MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 39. ^ ^^ARTHAOE eAci.e spniNCd WEST CNO LAKCVIC.W JACK SON &PRII108 WXrtHBRM «»mES Xpinebluf^ PIL FIRST IN NV.WS, Wis« M.ry Thon,^ ^ CIRCULATION & « «. C • ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday August 23, 1935. FIVE CENTS Will Rogers^ Tragic Death Felt Keenly in This Section He Made Several Appearances In This Section in Past Several Years BEN DIXON McNEIL WRITES The tragic death of Will Rogers, which occurred last Thursday night in an airplane crash at Point Bar row, Alaska, is keenly felt in this state which he had visited on many occasions. His last public appearance in North Carolina was seven years ago in March, and among the towns visited was Pinehurst where he ap peared at the Carolina Theatre. It was Will’s third trip to Pinehurst. Probably as manj' yords have been written about Will Rogers as any man that has lived recently. Big and little newspapers have voiced their feelings in a variety of tributes. The American people had a proprietory feeling about him. He was a roamer and a democratic mixer that drop ped down in a community or town and immediately became one of the people. His visit in the Sandhills is told by Ben Dixon McNeill in the Raleigh News and Observer. Mr. Mc Neill also has many friends through out the county who will read his story with a double interest. He ac companied Will on one of his tours of the state. (Please turn to page 4) Aged Cameron Woman Passes Mrs. McFadyen’s Son Was the First White Child Born In Cameron After an extended illness, Mrs. Flora Ann McFadyen, aged 81, died on Wednesday, August 14th at her home in Cameron. She was the old est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Alex McGilvary of Moore County and the widow of the late Gideon McFadyen, who died many years ago. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon at the home, con ducted by her pastor, the Rev. M. D. McNeill. The pallbearers were her grandsons, Robert, Martin, Ralph and Frank McFadyen, and John McGil vary and Dr, Lex Buie of Lemon Springs. Two musical selections, “Some time We’ll Understand" and “Abide With Me,” were softly rendered by Miss Mary Hendricks, Mrs. Minnie Clark, Jimmy Rogers and J. R. Lov ing. Just as the sun went down, un der a mound of beautiful flowers, her body was laid to rest by the side of her husband, in the Cameron Cemetery. Mrs. McFadyen possessed a gen tle spirit, a lovable disposition, and a kind and sympathetic heart. She led a quiet, simple life, full of good ly deeds, and was devoted to her family and church. She was a char ter member of the Presbyterian Wo man’s Auxiliary and a life-long mem ber of the Cameron Presbyterian church. Her oldest son, the late N. C. McFadyen, was the first white child born in Cameron. Surviving are two daughters, Misses Annie and Maggie McFadyen of Cameron; three sons, J. A. and M. J. McFadyen of Cameron, and C. E. McFadyen of Sallon, Nevada; one sister, Mrs. Ruth Buie of Lemon Springs; one brother, P. T. McGil vary of Mulberry, Fla. POSTOFFICE TO CLOSE ON SATURDAYS Beginning the first week in Sep tember, the Southern Pines postof- fice will close at noon each Sat urday, instead of the summer sche- dule of Wednesdays. Next week ends the closing of local stores on Wed nesday afternoons for the summer. MRS. ADAMS APPOINTED TO NEW POSITION Mrs. W. J. Adams of Carthage and Raleigh, widow of Justice Adams, who has been employed in the Reve nue Department almost since her husband’s death, has been appointed assistant Supreme Court Librarian. Crash Victim WILL KOGEItS COMMISSIONERS RESTRAINED IN SALE OF TAXES Postponement Due To the Ina bility of Farmers To Pay Before Fall The county commissioners and tax collector have been restrained in the sale for taxes for the years 1934 and 1935 from advertising and selling lands. The restraining order signed by Judge Clawson L. Williams was made returnable before Judge P. A. McElroy on August 12, and a con sent order was signed by Judge Mc Elroy. continuing until October 5, 1935 the hearing on the order as to why the commissioners and tax col lector should not be restrained. The action was brought by George W. McNeill, D, A. McDonald, Jr., K, W. McLeod and other taxpayers, who set forth that the several thousand tracts of land about to be sold be long to delinquent taxpayer?? the most of whom are poor people who are not able to pay at this time of year, but who can and will pay if given time in which to market their crops of cotton and tobacco. A grav6 injustice would be done if lands were sold in September, it was felt, FIREMEN DKILLIXG FOR STATE MEET AUGUST 26 *8,000 TENTATIVE ALLOTMENTS FOR COUNTY STREETS Southern Pines Gets $3,200.00, Largest Amount In Countv Interesting Items From Old \ BURRELL G. WHITE Southern Pines Newspapers KNOLLWOOD & 'iNEW YORK PASSES ABERDEEN SECOND Mileages nnd expenditures from the §500,000 set aside by the 1935 General Assembly for maintaining State-designated streets through municipalities have been set up tenta tively by the State Highway division and sent to officials of all of the about 30 municipalities for any sug gestions they may want to make, Chaiiman Capus M. Waynick an nounces. The set-up will be held open uneil September 1 for any changes that may be desired and unless valid rea sons are shown, it will then be made permanent and work started on that basis for the year, Mr, Waynick says. He hopes but does not expect the plan to be entirely satisfactory. It is arranged according to engineering need and not on a population basis. He suggests that the N. C. League of Municipalities, which spon.sored State maintenance of numbered high ways in cities and towns, designate groups to receive and weigh s’tgges. tions of changes. The mileage to be thus maintained is 875.53, to cost about $470,546,10 and through municipalities with 1,. 047,845 people in them. Twenty-nine municipalities, usually the larger ones, ask that they be permitted to maintain their numbered streits with their own organizations but with State funds. These have 213.29 miles of streets, estimated to cost $217,094.70, and w’ith population to taling: 598,396. The others, about 330, have 844.24 miles designated, to oosl about $253,451.40, and have popula tions totaling 449,449. Moore county municipalities will get the following amounts, based on population and number of miles: Southern Pines, $3,200; Aberdeen, $3,100; Carthage $520; Pinebluff, $450; Vass, $300; Hemp, $240. and Cameron, $150. A picked crew of the Southern Pines Fire Company has started drilling for the competition during the meet of the State Firemen at Wilmington on August 26th-29th. Captained by L. S. Rowell the crew will be T. Vann, H, McNeill, A. Bowers, J. Cameron, Barrett Harris, and the crew of the chemical, O. Mi chaels, J. H. Cushion and H. McNcill. Some of the men will leave for Wil mington Monday and some on Tues day. ALL STATES TO HOLD PICNIC The All States Association will en tertain for all the boys from ten to thirteen at a picnic to be held at Harry Goldsmith’s farm tomorrow, Saturday, at five o’clock. Everyone is invited to attend, whether member or not, and all are asked to bring a basket. The boys will hike to the farm and asked to meet at the Ed dy block at four o’clock. All others will meet on Pennsylvania Avenue at 4.30. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carter an nounce the engagement and approach ing marriage of their daughter, Neva Louise to J. Hubert McCaskill. The wedding will take place early in October. MAKES BIG HAUL Returning from a recent fishing trip in Pennsylvania, Omer Williams of Southern Pines, brought back 14 Rock fish weighing 140 pounds. Southern Pines Schools To Open September 10 Several Changes In Faculty Since the Last Announce ment Was IMade The Southern Pines schools will open for the 1935-36 term on Tuesday, September 10th, instead of the fifth as scheduled. The short delay in. op ening is due to the State Textbook Rental Commission being unable to furnish books before that date. Several changes have been made in the teaching staff since the list was announced in The Pilot of July 5th. Mrs. Ellen W. Brown, teacher of the fourth grade, has resigned and her position will be filled by Miss Lonie Gordon of Baskerville, Va. Miss Gordon has been in the art de partment of the State Department of Education this summer and for the past five years has taught in the Freemont schools. For the sixth and seventh grades. Miss Lorrie Walker of Bedford, Va., a teacher in Golds boro for the past ten years, has been accepted. A full list of the faculty will appear in the issue of the 30th. TWO MOORE COUNTY MEN APPOINTED TO STATE PATROL Of the 66 young men appointed to the State Highway Patrol on Tues day two were from Moore county, A. E. Leavitt, Carthage, and E. W. Jones, Cameron. W. C. Thomas of Sanford, and M. H. Dunn, Candor also received appointments. BOWMAN WINS PAR BOGEY Infantile on Decline in N. C. Three Moore County Cases Are Out of Contagious Stage According to the latest reports from the State Pilblic Health Board, the infantile paralysis cases in this state are well on the down grade and no cases have been reported this week. The three Dases in Moore County are beyond the danger of spread now, and unless something unforseen occurs, the disease is practically check ed in North Carolina. The United States Public Health Service reports an outbreak in the north, centering in New York and New England. Many Familiar Names Early Sandhills Settlers BRIGHT PROSPECT AS THE OPENING OF MARKETS NEAR Warehouse Men Say They Have Excellent Corp cf Buyers Listed This Year OPENING SEPTEMBER 17 Prospects for the Aberdeen tobac co market get brighter as the open, ing of the middle belt draws nearer, now only three weeks off, the open ing date set for the 17th of Septem ber. Merchants and business men are making plans to cooperate with the warehousemen to insure a profitable and successful season. Aberdeen will have more buyers than usual this year and some of the best known buyers will represent the different (companies, Amorfg those expected will be Joe DeBerry for the American Tobacco Company; L. T. Avery, Liggett & Myers; John G. Webb of Oxford, Export; Ivy Win ston, Lake City, S. C., for Imperial; Mr. Boles, W’inston-Salem, Reynolds Tobacco Company; and many repre sentatives of the independent buyers. A newcomer this year will be Claude W. Covington of Reidsville, who will operate the Aberdeen Ware house, Mr. Covington, it is under stood, has taken a long lease of that warehouse. He has been prominent in the tobacco markets of Reidsville Chadbourn for many years and has already established himself in Aberdeen for the season. Mr, Covington will have Tom Smothers of Reidsville and Hugh Mylam of Danville, Va„ on the floor as auctioneers, G. E, Crutchfield, Jr., of Reidsville, as book man and Fred Smith, Clarksville, Tenn., Reuben Smothers, Reidsville and Tenjen Ed wards, Cameron, holding other res ponsible positions. B. B. Saunders will be back in charge of his warehouse with a good lineup of men and there is every in dication that thecoming season will meet the approval of the farmers as well as the warehousemen and mer chants. Encouraging and pleasing reports from the Georgian and border markets, indicate that the prices will hold up and be unusually high when the market opens here. Helen K. Butler Southern Pines gets a new hospi tal. “The plans for Dr. Qladmond’s new Sanatorium are about perfected; it will not only be the finest insti tution of the kind anywhere in the South, but will not be excelled by anything in the United States.” The rather startling announcement was taken from the Free Press, publish ed in Southern Fnip® in 1899, If the sanitarium was not excelled, then it was soon to be eclipsed, and speak ing of eclipses. Southern Pines too had its dark moments in the early days. Smoked glass astronomers, about a hundred visitors and several prominent ob.servatory parties were here in 1900 for a solar eclipse tak ing place on May 28. F, E. Seagroves and Prof. C. A, L. Linden of the Clarke observatory of Cambridge, Mass,, several men from Carleton College, Minnesota, in con nection with Guilford college and pro fessors from the University with some outstanding men from Johns Hopkins set up their instruments on Tilghman’s hill, to photograph and study the unusual occurrence. From the report of the Free Press it was a success as an eclipse. While it aroused some consternation among the back country and confused the Prominent Winter Resident Here Succumbs In New York Wednesday DEATH COMES AS SHOCK (Please turn to page 8) ' Large Gulf Terminal to I Be Built In Fayetteville Contract Awarded Local Firm j for Preparatory Grad- I ing Work I Contract for the grading and fill- ' ing preparatory to the construction of the Gulf Refining Company’s ! four million gallon gasoline storage plant in Fayetteville was awarded to Reinecke-Dillehay Construction Com pany of Southern Tines and Fayette- ' ville. Work has already been start- ' ed. ' The huge plant will be located on the w'est bank of the Cape Fear riv- er. Gasoline and other petroleum products wil be pumped from river barges to for treulmendous storage tanks. There will also be an office building and warehouse. The plant will be the distributing center for Gulf products for practically all of North Carolina west of Fayetteville and Raleigh. GARRETT & COMP.\NV TO USE WAREHOUSE IN GRAPE SE.\SON Bill Bowman won the Yadkin Golf Club, Par-Bogey Tournament with 81 points. Mr. Bowman’s gross score was 67, playing over the No. 1 course in Pinehurst. Ellis Maples was second with 75 points and a gross score of 66, three under par. Wimberly Bowman was third with 69 points. Garrett and Company of BrookljTi, N. Y., winemakers, announces this week that it will utilize its recent ly reconstructed plant in Aberdeen this grape season for buying scup- pernong grapes in the Sandhills. Buying will start about the 15th or 20th of September, depending upon when the grapes are ripe enough to pick. All grape growers in the vicin ity who want baskets in which to pick and deliver the grapes may ob tain them at the Aberdeen plant. RICH.\RDSON H.\S N.XRROW ESCAPE IN C.\R .ACCIDENT OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD AUG. 28 An open golf tournament will be held next Wednesday afternoon, August 28th, at the Pinehurst Coun try Club for the benefit of the Ki- wanis Club Hospital Bed Fund. Play will be on a handicap basis which will give every entry a chance to win a prize. There will be an entrandt fee of $1.00, no charges to be made by the Country Club. All players in the Sandhills are urged to enter the contest. ATTENDS CONVENTION W. H. Mumford, local distributor for Delco producfcs, has just returned from Charlotte, where he attended a convention for all Delco Local dis tributors and salesmen in the two Capolinas and southern Virginia. I Returning from Aberdeen about 7 o’clock last Saturday night, Sam R. Richardson of Southern Pines narrow ly escaped a very serious accident (When the right tire of his car blew out. The accident occurred in front of Charlie’s Place, the car swerving off the highway and running about 70 feet, bursting through a wide fence and cutting down two sizeable trees before overturning. Mr. Rich ardson was badly bruised and shak en. but escaped without further in jury. .4NNUAL MORRIS PICNIC TO BE HELD IN GREENSBORO The annual Robert Morris picnic at the Masonic and Eastern Star Home in Greensboro will be held next Thursday, August 29th and all mas ter Masons, Eastern Stars and theii^ families are invited to attend. All are requested to bring baskets. . News has just been received here of the death of Burrell G. W’hite, which occurred ai his New York home on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. White has made Souhern Pines hia winter residence for about nine years, having one of the finest es tates in the Sandhills in Knollwood. When he left in May, he appeared in excellent health and his passing comes as a distinct shock to his many friends here. He was interested in the Sandhills as a whole, believing it to have great possibilities, and for several years he spent much of his time here making improvements on his estate. Mr. White was a reader and think, er and a man of unusual intelligence, a retiring person and of reserved character. His close friends were real friends. He was always a sup. porter of all Sandhills ventures that pertained to the growth or welfare of the community. He gave enthusi astic aid to every cause for good and had a hand in many things that transpired that were of benefit to the entire section, Mr. White, originally from Ten nessee, studied law at several of the south’s leading institutions. He was a prominent New York lawyer. In his younger d"ys he was interested in newspaper work in San Francisco, California, thereby making contacts with people that were beneficial in law practice there in later years. He was much interested in old titles and grants and delved into their early history. He wrote several books on the subject. He later devoted his time exclusively to consultation ad vice on insurance and was especial, ly occupied in drafting contracts for insurance covering unusual hazards. Mr. White spent much of his time in New York and Washington during the past few years. He was a mem ber of the Sleepy Hollow Country Club and the Bankers Club of New York. He is sur\'ived by a daughter, Mrs. Aldo Balsam, and two sons, Burrell White, Jr., and Arnold White, all of New York. Private funeral services were held at the New York home, Mrs. White died a number of years ago. King- and Newsome Get Year in State’s Prison Robbed Eagle Springs Mail Car rier Several Months Ago Bill King and Percy Newsome, white men who held up and robbed John Monroe of Eagle Springs sever al months ago, plead guilty in Su perior Court last week of robbery from the person, which plea was ac cepted. and were sentenced to one year in State’s Prison. Both King and Newsome are long termers who had been convicted of a series of crimes before escaping from the prison ward of State San atorium and committing the hold-up of the Eagle Springs mail carrier. King’s recent sentence brings his time to forty-six years and six months, and Newsome had twenty years to serve before receiving his latest sentence. King is credited with robbing the Bank of Biscoe on two different occasions and with shoot, ing some officers in Newton. Buck Leak, colored, was given five months in jail to work on the roads on charges of being drunk and disorderly and indecent exposure. B. B. Rogers, colored, on a man- slaughter charge was sent to the roads for five months. This was in connection with an automobile fa- tality. John Cameron was sentenced to serve six months for violating the prohibition law. Over fifty men have been hard at work clearing the Seaboard right of way through Southern Pines.