Friday, March 29, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Five Former Head of Schools in Southern Pines Dies Roy Ledden Passes Away at Home in Sanford at Age of 53 Years Roy Ledden died at his home in Sanford last Friday afternoon, March 22. The afternoon previous he had been at work in his garden when he suffered a heart attack he never re covered from. Mr. Ledden was 53 years old. About 20 years ago he came to Southern Pines to take charge of the school. During the time he was superintendent he met and married Miss Ruth Eastman, a well known Southern Pines ^irl. Later I the couple moved to New Jersey i where he continued in his education- i al work. He was a graduate of Dick inson College, and did post graduate j work at Harvard. For the last ten I years the Ledden family made their I home in Sanford where Mr. Ledden was at one time principal of the Deep River High School. He was also in terested in farming and gardening. His widow, three sons, Bruce, Roy, Jr.. and Lynn, and two daughters, Ce cilia and Gertrude, survive. A brother Oral and sister Miss Rilla Ledden are left in New -Jersey. Services were held in Sanford at the Rogers Funer al Home Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, burial following in Mount I Hope cemetery. DRUGS Phone 5411 BROAD STREET PHARMACY Southern Fines The Week in Southern Pines / ROLLATOR REFRIGERATION DOWN PAYMENT AS LOW AS $10.00 • There is no guess-work about it A Norge Rollator cold- making mechanism has been runrfiHj on factory test for the equivalent of 33 years in the average home. Isn’t that the kind of refrigerator mech anism you want to invest in? Come in and let us show you the finest refrigerator you ever saw. C. J. SIMONS Telephone 7151 Southern Pines SOUTHERN PINES Baptist Church Rev. J. Fred SLimson, Pastor. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Sermon by pastor. Mornnig, “Man Power.” Evening—“God's Mercy.” The Church of Wide FellowsUip i Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., j Pastor. j 10:10—Church School, classes for j all. 11:00 a. m.—Morning worship.— Dr. Raymond preaches on “Thy King dom Come.” 7:30 p. m.—Community Hour. Con cert by the High School Glee Club, assisted by the Music Club string ensemble. Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Prayer, meeting. Lenten address by Dr. Ray-: mond, based on "The Fellowship of ^ Prayer” ’booklet theme. , PINEHUKST The Conununlty Church A. J. McKelway, Pastor Sunday— Brotherhood and Church School, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11:00 a. m. Young People’s Service, 7:15 p. m. Evening service 8:00. Thursday, Mid-Week Worship, 7:30 p. m. The Vlilag« Chapel Rev. T. A. Cheatham, D. D., Minister Sunday Services: Holy Communion, 9 a. m. Children’s Service, 10:00 a. m. Church service, 11 a. m. Lenten Services at the Village Chapel on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00 p. m. Organ recital on Thursdays at 5:00 p. m. Public cordially invited. Emntanuel Episcopal Church Rev. F. Craighill Brown, B. A., B. D., Rector. Lenten Services—Wednesdays and Fridays, 4:45 p. m j Sunday Services—The first Sunday i in the month. Church School 9:30 a. I m.; Holy Communion and sermon, 11:00 a. m. Other Sundays, Holy Communion m.; Morning Prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Saint’s Days Service, Holy Com munion, 10:00 a. m. Catholic Church Sunday Masses 8:00, 10:30. Daily Mass, 7:30. All are cordially invited to attend any of these services. Christian Science New Hampshire Ave., near Ashe St. Services are held every Sunday at 11:00 o’clock. The Wednesday evening services are held the first and third Wednesday of each month. The read ing room in the church is open each Wednesday from 3:00 to 5:00. The subject of the Lesson Sermon, Sun day, March 31, “Reality.” The public is cordially invited to attend the services and use the read ing room. Sacred Heart Catholic Church Services each Sunday morring at 6:15, 8:30, and 10:30 o’clock. ABEiiDEEN Bethesda Presbyterian Church Rev. E. L. Barber, Pastor. Services each Sunday morning at 11:15; Services each Sunday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting services Wed nesday evening at 7:30. Page Memorial M. E. Rev. L. M. Hall First Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Second Sunday—Preaching 11 a. m. Third Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at Plnebluff Methodist Church Rev. Clyde O. Newell, B. A., B. D., 9:45 a m—Church School. 11:00 a. m.—Preaching Service. 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League, Jun ior. ^ 7:30—Epworth League, Young People. Manly Presbyterian Sunday School at ten a. m. Young Peoples meeting at seven p. m. Preaching second Sunday night at seven-thirty. Fourth Sunday morn ing at eleven o’clock. Henry Mortens Mayer of Spring field, Mass., spent Wednesday night at Welcome Inn on May street. Mrs. McCook Morgan and Mrs. Conyes returned this week from Miami Beach, Florida, where they spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Chandler spent Sunday in Hartsville, S. C. Charles Stevick has returned to Duke University Medical School af ter spending a few days here with his parents. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and their Odell Barbee of Durham were daughter, Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Barbee of Durham were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Weather- spoon. Bynum Patterson of Philadelphia, Mississippi, arrived Monday and will be affiliated with the Loyd T. Clerk undertaking establishment. Mrs. John M. Frame and Miss Mar cia R. Frame of Reading, Pa., arriv ed this week for an indefinite stay at the Highland Pines Inn. Miss Emily Richardson returned Tuesday from a visit with her broth- . er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ; George Richardson, in Washington. I Miss Birdelia Bair motored to ] Chape! Hill Monday to take Miss ! Irma Fisher back to the University. ; They were accompanied by Gordon ' Gifford, Malcolm Grover and E. J. Austin, all University students. E. A. Madi.son left Saturday night for his home in W'aterbury, Conn., after spending several days at the Southland. Mrs. H. H. Elder of Siler City is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. U. Welch. Miss Harriet Smith has returned from Polkton where she visited friends ; over the week-end. ! Mr. and Mr.^. Irish of Norristown. ! Pa., who have been visiting Mr. and j Mrs. Emmet French, have taken one I of the Lachine houses in Weymouth 1 Heights for a month. I Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hayden of ; Youngstown, Ohio, were guests of , Mr. and Mrs J. C. Thompson last ; week. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden arc vis- i iting in Beaufort and Charleston, S j C., before returning here the latter j part of this week for a few days’ . stay. I Mrs. Dorothy Keser entertained the ' Sewing Club Monday afternoon, j Mr. and Mrs. Henry Evans Grey of j New York are the giiests of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Comstock of Newark, N. I Y., at the Mid-Pines Club. Among I other prominent arrivals at the Mid- I Pines are Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. , Stout and Miss Sarah G. Frazer of j Ardsley-on-Hudson: Mr. and Mrs. 1 John Remington, of Rochester, N. Y.; i Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Hornby of Gar- I den City, L. I., and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wise of Hillsdale, N. J. David Nes, Jr., and Robert Hart, who are spending the spring holidays I at the Highland Pine.s Inn, entertain- j ed a number of their friends at a } supper dance at Lovejoy’s Saturday night. Among the prominent arrivals at The Hollywood this week are Mr. and Mrs. William Allen and family of Haddonfield, N. J.; Wm. B. Leight on and Miss Elizabeth Leighton of New Haven, Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartlett of London, England; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Restrick of De troit. Mich.; Mesdames A. D. and R. L. Corwin of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mrs. G. Albert Niles of Utica, N. Y., and Mrs. Charles E. Brown of Concord, Mass. Dr. and Mrs. Willis N. White en tertained at dinner Saturday night at Lovejoy’s. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stevens were hostesses Tuesday at a luncheon honoring Mrs. Hay Croft of Green wich, Conn., and Mrs. Frank B. Close of New York. Mrs. F. W. Taylor of Columbia. S. C., will arrive Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Weath- erspoon. Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris and daught er, Miss Kr.cherine C. Morris arrived Saturday from Florida and visited Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Thrower over the week-end. They left Monday for their home in Raleigh. Mrs. C. R. Plummer, Mias Margar et Johnson and Robert Plummer of Wilmington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ruggles Sunday. Alex McLeod, infant son of Drs. W. G. and Vida C. McLeod, is very much improved and is back at his home here from the Sternberger Children’s Hospital in Greensboro. Harry A. Sanders, who has been a guest at the Hollywood for several weeks, leaves today for a visit with his son in Newark, N. J., before re turning to his home in Greenville, ! Maine. Morrell Bentley is home for the spring holidays from the Asheville School for Boys. Mrs. Robert Pottle and Mrs. Davis left Thursday for a visit to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Bonne of Norwich, N. Y., Mrs. Finch of New York City and Miss Harriet Parker of Plymouth, N. Y. were recent guests of Miss Adeline Cook. They returned Tuesday from a trip to Charle.ston. S. C., where they visited the Azalea Gardens. Miss Lenora Riggan will leave to day to spend the week-end with her sister at Salem College in Winston- Salem. Miss Ada Bailey is leaving today for her home in Pittsburgh, Pa., af ter spending the winter at The Wood- worth. Mayor and Mrs. D. G. Stutzz spent the past week-end in New York vis iting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Greer Stutz. The Mi.«ses Copp of Boston, Mass., have leased the Sadler house on Ridge street for the month -of Ap ril. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stanley Smith had as house guests this week Mrs. Smith’s brother. Preston W. i Hartmann and wife, of Washington, I D. C., and Miss Ann L, Hankey of | New York City. | James Martin, who has been spend ing a few days at the Jefferson Inn, , left this morning for his home in the north. Mrs. George Buttry is spending this week in Washington visiting her sis ter, Mr.s. S. D. Canady. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stanley Smith spent Friday in Winston-Salem where Mr. Smith attended a meeting of the N. C. State Music Committee of which he is a member. Miss Frances Wick);an of Middle town. N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burns. Dr. Marcus Bronson is in the Mooro County Hospital as the result of a fall in which he .suffered a broken leg. Mrs. Jamie VV^ Dickie and children have returned to their home hero af- tei' a visit with Mr.';. Dickie’s par ents. ' Dan Louchery is a guest of Billy Mudgett during the .spring holidays. They are classmates at Choate School in Wallingford, Conn. Mrs. Frank Goodwill entertained the Afternoon Club at her home last Friday aiternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hutt have is sued invitations to members of the Bird Club to meet with them at their home next Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mrs. E. M. Poate and daughter. Miss Edith Poate have returned to Raleigh after spending the week-end with Drs. W. G. and Vida C. Mc Leod. Mrs. J. S. Milliken and Mrs. Levis Prizer entertained at eighteen tables of bridge Wednesday afternoon hon oring the teachers of the Southern Pines School. Lloyd T. Clark, formerly of the J. N. Powell Company, has leased the house on West Broad street, lately the dwelling of B. H. Lewis, and has redecorated and refurnished the build ing as a modern funeral home un der his management. Sport Time Togs GOLF SHOES Spikes or rubber soles—$5.00 up FLANNEL SLACKS $4.50 up ARROW OXFORD SHIRTS For all sports Merton Caps in Wools and Linens Interwoven Pro-Soxs—$1.00 The Tog Shop Broad St. and N*. H. Ave., Southern Pines II PATCH’S SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. Red Cross Shoes, AAA to D, one price .$6.50 Slater Shoes, the Outstanding- Sports Shoe $6.50--$8.50 Linen Pumps and Oxfords ....$1.95—$2.50 All the new'styles and fabrics in Spring* Gloves—89c to $3.50 HATS Dobbs—Catalina Soft hats of Suede Fabric, Linens and stitched silk—$1.95 to $3.00 C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE SOUTHERN PINES GROCERIES FRUIT QUALITY MEATS We serve only the finest of Beef, Lamb, Poultry, Fish and Oysters. AT prices’TO MEET ALL COMPETITION VERMONT MARKET BRIXDELL WINS C.\K, INM.\N •4ND BUTTRY CUPS FOR S.\LES R. A. Brindell, manager of the Sandhills territory of the Atlantic & Pacific Stores, is the proud possess or of a new Ford V-8, awarded him for showing the greatest increase in .sales in his territory of any in the state. The territory includes South ern Pines, Aberdeen, Pinehurst, Car thage, Sanford, Rockingham, Maxton, | Hamlet iind Laurinbur^. Silver cups were awarded by the company to G. H. Buttry, manager of the grocery department aad Pope Inman, manager of the meat depart ment in the Southern Pines store for the greatest increase in sales dur ing 1934 of any store in the two Carolines. Delivery Service Telephone 6911 MILK VEGETABLES SPRING ASSEMBLY HELD AT THE ARK SCHOOL TUESDAY The Spring Assembly of The Ark School was held on Tuesday before a large gathering of parents of pupils and friends of the school, among them Mrs. J. H. Andrews, Mrs. W. C. Arkell, Mrs. Stanley W. Burke, Mrs. Boyd Graham, James Boyd, Mrs. George Eustis, Mrs. Edgar Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Robinson, Mrs. George Moore, Mrs. Wardell, Mrs. Charles Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Wicker, Mrs. John Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Latting, Mrs. H. H. Pethick, Mrs. H. B. Howland, Char les Mason and daughter Emily, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Emmett French. The program was as follows: The Mad Tea Party from Alice in Won derland; Fable, “The King and the Shepherd Boy," Orchard Scene from Julius Caesar; Somerset Folk Song, “My Man John;” “Signing the Con tract,” from Evangeline; “The An cient Mariner,” and Russian Dance. The school wHl reopen for the Spring term on Mcnday next. FUNERAL HOME IN A FUNERAL SERVICE beauty is the essential symbol of rever ence.. Prepared by years of experi ence, to help you select a funeral service that is most in keeping with jiour needs and income we announce the opening of CLARK’S FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE 73. S. W. Broad Street Southern Pines, N. C. Telephone 7401 «tm««M»»WHiH»imm«»K»K«»:»»»»»mK»»H»:»»»Ht»m««K«mn» ENTRY BLANK For Queen of Spring Blossom Festival, Southern Pines, Week of April 8th Festival Committee: I nominate for Queen of the Spring Blossom Festival— Name . .. . Address Signed Rules of Contest Any young lady resident or visitor in the Sandhills is eligible for entry. Votes to be Ic per vote after entry. Proceeds to go toward Fes tival expenses. Send nominations and votes to S. B. Richardson, Gen eral Chairman, Spring Blossom Festival, Southern Pines, N. C.

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