon- Cunningham. Thomas, Raeford; A. M, Cameron, Vass, Claude A, Cochran, potentate of Oasis Temple, Charlotte, was elect ed to honorary life membership. The annual charity ball will be held at the Southern Pines Country Club next Friday, April 5. The pro ceeds of the annual dance for the past seven years have provided for the treatment and care of 376 pati ents, involving expenditures of more than $5,000, The committee of arrangements will be Donald J. Ross, chairman f John J. Fitzgerald, vice-chairman; Eric Nelson, executive secretary; orable in all dealings, his judgment | Miss Dorothy Ehrhardt arrived was recognized and sought in his Wednesday from Queens-Chicora Col- line by the leading business men who lege, Charlotte, to spend the spring knew him, i vacation with her parents, Mr. and The funeral services and burial ; Mrs. H W. Ehrhardt. were conducted on Friday, March I Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Keith had as 15th, at 3:30 o’clock at Union Grove their guests the past week-end Mr. Cemetery near Midville, Georgia. The j and Mrs. Switzen and son of Salis- graveside funeral was most beauti- bury, ful in itJJ simplicity and was conduct-i Mrs. I. C. Sjedge and children spent | P><^quet, floor d r^ or, ed by both Baptist and Methodist' Saturday in Charlotte. Charles, secretary, and D. G. ministers of Millen. | Mrs. Bertha Freeman, Miss Kath-. Stutz, Mr. Frye was a member of the Ma-' erine Blue and Miss Ella Best spent | ' sonic Lodge and a Shriner. He was Saturday in Raleigh. MANLl PKESB1 TERl.ANS TO the son of the late A. Bragg Frye and Mrs. Charlie Fields returned Tues-j \OTE ON NEW P.VSTOR Kittye Caddell Frye. He leaves to day from White Plains, N. Y,, where - - - mourn his loss a widow, who before she had been visiting relatives. I The Rev, L. E, Barber of Aber- her marriage was Miss Kate Drake, ■ Charlie Ma,son and daughter Emily, (deen will preach at the Manly Pres- of Midville. Ga„ and one son, Lacy former residents of Pinehurst, are byterian Church at 7 ;30 o’clock next B. Jr., six years of age. Hi,s step- visiting friends h^re. ; Sunday night and will also moderate mother, Mrs. Annie M. Frye of Car- ! Miss Frances Coxe left Thursday | a meeting of the congregation at thage. three brothers, Haywood H.'to spend a few days vacation with,which the matter of calling a pastor Frye and Alex McL, Frye of Carth-; her family in Jacksonville. | will be considered and voted upon, age, and Thad. H. Frye of Candor, ■ Miss Evelyn Gillam is spending the ^ Mr. Lawrence, supply pastor, will and six sisters, Mrs. J. B. Eastwood week-end at her home in Harrelsville. preach for l.'^r. Pr.rber at the Aber- of Lakeview, Mrs. Stacy Brewer of' The Pinehurst High School Dra- deen Presbyterian Church at the Pittsboro. Miss Elizabeth Frye of matic Club, w'ith Miss Katherine' same hour. Raleigh and the Misses Laland, Hat-1 Blue and E. C. Cunningham, went to i ^ ' tie and Myrtle Frye of Carthage, also ' Chapel Hill on Thursday to compete, Mrs. L. G. Souders, Mrs. Tom Cole, survive. ! in the state contest. Jhey presented : the play, “The Fifth Commandment.” WOMEN’S SOCIETY TO H.-WF: j Pupils from the Pinehurst High E.-\STF:k S.VLF: NE.NT FRID.W school partipated in the Music and ; Dramatic festival in Carthage Fri- The annual Easter sale, given by day evening. The Pinehurst pupils pre- the Women’s Society of the Church ! sented “Elmer” and the Glee club of Wide Fellowship will be held on ' gave several delightful numbers;. Friday, April 5th, from 10 a. m. un- On Wednesday morning, April til 6 p. m. Fancy articles and food 10th Dr. J. Symington will hold a will be sold and the Easter Bunny will have a barrel of surprise pack ages for the children at five and ten cents each. A special program will be clinic at the school for children who will enter school next fall. After the clinic the children will be invited to spend the remainder of the day in the I presented at 3 o’clock. Ice cream and first grade. ^ cake will be served in the afternoon | E. C. Cunningham and W. P. Mor- and a special luncheon from noon un- ton attended the meeting of the North SPRING BLOSSOM FESTIVAL OPENS HERE IN 10 DAYS (Continued from page 1) certs and exhibition drills will be daily events. There will be a big mil itary parade on Friday. Many floats have been entered in the opening day Parade of Floats, a new feature this year, and many citi zens are planning to enter their pri vate cars suitably decorated for the occasion. There will be prizes for all types of entries in the parade. Charles W. Picquet is busy train ing his Festival Chorus which will en tertain on Thursday night. North Car olina universities and colleges are sending; teams here to compete in ten nis and golf matches on Collegiate Day, the afternoon of which will see Duke University and Davidson Col lege fight it out on the baseball dia mond. There will be something doing every minute. If you don’t believe it, here is the complete program for the week: Tuesday, April 9th 3:00 p. m.—Parade of Floats. 5:00 p. m.—Band Concert—Fort Bragg Band. 8:00 p. m.—Crowning of Queen. 9:00 p. m.—Street Dance. Wednesday, April 10th 10:00 a. m.—Parade of States. 10:00 a. m.—Address—City Park. 12:00 M.—Picnic Dinner. 3:00 p. m.—Gynikhana—Baseball Park. 8:00 Park. til 1:30 p. m. p. m.—Fireworks, Baseball Thursday, April 11th Old Slave Day 10:00 a. m. — Assembling Old Slaves, City Park. 11:00 a. m.—Sermon by the Rev. Goode (ex-slave (; Singing by Old Slaves. 12:00 M.—Luncheon for Old Slaves. 1:30 p. m.—Address. 2:30 p. m.—Singing Contest by Colored Choirs. 3:30 p. m.—Buck and Wing Danc ing Contest. 4:30 p. m.—Crap Shooting Contest. 4:30 p. m.—Battle Royal. 5:00 p. m.—Band Concert. 8:00 p. m.—Spring Blossom Festi val Concert; “Holy City,” by Gaul. Friday, April 12th Military Day American Legion District Conven tion; Daughters of American Revolu tion Convention. 10:00 a. m.—D. A. R, Chapter meet ing Hollywood Hotel; Address—Dr. R. G. Vardell, President Emeritus, Flora Macdonald College. 10:30 a. m.—Band Concert. 11:00 a. m.—Dance, “Highland Fling,” group of Flora Macdonald students. 12:30 p. m.—Luncheon, Hollywood Hotel—Mrs. W. H. Belk, State Regent, Guest of Honor, Mrs. Benjamin Wyche, State Secretary, Guest of Honor; Adc’ ess by General Manus McCloskey. 12:30 p. m.—Barbecue Dinner for Legionnaires. 2:00 p. m.—Address—General Man us McCloskey. 2:30 p. m.—Drum and Bugle Corps Drill Contest. 4:00 p. m.—Military Parade. 5:00 p. m.—Band Concert. 6:00 p. m.—Retreat Ceremony. 9:00 p. m.—Festival Queen’s Mili tary Ball. Saturday, April ISth Collegiate Day A. M.—Golf and Tennis Matches; Other Athletic Events. 2:30 p. m.—Baseball Game—^Duke vs. Davidson. 5:00 p. m.—Band Concert. 9:00 p. m.—Collegiate Ball. Band Concert and Retreat Cere mony every afternoon from 5:00 to 6:00. Carolina Educational Association in Wiilston-Salem this week. Mrs. Gordon Cameron was a visi- itor in Raleigh on Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Lloyd Yost entertained at bridge and tea for the following Pinehurst friends; Mrs. Alec Innes, Mrs. Eric Nelson, Mrs. H. A. Campbell, Mrs. True Chene.v, Mrs. F. L. DuPont, Mrs. Harold Calloway, Mrs. Roy Grinnell, Mrs. Bert Nicolls, Mrs. G. M. Cam eron and Mrs. Wesley Viall. Prizes were presented Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Cheney and Mrs. Innes. On Wednesday the Pinehurst Par- ent-Teacher Association observed “Father's Night" in the school aud itorium. Prof. E. V. Pullias of Duke University gave a most instructive lecture on "Mental Hygiene,” after which a round table discussion was held. The room.s of the elementary school were open for inspection and the parents took this opj>ortunlty to see the different projects worked out in each class room. The second grade boasts a post office, built and operated by the pupils; the first grade, section B, a grocery store all stocked and doing business, the oth er grades having quite as interesting projects. NEI^NITE »TAlH STAINS AND VARNISHES TOO! LOWE BROTHERS NEP- ^ TUNITE VARNISH ^ STAIN does two things ( at one stroke of the brush r~it stains and varnishes. 1 The beauty of the wood ' grain is brought out ^ anew. And all cuts, ' scratches and marks van* ish as if by magic. Moreover, NEPTU- NttB VARNISH STAIN is so quick-drying that you can refinish your floors, woodwork or £ur-^ niture before retiring, and awake in the morning^ to see them bright and shining, ready to be used; Stop in and see the many beautiful natural wood shades in which this quality finish can be' secured. i ABERDEEN HARDWARE COMPANY ABERDEEN Aim ANifiic .&1Pacii1piic

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