Fa^e Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, June 14, 1935. The Week in Vass Miss Marian McMillan left Monday ] accompanied by her brother, B. F. to attend the conference at Red Beasley, and Mrs. Nan Jennings of Springs as a delegate from the local Raleigh. organization of the Young People of Miss Laura Betty McCraney of St. the Presbyterian Church. Paul is visiting her cousin, Mrs. D. H. Mr. and Mrs. Seth W. Lassiter and McGill- daughters, Margaret and Doris, of Miss Jessie Mae Barnhardt of San- near Smithfield and Earl Edwards ford is the guest of Miss Sara Edith who holds a position with the State Matthews. Highway Commission, spent last week end with Mrs. Mary E. Edward.«. Misses Katherine Graham, Louise and Mi.ss Lucy Cherry Crisp of Greens- Marjorie Leslie entertained at a de- Itoro was the guest of her sister Mrs. li&htful party and shower at the Gra- Charles A. Lawrence, from Thurs lay home, honoring Miss Nettie antil Monday. Gschwind, bride-elect. Miss Marjorie Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Beasley and Leslie, dressed as a traveler and Misses Lela and Beatrice Beasley of carrying numerous pieces of luggage. Apex and Miss Wells of Raleigh call- sought shelter from the “shower" and ed on Williamson Beasley on Wednes- luggage, which was deposited with Miss Gschwind for safe-keeping, Miss Mary Davis Westcott of Man- "'as found to contain many useful ar- teo is visiting her sister, Mi's. D. A. tides for the new home. Invited guests included members of the young wo- Mr, and Mrs. N. N. McLean and men's class of the Methodist church sons, James Ray and Hugh, spent school and others. Thursday in Raleigh. Miss Gschwind was again compli- Mrs. Fred P. Thompson and daugbl- mented on Monday evening when Mrs. er, Helen, of Asheboro and Mr. and W. D. Matthews, Mrs. H. A. Borst Mrs. Clyde Gaddy and children of and Mrs. S. R. Smith entertained in Sanford were Sunday visitors in the her honor at a miscellaneous shower home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Thomp- held on Mrs. Smith’s lawn. Following son a short program consisting of two Mrs. Carl Maynard and daughter of violin solos by six-year-old Janet Monroe visited Mrs. Maynard’s por- Rosser, and a riding by Mrs. H. A. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wilson, dur- Borst, the “Honeymoon Special” ar. ing last week-end. rived with Dimcan Matthews, Jr., as Mrs. W. D. Matthews, Joseph ind the pilot and with Janet as the bride Duncan Matthews, Jr., RejTnond Me- and deposited numerous bundles with Craney and Harry Laubscher spent j the bride-elect. After these had been College of the University of North Carolina and following the comple tion of her work there, studied for two years at the Assembly's Training School in Richmond. PINEBLUFF Sunday afternoon in High Point. Mrs. D. C. McGill and W. H. Mc Gill visited Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wilscn, Mrs. McGill’s son-in-law and daught er, in Mooresville last week-end. Mrs, G. W. Brooks. Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and Miss Eloise Brooks call ed on Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Matthews of Lemon Springs Sunday. Mrs. David M. Pearsall of Dunn spent last week-end with her sister, Mrs. D. A. Smith. George Van Huel and family left for Long Branch, N. Y„ Monday. Marie and Lacy Adcox spent last week with their sister, Mrs. Beulah On Wednesday evening of last week, | McCelland at Hamer, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Little and daughter Helen spent several days in Washington, D. C., last week. Sally Allison attended the finals at State College last week-end. Douglas Allison spent the week-end at home. Jame^ Gailey of Waterville, Tenn., is spending his vacation with his moth er. Mrs. Louise Lotz of New York City arrived in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fouse and daughter. Carol of Sanford and Mrs. Jessie Carter of Raleigh are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Suttenfield. Miss Lida Hutchins left last week for her home in Madison, Ind. June and Dighton Fiddner are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. Luther McDonald, in Greens boro. Mr. and Mrs !Toe Townsend left Monday for their home in Maine. Robert Thornton is occupying the Townsend cottage. Mrs. Eugene Vander Meersch re turned home Tuesday after undergo ing treatment at the Lilly Jordan hospital in Fayetteville. LEGAL NOTICES corded in office of Register of Deids of Moore County in Deed Book 94, Page 528. This June 10, 1935. C. J. MCDONALD, J14,Jul5 Sheriff of Moore County. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS S.\LE admired, each guest was asked to write advice to the bride. The host esses were assisted in servmg by Misses Mary Elizabeth Cameron, Jes sie Barnhardt, Sara Edith Matthews, Marie Tyson, Janet Rosser and Jun ior Matthews. Mr. Steere. Boy Scout Executive from Chailotte, made an interesting talk on scouting last Sunday evening at the Methodist church. Miss Elizabeth Keith, after spend- NIAGARA Mr Mrs. Rebecca Williams and Mrs. Winora Caviness and daughter of Staley were visitors in town on Fri day. Mrs. C. J. Carter of Greensboro, formerly of Niagara is .spending a few days with friends in town. The Rev. C. A. Lawrence of Vass •s. W. J. Cameron and Mr. and ing a few days at home, returned oni spo,^^ at the library here on Monday Mrs. S. R. Smith were Sunday supper ' Monday to Greenville to attend sum- ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Smith I mer school at E. C. T. C. of Sanford. Mrs. Ida Patterson and Joseph Matthews, Relmond Mc- daughter, Mrs. Ned Terrell, of Win- Craney and Bernice Graham are at aton-Salem, formerly of Vass, were home from State College for the guests of the Smiths also. i summer months. Miss Lois Buchanan of Broadway Mrs. G. W. Brooks and Miss Eloise night on the wet and dry subject. A. C. Wood went on a business trip to Norfolk the past week. Miss Harriet L, Gay left the past week for Bo.ston. Mas.s., to spend the summer. L. F. Martin, who spends the win- came Saturday to visit her sister, Brooks attended the celebration held Friday for South Mrs. A. D. McLauchlin. ; in Cary Tue.sday evening in honor of Royalston, Mass.. for the summer. Mrs. D. C. Daniels, Mrs. Carl Ed- the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. | Tj,e Rev. J. A. Wood and wife and Tvards, Misses Josephine Daniels and j and Mrs. Charles Vance Brooks. j daughters. Miss Ruth left the past Miss Wilma Daniels, all of Apex, call- w. B. Graham, A. M. Cameron and Boston. Mass.. to spend some ed on Miss Mary Beasley Saturday. H. C. Callahan were Charlotte visi- Mr. and Mrs. John Caddell and fam- tors Friday. iJy, who recently removed to Raeford, ^ Friends in V’ass have received with fiave returned to Va^s and are living much interest invitations to the mar- on Sunrise Heights. riage of Miss Virginia Idell Cameron Misses Ruby Rosser and Lottie of Olivia and George Malcolm Gra- Cameron of Lemon Springs visited ham, which is to be solemnized in the Miss Eloise Brooks Saturday. ; Olivia Presbyterian Church at eight Misses Katharine Graham, and Exie o’clock next Wednesday evening, Beasley left this week for Greens-1 June 19th. Misi^ Cameron is the boro to attend summer school at W. ' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cam- C. U. N. C. Miss Beasley, who had eron. She was born in Vass. but re- been visiting relatives for several moved to Olivia when a small girl, weeks, returned to Vass on Sunday, i She is a graduate of the Women’s Job Lots of Merchandise can be sold by using the Want Ads. LEGAL NOTICES IX THE nisTiiK'T C'oi kt OF tih: IMTEK ST.VTES, .>UI)i>LE I>IS- TUK’T OF XOKTII C'.XKOLIX.V. Under, and by virtue of. the author ity and direction contained in that certain order and decree made and en tered at the May Term of the Su perior Court of Moore County, worth Carolina, in an action now pending and entitled “Gurney P. Hood, Com- nii.ssioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, Ex. Rel Page Trust Company, et al. Plaintiff, vs. Moore County Securities Corporation, De fendant." the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, the 8th day of July, 1935, at the hour of twelve, noon, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Carth- age, the following described real es tate: That certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in Aberdeen, Sand hill Township, Moore County. North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows, to wit: Situate, ly ing and being on the South side of Main Street in the town of Aber deen, beginning at a point in the South side walk of West Main street. 6.6 feet South-westerly from the con crete curb of said street and in the line of the center line of the com mon wall between the building occu pied by the Aberdeen Hardware Com pany and the Fox Drug Company; runs thence South 28 West 92 1-2 feet to the right of way of the Nor folk Southern Railroad Company, the northern side thereof, runs thence along the curve of the said right of way of the said Norfolk Southern Railroad Company and 40 feet from the center of the track thereof in a westerly direction 145 feet to the South corner of the Methodist Church lot; thence North 28 East 149 feet to the sidewalk of West Main Street; thence along said sidewalk South 67.03 East 128 feet to the point of beginning, being the lands conveyed unto H. A. Page, J. R. Page and Frank Page, Trustees for Page & Company, by deed of Emma C. Page. Mary E. Page and Frances Page Wild er, being joined by her husband, Thos. B. Wilder, of dale January 10. 1912, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Moore County, Norlh Carolina, in Book 49, at page 160, and being the lands and premi.ses upon which is situated the buildings now occupied by Page Trust Company, bj' Aberdeen Hardware Company, and by Page Brothers and Page and Com pany. This sale will be held and conduct ed in compliance with the decrea of the court above referred to, and the sale will be made subject to the con firmation by said court. A deposit of twenty per cent of the amount bid will be required of the successful bidder as evidence of good :aith. This, the 6th day of June, 1935. M. G. BOYETTE. S. J. HINSDALE. J14Jul.j. Conymissioners. NOTICE OF TIir STEE’S S.\LE LEGAL NOTICES cessful bidder as evidence of good .’aith. This, the 7th day of June, 1935. MURDOCH M. JOHNSON, Trustee. By U. L. Spence, W. D Sabiston, Jr., Attorneys for Trustee J14, Jul5. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of Vinie H. Hughes, deceas ed, late of Duval County, Florida, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceas ed to exhibit them to the undersign ed process agent at her office in the Hart Building, Southern Pines, N. C., on or before the 7th day of June, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 1st day of June, 1935, Samuel L. Hayes, Executor of Vlnie H. Hughes, Deceased. Evelyn Thomas, Process Agent, Southern Pines, North Carolina. J6-Jull2 UNITED ST.VTES DISTRICT COURT Middle District of North Carolina IN B.\XKRUI*TC’Y: NOTICE OF HE.<RING OF DISCHARGE PETITION: In the Matter of Chas. R. Whitaker and Harriett Reed Whitaker, Bankrupt. LEGAL NOTICES Said land being those two tracts comprising Ten Hundred Seventy- Six (1076) acres, more or leas, ad joining the lands of Verner Z. Reed (formerly of Dr. M. W. Marr), Ed Cross, Jacob Morton, Robert Deans and others, deeded by J. C. Little and wife, Alma M. Little and L. C. Year- gan and wife, F. Agnes Yeargan to A. S. Newcomb, Ernest W. Bush, Anna B. Jenks, Edwina L. Bennett and Lillian A. Roberts in a deed dat ed Dec. 8 1919, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, N. C., in Deed Book No. 76 at Page 256; being also the -same land described in a deed from Jerry V. Healy to A. S. Newcomb, Anna B. Jenks, Lillian A. Roberts and E. W. Bush, recorded in the said Office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, N. C., in Deed Book No. 95 at Page 459, to which said deeds reference is hereby made for specific description and identification. This the 28th day of May, 1935. ANGIE P. NEWCOMB. Per Johnson & McCluer, Attorneys J7-28. ST.XTE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEF.VRTMENT OF ST.XTE. CERTIFIC.ATE OF DISSOLUTION TO .\LL TO WHO.M THESE PRES ENTS M.VY COME: GREETING: TO THE CREDITORS OF SAID BANKRUPT. TAKE NOTICE, That a petition has been filed in said Court by above bankrupts of the County of Moore in . -said district, who has been duly ad- ' judged a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898, for a dis charge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act, and that the 15th day of Jime, 1935, ten o’clock A. M., is assigned for a hearing of the same before H. F. Seawell, Jr., as Special Master of Said District, when and where you may attend and show cause, if any you have, why the pray er of said petition should not be granted. This the 16th day of May, 1935. H. F. SEAWELL, JR., M24J14 United States Special Ma.ster. I NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE OF FIRST ,MEETIX(J CHEDITOKS OF IjMPORTANT NOTICE The Board of County Commissioner? will sit as a Board of Equalization and Review on Monday and Tues day, June 17th and 18th. On Monday 17th they will see those persons who wish to have their real es tate equalized in the follow ing* townships: McNeills, Mineral Spring's and Sand hills. On Tuesday 18th: Carth age, Bensalem, Sheffields, Ritters, Deep River iand Greenwood. WILBUR H. CURRIE, Chairman Board of Commissioners of Moore County In the Matter of Pine Needles Inc., Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy No. 1238 To the Creditors of the above named bankrupt: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ijon the olh day of June, 1935, the ’: .said Pine Needles Inc., was duly ad- jucated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of its creditors will be held at Carthage, N. C„ in office of the United Stales Referee, on the 18th day of June, 1935, at eleven o’clock in the forenpon, at which time the .said creditors may attend and prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex- H'amine the bankrupt and transact s’j'’a I? I other business as may properly come ^ j before said meeting, g H. F. SEAWELL, JR.. g 1 U. S. Referee. “ Carthage, N. C., This June 7th, 1935. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER E.XECl'TIOX Under and by virtue of an execu tion directed to the undersigned by Hon. John Wlllcox. Clerk Superior Court of Moore County, in the mat ter of J. Pleasant Hines vs. A. Mon- tesanti. same being J. P. Judgment No. 1097. and the same being a judg ment on a lien for labor performed on the premises hereinafter described, and the same being declared by said judgment to be a first and prior lien against said property, the undersign- ed will on MOND.\Y, AUGUST 5th, at 12 O’CLOCK NOON offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, for the purpose of satisfy ing said lien, the following described real estate, to wit: Beginning at a black gum, three black gum pointers, the first comer of lot No. 1 (in the division of the Wicker land), running with the first line of it S. 15 1-2 W. 5.75 chains to a cement post. Frank Maples begin ning corner of 11 2-3 acres; thence S. 3 W. 9.75 chains to the center of the clay road; thence along said road S. 64 E. 7.00 chains; thence S. 75 E. 3.50 chains crossing the creek; thence N. 31 E. 9.47 chains to a stake in the bend of the road, post oak and poplar pointers; thence N. 86 W. 2.00 chains to a stake at an old saw mill place; thence N. 4 E. 8:10 chains to a stake, one pine pointer; thence N. 86 1-2 W. 15 chains to the beginning, containing 24 1-2 acres more or less, being lot No. 2 in division of Wicker land, being the same property deed ed by J. H. Scarboro and wife Janie Scarboro to A. Montesanti by deed re- Under, and by virtue of, the power and authority conferred and contain ed in that certain Deed of Trust ex ecuted by Plnehurst Realty Company, a North Carolina corporation, to Murdoch M. Johnson, Trustee, which said Deed of Trust is dated the 1st day of April, 1931. and duly record ed in the office of the Regl.ster of Deeds of Moore County, North Car olina, in Book of Mortgages No. 56, at Page 57, and whereas, default has been made In the payment of the In- debtcdnes.s thereby secured and the conditions therein secured, the under signed Tni'iec will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouiie door of Moore county, in the Town of Carthage, on Mon day, the 8th day of July, 1935, at the hour of twelve. Noon, the following described real estate: All those three certain tracts of land lying and being in Moore County, in Sheffield Township, more particular- ly described as follows, to wit: FIRST TRACT: Near the town of Ellse. beginning at a stake S. 16 3-4 W. 40 yards from the well; runs thence N. 16 3-4 E. 7.65 chs. passing over the well and crossing the D. & C. RR. to a stake in the Hunsucker line, now C. C. Fry’s line; thence that line N. 64 1-2 W. 6.39 chs. to a stake; thence S. 16 3-4 W. 5.40 chs. to Len- den Kennedy’s corner of one acre; thence S. 73 E. 3.20 chs. to a stake and one white oak pointer, Kennedy’s corner; thence S. 16 3-4 W. 2.75 chs. to a stake; thence S. 67 1-2 E. 3.19 chs. to the beginning, containing 3 9-10 acres, more or less. SECOND TliACT: Adjoining the lands of Isham Wallace heirs. Begin ning at a stake 2 pines and black jack pointers; thence S. 76 E. 2175 chs. to a pine stump, post oak and white oak pointers; thence N. 4 W. 1690 chains to a stake, post oak and red oak pointers, second corner of 2 acres; thence N. 78 W. 20.60 chains to a stake; thence S. 1 E. 15.10 chains to the beginning, containing 31 3-4 acres. THIRD TRACT: Adjoining Elias McNeill and others, on Buffalo Creek. Beginning at a stake, origi nally a black jack or oak in the low ground of the Creek, said to be a corner of William Smith or Neill Mc Leod’s beginning corner of 50 acres on the West side of the Creek; thence N. 33 W. 30 chs. to a stake near 2 black oaks; thence N 29 E. 3.85 chs. to S. G. Garner’s corner; thence the division line of said Garner S. 58 E. 37.80 chs. to a stake water oak and oak pointers, his corner; thence S. 16 3-4 W. 5.25 chs. to a stake in the line of the Neill McLeod 50 acres; thence with that line N. )0 W. 345 chs. to the corner of said 50 acres; thence with it S. 60 W. 18.50 chs. to the beginning, containing 116 acres, more or less. The terms of the foregoing sale will be cash and the Trustee will require a deposit of ten per cent of the suc- Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained In a certain mort gage deed executed by A. S. Newcomb and Frances P. Newcomb, his wife, to Angie P. Newcomb, under date of January 2. 1P32. which is duly re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore ‘County In Book of Mortgages 55 at page 24. to which reference Is hereby made, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness therein .secured, and the powers of sale In .said mortgage having become operative, and said mortgage being subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned will offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House ' door in the Town of Carthage. North I Carolina, at the hour of Noon, on j the 29th day of June, 1935. the fol- I lowing described real estate, to-wlt: A one-fourth undivided interest in i and to a certain tract or parcel of land in Moore County, North Carolina, j in Sandhill.s Town.shlp. WHEREAS, it appears to my sat- -i.sfactlon, by duly authenticated rec ord of the proceedings for the volun tary dissolution thereof by unani mous consent of all the stockholders I deposited in my office, that the I STANDARD STORE. INCORPOR- , ATED. a corporation of this State, ! whose principal office is situated ! In the town of Aberdeen. County of Moore. State of North Carolina (C. J. Johnson. President, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, en titled ‘Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution. NOW, THEREFORE. I. Stacey \V. Wade. Secretary of State of the Stale of North Carolina, do herey certify that the said Corporation did, on the 16th day of May, 1935, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dis solution of said corporation, execut- j ed by all of the stockholders there of, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af fixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 16th day of May, A. D. 193.1. STACEY W. WADE, M24-J14 Secretary of State. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Having qualified this day as Exe cutors of the Last Will and Testa ment of V. F. Tarlton, late of Moore County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said V. F. Tarlton, deceased, to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before May 6th. 1936. otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said Estate of V. F. Tarlton, deceased, will plea.se make immediate settlement. Dated at Aberdeen, N. C., this 6th day of May. 1935. FLORA LILLIE TARLTON and W. E. FREEMAN, May 17 J21 Executors. xs Travel Bargains TICKETS ON SAI E DAILY FROM SOLrTHERN PINES Round Trip One-Way One-W'ay Unrestricted TO Coach Unrestricted 15 Day 6 Months Columbia. S. C. $ 2.03 $ 4.05 $ 5.40 $ 6.75 Savannah. Ga 4.14 8.28 11.05 13.80 Jacksonville. Fla. 6.71 i3.42 17.90 22.40 West Palm Beach. Fla. .... 11.20 22.40 29.90 37.35 Miami, Fla. 12.20 24.40 32.55 40.70 Tfunpa, Fla .' 9.88 19.75 26.35 32.95 St. Petersburg, Fla. 10.24 20.47 27.30 34.15 Athens, Ga. 4.22 8.44 11.25 14.10 Atlanta, Ga 5.23 10.63 14.20 17.75 Chattanooga, Tenn. 7.37 14.74 19.65 24.60 Nashville, Tenn. 9.66 18.35 24.50 30.60 Birmingham, Ala. 7.82 15.63 20.85 26.05 Memphis, Tenn. 11.62 23.23 31.00 38.75 Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va. .... 3.65 7.30 9.75 12.00 Richmond Va. 3.39 6,77 9.05 11.30 Washington, D. C. 5.14 10.27 13.70 17.15 Baltimore, Md. 6.58 11.71 16.58 20.03 Philadelphia, Pa. 10.04 15.17 23.50 26.95 New York, N. Y. 13.28 18.41 29.98 33.43 SIMILAR LOW FARES TO OTHER POINTS n ♦♦ u H LET US EXPLAIN AIR-CONDITIONED EQUIPMENT ON SEABOARD TRAINS— AN EXCLUSrVE FEATURE SHIP YOUR AUTO BY TRAIN Costs only one additiomil ticket when two people travel using unrestricted fares. For further information see your local Ticket Agent or write C. G. WARD, D. P. A. 505 Odd FeUows BuUdiag Ralelgb. N. C. The Only Completely Air-Conditioned TrainB in ttie Soatta. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY

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