Page Bight THE PILOT, Soathgni Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, August 16, 1935. iOHN C. MITSE. SANFORD HOST AT LITTLE KIVKR CABIN Cameron and Community .A rustic cabin among the pineS | with a river winding along at a [ stone’s throw, the water reflecting the “Carolina Moon” at the height | of its glory, formed the setting for | a party given on Monday evening by I John C. Muse of Sanford, account-, ant for Moore county, when he enter- To “Every Night at Eight,” hilar ious romantic musical comedy, the attraction at the Southern Pines Circle number one of the Presby-.pool last Thursday evening, terian Woman’s Auxiliary, held itsj The following persons had the mis. August meeting Tuesday afternoon fortune to loose,, by fire last week- of last week at the Arnold home, j end, barns filled with tobacco w'hich ' theatre Monday, Tuesday and Wed- with Misses Mamie Arnold and Mary j had just been cured: J. E. Snow, I npgday, August" 19. 20, 21, with a E. McNeill, hostesses. Mrs. Loula | Frank Coot e, W. A. Muse and Robert i Tuesday matinee, goes the distinc- Muse. chairman, presided and led,Boggs. These chairman, presided and led,Boggs. These gentlemen have the I tion of u^lizing the timeliness and tainod the ladies of the court house ' devotional. Mrs. W. G. Parker | sympathy of the community, as the | current popularity of the amateur ' was program leader. Interesting tobacco crop in this section has been ! radio hour and bringing it to the at a fried chicken supper at his lodge. "Camp Many-ha-ha,” on Little River in Hoke county. The supper, which was planned by 1 Home Mission facts were given by: cut short by the Mesdames George McDermott r and W. G. Parker. Mrs. Loula Muse gave a “Rambling Sketch of a Week at eceedingly dry j screen for the first time as a basis | cut short by the exceedingly dry j theme for a motion picture. Highly to loose a barn of nice tobacco. , hilarious, with tuneful, toe-tapping Miss Katie Harrington and Mrs., tunes and an originality of story ' Jew’ell Hemphill were tea guests ^ that is as refreshing as an air-cooled theatre on a sweltering summer day, 1 it proves to be as blues-chasing, i heart-warming piece of funny busl- ' ness as has come along in a month ^ of musicals. The filmusical serves a tw'o-fold purpose, not only in pre senting George Raft in an entirely characterization as an egotis- [ tical leader of an amateur dance Ti H " ® club, j Charles Lawrence of Vass, Presby, ' band, but in introducing to film fans ,; Mr. and Mrs , chapercmed by Mrs. George McDer-^terial secretary of orphanage work, ' Frances Langford, radio songstress wood of Sanford, and Misses 1 ur a enjoyed a picnic supper and was present, and gave an informing | of considerable fame, who makes a ' Ta/>LraiA A.Tiic3a fUKj W A. t ■ swimming party at ,_the ' Aberdeen | talk on the work at Banum Springs.) highly favorable impression in her ; 1 She used a splendid chart in ex- f jrst screen role. Crisp, crackhng plaining the work, and her talk humor that so uproariously identi- show'ed much thought and interest! fjes the talent.s of that glib, adept in tho work. comedienne, P a t .s y Kelly, wise- ' Rev. Frank Hare will fill his regu- | cracking antics of the blonde and at. ^ lar appointment at the Baptist i tractive Alice Faye, the immensely j church, next Sunday, August 18, at j laugh-provoking capers of the Three j 11 o’clock. the host, was one w'hich will long gj^le study was impres. l)e remembered by those privileged toj^jy^iy conducted by Mrs. Belle Me-!Sunday afternoon of Mrs. J. E. Snow, paitake. Canoeing and ; jjeithen. | Miss Margaret McDermott left were enjoyed during the evening. j cjrde number three of the .same Sunday for Laurel, Long Island, j Those enjoying Mr. Muses hos- Thursday afternoon w’here she will visit her uncle and pitality were Misses Stuart, |j McDonald, with the jaunt for ten days. j Maida Jenkins, Bess McCaskill,. chairman. Miss Virginia Graham, j On Monday afternoon of last week, ^ Ethel Davis, Maiy Gilbeit | presiding. A good program was ren- the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Pres-I Maida Shaw, Sarah Hurwitz, Mae ; ^nd liainty refreshments were' byterian church, met at the home ot new Campbell and Jennie Cameron ^*1*1 ^served. [the president Mrs. J E. Snow. Mrs. Mrs. Glendon Wicker of the court Cole and Jacksie Muse Muse of Cameron. The Pilot is read by some 10,000 persons each week. Regular advertis ing w’ould drive your message home to these prospects. After Inventory Sale OUR STOCK OF SUMMER SHOFS, DRESSES, MILLINERY, GLOVFS, SILK UNDERTHINGS. Prices Worth Your Consideration! Just received shipment of New Fall Hats—Also. Faille Berets $L95 — $2.95 We are showing some very smart luggage for your vacation needs .... Popular Prices! C.T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. .■\IOOIlE COl’NTV M.\N FOUND GllLTY OF SEKIOrS CHARGE SOI THERN IMNES SPECL4L SALE SUMMER ITEMS 1 Table Ladies White Shoes Any Style at $1.00 1 Table White Shoes, in ties Broken Sizes, Various Styles pumps, straps and sandals. All are $1.98 and $2.98 styles at $1.48 2 Tables Ladies Black Shoes. Broken Sizes in ties and pumps, good fall styles:— All $2.98 numbers ...,$1.98 All $2.48 numbers-..,$1.75 All $1.98 numbers ....$1.48 Men’s White Shoes at greatly reduced prices. New Selection of Ladies Fall Hats $1.00 “Friendly- Five” Shoes $5.00 — No Extra Sales Tax— MELVIN BROTHER ABERDEEN, N. C. THE Carolina Theatre Southern Pines (The coolest place in the Sandhills) PRESENTS Alltt FRANCES Added: Mickey Mouse in “Mickey’s Fire Brigade.” Mon., Tue., Wed., Aug. 19, 20, 21. 8:15 Matinee Tuesday’ at 3:00 iV V 1 Added: The Fifth Edition of the “March of Time” Screen Magazines. Thu., Fri., Sat., Aug. 22, 23, 24. 8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Baptist Church Rev. J. Fred Stimson, Pastor. 10:00 a. m.—Sunday School. Radio Rogues, also stars of the air. {Continued from vage 1) slaughter in connection with the fa- WEST END LEAD.S IX BASEBALL LEA(il’E i Continued from pnge 1) Pinos defeated Pinehurst at Pine. ' (Classes for those above 16 years cjaughter, Pat, of Louisville. Ky., I cf age only). 'were guest.^ Wednesday evening of ^ 11:00 a. ni.—Sermon by the pastor. ia,st week of Mesdames Janie and Subject: “A Chance to do Goodi Mrs. M. J. McPhail of Sanford i waves the irievident ribtickline ver- ^ ,,, J ..... I miviueiiL riui (.tt. uig v | shootmg Of Pet Harnngton at a i hurst by the score of 11 to 7. Mrs. Pifcr Weathersby and little | bosities of Walter Catlett, combined ; between Southern The Church of Wide Fellowship Rev. C. Rexford Raymond, D. D., Pastor. 10:00—Church School. Primary and Beginners’ Pines and' Wednesday August 7th, Aberdeen Aberdeen. Godwin was sentenced to played a double headei with Pine. , serve from six to ten years and Cole, i hurst at the latter place. Aberdeen man from whom the pistol was won the first game 6 to 3, while procured, was given three years in Pinehurst took the second game 13 ,, J ... „ ' State’s Prison. Notice of appeal to i to 5. I-adyen, w^ho ms been critically .111 also be on the same program in his j I for some days, is slightly improved.; nevvest cartoon, J^'Mickey’s F i r e: . i loth, at Pine. I Nathaniel Smith, alias Nathaniel |, Aberdeen again defeated I Harrington, charged w'ith an assault ] Pinehurst in robably the best jrtayed Loula Muse. The condition of Mrs. Flora Mc- with a romantic story and a half dozen or more catchy melodies, serve to make “Every Night at i Eight” a screen confection of high entertainment* Mickey |.Iouse' will A number of young people chaper-1 Brigade.” Denart-'oned by Mrs. H. D. Tally, gathered . ^^^Hnnation of laughs will also ^ ^ m roonmy me oesi piayea ... f J ^ f ■ at the tobacco barn of J C Soivev continuation o la gns 1 . ^ blackjack on W. C. Hough ofigame of the entire season. The finel ments discontinued dunng epidemic at th^ tobacco barn of J. C. bpivey | Thursday, Fnday and bat- Crest, ws given a four montrs' score was Aberdeen 1 Pinehurst 0. jurday, August 22, 23, 24 with a ^ sentence. Smith, a colored man. j Neither team made a fielding error. of infantile paralysis. Friday evening and enjoyel out 11:00 a. m^-Morning worship, loor g^ followed by a picnic j tamous one i Dupree for Pinehurst allowed only Guy Lsher of the School of Religion, supper. | laurel and Oliver Hardy, 1 J jin the first inning and coupled w'ith McKinley Boggan, colored man who a fielder’s choice they accounted tor Vanderbilt University, to preach. Mrs. J. F. Bruton, Mrs. Bollin and j ipngth 7:00 p. m.—Young People's Vesper two daughters. Miss Margaret and ^ gonnie Scotland, which is I Service in Church Garden. Everybody R^ith Bruton of Columbia, S. C., were , ^ “natural” for that pair of invited. week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. jaugh-makers. The funsters work Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.—Choir Re- Mclver and Miss Mamie ■^^^'^old. ■ way to Scotland on a cattle hearsal. Mrs. Bruton remained for a two j ^ bequest for Mc. Laurel which turns out to be nothing more than a set of bag-pipes. They run up a lot of bills and before they week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Mclver and Miss Mamie Arnold, i, Mrs. Bruton remained for a ^ week’s visit. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tally, Mr. and i Christian Science New Hampshire Ave., near Ashe St. ^jrs. J. D. McLean, Misses Marga- Sei'vices are held every Sunday at ^ McDougald and Margaret Me. 11:00 o’clock. Subject of the lesson. Lean attended the Home-Coming at sermon, Sunday, August 18: “Soul.” Hope Church, near Mt. Vernon Springs last Sunday. This is the boy hood church of Mr. Tally, who en joyed many a hearty hand.clasp ot, old friends of bygone days. Mrs. Jew-ell Hemphill spent Thurs. day of last week in Vass, guest ot Mrs. \V. D. McCraney. Mrs. J. E. Snow and Evelyn Ann spent Sunday in Fairmont with J. E. Vesper Services Each Sunday afternoon at 5:00 o’clock at the Civic Club for Pres byterians. The Rev. E. L. Barber, pas tor. are really aware of it find themselves in a Scotch Regiment sailing for India. A series of hilarious situations follows, ending in a whirlwind finale knocked old Aunt Laura Taylor, ex.! “^e earned run, the only run scored slave, in the head with an axe and i game. Davis for Aberdeen robbed her of seventy-three cents, j allowed seven hits for nine bases, was sentenced to serve from five to | when in danger bore down and .'leven years in State’s Prison. ! Pinehurst was unable to score, twice .lohn Savannah, colored, chargeci having men thrown out at the plate, with the abduction of the wife of Lee ^ Saturday August lOth, West End Gillis, was found guilty and given | defeated Southern Pines twice, at twelve months in jail to work on the West End, neither score having been roads. For breaking and entering the Mu- reported to the League Secretary. Standing of the teams as of Sat. |tual Exchange building in Carthage, 1 urday August lOth: when they capture an Indian poten- : Flint, alias John Henry Martin. : West End Emmanuel Episcopal Church Rev. F. Craighill Brown, B. A., B. D., Rector. Sunday Services—The first Sunday in the month. Church School 9:30 a. m.; Holy Communion and sermon, 11:00 a. m. tate who wishes to destroy the unit ^ ^^-ag sent to the roads for twelve to which they belong. | months imonins. 'Southern Pines The large supporting cast include , Hume Smith, white, charged with pjnehurst first, Jimmy Finlayson and Daphne the larceny of sawmill equipment, w'as | Pollard, who will be remembered for foimd not guilty. | their laugh making in the days of ^ Dewey Brower, w-hite, was found | Mr. and Mrs. Earl York and sons | pictures, and then June Lang guilty of an assault with a deadly 1 w h h a and William Janney, who take care weapon and was given four months! ednesday, August of the romance interest; with Anne in jail to work on the roads. w L Av 8 4 666 9 6 600 7 10 412 4 8 333 of the schedule is Other Sundays, Holy Communion, '8.00 a. m.: Church School, 9:30 a. m.; Morning Prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Saint’s Days Service, Holy munion, 10:00 a. m. Com- Catholic Church Sunday Mass, 9:00 a. m. Daily Mass, 8:00 a. m. of Raleigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W’. M. Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, Mi.sses Thurla Cole and Mary Hend- Grey, Vernon Steele, David Tor rence, Monty Blue, Lionel Belmore ricks returned from their northern Mary Gordon lending valuable tour Monday afternoon. : Miss Jacksie Muse joined a party An added attraction Otis McCall drew a 90 day sentenc..* for assault with a deadly weapon. Ernie Moore w'as found guilty of public drunkenness, but not guilty of is the fifth driving an automobile while intoxi- The remain as follows: 14th—Pine. I hurst at Southern Pines; West End i at Aberdeen. Saturday, August 17th—Southern Pines at Pinehurst; Aberdeen at West End. j Wednesday, August 21st—Pine. 9<lanly Presbyterian thr'Es'ta'te^oTA. F “'V late of EXECl^TOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of Yates, deceased. Aberdeen, Moore County, GI.EN (iRAY TO PLAY IN F.WETTEVILLE MONDAY PINEHURST The Community Church A. J. McKelway, Pastor of friends from Carthage on Monday , edition of the famous Screen Maga- cated. His sentence was thirty days hurst at West End; Southern Pines evening and enjoyed a picnic suppef, zine, “The March of Time”, which no in jail to work bn the roads. 1 at Aberdeen. at the camp of her brother, John C. cne will want to miss. Jack Gains, colored, found guilty i Saturday. August 24th—West End Muse on Little River. breaking and entering a cafe Pinehurst; Aberdeen at Southern Jackson Hamlet, was given four. Pines. ; months in jail to work at the coun. j W’ednesday, August 28th—West i ty home. j End at Southern Pines; Pinehurst Monday night, August 19th, marks Verdicts of not guilty were ren.; at Aberdeen, the beginning of a new era of enter- dered in the following cases: Frank I From this it will be seen that each on i^sTaTe of the* deceased *to ^iTibirthe^ Virginia and the two Caro, drunk and disorderly; Liss Barretr, ■ the schedule. In addition the follow. I to the undersigned at Aberdeen, I 'inas. Glen Gray and his Casa Loma colored, charged with an assault with , ing postponed games are to be I North Carolina on or before the 15th ^ Orchestra have been engaged to fur. a deadly weapon; Willie Bethea, played off, before the final winner jday of August, 1936, or this notice their own inimitable style of | charged with breaking and entering j can be determined: Peoples meeting at seven p ^ Aberdeen. Moore ^ ^ ^ - - sewn I Carolina, this is to notify all I tainment to be offered the inhabi. Stutts, white, charged with being ' team has five games remaining seven.tnirty. t ourtn bunday morn-! persons having claims against the' , ’ ® ° . ing at eleven 0 clock. will be pleaded in bar of their re ! covery. | . fu f A f I Persons indebted to the estate ^e held on that date at Jax’s Audi- uuring the month of August, „,iji pigase make immediate payment. | torium in Fayetteville. Church School will be held at 9 a. This 12th day of Au^st 1935. jax’s Auditorium features a maple m. and morning worship at 10 a. m. AGNES H. YATES, Executor.!• j ■ The Rev. J. Fred Stimson. pMtor of By 4 i Carolina. “ m the the First Baptist Church of South- ^ ^^ ^ [clothing and other articles. ine ^hT trree^L^nlvs'o^ ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE ^ really famous at-j A nol pros with leave was taken Having qualified as administrator ' traction could be presented in all its j in the case of Fred Clary, charged syncopation for the gala opening to the uninhabited house of Mrs. H. W. Adcox; Tom Hunter, charged with an assault with a deadly weapon; Will H. Morrison, charged w'ith break ing and entering the house of Mrs. The need has long been; Heywood and stealing bed linens, n the d sort, Aberdeen has 7 postponed games: 3 at home. 1 with Squthern Pines; 2 with West End. 4 away. 2 with Southern Pines; 2 with West End. Southern Pines has 4 postponed games: 3 at home. 2 with Aberdeen; 1 with West End. 1 away, with Aber deen. W'est End has 7 postponed games: 3 at home. 2 with Aberdeen; 1 w'ith ' eust On the fourth Sundav the Rev Having quaiiiiea as aaminisirator - -- — - — I . ®— P Cary Adams president of Maxton estate of Caroline McCord ; intention of the j with the murder of Preston Green as ’ Hurd, deceased, late of Moore management to build up prestige j a result of an automobile accident. A 1 Pinehurst. 4 away. 2 with Aberdeen; with some of the finest orchestras : case against Theodore Morrison, in 11 with Pinehurst; 1 with Southern and other entertainers in the country. ' which he was charged with the lar- j Pines. Glen Gray and his Casa Loma ceny of a car, was nol prossed. Pinehurst has 2 postponed games: T • /-, 11 -11 u 4.1. J1UIU, ueteaseu, late oi iviwre Junior College, will be the preacher, county. North Carolina, this is to 11 a. m. Subject: “ A Chance to do persons having claims Good.” AJSEBDEEN Bethesda Presbyterian Church Rev. E. L. Barber, Pastor. Services each Sunday morning at 11:15; Services each Sunday evening at 7:30. Prayer meeting services Wed nesday evening at 7:30. against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his offiice in Southern Pines on or Orchestra are at present in great before the 16th, day of August 1936 demand all over the country, and it or this notice will be pleaded in bar, jg indeed fortunate that he will be of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. Page Memorial M. E. Rev. L. M. Hall First Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Second Sunday—Preaching 11 a. m. This 16th day of August 1935. P. P. PELTON, Administrator, I Estate of Caroline McCord Hurd deceased. Aug 16- Sept 20. able to make a special trip down .; from New York to play for the opening of Jax’s Auditorium in Fay. etteville. INQUEST SET NEXT V\T:EK IN POLICE CHIEF’S DE.\TH Coroner W. C. Davis of Fayette- ADxMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Third Sunday—Preaching 7:30 p. m. Having qualified as administrator!''**^® announced Tuesday that an in. Fourth Sunday—Preaching 11 a. of the estate ^f U. S. Littlefield, de.i quest into the death of J. Ross Jones m. and 7:30 p. m. | ceased, late of Moore County. North ' late chief of police of that city, 9-4s''a m ^ Carolina, this is to notify all persons , ^^uld be held sometime early next ».40 a. m. havinar claims against the estate of ; _ •said deceased to exhibit them to the "eek. Otherwise there were no new de velopments in the situation created by the death of Chief Jones, who PInebluff Methodist Church Rev. Clyde O. Newell, B. A.. B 9:45 a. m -Chtych School. undersigned at his office in .‘?outh- D., ?^n Pines on or before the 16th, day of August 1936, or this notice will . . r, . '’e pleaded in bar of their recovery. i , 11.00 a. r... Preaching Service. pgj-sons indebted to said estate j"'®'® found alone in a hotel room late 6:30 p. m.—Epworth League, Jun- will please make immediate payment.' Friday .night wit’i a bullet through Jor. I This 16th, day of August 1935. ■ 7:30-Epworth League, Young ^ „ , ^ ■ Estate of U.S. Littlefield, deceased. . People. |Aug. 16 Sept. 20. i Advertise in THE PILOT 1 his head, fired from his own pistol. Judgment was suspended upon pay ment of the costs in the case of Thomas I. Hayes, who entered a plea of guilty to a trespass charge. Percy Newsom and Bill King, charged with robbing John Monroe, Eagle Springs mail carrier, of a Chevrolet car, $8 in cash and a shot gun, were brought to Carthage from Raleigh on Wednesday, but their case was not expected to be reached until Thursday. A larceny case against Howard Harrington was nol prossed with leave and case in which Tom Garner was charged with being drunk and disorderly and resisting ai»?8t was sent to the Recorder’s court. J. A. Phillips, who was charged with two cases of embezzlement was found not guilty in one and the other was continued, as was a case again.«t Neill Tucker, who appealed from a recorder's court judgment in a liquor charge. 1 at home with West End. 1 away, with West End. The season is scheduled to close August 28th, but inasmuch as the schools may not open until later than usual, the season can, if the various managers so desire, extend on into September. If the various managers do not desire this, then they can arrange double headers on the regular schedule days, or play offs in any other manner most suit able to themselves. McBRYDE ELECTED CHIEF OF FAYETTEVILLE POLICE Bainey McBryde, assistant chief of police for 11 years Tuesday night was unanimously elected chief of police of Fayetteville by the Board of Aldermen to succeed Chief J. Rofs Jones, who wa.s found fatally wounded in a local room last Fiiday night. I

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