Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina FFrlday, August 23, 1935. THE PILOT Published each Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, Southern Pines, N. C. NELSON C. HYDE, Editor JAAIES BOYD STRUTHERS BURT WALTER LIPPSIANN Contributing Editors Subscription Rates: One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Three Months .50 Entered at the Postoffice at South ern Pines, N. C., as second-class mail matter. Grains of Sand THE COMING SEASON Despite the abnormal lack of rain through July, and far into August the shrubbery presents its usual pleasing aspect, and our parkways are bright with vivid greens. Here and there, in noticeable numbers, house own ers are taking advantage of the dryi spell to paint and decorate their homes in anticipation of the coming Fall season, with its southward hegira, not so far off now. In just two weeks school opens for the term of 1935- 1936, and in one week the town will be host to the Seaboard Golfers and their guests, com ing several hundred strong for their ninth annual tournament over the links of the Southern Pines Country Club—an inva sion of courteous sportsmen most cordially and heartily wel comed to Southern Pines every Labor Day. And with that day, marking the end of summer va cations, and bringing an early return from the mountains and the shore of cottagers with chil dren of school age, we awake from the short siesta of the past month, ready for a season which numerous inquiries for houses, and apartments promises to be unusually early, and exception- allyi favorable. —C. M. APPRECIATION OP CHARLIE PICQUET Occasionally a bouquet drifts back to Charlie Picquet in the way of general appreciation. It is worth any slight effort, as he is constantly putting forth a much greater effort to enter tain the community at large. He is just as considerate of sum mer residents as winter guests and untiring in his endeavors. The new pictures reach us quickly. We have realized that for a long time. Any trip away from home will emphasize that fact. Very often such cities as Buffalo, Pittsburgh and Phila delphia will flash headlines on billboards that have Jiirea'ly l)e- come an old story with us. Re cently in a little industrial city of about twenty peo ple in an cidjoining state their attractions were new to us six months ago. But it isn’t always the old timer or the newest pro duction that is always the out standing feature. A great deal is to be said about the manner in which they are handled. !Mr. Picquet is sharply discriminat ing in regard to harmony, both from the stage and his audience. P>om the stage it is all that a good machine can produce jn skillful hands. From his aud ience he has in some tactful and diplomatic manner implant ed a regard for (luiel and crder. You hear no undercurrent of restless movement that is dis turbing to those who appreciate silence in a theater. Then Mr. Picquet proved something last week. We aren’t anj/vvhere near as bad as we like to think we are. We aren’t interested in the sensational and emotional world of crime and g-men and all the other un wholesome irregularities of life, as first thought. A small six year old girl with a smile and a curly head dievv a full throui^f'h four successive per formances. Theatre goers were not tricked into going. They knew beforehand what type of a picture it would be. A young ster without any, wiles or cun ningly misled motives. A sim ple little girl. We can’t be so far wrong, w’hen we are still attracted by the same old story, “A little child shall lead them.” —H. K. B. THE TIME TO PLANT “To everything,there is a sea son, and a time lo every pur pose under the heaven;—a time to plant, and a time to pluck that which is planted/’ A wise old preacher figured that out Signs of Fall—yards being spaded up preparatory for green lawns. Wilt ed summer rainment going at great ly reduced prices. Merchants drift ing towards New York. Hints of win ter clothes. The return of migrant birds, the first increment of tour, ist life. The Burden of. The Complaint “Haven’t seen hardly any snakes this summer,” an old timer remark ed. Not that it came altogeher as a complaint, but merely wondering if the snakes weren't hanging on as well as they might, along with the rest of the struggling world. “Perhaps reptilian life will pick up a little after the new liquor store gets into action,” he concluded the discourse. The tragic end of Will Rogers is felt universally. He came into the Sandhills thiough the newspapers, the screen and on several occasions was here in person. While talking to an audience in the Pinehurst thea tre one evening, he was interrupt- ed by a late comer. “Now don’t all crane your necks to see who that is. Just soma one from the country whose collar button rolled under the bed and kept him late.” The tardy one was Jim Boyd, and many a smile rippled through the building. When the Hilton-McKenzie pair left Pinehurst for England they had 1 stowed away in their heads a lot; of information about English rulers, they had been imbibing prior to their jaunt, so were prepared to talk about the Norman Conquest with any sur vivors, should they meet any or of any other affairs through those elev en hundred years. When the S. A. L. official meets them on their re turn at Norfolk, as was intimated, hope he hands them J. McN. John son’s “A Thousand Years With Roy alty,” so there will be no confusion ‘n their minds as to whom the pres ent kin^ of England is. They could get this straightened out between Norfolk and Manley. (By WALTER LIPP9t\N) To many who have tried to hold up the President’s hands certain of his recent action have been very dis turbing. It should not be counted un friendly in them to say frankly what it is that so deeply disturbs them. They have been made to feel that the extraordinary powers intrusted to the President for meeting an e- mergency are being abused. This feeling, which might otherwise be dismissed as vague and insubstan tial, has been crystalized by the story of the tax bill. In presenting his budget last January the President had said that no new taxes were called for this year. In June he sent a message to Congress outlining the general principles of new taxes. But this message contained no specific recommendations for legislation, and it was soon made clear that the Treasury had not prepared a new tax program. Then suddenly, under political pressure, the decision was taken to pass the new laws in six days, and when this coup was frus trated by the public outcry the de- cision was taken to railroad a bill through the weary Congress, with out serious hearings, with no more than perfunctory debate. Now a tax bill which deals dras tically with very large incomes and very large inheritances is an impor. tant measure. It will have great con, sequences over a long period of time. By no stretch of the imagination can it be described as having any direct and immediate relation to the economic crisis of 1932-33. That it has nothing to do with the present financial needs of the government is demonstrable from the fact that it is not related to the budget and that the immediate yield of these for us long before we had need for such advice. A great many? amateur gard- ners get discouraged over their results when they turn out in exact opposition to their hopes. We absorb the flower catalogs and information on the seed packets and plant with cheerful expectancy. Usually they are jfor northern climates where en- Itirel;.' different circumstances I enter into the growing and de- 'velopment of many things. Our !niild winter is not to be compar- |ed with the severe freezing of ^the north, nor are our warm and usually dry summer con ditions to be reckoned with, in ^ the cool moist months that a great many plants need, in or- jder to thrive. Flowers are hap py under natural conditions and :the bulk of them seem to need 'cooler localities. Wo can o.:r- ;Come that b;' reversing the s.a- ; son of planting, and barkening ;back to the man of wisdom who 1 established his argument ages ago. “To everything there is a season.” Complaints are heard occa sionally that so few flowers are grown in local gardens be fore our winter residents leave. Thi.-; could be accomplished and bring just as satisfactory ef fects as our fall preparation of winter lawns, which has meant acres of green yards scattered over the villages and country homes of the entire resort com- niunit.s'. Grass seed will soon be offered for sale in huge quan tities and grounds will l)e turn ed into activity by plough or shovel. The results will be of our most attractive features. Pansies and English daisies are plentiful in cool climates, and survive for several years. They can be treated as annuals if planted here now in flats or small boxes where they can be carefully taken care of and wa tered, and transplanted to the {garden before frosts. They will their root growth be fore winter and with slight pro tection make steady progress and be among the first bloom ing flowers of the early spring months. Many of the seeds marked hardy annuals can be planted here in the fall after our first frosts. A number of them require a long period of germination such as poppies, corn flowers and petunias, but will s;prout in the late winter months and have roots that can withstand warm weather, with more fortitude. W’^e have a great field for a land of flowers and greenswards if planted at the right time with a little care and intelligence. H. K. B. taxes is negligible in relation to the deficit. By every conceivable test this tax measure is not an emergency meas ure. Yet it is being driven through Congress as if it were an emergency measure. This is a grave abuse of the extraordinary powers with which the country intrusted the President in order to meet the crisis of 1933. He is using bis command of a great majority to prevent the adequate in- vestigation of and a sufficient debate on a major measure of far-reaching importance. The issue which this raises is much greater than the tax bill itself. It is whether all the other major re forms which Mr. Roosevelt may have in mind are to be announced as suddenly and are to be railroaded as summarily, or whether he is going to be able and willing to return to the orderly proceedure of democratic de bate. Under the normal procedure refor»^is are announced, are consid ered over a long period, and are passed or rejected when the people have had time to understand the question and to decide it. Public o- pinion has its day in court. During wars and in great emergencies, even in free countries, this slow procedure has to be cut short or even sus pended. But it is the Tery essence of a free government that the Ex ecutive shall not legislate for normal times until the people have had an oportunity to hear the argument and give their rjnsent. I do not mean to imply that I think Mr. Roosevelt has the ambi tions of a dictator, or that he is not a loyal defender of free institutions. But I do think that he has let zeal, political calculation, the Intoxication of power, heat and fatigue, confuse I his grasp of a very simple but very fundamental political principle. This coimtry will have to undertake many far-reaching reforms. But in under taking them there is such a thing £ia due process, not merely in law, but in morals and in democratic meth ods. The manner in which this tax legislation has been handled violates the very spirit of due process. It is possible, I think, to put one finger on the reason why Mr. Roose velt has departed from this princi ple. The traditional practice of Amer. lean Presidents is to lay their whole program before Congress at the op ening of each session. This enables the country to consider the program .IS a whole. It puts everyone on not ice. It means ample time for inves- tigation and debate. Except in un- forseen emergencies, it means that men can look ahead for at least a year knowing .all that is in the mind of the President. In the 1933 crisis, it was impracti cable to announce a complete pro gram at the outset. Mr. Roosevelt I had to act, as he himself described it, like a quarterback in a football game. Instead on one comprehensive message at the outset, he therefore sent in a series of terse recommenda tions without previous notice. This was the sound method for dealing with a crisis. The trouble is that Mr. Roosevelt, having found that it work- ed well in the crisis, continued to use it when the crisis had passed. It does not work well for ordinary leg islation and especially for longtime reforms. It creates precisely that at mosphere of uncertainty and unpre dictable excitement, of improvisation and haphazardness, which are fatal | to confidence and orderly govern, i ment, I Months ago, many of us urged him to return to the traditional practice of the President, to outline his whole ■ program in one message and to give . up the sudden announcing of great new projects. It was supposed that he had done that in his radio address last April. But apparently, upset by the Supreme Court action in the NRA case he reverted to his e. mergency methods, revised his “must” program from day to day without notice, and then, to cap the climax, thrust the whole tax business suddenly on a weary congress and an unprepared people. This procedure will ruin him if he continues to follow it. The country will become increasingly uneasy as it is taught to believe that something wholly unexpected may he proposed at any moment from the White House. It will be impossible for any but blind partisans to support the President if he pfuses them the right to know in advance and as a whole what they are asked to sup. port. The government becomes per sonal, arbitrary, and capricious when at any moment and without notice major reforms are announced, and without due democratic process are railroaded on to the statute books. The President is to make some speeches when Congress adjourns. Let him tell the country what to expect. Let him see what remains to be done in the near future. This Is no unreasonable demand. It is a demand that the President of the United States take the people of the United States into his confidence. It is their right. (Copyright, 19*5, for The Pilot) will b« in hU offiea ov«r tk« Post Office, Sanford, N. •▼erj WedoMday, tt/am 10:00 n. m. to •:<K> pu m. Don't fitil to Me Un If jTMir ty«€ arc waak. 5e'<m/ie ixr cjet tkeieVMO VITAL FEATURES in ifoWi n£^ law-p!uced ca/i ^TyUiAjt hcu/e^ A SOLID STEEL TURRET-TOP FISHER BODY THESE FEATURES, like many others^ are found only in CHEVROLET—the most finely balanced low-priced car ever built Solid Stcvl Turret-Top Body by Fisher—the PHiartest and safest of all motor car bodies! And the famous gliding Knee-Action Ride, giving un equalled couifurt and safety! These two features are absolute necessities in a truly modern motor car. And the new Master De Luxe Clievrolet, the most finely balanced low-priced car ever built, is the only car in its CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPAISY, DETROIT, MICfflGAN Compare Chevrolet's lou- delivered prices and easy G.M.A.C. terms, A Guiervl Motors Value price range that brings you either of them! It is also the only car in its price range tliat brings you a Blue- Flame P alvc4n-Head Engine, Shock- Proof Steering and many other equally desirable features. Be sure to get these vitally important advantages in your next car, and get them at lowest cost by choosing a new Master De Luxe ChevTolet! SSBSB TyLudtr haae^ KNEE-ACTION COMFORT AND SAFETY 1 WEATHERPROOF . r.ABlE CONTROLLED BRAKES DEALER ADVERTlSEME^r^ 2).^ J^uxe, CHEVROLET MID-SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. ABERDEEN NORTH CA.ROI_.INA

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