Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, May 10, 1935. THE PILOT Published each Friday by THE. PILOT, Inoorponiti'd, Southern Pines, N. C. “Les Miserables” is a fitting celebration for such an anniver sary. One critic remarked that Vic tor Hug'o’s depressing lack of humor is not merely zero, but NELSON C. HYDE, Editor jeven a frightful minus quantity. JAMES BOYD STKi'THERs Bi'RT! Perhaps he wasn’t styled as a W VLTER LiPPM VXN humorist, but surely his thought- „ ^ ' Iful philosophy is worth as much Contributing Editors flippancy. Sui>soription Kates: | school children, the students Gne Year $2.00 i of French and American hia- Six Months $1.00 j tory will appreciate “Les Miser- Three Months . . .50 ables,” and probably the price ipf a ticket will bring as much en- Entered at the Postoffice at South-1anni\ersai.\ of ern Pines, N. C., as second-class mail 1815 as a package of firewoiks for our own fourth later on. The amusing characters of THP ‘SF'A«mv ^ hundred years ago are a CHECKS WELL pleasing lot of people Jean \al- T 1 1 • I 1 ■ lean, unfortunately is lemem- In lookins back on the win- ^ ^ „ ter season it seems to checii ^ stole a loaf of bLul. well. Late in starting, It (levelor-! ^ ed in mid-season to a peak mmd-, ' ^e reckoned with, till of pre-depression days, and and friend, who “never com- ' Civic Loyalty Pays Biff Dividends matter. Confidence intnefutiircand ?rowtti of U)is town promptftl youK meroiants to locate here V.ASS ELECTS BORST MAYOR, TWO NEW COMMISSIONERS IBi VasSTheld its election of officers on Monday and H. A. Borst, who had held the office for the past term, was elected by a substantial mapority. The three commissioners are W. B. Graham, W. D. Smith and R. P. Beas ley, Graham and Beasley succeeding A. M. Cameron and L. H. Furr who declined to run again. Elite Beauty Shop Pinehurst Complete Personal Beauty Service H. Sponsored by ' A. LEWIS—Insurance Try Your Home Town First Mighland L-iodge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel \ Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent MRS. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. it caiTied on later than usual Though possibly not as success ful in financial return to hotels and shopkeepers as many of its predecessors, the season seemed to The Pilot to be outstanding in one respect. More people were “looidng Us over” for the first time than usual. Looking for possible home sites, looking over our schools for their children, looking over the possibilities of wintering their horses here, all signs that point toward perma nent develbpment, and growth of the right sort. These people W’ere very enthu siastic about the Sandhills. We heard many say they saw no reason for going farther south in the winter. They like the at mosphere, the people who live demned anything hastily, orj without taking circumstances into calculation,” would say, GRAINS OF' SAND Looks like us printers are a pretty good lot. “Let US look at the M)ad by | An Illinois jail recently installed which the fault has passed.” Ja- j printing machinery. Then it went vert, little Gervais, P'antine, the, through its 2,758 prisoners for print- child Costette, Marious, with a | ers and found only one. long list of quaint folk make an | Discouraged, the editor of the interesting night’s entertain- prison paper ran this advertisement: ment.—H. K. R printer wanted THE Libcrftl Rcw&rd OF A GARDEN Sheriff for the Capture of A garden is a great institu-' One Printer. Must Be Experienced tion. The light shed on the pur- ■ on setting Type, Locking-Up pose of existence perhaps isn’t I and Job Work, clear to all of us. A garden is a | Willing W’orker to Work in I. s. p. place where at least a ‘great j P-J’int Shop at Menard, manv of its mysteries are to be i Present Printer Expects Release lie convenience and postal efficiency j Do we get Mr. Farley down to ded-1 icate it ? Guess the financial situation is I about well. The doctors all left Pine-1 hurst this week before the bankers even got there. « CHAS. J. S\DLF,R. Mp^f. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS OPEN ALL VEAR R.\TES MODERATE Due to Parole. This Applies to Sheriffs Only. No Questions Asked. All maps now’ on file in the office of the Register of Deeds in Carthage will be in Raleigh for the next three weeks in order that photostatic cop ies may be made, in accordance with an order pasc'K* this week by the county commissioners. W. J. Harring ton calls attention to this fact in or. der that anyone wishing to see any of the maps may know that they will net be available for at lea.-t three weeks. The new Pinehurst postoffice ; When the photostatic worl: i.s coni- is pleted, Moore county will have one found. Plants are living things. thrcleanlineS of everything. We “J'*, Ther are : haven’t heard of any ri»itors‘J who left with a bad taste in i “ wp mnsnmpl their mouths. These things are 'vniie \\e ■ j nearing completion. Ifs a handsome; of the finest systems of preserving ominous. We can look for the j?'* pr0duce._ and \U ou I ^^d the last word in pub- map.s that can be fmmd iii .he .state. ...... , tVipm. Hirpfl-lv or mdirectlv we; return of satistied customers. ■ /, ^ i ^ 'vould soon cease to be in exist- ^ achievement of the winter ^ , MOUtk DtSeOSC tttld Bodt) DtSCOSe Hand in Hand,Says Dr. McCain feet. It attracted to the Sand- peaches, turnips or whate\ei | ——. Against (ierms and Poison By. Dr. P. I’. MoCain It is not only true that decayed hills prominent horse owners , you grow or thrives nearest you, ^ pp^per Diet, Proper Care of from all parts of the ccmtry,: plants are marvelous, iu>st Insurance Against men and w'omen who came with i chemical worlds. How' can the no idea of the Pinehurst-South-; go down into the ground or ^ ern Pines section as anything; I'^'ach out into the air and P>’9'• but a winter haven for golfers, the magnificent blossom it | — — — ^ and left with the feeling that in tones of various shades abscessed teeth and diseased here we have an ideal place for reddish pink to yellow, while cause various diseases in other riding, hunting, polo and racing. neighbor^ two feet away body, but it is also equai- We look for the stabling of many creates a brilliant scarlet, anoth-' jy (jis^ase of the teeth and more horses here in the future, a delicate yellow, all from thejgums result from poor general health, which means more families, | ■‘^ame soil, sam.e air and 'vater f,.ojn a neglect of health habits and more building of homes. ' f upply ? W hat method of select- fj.Qjjj improper diet. ^'Imth health The passing of the Mid-Pines colors, what process in man-, and body health, or mouth disease Club and the Pine Needles Inn utscturing their perfumes, sideland body disease, usually go hand in into firm financial hands is | •‘^i(^e, working on a vastly dif- ^ hand. another satisfying feature of the ferent scheme or much the ^ pQf many years it has been known .season. These institutions same. that germs grow and multiply in the will be developed in the proper way, the Mid-Pines continue to vert the carbonic acid and oxy- be a community asset; the Pine i gen of the air into living mater- Needles, closed for several years, i ial. gathering from the soil their become one. As reported in The ^ nitrogen and phosphorous, be- Pilot last week, there have been 'coming storehouses of chemicals, several substantial sales of res-only to give off again when toss- idences, mostly to persons who led into the fireplace the same have been winter visitors and amount as taken into the living 1 teeth which have been filled. Rheu- now become winter residents. |tree?When it goes out the chim-! matism, neuritis, lumbago, sciatica. These are good signs. | ney and is set adrift will it come \ diseases of ihe eye and of the heart. We are going ahead, and in back to us in the form of a piece I et cetera, art at times caused by the right direction. ; of beef from the Argentine, that ^ germs and poison which get into the : ; which was green stuff and nour-' body this way. THE MOVIE TREND: ! ished some South American LES MLSERABLES ' That the moving picture com APRIL WEATHER Cool mornings including a low of I 33 on the 17th, overcame the higher temperatures of afternoons and low- ■ ^ered the average of the month 2.6 | degrees less than normal, and 3.8 de-' grees lower than last April. The ab- .sence of the usual hail storm was i noticeable, and 11 days with temper atures of 80 or above, 87 on the 27th, i brought forth many early blossoms, ^ including the dogw'oods and wisteria. | Easter Sunday while warm was interspersed with morning showers. Rainfall for the month measured 4.12 ! inches, sixty-eight one-hundreths of i How do plants and trees con-1 pockets of decayed teeth and that above normal, making the ■ ■ oftentimes both the germs and the S:ain oi nmeteen one-hundreths poison from the germs and the de cayed food pass into the blood stream through the porous roots of, time such teeth and are carried to all ^verage 73.6 parts of the body. Also at times ab-! scesses form at the roots of dead of the year. 1935 the first four months Max. Min. Aver. ....73.6 48.9 61.3 ...77.1 48.1 62.5 ....73.2 44.2 58.7 JURORS DRAWN FOR CIVIL -\ND CRimNAL TERMS I cow [ Mother Nature doesn’t de- pany is producing pictures of a' stroy anything, but collects and different trend and appeal is | save and remakes and as she proven in the presentation of j works she affords a field for more of the classics, which have | thought. A garden of any sort been appearing from time to these days is a valuable invest time. Their popularity is show'n ment, with the returns high in by the full houses they draw’ and more tiian one source. A few the wholesome influence left in seedr, from Bill McNeill’s store their wake. “Les Miserables” has been heralded with interest and will prove profitable for the dinner table. This isn’t an ad vertisement for McNeill, but he should have an enthusiastic | is near and likeable and always audience. Victor Hugo produced a thoughtful book, a romance, a history of those stirring days of revolution when Napoleon, Blu- cher and Wellington were having their lively skirmishes over Mont St. Jean—the final over throw of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo. In the eighteenth century France had lost her colonial em pire. Bonaparte’s hope was to re store and extend its boundaries and become a rival of England. The ambitious Corsican was reaching out to other quarters of the globe to be checkmated by England and frustrated by his ovm blunders, our own country gaining Louisiana through one of them, in 1803. On June 18th, 1815 the great battle was fought, the -jnquored Emperor jfeoing down in defeat. Now% after 120 years we can review that trou blesome period through Hugo’s vivid description. The coming of throws in some humor and ad vice with no more added to the cost of your seeds. It might be a beneficial thing for more of us to work into a garden some of the unemployed spots that will in return cut down the grocery bill and add to the pantry and cellar shelves. 'The garden is a great institution, for “lettuces or bouquets.” If you agree v/ith Madame Magloire, you value the former: if with the Bishop, “you are mi.staken; the beautiful is as the useful.” Either kind keeps you out of mischief. —H. K. B. CLUB (TO HEAR HARPIST It is by no means true, however, that all such diseases are caused by bad teeth ajid diseased gums. In some quarters teeth have been too ruthlessly extracted. When some of the above mentioned diseases are present all of the possible sources of the trouble should be searched for and the teeth should not be removed unless it is at last reasonably cer tain that they are responsible for the trouble. Keeping the teeth and gums clean is very important, but really not as es Jurors for the May 20th criminal term of Superior Court and the May term of civil court were drawn on Monday when the county commission ers met in regular session. They are as follows: Criminal term: H. H. Lawhorn, W. H. T. Wallace, W. H. McNeill, H. M. McCaskill, N. G. Purvis, J. B. Mar- tindale. Lloyd Ritter, H. M. McDon ald, D. O. Caddell, Ed Veno, W. E. Graham, Hurley Hussey, Frank Cox, Alton Wallace, J. L. Wallace, Fred Stutts, W. H. Cole, Bernice Camer on, B. M. Upchurch, C. E. Scott, W. H. P.ichardson, D. L. Thomas, A. P. The Ca..lhage Music Club will pre sent Mis I Hazel lone Mosea, harpist, of Richmond, Va., in the Carthage High School building Tuesday, May 14 at 8:00 p. m. Admission for adult®, will be 25 cents and children 10 cf nts. sential in maintaining sounc eeth Brewer and O J. McCaskill. and healthy g^ms as taking a prop-1 Civil term: A. M. Camerun, Flet- er diet containing not only the nec- | Bost, E. E. Cheek, W. L. Sulli- essary food values, but also a suffi-1 van, Floyd Medlin, J. Earl Goodman, cient quantity of the proper vitamins ! N. J. Morgan, Geo. A. Woods, Z. V. and minerals. On account of the ex tra demands upon them it is espec ially important for growing children and pregnant women to take the best Blue, James M. Ballard, W. R. Car ter, Jesse D. Frink, M. F. Tillman, H. H. Williams, W. D. Wadsworth, C. B. Thomas, Geo. Hunt, R. L. Mc- of care of their teeth possible, to take Kenzi«, J H. Andrews, J. L Thomas, the proper diet, and to observe prop er health habits. For more detailed information on body health and mouth health consult I ABERDEEN HIGH DEFEATS Walter M. .Wicker, D. B. Fletcher, Wm. D. McGill and John R. Dunlap. your physician and dentist, or write to the State Board of Health. LIBRARY HOURS THE SAME FOR BALANCE OF MONTH Trustees of the Southern Pines Li brary voted at a meeting Tuesday to continue the present hours of the li brary until June 1st. The library Is open every afternoon, except Sunday, from 2 to 5 o’clock, and on Wednes. day and Saturday mornings from 10 to 12. SOUTHERN PINES, 6 to 0 Featured by Yow’s brilliant pitch ing, Aberdeen spanked Southern Pines to the tune of 6 to 0 in the Itist game of the High School season. Yow allowed his opponents only three hits while Parker, pitching for Southern Pines, allowed eleven hits during the game. Both teams played fast ball. Features of the game were the bat ting of Adcox, Windham and McLean for Aberdeen and Buchan for South ern Pines. The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. D. G. STUTZ. President N. L. HODGKINS, Cashier GEO. C. ABRAHAM, V.-Pres. ETHEL S. JONES, Ass't. Cashier U. s. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY A SAFE CONSERVATIVE BANK DEPOSITS INSURED BY The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WASHINGTON. D. C. ci^nnn maximum insurance ccnnn ^UUUU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR ^UUUU NH Iteie Siffli will LISTEN TO JACK PEARL in a new show with Freddy Rich’i Orchestra, every Wednesday, P. M., over L. V. O’CALLAGHAN , Telephone 5341 Southern Pines

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