Paf« Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, May 10, 1935. The Week in Vass PVllovv'ing the sermon at the Vass Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning, the regular communion ser- Tice will be observed. A cordial wel come awaits all who will attend. Mrs. Charles A. Lawrence, Mrs, N. N. McLean, Mrs. W. D. McCraney, Mrs Sarah Margaret McNeill and Mr.s. David M. Pearsall attended the Auxiliary Officers’ Training School which was held in the Aberdeen Presbyterian church on Thursday of l&st week. :M1s3 Bessie Mildred Cox returned Week from a visit with relatives in Hamlet. Miss Frances Goodwin of New Hill spent Monday and Tuesday in town. After spending two weeks at her Home near West End on account of the illness of her father, Miss Neolia McCrummen, teacher of the seventh grade of Vass-Lakeview school, re turned to Vass on Sunday for the re mainder of the school term. Miss Anna Laubscher of High Point jpenL Thursday and Friday at home. Her mother, Mrs. Frank Jeffreys, Mr. Jeffreys and Harry Laubscher ac companied her on the return trip. Mr. anO Mrs. E. B. Keith and fam ily of Pinehurst and their guest, Mrs. Sumner of Newberry, S. C., vis ited Mrs. Jane Keith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hunter of San ford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McCraney. Miss Shula Vick, who has been with Mr. and Mrs. Dsiniel H. McNeill for about a year returned to her home above Carthage Saturday. Mrs. John D. Richardson of Route 1 was critically ill last week, but latest reports indicate an improve ment in her condition. Miss Mary Bess Irvin of Camer on spent a part of last week with Miss Sara Edith Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Wallace and M. C. Stutts of Carthage and Mr. and Mrs. Buck Sessoms of Steadman «alled on Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tyson Sunday. Mrs David M. Pearsall returned to her home in Dunn on Friday after having spent several weeks with her ■sister, Mrs. D. A. Smith. Horton Keith of Durham spent Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and family were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Griffin. Miss Faye Brewer of Pittsboro vis- I ited Miss Pauline Thompson the first of the week and attended the Vass- I Lakeview High School commence ment. Dr. J. F. McKay of Buie’s Creek visited his daughter, Mrs. A. Al. Cam eron on Monday. Dr. McKay was in the Sandhills to attend the medical convention at Pinehurst. Miss Mary Jane McNeill, Mrs. John Harrington and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harrington and children ot Broadway visited Mrs. R. G. Kosser Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Riley B. Kooce and little daughter, Sara Ann, of Dur ham visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Old ham the first of the week and were present for the graduation ot Mrs. Reece’s brother, Emerson Oldham. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ammons and little son of Norlina were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Cam eron Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Leslie was given a sur prise on her birthday Tuesday when a number of her relatives gathered at her home in the afternoon and showered her with gifts and birthday wishes. Marie Tyson, Junior Mat thews and A. Mac Cameron sang a song suited to the occasion. ABERDEEN Judge J. Vance Rowe attended Su preme Court in Raleigh last week. Mrs. J. W’. Graham is at Pittman’s Hospital in Fayetteville receiving treatment. Miss Eloise Lineberry of Raleigh arrived last Sunday to visit friends in Aberdeen. The seniors are enjoying an outing at White Lake this week chaperoned by Mrs. C. B. Davis and Prof. R. C. Zimmerman. G. M. Ward, Miss Nellie Ward and Lauchlin Ward of Willard spent last Sunday visiting relatives. On their return home they were accompanied by Mrs. G. M. Ward, who has been the guest of her sister, Miss Mary Johnson. Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Hurley are in Hope Mills and Fayetteville where they are visiting their sons, Ed Hur ley and Will Hurley, Miss Annie Belle Thompson ot Camden, S. C., visited here last week-end. Mrs. Maud Wilkins was called to Richmond, Va., this week on account N.4TION.4L COTTON WEEK SF>ECIAL. Ladies’ White Picque Hats—48c JONES’ DEPARTMENT STORE CARTHAGE, N. C. Travel Bargains TICKETS ON SALE DAILY FROM SOUTHERN PINES Round Trip One-Way One-Way Unrestricted TO Coach Unrestricted 15 Day 6 Months Columbia, S. C. $ 2.03 $ 4,05 $ 5.40 $ 6,75 Savannah, Ga. 4.14 8.28 11.05 13.80 Jacksonville, Fla. 6.71 13.42 17.90 22.40 West Palm Beach, Fla, .. .. 11.20 22.40 29.90 37.35 Miami, Fla, 12.20 24.40 32.55 40,70 Tampa, Fla, 9.88 19.75 26,35 32,95 St. Petersburg, Fla, 10,24 20,47 27,30 34.15 Athens, Ga, 4,22 8.44 11.25 14.10 Atlanta, Ga. 5,23 10,63 14,20 17.75 Chattanooga, Tenn. .. 7.37 14.74 19,65 24.60 Nashville, Tenn, .. 9.66 18.35 24,50 30.60 Birmingham, Ala. . 7.82 15.63 20.85 26.05 Memphis, Tenn. 11.62 23.23 31,00 33.75 Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va. .. 3.65 7.30 9.75 12.00 Richmond, Va. 3.39 6.77 9.05 11.30 Washington, D. C; 5.14 10.27 13,70 17.15 Baltimore, Md. , 6,58 11.71 16.58 20,03 Philadelphia, Pa, 10.04 15.17 23.50 26,95 New York, N. Y. 13,28 18.41 29,98 33,43 SIMILAR LOW FARES TO OTHER POINTS of the serious illness of her sister there. Mrs, B. R. Gatlin of Raeford at tended the graduation exercises here Monday night, where her sister, Miss Frances Jean Freeman, was one ot the members of her class, Mrs. Mack Fairley and son, Mack, Jr., and Miss Grace Bradshaw of Co lumbia, S. C., spent last Sunday in Aberdeen visiting their mother, Mrs, H. H. Bradshaw. Dickie Johnson and Ledford Sim mons of Washington, D. C., are spend ing a few days here this week visit- ng friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Coffey spent the past week-end with friends in Statesville. Ralph Harris and a party of friends from Winston-Salem were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Maynard Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Macon and Mr, and Mrs. George Martin are in New York City for a few days. Mrs. Wimberly Bowman and sons, John Wimberly and Hugh Edgar, ot Norlina ai'e visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor are leaving this week-end for a visit with relatives at Fort Valley, Ga. Mrs. L. T. Avery is attending the Federated Woman’s Club convention at Elizabeth City, where she is per sonal page to the president. Mrs. G. C. Seymour, Mrs. Neill Mc- Keithen and Mrs. Nat Weaver spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page and family of Statesville lattended the commencement and class day- exer- Monday. Mrs, H. W. Doub attended ihe Fed eration of Garden Clubs meeting in Gastonia last week. Mrs. A. K. Pennington was hostess to her bridge club at her home Tues day evening. Mrs. Malcolm Pleasants was the winner of the high score prize, Mrs. George Martin, second prize and Mrs. Roy Harrington the I consolation. I Special Mother’s L>ay services will be observed at the Baptist Church I Sunday morning. All mothers are I urged to be present both at the Sun- I day School and Church services. CARTHAGE Dr. and Mrs. J, I. Neal and chil dren of Sanford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. George D. Carter and family. Miss Dorothy Cole of Sanford spent the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. F. Cole. The Rev. and Mrs. William Currie of Belmont spent a few days in Car thage last week with Mrs J. L. Cur rie and family. Mr. Currie preached the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning. Charles Barringer of Raleigh is spending a few days in Carthage with his family. W. H. Currie spent Friday in Char, lotte and Gastonia. ; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Spencer of ; Indiana spent a few days in Carth- I age l£ist week visiting relatives i Mrs. Walter Deaton of Warsaw, Mr. : and Mrs. Davis Bruton of Biscoe and ‘ Edison Deaton of Chapel Hill attend- ' ed the marriage of Miss Josephine Boyte and B F. Whitlock on Sun day I Miss Mary Worthy Spence enter. ; tained a number of her classmates and the two mascots of her class, Miss Frances Anne Clegg and Master Emmett Morton, at the Carthage Ho tel at luncheon on Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Griffin was hostess to the Carthage Music Club on Wednes day afternoon. The program was on McDowell and selections were ren dered by Mrs, R. W. Pleasants, Mrs. John Beasley and Mrs. H. F. Seawell. Mrs. W. H. Currie wm hostess to her contract club and a few addition al guests on Friday evening Mrs. R. W. Pleasants entertained her contract club on Tuesday after noon at her home on Sanford Road. Mrs. J. A. Davis received high score club prize and Mrs. John Beasley the liigh guest prize. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LET US EXPLAIN AIR-CONDITIONED EQUIPMENT ON SEABOARD TRAINS— AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE SHIP YOUR AUTO BY TRAIN Costs only one additional ticket when two people travel using unrestricted fares. For further information see your local Ticket Agent or write H. E. PLEASANTS, D. P. A., 505 Odd Fellows Building Raleigh, N. C. The Only Completely Air-Conditioned Trains in the South. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY LEGAL NOTICES SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by John W. Wilson (unmarried), David H. Wilson (un married), S. W. Wilson and wife, Kate W. Wilson, on the 27th day of February, 1923, and recorded in Book 39, Page 191, we will on Saturday, the I 1st day of June, l5S5, 12 o’clock noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Lying and being on the head wa ters of Deep Creek and Nicks Creek in Mineral Springs Township, Moore County, N, C„ and bounded and de scribed as follows; 1st Tract: Begin ning at the SW corner of J. B. Von Cannan’s 13 acre tract in the dividing line between J. W. Warner’s 1280 acre grant and D. O. Warner’s 640 acre grant; runs thence as that line S. 86-43 E. 4820 ft. to the comer of 6.74 acres included herein; thence with the line of it N. 3-45 E. 773 ft, to the line of the right of way of the Nor folk-Southern Railway 40 ft. from the center of the track; thence as the line of the right of way S. 80-35 E. 380 ft. to J. R. Homer’s corner; thtnce with his line S. 2-40 W. 728.6 ft. to the first mentioned line be tween the Warner Bros, grants thence with that line S. 87-43 E. 1661 ft. to a large popular with maple pointers, D, O, Warner’s corner of 640 acres; thence with the line of it 1 S. 2-42 W, 726 ft. to a stake the i beginning corner of D. O. Warner 1 640 acre.s and Hugh McDonald’s old corner; thence with McDonald’s line S. 3-13 W. 1452 ft. crossing the Pow er Line to a stake; thence N. 86-43 W. 6666 ft. to a stake; thence N. 2-53 W. 2158 ft. to the beginning, con taining 341.27 acrcs, and embracing, the 2 tracts of land conveyed to S.; W, Wilson by Miss Elizabeth Chap- in. 2nd Tract; Adjoining the tract above de.scribed and beginning at the NE. corner of J. B. yjyi Cannon’s i 13 acres in the line of the right of i way of the Norfolk-Southern right of | way and 40 ft. from the center of the! tract; runs thence with Von Can non's line S. O. 45 E. 1465.2 ft. to; the beginning corner of the above de- i scribed tract; thence with the first' line of that tract S. 86-43 E. 48201 ft. to the second corner of the above I de.«cribed tract; thence as the second line it N. 3-45 E. 773 ft. to the third corner of the aoove described tract in the line of the right of way of Norfolk-Southern Railway: thence as the line of it and 40 ft. from the center of track 4990.26 ft, lo the be ginning. containing 117 acres, more or less. ”*3rd Tract: on the N. side of the Nojfolk-Southern Railroad and oppo site the last mentioned track; begin ning in the line of the right of way of said railroad of the N. side oppo site the NW corner of J. B. Von Can non's 13 acre tract; runs thence N. S-15 E. 1782 ft. cro.ssing Nick’s Creek to a stake in Von Cannon’s line; thence S. 75 E. 990 ft. to a stake; thence S. 3-15 W. 396 ft. re- cro,s.>iing Nick’s Creek to a stake; ihence S. 55-45 E. 1848 ft. to a atake; thence S. 3-15 W. 818 ft. crossing the Capital Highway to a stake in the line of the right of way of Norfolk-Southern Railway 40 ft. trom the center of the track; thence with the curvature of the .said rail way and 40 ft. from the center of the track to the beginning, containing 85 acres, more or less. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This .sale is made by reason of the failure of John W. Wilson (unmar ried), David H. Wilson (unmarried), S. W. Wilson and wife, Kate W. Wil son, to pay off and discharge the in debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, A deposit of 10 percent will be re- qaired from the purcha.ser at the sale. This the 23rd day of April, 1935. INTERSTATE TRJSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Dur- ham, N. C. MlO-31 NOT.'C'E OF S.XLE OF REAL EST.XTE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by D. M. Phillips and his wife, Beulah Phil lips, on the 1st day of April, 1926, which said deed of trust was duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina, in Book No. 44, Page 523, and default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the conditions therein •secured, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and .sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Moore County on Saturday the 8th day of June, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, the fol lowing described real estate; First; That certain tract, or lot of land in the village of Glendon, Deep River Township, Moore County, North Carolina, which is bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning on the North side of the Norfolk and South ern Railroad track where said track intersects wi,th the road leading from Glendon to Carthage, and running thence with the said Glendon and Carthage Road in a Northerly direc tion to E. F. Glenn’s comer, a heavy rock; thence in an Eastern direction with said E. F, Glenn’s line to a point where a line running North and South 200 feet West of the cotton gin house of A. J. Jones intersects with said Glenn line; thence due South to the Norfolk and Southern Railroad track; thence with the Nor folk and Southern Railroad track to the beginning, excepting therefrom, however, the right of way of the Norfolk and Southern Railroad Com pany, and excepting also a lot of land within said boundary heretofore sold by A. J. Jones to L, D. Phillips and son, D. T. Phillips. This being the same land conveyed to J. W. Gaines and D. M. Phillips by deed appear ing of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 87, Page 610; and being the same land conveyed by J. W. Gaines to D. M. Phillips by a deed bearing date of December 7th, 1925. Second: That certain tract of land located in Ritters Township, Moore County, North Carolina, which is bounded and described as follows: Bebinning at a Ktake among four pines and white oak, running South 85 degrees 45 minutes East 1547 feet to a stone; thence North 6 degrees 35 minutes East 2741 feet to a stake; thence North 81 degrees 32 minutes West 1547 feet to a stake; thence South 6 degrees 35 minutes West 2720 feet to the beginning, contain ing 96- 9-10 acres more or less. It being the tract of land conveyed by L. D. Phillips and v/ife, Ida L. Phil, lips, to D, M. Phillips by a deed reg istered in the office of the Regster of Deeds for Moore County in Book No. 25 at page 477, The foregoing sale to ba made subject to all unpaid taxes iind prior liens. The trustees will require a de posit of ten per tent (lOVr) of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. This the 8th day of May, 1935. DANIEL L. BELL, Trustee. U L. Spence and W. D. Sabiston, Jr., Attorneys. MlO-31 NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S S.VLE Under and by virtue of the power and airthority contained in that cer tain Mortgage Deed executed by S. G. Gamer, single, Hugh M. Shields and Kate M. Shields, his wife, to Bank of Pinehurst, which said Mort gagee Deed is dated the 5th day of July, 1926, and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mortgages No. 43 at Page 480, and default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the conditions therein secured, the under signed Mortgagee will offer for sale and sell to the bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Moore County in the Town of Carthage on Thursday the 30th day of May, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, the following described real estate: Three lots Nos. 8, 9, and 20, i Block "J” laid down on the plat or map of Elise, N. C„ made by J. L Tull, Surveyor, which said plat or map is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. Also lot No. 12 in Block “J.” The terms of the foregoing sale will be cash and the Mortgagee is requir ed to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid as evidence of good laltb. This the 29th dav of April, 1935. BANK OF PINEHURST, M3,M24 Mortgagee. XOTK’F: OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain Deed of Trust executed by A. S. Newcomb and wife, Frances P. New comb, to U. L. Spence, Trustee, which .said Deed of is dated the 20th dav of August, 1929, and record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mortgages No. 52 at page 375, and default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and the conditions thereing se cured, the undersigned Trustee will <'ffer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the door of Moore County in the Town of Car thage on Thursday the 30th day of May, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, the following described real estf^e: 1st x ract: Beginning at a stake in the South side of Midland Road, the Northeast corner of Lot No. 85 as shown on a plan entitled “Midland Farms. Arrangement of Lots along Midland Road” made by A. B. Yeo mans August 12, 1920, and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds at Carthage, N. C„ and running thence S. 78 degrees 30’ E. 239.2 feet to a stake, Splane corner; thence S. 15 degrees 30’ W. 1004.2 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 degrees 30’ W. 171.6 feet to a stake; thence N. 11 degrees 30’ E. 1000 feet to the beginning. Be ing lot No. 87 as shown on the plan above referred to and the same lot as deeded to F. W’. Van Camp in a deed dated September 15, 1920 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds at Carthage, N. C. And the said lot No. 87 hereby deeded, is con veyed subject to all restrictions and reservations in said deed to F. W. Van Camp from Midland Farms Com pany; also being the identical land described in a deed from F. W. Van Camp and wife to A. S. Newcomb and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book 92, Page 394. 2nd Tract: Beginning at a point io the Southern edge of Midland Road N. L. Gibbon’s Northwesterly comer of Lot No. 85. and running thence S. 11 1-2 degrees W. 1000 feet to a stake. Gibbon’s Southwesterly cor ner; thence N, 78 1-2 degrees W. 800 feet to a stake; thence N. 11 1-2 de grees E. 1000 feet to a stake in the Southerly edge of Midland Road, the Northeasterly comer of Lot No. 75; thence S. 78 1-2 degrees E. 800 feet to the point of beginning. Being the identical land described in a deed dat ed May 5, 1924, from Midland Farms Company to A. S. Newcomb and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book No. 93, Page 616. 3rd Tract: Beginning at a stake in the South side of Midland Road, the Northeast comer of Lot N«. 73; run ning thence S. 78 1-2 degrees E. 200 feet to a stake; thence 11 1-2 degrees W. 1000 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 1-2 degrees W. 200 feet to a stake; thence N. 11 1-2 E. 1000 feet to the point of beginning, and being Lot No. 75 as shown on a plan entitled "Mid land Farms. Arrangement of Lots along Midland Road” made by A. B. Yeomans August 13, 1920, also being the identical land described in a deed dated April 12, 1924, from C. B. York and Ruth Mason York, his wife, to A. S. Newcomb, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, N. C., at Page 431 in Book 92, to which reference is hereby made and which is made a part here of. . This deed conveys Lots Nos. 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 and 87 as shown on the Map by A. B. Yeomans above re ferred to. The terms of the foregoing sale will be cash and the Trustee is required to deposit ten per cent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. This the 29th day of April, 1935. U. L. SPENCE, M3, M24. Trustee. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE Under and by virtue of the author ity and direction contained in that certain order and decree, made and LEGAL NOTICES entered by His Honor, Felix Alley, Judge of the Superior Court, on the 8th day of April, 19!<5, in an actiuQ now pending and entitled, Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, et al, vs. Moore County Securities Corporation, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 20th day of May, 1935, at twelve o’clock noon, at the Court House Door of Moore County, in the Town of Carthage, the following de scribed real estate: ‘That certain tract or parcel of land with building situated thereon, lying, being, and situated in the Town of Aberdeen, Sandhills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and described as follows: Beginning at an iron axle. Mrs, Ella Heckarts and Mrs. Minnie B, Farrells agreed corner on the west line of Poplar Street, thence at right angles to said Street N, 60 W, 179,5 feet to an iron stake on the East bank of Ray Mills Creek Canal; thence up said Canal 101.2 feet to an iron stake; thence parallel with the first line South 60 E. 166 feet to an iron stake on the west side of Popular Street, thence with Popular Street S,' 30 W. 100 feet to the beginning, being the Southern portion of the lot conveyed by N. A McKeithen to C, A, Benoy, being the identical land conveyed by deed dated December 3, 1926, from Minnie B. Farrell and her husband T. J. Coogan and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book 98Page 176— and being the same land conveyed by Page Trust Cdmpany, Trustee, to H. A. Gunter by deed dated September I 30, 1929, and recorded in Moore I County Registry in Book 107—Page 446." This sale will be held and conduct ed in compliance with the decree ot the court above referred lo and the .sale will be subject of the confirma tion by the court. The Commissoner will require a deposit of ten pet cent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith of the highest bidder. This the 18th day of April, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE. Apr. 26—Mayl7 Commissioner. i NOTICE OF S.\LE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer- j tain Deed of Trust executed by Jon ah F. Deaton and wife, Gertrude L. Deaton, to George A. Grimsley, Tms- tee, which said Deed of Trust is dated the 15th day of September. 1927, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 48 at Page 457 of the Moore County Regis try, and default having been made in payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and the conditions therein se cured, the undersig^ned Substituted Trustee, having been substituted as such trustee by instrument recorded in Book 121 at page 155 of the Moore County Registry, will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday the 20th day of May, 1935, at the Court House Door of Moore County, at the hour of twelve o’clock noon, the following described real estate; All those two certain tracts of land, lying and being in Moore County, North Carolina, "nd described as fol lows : First Tract: Being Lots Nos, 33 and 34 on a plat prepared by Francis Deaton, Civil Engineer of “Lakeside Heights” in the town of Aberdeen, N. C., said plat being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 82 at page 602. Second Tract: Beginning at a cor ner on South Street McLeod’s corner, and running thence in a northerly di rection with McLeod’s line, 83 feet to McLeod’s back comer thence in an easterly direction 25 feet to a corner, Lassiter’s; thence parallel with Mc Leod’s line in a Southerly direction to a. corner In the line of South Street, thence along the line of South Street 25 feet to the beginning comer, being the west 25 feet of Lot No. 7, con veyed to the grantors herein, by C. V. Miller and L. B. Monroe, by Warran ty Deed dated November 14th, 1923, and recorded in the public registry of Moore County, North Carolina in Book No. 87 deeds Page No. 80. Terms of the foreclosing sale will be cash, and the Trustee will require a deposit of 10 percent of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. This the 19th day of April, 1935. —R. G. WILMOUTH, Substituted Trustee. U. L. Spence and W. D. Sabiston, Jr. Attorneys. A26-M17. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Geo. W. Gamer and wife, Rosa Gamer, to J, Talbot Johnson, Trustee, on De cember 13, 1924, which deed of trust was recorded in Book 42, page 462 office of Register of Deeds of Moore County, default having been made In the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and the powers of sale thereby having become operative, at the request of the cestui que trust- ent the underslgfned Trustee will, on May 16th, 1935, at the court house door, in Moore County, at 12 o’clock noon, expose to sale to the highest bidder, for cash, that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Mc Neill township, Moore County. North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: That certain lot in the town of Southern Pines, North Carolina, on Bennett Street, where the family of G. W, Gamer and Rosa Garner resid ed on December 13, 1924, and fully described by metes and bounds in a deed to George W. Gamer by W. S. Percival which deed Is recorded in Book 71. page 370. office of Register of Deeds of Moore County, to which j reference may be had for abetter de- 1 scriptibn, I This 11th day of April. 1935. ; J. TALBOT JOHNSON, I Trustee. , By S. R. Hoyle, Attorney. A19-M10. V

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