Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, March 29, 1935. FEATl'KE FILMS BUOKED Ross and Mary Ellen Collins, both FOR BLOSSOM FESTIVAL of Cameron; Janies Teague and Mary I Ola Brown, both of Steeds, Route 1, Two famous musical shows,! Robert Cox of Bear Creek and "George White’s Scandals" and "Na ighty Marietta” will be the at- trac'ions at the Carolina Theatre in Southern Pines during Spring Blos som Festival Week, Manager Char les ’.V. Picquet announced yesteiday. MAKKIAiiE LK'ENSES Lula Huseey of Bennett. KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS George Gilbert and wife to John K. Down, property in Sandhill town ship. D. S. Blue and wife to R. W. Blue, The Week in Vass Mrs. W, A. Smith and Mrs. H. C., liamston and Mr, and Mrs, G. C. Callahan were hostesses to tha Meth- ■ Richardson of Lakeview visited at odist Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lam- Callahan on Wednesday evening. "The bert Sunday afternoon. Old and the New Gospel Trails” was Mr.s. Lela McGinnis and Miss Mil- the topic and the program was pre- dred McGinnis of Sanford spent Sun- sented by Mrs. W, D. Matthews, Mrs., day with Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Smith. C. L. Tyson, Mrs. H. A. Borst and Miss Glennie Keith of Raleigh vis- Marriage licenses have been issued property in McNeill township. i Mrs- S. R. Smith. Prayer wm offered ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. fron; the office of the Register of Y. W. Lee and wife to Sidney Lee by Mrs. W. A. Smith and the Bible Keith during last week-end. study was led by Mrs. W. J. Gamer- , Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cameron and on. ! Mis.s Marian Cameron were Raleigh The Presbyterian Y, P. C. held its | visitor.*? Friday, installation service on Sunday even-1 Mr. and Mr.s, Riley B, Reece and ing, with Mrs. C. A Lawrence in I little daughter, Sara Ann of Dur- i charge. The following officers were i ham spent Friday night and Satur- jinstalled: President. Miss Mary F’rank clay with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oldhani, LEGAL NOTICES division of the P. A. McKeithan lands, and the lot drawn by P. A. McKeith an and bound as follows: Beginning Deeds of Moore county to James and wife, property in Moore county. The Hollywood Hotel Corner Federal Highway No. 1 and New York Avenue Rooms are Large, Verandas Sunny. Rates Moderate. Call, write or wire J. L. Pottle & Son, SOUTHERN PINES, NORTH CAROLINA McMillan; vice president, Eugene kelp nil bif NO O Hicks; secretary. Miss Myrtle Mc Millan; treasurer. Robert Rosser; as sistant treasurer, John Rosser; Chair men of Highways-Spiritual Life, Miss Agnes Smith; Home Missions, Del- mas Kinball; Foreign Missions, Henry Parker; Religious Education, John Alexander; Stewardship, Glenn Parker; Christian Social Service, Miss Marian McMillan; Christian Educa- •tion, Mrs. N. N. McLean. Mrs. Law rence is adult adviser. Misses Margaret Lambert and Pau line Crissman and Raymond Evans attended the Central Regional Bap- Mrs. Reece's parents. Relmond McCraney of State Col lege, Raleigh, spent the spring holi days w'ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney. Meredith Schnauf- fer, another State College student, WHS his guest for a part of the time. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Callahan, Mi.sses Louise and Ruby Callahan, Mack and Edison Callahan were Fayetteville visitors Saturday. Mrs. D. A. Smith and Mrs. David M. Pearsall spent Wednesday in Dunn. The eighth grade of the Vass-Lake- vicw high school entertained the sen- tist Training Union Convention held ' ior class at a party in the Junior in Sanford last Friday. | hall on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Temple, Mr. and 1 After spending several days with Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. W. C. Les-1 her father, Miss Lena Cameron re lie attended the pageant given by the i turned on Wednesday to Greensboro, young people of Page Memorial [ where she is engaged in nursing. Church in Aberdeen Sunday evening, j Mrs. F. W. Taylor, Misses Louise A group of local alumni of the and Marjorie Leslie and Miss Kath- Vass-Lakeview school met at the arine Graham spent Saturday in Ral- home of Miss Myrtle McMillan on j eigh. Thursday evening to make plans for Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Oldham and the alumni banquet on Saturday eve- children of Goldston spent Sunday ning before Easter at the Hotel Char-! with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oldham, ■mella. Mrs. C. L. Tyson, Miss Nettie i Ray Griffin of the U. S. N. left on Gschwind, Miss Louise Leslie and, Wednesday for Long Beach. Cal., af- j LEGAL NOTICES Ray’s corner, thence Ray’s line N. 2 W. 45 chains to the beginning con taining 96 acres more or less except- at a stake Tilda Estes corner and' ijjg from this tract the water ease- running thence North 20 East 201 ment see suit of Sarah M. McDon- chains to the corner of the Currie 100 [ et al vs. I. F. Chandler, acres, thence North East 25 East 15 i March the 13th, 1935. chama to a corner, thence North 50 jda L. CADDELL, West 5 chains and 33 links to the run | ims-AS Mortgagee. of Juniper Creek, thence up the chan-' — nel of Juniper Creek to McCrimmon s I ADMINISTRATOIl’S NOTICE (Now McDonalds) line, thence South) ‘ * " . ' 27 chains and 50 links to the corner 1 Notice is hereby given that the un- of Lot No. 3 in P. A. McKeithan’s di-1 dersigned has qualified as adminls- vision, thence with the line of said ! trator of the estate of Christian Lot No. 3 east 21 chains to Its be-. Catherine McDonald. Any and all per ginning corner, thence South 20 W'est 13 ch&ins 70 links to a pine near the blacksmith shop, thence South 35 » n, . East 12 chains to a line of 64 acres, I notified to present them to the un- Morris Corner, thence North 65 East dersigned at Pinehurst, N. C., within 19 chains to the beginning corner of t twelve months from the date hereof, 64 acres, thence North 5 West 3 | attested. All persons indebted to chains and 20 links to a de^ pine j estate are notified to make Im- near the east side of the branch. thence down the various courses of | niedlate payment to me sons having claims or demands against the said estate are hereby .said branch to a large black gum | and white oak pointers, thence South | M8-A12 54 West 18 chains and 63 links to the | beginning, containing 138 acres more \ or less and for better description see | Second tract described in the deed | CASPER N. MCDONALD, Administrator. ADMINISTR.ATOR’lr NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the from D B. McKelthen et al to Sar-! undersigned has qualified as Admln- ah McDonald recorded In Deed Book jgtrator of the Estate of Bion H. No. 47 at Page 485. Second Tract. Lot No. 5 McKelthen Land assigned to Sarah Margaret Mc Donald w'ife of D. N. McDonald. Be ginning at a stake, pine pointers about. 100 yards south of the Rocky Branch in the line of the Murdock Currie. 100 acres on the corner of the 100 acres granted to L. C. Black, running thence North 87 1-2 West 21.50 chains thence South 2 Klast 45 • me. chains to a corner of an old lOO acre [ tract, thence with its line South 87 Butler. Any and all persons having claims or demands against the said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned at Aberdeen, N. C., within twelve months from the date hereof, duly attested. All per- .sons Indebted to said estate are not ified to make Immediate payment to East 22 chains to a stake pine poin ters N. A. Ray’s corner, thence Ray’s line North 2 West 45 chains to the beginning, containing 96 acres more or less excepting from this tract the water easement conveyed to I. F. Chandler containing about 30 acres and for better de,scription of this HOWARD N. BUTLER, By Johnson & McCluer, Attys. A12. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Miss Katharine Graham were named ter visiting his parents for a month. ‘ as a program committee, and Miss ,i Mrs. Loula McBryde of Sanford Mary Frank McMillan. Jessie' .=pent a part of last weex with her' Brooks, Miss Elizabeth Keith, Elmer brother, J. M. Tyson. | Cameron and M. B. Clayton, Jr., as a Mrs. W. D. Wi’.--on of the Rocky i Having qualified as executor un-{immrdiate payment. Having qualified as Ancillary Ad ministratrix of the estate of Ella A. Calderwood, deceased, of York Coun ty, Maine, this is to notify all per- easement see suit of Sarah McDon-1 sons having claims against the es- ald et al, vs. I. F. Chandler. | (.ate of the said deceased to exhibit This March the 13th, 1935. | undersigned on or be- ROBERT E. DENNY, | 22nd day of February, 1936, [ or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt- NOTIC'E TO CREDITORS j ed to the said estate will please make decorating committee. Branch neighborhood was the guest ■ cler the Last W^ill Testament of! EVELYN THOMAS, Mrs. O. K. Cowing and daughters, ■ of Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Griffin Sun- Mlsses Ola and Faye Cowing. Mr. and day. Mrs. Gus Fry and family, W'lll H. Ca-1 Mr. and Mrs. Alton Chappel and gle and Miss Mattie Cagle, all of baby, Elizabeth Ann. were week-end Carthage, Franklin Jones of Wil- [ guests of Mrs. Annie Chappell. ANNUAL MEETING OF HOSPITAL {LEGAL NOTICES DIRECTORS SET FOR APRIL 9, — Elva Statler DaviUson, deceased, late j Ancillary Administratrix of the es- of Pinehurst, Moore County, North tate of Ella A. Calderwood, deceased. Carolina, this Is to notify all persons 1 This 21st day of February, 1935, having claims against the estate of ^ F22-M29. said deceased to present them duly SPREA AS MV come siti defolis COST C$VER YEARS ' o’clock noon, in accordance with the; The Annual meeting of the Board terms of said decree of sale; and at of Directors of the Moore County said sale, J. F. Lewis became the last Hospital will be held on Tuesday eve-' highest bidder and the- purchaser A 1 t. ■ f>f the aforesaid property at the sum nmg, April 9th, at the hospital, prob- 59 qOO.OO. and the undersigned Re- ably at 7:00 o clock. Officers and di- ^lake application to his rectors for the ensuing year will be Honor Felix Alley. Judge of the Su- elected at that time, and annual re- perior Court, presiding In the Thlr- 1 ports made by Secretary Paul Dana,' teenth Judicial District, or to such „ . rr. -lu ' other Judge as may be holding the I Business Manager E. T. McKeithen of Richmond County at the and others. Edgar T. Chapman of tj^ig of said motion, at his Chamber.s Southern Pines is president of the in the Court House in the Town of ! hospital. I Rockingham. Kichrnond County, ' 1 North Carolina, on Monday the 8th iT AT April, 1935. at 12 o’clock noon, or at such time thereafter as verified to the undersigned at the of- NORTH C.XROLINA, T SALE Pines, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of March 1936, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. Dated, March 14th, 1935. H. BRADLEY DAVIDSON, Executor. Edgar T. Chapman, Attorney for Executor, Southern Pines, N. C. M15-A19. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTG.XGE DEED Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed executed by Julius McDonald to the undersigned Mortagee on the ; the Judge may, at the time aforesaid, 30th day of January, 1932. recorded j fix for the hearing of said application jn Book 51 at Page 578 in the of- Notlce Is hereby given that under and by virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed by Robert Evans and wife, Julia Evans, of Moore County, North Car olina. to G. M. Blue of Moore County, North Carolina, which mortgage deed is dated March 11, 1933, and record ed in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book 55, Page 105, the debt secured by said mortgage deed being past due and un paid, and the powers pf sale contain ed therein having become operative, the undersigned mortgage will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Moore County in Carthage, N. C., at the hour of Noon on the 1st day of April. 1935. the following tract .ADMIMSTUATOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un-' tor the confirmation of report of .said j fj^g of the Register of Deeds of • or parcel of land lying in McNeill dersigned has qualified as Adminis-' ^’h'ch has heretofore been made Moore County, North Carolina, de- ' Towii.ship, Moore County. North Car- trntnv nf tViP P'ofatp nf William A ' Undersigned receiv-i fault having been made in the pay- olina. described and defined as fol- trator of the Estate of W’illlam A. Clark. Any and all persons having | court of Moore County, and for*a de claims or demands against the said cree directing deed or other paper estate are hereby notified to present I them to the undersigned at Jackson Springs, N. C.. within twelve months j from the date hereof, duly attested. writing to be executed by the Receiv er for said property, upon payment of the purchase price. This the 25th day of March, 1934. S. J. HINSDALE, Receiver, I LISTEN TO JACK PEARL ^ in a new show with Freddy Rich’s Orchestra, i every Wednesday, I P. M., over station L. V. O’CALLAGHAN Telephone 5341 Southern Pines .All persons indebted to said estate are i Moore County Securities Corporation, j notified to make immediate paymetit j M29-A5. i to me. G. McA. CLARK, er before the Clerk of the Superior, rnent of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned Mortagee will offer for sale at public auction for cash, in front of the Moore County Courthouse door in the Town of Carthage. North Carolina, on Mon day 8th, 1935 at 12 o’clock. Noon, these certain pieces or tracts of land lying and being in Moore County, State of North Carolina, described and defined as follows; 1st. Tract Being Lot No. 4 in the Division of the P. A. McKeithan lands and the lot drawn by P. A. McKeithan and bounded a.s follows; Beginning ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un- lows, to-wit; Being Lot No. 8 In the Division of the lands of Robert Hannah, deceas ed, and being that lot w’hich was al lotted to Robert Evans in said divis ion. This 1st day of March, 1935. G. M. BLUE. M8-29 Mortgagee. ) Administrator, j dersigned has qualified as Adminls- i Jackson Springs, N. C. 1 tratrlx of the Estate of F. D. Cliff. ' March 27, 1935. M29-M3 I Any and aU persons having clalms or j “^Take'^TlTda‘ EsVea" ’ c^rneV'Tnd running thence porth 20 East 20 I NORTH CAROLINA, j MOORE COUNTY. I , I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Spring Storms aretVt the best things for old worn out roofs- That’.s why you .should recover them NOW — \nth Cypress Composition Shingles. The:> will last longer and look better than any you can use. And, another thing—you know what May means—FLY TIME — screens made of cj press frames are the best we can recommend. ■ M. H. FOLIIY Aberdeen Lumber and Building Material Telephone 129 NOTICE demands against the said estate are I hereby notified to present them to the I undersigned at Aberdeen, N. C., with- j in twelve months from the date here- I of, duly attested. All persons indebt- I ed to said estate are notified to make I immediate payment to me. MARJORIE CLIFF. Administratrix, ji Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of, By Johnson & McCluer, Attys. I i Banks of the State of North Caro- Aberdeen, N, C., I lina Ex Rel Page Trust Company, March 29, 1935 M29-M3. I and all such other creditors, stock- 1 holders and persons interested in the ! affairs of Moore County Securities Corporation as may make themselves I parties to this action and contribute ; to the expenses thereof, and S. J. i Hinsdale, Receiver of Moore County Securities Corporation, Plaintiffs, I vs. I Moore County Securities Corporation, ; Defendant. I < I TO ALL CREDITORS AND PER RONS INTERESTED IN THE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED 1 PROPERTY AND AFFAIRS OF OF TRUST ; THE DEFENDANT, MOORE Under and by virtue of authority COUNTY SECURITIES CORPOR- 1 contained in a certain Deed of Trust I ATI ON: executed by Julius McDonald to the I' NOTICE All interested parties are hereby notified that Lloyd T. Clark is no longer in any way connected with the undertaking business operated in Southern Pines under the name of J. N. Powell, Inc. Signed, J. N. FOWELL, Inc. NORTH ClVROLI,\.\, MOORE COUNTY'. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT In The Matter of Pagt! Trust COMPANY. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE: That all persons, firms, or corpor ations interested in the above entit led matter, are hereby notified that on March 30th, 1935, at the hour of , T 1 II- 2:00 o’clock P. M. In the Town of .1 Rockingham, Richmond 1 County, channel of Jumper Creek to Mc^im-, ^orth Carolina, in Chambers, before chains to the corner of the Currie 100 acres, thcnce North 25 East 15 chains to a corher, thence North 50 We,<?t 5 chains and 33 links to the mon's (now McDonald’s line, thence South 27 chains and 50 links to the corner of Lot No. 3 in P. A. McKeith- ans division, thence with the line of said lot No. 3 east 21 chains to Its beginning corner, thence South 20 West 13 chains and 70 links to a pine near the Blacksmith Shop, i thence South 35 East 12 chains to a line of 64 acres, Morris comer, thence North 55 East 19 chains to begin ning corner of 64 acres, thence North 5 West 3 chains 20 links to a dead pine near the east side of a branch. Honorable F. Donald Phillips, resident Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial Dis trict ot North Carolina, the under signed, Gurney P. Hood, Commission er of Banks of the State of North Carolina, as Statutory Receiver of Page Trust Company, will make mo tion for authority to purchase all the assets of Southern Securities and Guaranty Company, and for author ity to secure from the American Trust Company, of Charlotte, North Carolina, a loan in the sum of $90,- 000.00, and to execute to said Amer- thence down the various courses of j^an Trust Company, as evidence of said branch to a large black-gum gai^j indebtedness, his promissory note and white oak pointers, thence South 1 jjj (-jjg gum of $90,000.00, due and pay- 54 West 18 chains ^and 6?3 links to able upon demand, bearing Interest the beginning, containing 138 acres , at the rate of 4 percent per annum, more or less and for better descrip- and to pledge to American Trust tion see Second Tract described in company notes, mortgages and other TAKE NOTICE, that on Monday undersigned Trustee on the 24th day s|r^^"^^D^n^d ^e^o^rd^” Deed i belonging ^ e 25th day ot March. IMS. the un- ot May. 1932. recorded In Book 57 M the j dersigned, S. J. Hinsdale, Receiver of; at Page 94 In the office of the Regis- ! Moore County Securities Corporation, | ter of Deeds of Moore County, North j sold certain property of the defend-' Carolina, default having been made ant, Moore County Securities Cor- in the payment of the indebtedness poration, consisting of real estate In the Town of Aberdeen, North Caro lina, on which Is located Tobacco Warehouses, said property being par ticularly described in the advertise ment of sale made under prior order secured thereby, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction for cash, in front of the Moore County Courthouse door in the Town of Carthage, North Carolina, on Monday, April 8th, 1935 at 12 o’clock, I and decree of the court, at public Noon, these certain pieces or tracts auction, to the highest bidder for of land lying and being in Moore cash, at the Court House door of, County, State of North Carolina, de- Moore County, North Carolina, in the scribed and defined as follows: Town of Carthage, at the hour of 12 | 1st Tract—Being Lot Nq. 4 in the Book No. 47 at Page 485. Second Tract—Lot No. 5 McKeith en land assigned to Sarah Marga- rette McDonald wife of D. N. Mc Donald. Beginninjg at a stake pine pointers $536,124.38, as per schedule attach ed to the petition in this cause. That a copy of the petition in this cause will be filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, at least three ab^ut ToO^ards SouiroftheR^^^^^^^ days prior to the date of the ' aforesaid hearing, for inspection by those Interested. Branch in the line of the Murdock Currie 100 acres on the corner of the 100 acres granted to L. C. Black, running thence N. 87 1-2 West 21.50 chains, thence South 2 East 45 chains to a corner in an old 100 acre tract thence with its line S. 87 East 22 chain to a stake pine pointers N. A. GURNEY P. HOOD, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, a.s Statutory Re ceiver of Page Trust Company. J. C. Pittman, Attorney, Sanford, N. C. M22-29.

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