f Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, September 6, 1935. Local Firemen Enjoy ILEGAL NOTICES State Convention 1 ed as follows: I ^ J OL • J BEING LOT JJO. 1, in Block L & Teams Make uood bnowing and H, as shown on a map entitled "A AV”e Rovally Entertained iMap of the Town of Southern Pines, at Wilmington C.r and recorded In the office of I the Register of Deeds of Moore Court. „ ^ ~ ^ ty in Deed Book 10, at page 600. Teams of the Southern Pines Fire whom will further take Company made a good showing dur_ notice that they are required to ap_ ing the meet of the State Firemen ' pear before the Clerk of the Super- at Wilmington last week, their tim. ' Court at his office in the Court . House in Carthage, Moore County, ing for the contest being but a few present and defend their respec. seconds behind the record break.' tive claims within six months from «rs Captained by L. S. Rowell, the i date hereof, or be forever barred from crews were T. Vann, H, McNeill, all interest therein or clainis _ , „ j , »n or to the proceeds from a sale Bowers, J. Cameron and Barrett thereof. Harris, and for the chemical O. Mich. | Dated this 3rd day of September aels, J. H. Cashion, and H. McNeill. ^ 1935. JOHN WILLCOX, , ^ ^ , Clerk of the Superior Court, tained and enjoyed their trip. I sept. 6.27. The men were most hospitally enter. ; I. /I RY LIST DK.WVX FOR j NORTH C.\ROLINA, SEPTEMBKR CIVIL TERM Ti5e ^^^PERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE BY Jury lists for September civil PrBLIC.\TION. court were drawn on Monday, as fol. Towti of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. joves- I Rosa Atkins and husband. Lonnie At- week b.g,„„,ng S.ptembe. 16th. Alfred Grover, George E. Wells, Nor man Hussey, E. J. Tarlton, O. T. Goins and M. S. Callaghan, defend, ants. The defendants, Rosa Atkins und Parks W A Tyson W. V. Hus. 1 husband, Lonnie Atkins and M. S. sey. T. L. Maness, Frank Caviness, i Ga"aghan w^^^ an •’ j action entitled as above has lieen T. J. Marley, J M Cole, O A. Maness, commenced in the Superior Court of H. C. Williams, E. Morrell, S. H. F'vans, H. B. Williams, H. Cone Mc Pherson, W H. Bailey, M. A. Hill. Robert McDonald, C. S. Wallace, E. Faymond Sheply, Claude Auman and H. C. Stutts. For the week beginning September J3rd, A. L. Reynolds, W. T. Williams. Paul Cole, Harold McNeill, R. B. Donaldson, George Morgan, E. B. Harrington, R. L. Chandler, W, T. Black, E. T. Williams, A. L. Herring, W. A. Smith, J. L. Warren, Howard Brady, Walter Dunlop, H B. Davis, C. M. Freeman, Casper McDonald, W. J. Mclnnis, J. E. Morris, J. F. Evans, J M Brewer, B F Howard and W. T, Lassiter. Moore County. North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certifi cate issued to the plaintiff on Sep tember 11th, 1933; and the defend, ants, Rosa Atkins and husband, Lonnie Atkins ?rd M. S. Callaghan, will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Couu. ty within thirty days from the ser. vice of the Summons, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said ac. tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1935. JOHN WILLCOX. Clerk of the Superior Court. Sept. 6.27. LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLIN.\. EAGLE SPRINGS ■MOORE COI'NTY. 1 IN THE SUPERIOR C OURT I Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of I Banks of the State of North Caro- Mrs I L qtewart and small Company, Mrs. J. L. btewart and small ^^^d all such other creditors, stock. 'daughter Elsie Ann of Jackson holders and persons interested in the Springs are visiting A. L. Wilson of: affairs of Moore County Securities Eagle Springs. [Corporation as may make themselves T . parties to this action and contribute J. W. Monroe has gone to Ch.c.' expense thereof, and S. J. I Hinsdale, Receiver of Moore County Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brower and Securities Corporation, Plaintiffs, son have returned f'om a trip to' , ^ „ I Moore County Securities Corpora- Washington, D. C. tion. Defendant. Mrs. A. B. Blake vias called to TO ALL CREDITORS AND PER. High point last week on account of i the illness of her sister. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bost and fam. ily took a trip to Winston-Salem and the mountains Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Estelle Cameron of Manley IS visiting Mrs. N. J. Carter. SONS INTERESTED IN THE PROPERTY AND AFFAIRS OF THE DEFENDANT, MOORE COUNTY SECURITIES CORPOR. ATION: TAKE NOTICE: That on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1935, the un- jdersigned, S. J. Hinsdale, Comniis. I sioner, sold certain property Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bost visited of the defendant. Moore County! in Hemp Sunday. .Securities Corporation, (a corpora.' Mr. and Mrs. White from Suffolk, • receivership) consisting of j TT„ - ■* J me J ^ [certain property and real estate lo. i Ya, vvsited Mr. and Mrs. Carter Mon. cated in the Town of Aberdeen,! I Moore County. North Carolina, on Miss Leora Williams and Mr. and "-hich is located a building common, i Mrs. I. E. Hendiren went to Ashe. I *^nown as the Dixie Theatre Build, i boro Sundav Iproperty being particular-i bunaay. | jy described in the advertisement of I Mr. and Mrs. William Mattacks sale made under the prior order and j ind son went to Sanford Saturday. I decree of the court in this cause, at public auction, to the highest bidder 1 for cash Italian Rye Grass Seed from Ore gon at the Pinehurst Warehouses. It’s the Quality in Grass Seed that counts. Pinehurst Warehouses. 3ee us before you plant your win. ter lawn. iPinehurst Warehouses. LEGAL NOTICES IfORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is to certify that in accord with an order entered in a Stock. ftc*ders Meeting of Peachland, 'Incor. porated, a corporation organized and ■existing under the Laws of the State (if North Carolina, with principal of fice at Pinehurst, North Carolina, sa.id meeting having been held on June 8, 1935, the issued, outstanding and paid for Capital Common Stock in the said corporation was on the fourth day "of September, 1935 reduc. ed from seven hundred (700) shares to two hundred and fifty (250) shares of the par value of $100.00 each. And in compliance with Section 1161, Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, notice is hereby giv. «n of the aforesaid redaction in the amount of Common Stock issued, autstanding and paid. for. PEACHLAND, INCORPORATED, By; T. S. Fuller, President. ATTEST: Paul Dana, Secretary. . Sept 6.19. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT at the Courthouse door of Moore county, in the Town of Car. thage, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, in accordance with the terms of said decree of sale; and at said sale, George Martin became the last and highest bidder and the purchas. er of the aforesaid property at the sum of fifteen hundred §1500.00) dollars. All persons will, therefore, take no. tice that the undersigned commis sioner will make application to His Honor Judge P. A. McElroy, Judge of the Superior Court, presiding ia and holding the courts of the 13th Judicial District, or to such other judge as may be holding the courts of Moore County at the time of said motion, at his Chambers in the Courthouse in the Towti of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, on Monday, the 16th day of September, 1935. at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon or at such time thereafter as the Judge may, at the time afore, .ydiu, fix for the hearing of said ap. plication and motion for the con- firmation of reports of said pale, which has heretofore been made and filed by the undersigned commis. sioner before the Clerk of the Su. perior Court, and for a decree direct ing deed or other paper writing to be excuted by said commissioner for said property upon the payment of the purchase price. This, the 5th day of September, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, Sept. 6, 13 Commissioner. 3VORTH C.\ROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. JTOTICE TO ALL PERSONS Notice To All Persons Claiming Any Interest in the Subject Matter of ThLs Action. Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs Rosa Atkins and husband, Lonnie Atkins, H. F. Burns, Trustee, T. R. Goins and M. S. Callaghan, defend, ants. The above named defendants, and all other persons claiming any inter, est in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certificate and Ffen for taxes held by the Town of Southern Pines for the year 1932 mentioned in the Complaint against that certain lot of land, lying and be. fng in McNeills Township, Moore County, Southern Pints, North Car. olina and more particularly describ- NOTICE OF SALE OF T.\XES On Monday, September 9th, 1935, at the Postoffice in the Town of Aberdeen, between the hours of twelve o’clock noon and three o’clock P. M,, the following described prop erty will be sold for taxes due the Town of Aberdeen for the year 1934, for the amounts set opposite each item. Addor, Henry, 1 Lot Wolfpit 9.02 Allred, D. I. and F. E., 1 lot Main Street . _ 40.10 Allred, D. I., 1 lot N. Main St... 36.53 Allred, Joe, Jr., 1 lot E. Main St. 9.36 Barkley, Lois E., Trustee, 1 lot Park Place 7.81 Bethune, C. C. and Mabel, 1 lot Poplar St. 35.13 Blue Development Co., 7 lots Bethesda Road; 5 lots High way 70; 4 lots Fayetteville St 65 25 Blue, H. lot Marn's^^^^^ Int. A&R 63.70 Blue, Misses Ila & Bert, 1 lot Main St.; 1 lot Bethesda Rd. 25.82 Blue, Miss Louise, f (resi dence; 1-2 Int. barn tract; 1 old store; 1 lot E. Main St.; 1 wholesale; 23 a. N. A. Blue land 240.56 Blue, Mrs. Maude A., 1 real dence Bethesda Rd. 88.54 Blue, W. A., 1 lot Main St.; 1 lot Berkley 54.81 Brantley, E. E., Est. 1 lot A&R 26.44 Bridges & Lineberry, 1 lot Main Street 10.91 Bridges, C. E,, 1 lot Main St. 21.25 Burney, G. J., trustee, 1 lot Poplar St., L. L. Johnson house 38.26 L. L. Johnson house 38.26 Burney, G. J., 1 lot McWhor. ter 43.82 Carter, R. G., 1 lot Lakeside 5.38 Carter, Jesse, Jr., Est., 1 lot Page Hill 5.30 Creel, E. R. & C. T„ Trustees for Leitha Creel, 1 residence Sycamore St. 28.92 Creel, C. T., 3 lots Sycamore; 3 lots Knight Alley 18.06 Creel, E. R„ 1 lot Lakeside; 1 lot Sycamore St. .. 67.12 Creel, C. H., Est., 1 lot South Street 28.92 Edwards, C. E., 1 lot Berkley 7.78 Farrell, C. G.. 1 Ice Plant 54.22 Farrell, Mrs. M. B., Sycamore St. property 107.60 Folley, M. H., 1 lot Park Place; 1 lot Lakeside 10.25 Folley Lumber Co., 1 lot Berk. ley 49.57 Gardner, J. Holt, 2 lots Mont- ford St. 11.48 Gichner & Johnson, 1 Klot Bldg.; 2 Sycamore St. 406.72 Goodwyn, Miss Bertie, 1 lot Poplar St. 7.781 Graham, J. W., 1 lot Pine & High Sts. 49.57 Gunter. H. A., 4 lots Rush Street 46.62 Gunter, E. F„ 1 lot Park place;; 1 Wolfpit; 2 Poplar St. 84.19 Gunter. Mrs. Ruth A., 2 lots Poplar St.; 1 lot Wolfpit 75.57 Johnson, J. T. & Kate H., 6 lots Poplar St. Residence . 108.95 Johnson. J. Talbot & Annie B., 1 Poplar St.-Thorne 53.76 Johnson, Mrs. Annie B. & J. T., 1 Kirk Place 54.38 Johnson, Mrs. Annie B., Est., 1 residence 52.83 Johnson, V. H., 1 lot Lake side .. 4.07 i Keith, Gordon, 1 lot Main St.,, 316.32 Knight, Mrs. David, 1 lot Sy camore St. 20.691 Knight. David, 1 Residence 26.83 j Luke, Robert Est., 1 lot Wolf pit 9.63 I Luke, Andrew, 3 lots SAL... 22,15 j Lunday, R. L., 1 lot Pine St. 18.52 j McDonald, Claudia, 1 lot Lake- I side 5.24 McFadyen. N. A., 1 lot Tar- j bell 6.85 McFarland. A. T., 1 lot Pine i St., 1 lot Poplar St. 39.25 j McKeithen, D. I., 1 lot Main ' St. 76.12 McKeithen. J. A., Est., 1 lot Sycamore! 2 lots Bethesda Rd. 7.55 McKeithen, N. A., Jr., 1 lot Main St. 2,83 McKeithen, Misses S, J. & M. A. Est., 2 lots Main & Blue 30.17 McLeod & Allred, 1 lot Mc Leod & Allred 73.02 McLeod, Dr. A. H., 2 lots South St.; 4 lots Main & South; 3 lots Route 70; 5 lots Syca more St., 1 lot McLeod St. 183.70 McPherson, Mrs. Phoebe, 1 lot A&R rd. 2.53 McLeod & Carter, 1 Aberdeen Creek . 4.07 Maurer, W. W. Trustee, 3 lots McLeod & Allred 35.13 Martin Motor Co., 1 garage; 1 vacant lot _ 84.19 Martin, Geo. D., 1 lot Syca more St.; 1 residence . 42.90 Matthews, K. V., 1 lot Route 70 29.69 Maurer. W. W., Attorney Ho tel Property 351.34 Mortgage Serv. Corp., 1 Lake- side-Melvin 35.13 Moore County Sec. Corp. 1 Dixie Theatre; 1 E. J. Ma con res.; Bank & Hdwe. Bldg.; 1 lot Main St. 479.15 Mortgage Service Corp., 1 Main Street (Huntley) _ . 54.38 Morgan, H. T., 1 lot Rush St. 36.46 Maultsby, J. S., 2 lots Bethes da Road 4.07 Page, Miss Emma, 24 A. Route 50 and 70 32.15 Page, H. A. Motor Co., 1 F'ord station 218.95 Page, N. R. Estate, 3 lots Lakeside 9.05 Page, J. R., Highway No. 1 67.48 Pickier, J. L., 1 lot Poplar St. 38.86 Pleasants. N. A., ^t., 1 lot Main Street 20.14 Realty Purchase Corp., ? 'ots Lakeside-Rowe 38.86 Realty Purchase Corp, 1 lot Elm Street-Lewis 26.44 Realty Sales Corp., C. P. Os borne Res. 69.91 Realty Sales Corp., 1 lot Lake- side-F. E. Weaver 26.44 Ross, Geo. R., 2 lots Poplar Street 48.80 Rowe, J. Vance, J. V. Free house; 2 lots Lakeside 39.08 Saunders & Hallowell, 1 lot Main & Poplar Sts. 33.25 Saunders, B. B., Lots Park Place 26.44 Seago, John B., 1 lot SAL .... 5.32 Smith, L. E., 2 lots Broadway 2 84 Smith, W. G.. 1 Weaver house; 1 Purdy house; 1 Residence; 1 Maple St.; 1 Poplar 124.40 Sparrow, T. M., 1 ICi. Park Place 6.57 Thompson, Maude G. & Jesse D., 1 lot Park Place 5.79 Thompson, Jesse D., 1 lot Park Place 47.01 Upchurch, J. L., 1 lot Park Place 6.57 Weaver, F. S., 1 lot Route 70 - . 31.41 Weaver. Mrs. Ada Ml'* Pine Street 35.13 Williams, C. L., 2 lots Lake- side 34.20 Wimbcrley, J. D., 1 residence; 1 Thomap house; 1 store 100.53 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES WUey, H. L., 1 lot South St. __ 71.82 Colored Allen, Sarah, 1 lot Berkley _ 5.01 Barbee, Wm, Est., 1 Rt. 50.... 10.92 Blue, Annie Belle, 2 Aberdeen creek 7.81 Blue, Judy Est,, 1 lot Raeford Road 5.33 Buie, Althea, 1-4 A&R Rd. 7.81 Burch, J. E., lot Broadway . 3.46 Bryant, J. D., 2 lots Berkeley 3.77 Bryant, J. H. Est., 1 lot Berk ley 9.67 Byrd, William. 3 SAL 16.56 Boyd, Mary, 1 Berkley 2.03 Carter, H. H., Est, 2 lots Broadway; 1 SAL 34.51 Cassady, Mary, 1 lot Berk ley 4.58 Calvin, Tempel, 1 lot Berk ley 4.71 Cotton, Ras.. 3-4 Broadway .... 4.08 Ctotton, Mary E., 3 1-2 Broad way 6.72 Cain, Wm., 2 Berkley 2.38 Cloud, Nannie, 1 lot Broad way 4.08 Daniels, Overton, 1 lot Berk ley 5.33 Dockery, Lizzie, 1 lot Berk ley 4.38 Douglas, Titus Est., 1 lot Berk ley 9.05 Douglas, Hal Est, 1 lot Berk ley 4.08 Dockery, Ben, 1 lot Berkley.. 2.35 Estes, William, 1-2 Berkley.... 4 71 Farrar, J. A., 3 1-2 Berkley . 6.96 Faucette, Wm. Est., 1 Berk ley ‘6.57 Foushee, James, 1 lot Berk ley 5.33 Flowers, Ed, 1 lot Berk- loy 2 22 Gillis, Lee Est, 1 lot Berkley.. 2.53 Grice. Ed, 1 Route 50 _13.40 Griffin, Sylvester, 1 Broadway 3.77 i Hanks, Willie, 1 lot Berkley 9.05 Harris, E. L., 1 Berkley 29.54 i Hinton, Perry, 1 lot Route 70 4.711 Horton, Henry, 1 lot Broadway 6.88 Hunter, Celia, 1 lot Broad- I way 4,08 j Harrington, tiettie Est, 2 lots j Broadway 2,35, Joseph, Aiicc, 1 1-2 Route 5 , 5.33 Kelly, Allen Est, 1-2 Berkley 7.811 Kendricks, Zack Est., 2 Broad | way . 3.45' Lee, Carolina Est. 12 Berkley 2.22 j Lashley, J. B., 34 SAL; 1-4 [ A&R . 12.19 I Leak, Sally, 1 Berkley 2.52 i McCormick, Norwood, 1 Broad- i way .... 2.84 McCormick, W. W., 1 Broad- I way . 10.92 j McCrimmon, Tom, 1 Berkley 3.46 McCrimmon, Fred, 1 Berk- j ley S.-tG McCrimmon, Geo. Est. 1 Berk- ! ley . . 7.81 j McEachern, Tom Est, 1 Berk- i ley 6.57 McKeithen, W. R. Est., 1 Sea board 9.05 McLendon, Rosa, 2 Broadway 3.09 McLeod, Richard, 1 Berkley .. 3,70 McNeill, A. F,, 1 Berkley 2.84 McPherson, Mary Lou, 2 Berk ley 2.52 McAllister, Geo., 1 Berkley 5.95 Mason, John, 1 Berkley 5.33 Mason, Frances, 1 Berkley 5.33 Minter, John Est., 1 Broadway 3.46 Morse, Robert Est, 1 .Berkley 7.81 Moore, Allen, 1 Berkley " 1.91 Page. Matilda, 1 Broadway . 2.22 Perkins, Caesar, 1 lot Berkley 12.22 Rowland, John, 1 Berkley 6.57 Seagrove, Arthur, 1 Broad way 5.25 Seagraves, Wesley, 1 Broad way .._ . 7.81 Seagraves. Theodosia, 1 Sea board 5.95 Stanley. Allie & Mabel, 1 BiCd'lway 2.22 Smith, William Est, 1 Berkley 6,57 Taylor, Allie Mae, 1-2 Berkley 1.91 Thomas, William Est, 1 Broad way .... 5.26 Thomas, Mary, 1-2 Broadway 5.02 Thomas, James, 1 Broadway 5.95 Thomas, Louise. 2 Berkley 10.60 Turner, Nathan, 1-4 Berkley 4.86 Thomas, Andrew Est 1 SAL 12.16 Thomas, George, 1 Broadway 18.06 Thomas, Joe, 1-2 Berkley 5,33 Utley. Katz Est, 1 Berkley 5.33 Utley, Charles, 1 Berkley 2.84 Walden, Robt. Est. 1 SAL .... 2.10 White, Tom, 1 Seaboard 4,08 Whitaker, Sampson, 1 Berkley 5.33 Williams, Robt. Est, 1 near Lake 5.33 Williams, Chas. Est, 1 Berkley 3.14 Williams, Isaac Est, 1 Broad way 5.95 Williams, McKinley, 1 Broad way 6.88 Wilson, Lucinda Est, 1 SAL 8.12 Williams, EJvaline Est, 2 Berk ley 3.46 Hathcock, Reuben & J. D. Spinks, 9 acres 15.16 Hajnvood, Mrs. Gertrude W., 15 lots 41.70 Herod, Matilda W., 3 lots 76.70 Hogan, J. B., 1 lot 3.95 Herod, Wm., 5 lots 28.66 Hughes, Mrs. C. W., 5 lots 4.63 Hunter, G. E., Est., 1 lot 3.26 McLaughlin, J. A., 2 lots 4.63 McLeod, J. K., 1 acre 3.95 McNaughton, Miss Agnes, 2 lots 3.95 McQueen, J. R., 19 acres 20.76 Marble, Leander, 7 lots 20.42 Mebane, R. J., 16 lots 7.38 Moser, W. R., 2 lots 5.32 Nading, H. A., 7 acres 15.93 Nading Realty Co., 6 acres, 10 lots 25.86 Palmer, C. S., 4 lots 8.62 Palmer, Mrs. F. M., 2 lots 7.79 Parker, M. M., 1 lot 14.93 Perkins, Mary W., 4 lots 29.03 Pickier, E. F., 1 1-2 acres 15,86 Pickier, J. W., 77 acres 65.97 Pinebluff Telephone Co., Lines, etc., 12.36 Riedthaler, J. F., & Anna M., 4 lots 12.18 Rose, D. G., 5 lots _ 57.48 Rose, D. G. & S. T„ 2 lots .. .. 28.66 Rossell, J. E., 19 lots 10.47 Rowe, J. Vance, 28 acres ... 14.93 Sandhill Finance Co., 2 lots 28.6(J Shank, Rev. John M., Est. 1 lot 1.89 Shannon, W. D., 4 lots _ 2,85 Splude, T. Clyde, 4 lots 9.44 Suda, Grace D., 1 lot 3.95 Suttenfield, J. H., 169 lots 89.22 Wallace, A. G., 2 lots 21.53 Wallace, Mrs. Nancy, 2 lot 5.32 Warner, Stella Paine, 3 lots 39.98 Wescott, Emma L., 9 lots 38.27 Williams. H. J., & D., 2 lots .... 3.95 Williams, Mrs. L. B., 2 lots . „ 27.28 Wolf. C. G.. 1 lot . 2.57 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Elxecutor ot the Estate of A. F. Yates, deceased, late of Aberdeen, Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Aberdeen, North Carolina on or before the 15th day of August, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of August, 1935. AGNES H. YATES, Executor. By Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys. Aug 16—Sept 20. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Caroline McCord Hurd, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his offiice in Southern Pines on or before the 16th, day of August 1936 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- ment. This 16th day of August 1935. P. P. PELTON, Administrator, Estate of Caroline McCord Hurd, deceased. Aug 16—Sept 20. LEGAL NOTICES ern Pines on or before the 16th, day of August 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th, day of August 1935. P. P. PELTON, Administrator, Estate of U.S. Littlefield, deceased. Aug. 16—Sept. 20. NOTICE OF COMIHISSIONEB’S SALE NOTICE OF TAX S.ALE On Monday, September 9th, 1935, at 10 o’clock a. m., at the Post office door in Pinebluff, N. C., the under signed will offer for sale the follow ing described property, for delinquent Town taxes of the year 1934, with penalty and costs added. ANNA W. McMINN, Collector. Adams, E. G., 4 lots $68.98 Adams, Mrs. J. V., 5 lots 12.18 Adcox, J. D., 106 acres 49.85 Addor, Henry, 2 lots 5.32 Atlantic Joint Stork Land Bank, 143 acres bal. 75,26 Atlantic Coast Realty Co., 19 acres 9.02 Austin, C. L. 4 lots 54.74 Austin, J. W., Est., 3 lots 48.56 Backus, Miss Ella D., 4 lots 75.67 Barry, Grace M., 3 lots 6.28 Blair, Dr. A. McN., 6 lots, 6 acres 44.17 Brooks, J. W., Kennels 8.07 Brown, L. A. Est., 2 1-2 acres.. 11.50 Bryan, M. W. Est., 5 lots 4.63 Butler & Caddell, 2 lots 41.01 Butler, Caddie & Robertson 2 lots 43.76 Butler, Claude, 3 lots 13.56 Butler, Herbert, 2 lots 13.56 Butner, M. F., 6 lots 74.14 Carpenter & Lampley, 1 lot 31.92 Carr, Mrs. Winifred, 1 lot 2.87 Covington, R. Y., 1 lot 2.87 Day, Alfred L., 12 lots 9.44 Delano, R. H., 5 lots 4.63 Dimmick, D. C., 2 lots 20.42 Fletcher, D. B., 3 lots 22.75 Galley, Adalene, 3 lots 35.26 Hancock, D. A. Est., 4 1-2 lots 12.18 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of U. S. Littlefield, de ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office in South. Under and by virtue of the author ity and direction contained in that certain order and decree made and entered at the May Term of the Su perior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, and under and by virtue of the direction and authority contain ed in that certain order and decree made and entered by His Honor P. A. McEIroy, Judge holding the courts of the Thirteenth Judicial District, in that certain action now pending in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, entitled Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Carolina, ex rel Page Trust Company, et al, vs. Moore County Securities Corporation, the undersigned commissioners will on Monday, the 9th day of September, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, at the Courthouse door of Moore County in the Town of Car thage, expose for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property. That certain parcel or tract of land lying and being in Aberdeen, Sand hill Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and more particularly de. scribed as follows, to wit: Situate, lying and being on the South side of Main Street in the Town of Aberdeen, beginning at a point in the South sidewalk of West Main Street. C.*^ feet .Southwesterly from the concrete 1 curb of said street and in the line of ■ the center line of the common wall between the building occupied by the Aberdeen Hardware Company and the Fox Drug Company; runs thence South 28 West 92 1-2 feet to the right of way of the Norfolk South, ern Railroad Company, the north ern side thereof, runs thence along the curve of the said right of way of the said Norfolk Southern Railroad Company and 40 feet from the center of the track thereof in a westerly di rection 145 feet to the South corner of the Methodist Church lot; thence North 28 East 149 feet to the side walk of West Main Street; thence along said sidewalk South 67.03 East 1128 feet to the point of beginning, being the lands conveyed unto H. A. Page, J. R. Page and Frank Page, ; Trustees for Page & Company, by deed of Emma C. Page, Mary E. Page and Frances Page Wilder, be. I ing joined by her husband, Thos. B. Wilder, of date January 10, 1912, and ! recorded in the office of Register of : DocUs of Moore County, North Caro. , lina, in oBok 39, at page 160, and I being the lands and premises upon ; which is situated the buildings now ] occupied by Page Trust Company, by ! Aberdeen Hardware Company, and j by Page Brothers and Page and Com pany. I The terms of the foregoing sale j will be cash and the commissioners j will require a deposit of twenty per cent of the amount bid of the success ful bidder as evidence of good faith. The foregoing sale will be held and conducted in compliance with the de cree and order of the court above referred to, and the sale will be made subject to the confirmation by said court. This, the 8th day of August, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, M. G. BOYETTE, A16.23.30.S6 Commissioners. Travel Bargains II TICKETS ON SALE DAILY FROM SOUTHERN PIN»ES Round Trip One-Way One-Way Unrestricted TO Coach Unrestricted 15 Day 6 Months Columbia, S. C. $ 2.03 $ 4.05 $ 5.40 $ 6.75 Savannah, Ga, 4.14 8.28 ■ 11.05 13.80 Jacksonville, Fla. 6.71 13.42 17.90 22.40 West Palm Beach, Fla. .. 11-20 22.40 29.90 37.35 Miami, Fla. _ 12.20 24.40 32.55 40.70 Tampa, Fla. 9.88 19.75 26.35 32.95 St. Petersburg, Fla. 10.24 20.47 27.30 34.15 Athens, Ga. 4.22 8.44 11.25 14.10 Atlanta, Ga. 5.23 10.63 14.20 17.75 Chattanooga, Tenn 7.37 14.74 19.65 24.60 Nashville, Tenn. 9.66 18.35 24.50 30.60 Birmingham, Ala. 7.82 15.63 20.85 26.05 Memphis, Tenn. 11.62 23.23 31.00 38.75 Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va. .. .. 3.65 7.30 9.75 12.00 Richmond, Va. _ 3.39 6.77 9.05 11.30 Washington, D. C .. 5.14 10.27 13.70 17.15 Baltimore, Md. 6.58 11.71 16.58 20.03 Philadelphia, Pa. 10.04 15.17 23.50 26.95 New York, N. Y . 13.28 18.41 29.98 33.43 SIMII.aR low FARES TO OTHER POINTS LET us EXPLAIN AIR-CONDITIONED EQUIPMENT ON SEABOARD TRAINS^— AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE / SHIP YOUR AUTO BY TRAIN Only one extra ticket at 3.6c per mile required when two or more persons travel in pullmans. For further information see your local Ticket Agent or write C. G. WARD, D. P. A. 505 Odd FeUows Building Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Alr-Conditloned Comfort Mean* Seaboard—No Finer Trains in the World.

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