V Page Eight THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, April 26, 1935. Easter is Over BUT »IELVIN BROS. ARE STILL HERE WITH PLENTY OF GOOD STYLISH MERCHANDISE JUST ARRIVED Men's Leather Sole White Ox fords, with the seamed toe $1.98 A REAL BARGAIN Men’s Leather Sole Black Ox fords, seamed toe $1.98 Men’s Oxfords, punched vamp and plain toe $2.98 Ladies' High Heel Pumps, white with brown trim $1.98 See Th'ew and Other Styles In ' Our Windows NELVIN BROTHERS ABERDEEN, N. C. ! THE Carolina Theatres Pinehurst-Southern Pines PRESENT Addd: Third Installment of “The March of Time.” At Pinehurst Monday, Apr. 29th 3:00 and 8:15 At Pinehurst Wednesdiay, May 1st, 3:00 and 8:15 Presenting GEORGE ARLISS in “Cardinal Richelieu” At Pinehurst Friday, May 3rd, 3:00 and 8:15 ITAaOl At Southern Pines Mon., Tues., Wed., Apr. 29,30, May 1,8:15 Matinee Tue^ay at 3:00 HAIl' THHfl flOYil HI-Ot-HIQHNtSStS! jolson keelcr ^"GOINTO . YOUR DANCE A Flrtf Nationol Picture Southern Pines Thu.-Fri.-Sat., May 2, 3,4—8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 SOUTHERN PINE.S Baptist Church Rev. J. Fied Stimson, Pastor. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a. m.—Sermon by pastor. Morning sermon—"The Doctrine of the Immortality of Man,” a sermon topic following up by request the sub ject which Mr. Stimson preached on Easter Day. Evening—Service In charge of the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. The Church of Wide Fellowsbip Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., Pastor. 10:00—Church School, classes for all. 11:00 a. m.—Dr. Raymond preaches on "Pray for Peace.' ’ 6:30 p. m.—Intermediate C. E. 7:30 p. m.- Address by Dr. C. K. Proctor, Superintendent of Masonic Orphanage at Oxford. Friday, 7:30 p. m.—Mid-week meet ing and Preparatory Service before the May Communion. ] Eiiinianuei Episcopul Church Rev. F. Craighill Brown, B. A., B. D., Rector. Easter Day—Holy Communion, 7:00 a. m.; Holy Communion, 11:00 a. m.; Children’s Service, 4:00 p. m. Cutholic Church Sunday Masses 8:00, 10:30. Daily Mass, 7:30. All are cordially invited to attend any of these services. Sherburne, who came Wednesday to drive north for him. Miss Henrietta E. Risley is spend ing the weelt-end in Clinton as a guest of Mrs. W. T. Sloan. Miss Louise Briton and Mrs. David Wlciter, who have been occupying Mrs. Gibson’s house, returned to their heme on Staten Island the first the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Remington ‘of Cazenovla, N. Y., returned to their home Tuesday. Mrs. Mabel Sheninger and Miss Anne Bodine of Rocitaway, N. Y., are guests at the Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carrington and son spent last Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Mc- Casifill. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Van B^s- kerck of Hamlet and Lessle Palmer of GreenSbfymouth Heights 2 Acres with the Handsomely Landscaped “GARDENS OF GNOMES” House Contains 10 Rooms and 4 Baths Beautifully Furnished % Oil Heater Paul T. Barnum, Inc. ARCH Supports, made from an im pression of each foot. No metal, | Hand-made. R. Leatham, maker, 39 : No. May St., Southern Pines, tf.! SPECIAL RATES on Long Distance | Trips by Bus. Washington, D. C., $4.95; New York, $9.85; Boston, Mass, $12.50; St. Petersburg, ’ $8.75; Miami, $9.95. 10 per cent off , round trip. Other rates and Infor-' mation at Postal Telegraph Com pany, Southern Pines and Pine hurst. MIO. FOR SALE; Fresh milk cow now glv. ing three gallons per day T. Frank Cameron, Cameron, N C. Do Not Buy New Tires When Your Old Tires Can Be Made New for Less Than Half The Cost When the tread has worn off, your tires have given only a fraction of the service they should give. Let us have them retreaded for you by the mod ern full-circle method of retreading. All tires are fully guaranteed. Page Motor Company SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. I 1