Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, September 13, 1935. Farmers Here Received $74,754 A. A. A. Funds Mopre Received Large Sum in Rental and Benefit Pay ments in Fiscal Year Moore county farmers received $74,754.14 in AAA rental and bene, fit payments distributed to growers cooperating in the crop adjustment programs during the fiscal year end ed July 30, Dean I. O. Schaub, of State College, reports. Those pay. inents, he adds, are only a part of the increase in farm income. The risi in prices paid to growers for their com. modities has in many instances in. creased their incomes more than the amount of rental and benefit pay ments, Dean Schaub said. Total payments in North Carolina for the fiscal year were $14,733,. 147.51, of which $8,015,380.81 went to cotton growers, $5,945,844.43 to cotton growers, $719,383.20 to corn, hog producers and $51,599.67 to wheat growers. Expenses of admin istering the programs for the year were $1,147,290.71, about seven per cent of the amount distributed in the state. Most of tins went to county and community committeemen named from local farmers to aid county agents. The Week in Carthage Advertise in THE PILOT | The Home School and Playground Under the Direction of MISS L.\l'K.V M. JEXKS Will re-open Oct. 8, 1935 K’g’n. First and Second Grades. Limited Accommodations Moderate Rates Wt!l be in hia office over th« Peat Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, fnom 10:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him if yoar eyea are weak. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carter spent the week-end in Madison. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. McKeithen and W. L. McKeithen of Aberdeen, Mrs. W. A. Leland of Charleston, S. C., and E. T. McKeithen, Jr., of New York City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. A. McKeithen and fam. ily- Mrs. Claude Way and children have returned to their home in Hen. derson after spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Porter. Mrs. L. C. Wallace is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Tyson in Vass. Hoover Carter left Monday for Oak Ridge Institute where he will be a student this year. C. B. Shaw has returned from Hahira, Ga., where he spent the to. bacco season. Mrs. Mollie Person, Misses Cornie and Janie McLeod have returned from a visit with the Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Billups in Kernersville. Mr. and Mrs. W’. H. Griffin and family have moved to Roxboro. Mrs. C. G. Spencer and daughter. Miss Elizabeth Anne left Saturday for Tallahassee, Fla., where Miss Spencer will attend school. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wood, Jr., have returned from a visit with rel. atives in Pittsburgh. Bradley Denning has returned to his home in Lakeland, Fla., having spent a few’ days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Muse. Miss Margaret McLeod of Rock, ingham spent a few days last week with Mrs. O. B. Welch. Mrs. Willfred Cobey and son, Will, fred of Washington, D. C., visited Mrs. George Carter last week. Mr. and Mrs. Barber of Reidsville are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Her. bert Poole. Mrs. Nelia Black, Jack Black and Mrs. A. P. Thompson of Pinehurst spent a few days last week in Lynch, burg, Va, The Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Guy left Saturday for Lawrenceville, Va., where they will visit friends. F. S. Guy. Jr., accompanied them as far as Wake Forest, where he is a stu. dent this year. Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Snow Hill spent Sunday with Mrs. Hart’s father, the Rev. I. N. Clegg. Miss Mary Jackson Yow has re. turned from a visit with relatives in Oxford. Misses Helen Rose Underwood, I Mary Worthy Spence and R. G. Frye, Jr., visited friends in Roxboro Sunday. Miss Nannie Golden has returned to her home in Talladega, Ala., after a visit with her brother, the Rev. W. S. Golden. Mrs. Houston and Miss Pat Adams of Concord spent Sunday with Misses May and Bess Stuart. Mrs. I. W. Williamson is visiting her son Harold Williamson in New York City. J. A. Lang, Jr., of the U. S. De. partment of Education in Washing, ton, spent the week.end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang. Miss Josie Muse is spending some time in High Point as the guest of Mrs. Paul Hodgin. Misses May and Margaret Worn, ble have returned to their home in Raleigh after a visit with their cous. ins. Misses Ruth and Nell Dur_ ham. Miss Mattie Belle Rogers of Fay. etteville visited her aunt, Mrs. Char les Sinclair last week. Miss Montie Muse returned from Chapel Hill last weekk. Miss Muse received her M. A. degree at the end of the summer school. Miss Nancy Butner and Kelly Ba_ ker left last week for Elon College where they are students this year. The Carthage Book Reviewers met Saturday evening with Mrs. L. P. Tyson. A paper on “Modern Play wrights” was read by Miss Maida Jenkins. A three.act play, "The Ro. mancers,” by Edmond Rostand was read by Miss Mildred Sinclair. Spec ial guests were Mrs. Dwight Dur- ham and Miss May Stuart. Mrs. L. R. Sugg was hostess at a luncheon at her home in Sanford on Friday entertaining her bridge club. Contract was played at two tables, Mrs. Dan N. Carter winning high score prize for club members and Miss Margaret McLeod high guest prize. Mrs. Herbert Maness was hostess at a bridge and rook party on Tues. day afternoon, with eight tables at play. High score for bridge w'as made by Mrs. Herbert Poole and Mrs. R. L. Burns won high score for rook. Misses Mary Fowler Spencer and Ruth Lang will represent Carthage at the annual Debutante Ball, sponsor, ed by the Terpsichorean Club of Mrs. Bruton Heads Jackson Springs Club Women Elect Offipers iFor Year at Meeting at Home of Mrs. Patterson Mrs. Duncan Patterson and Mrs. M. M. Poole were joint hostesses to the Jackson Springs Woman’s Club Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Patter, son’s home. Fifteen members were present and the club was happy to welcome the following visitors: Mrs. D. A. Sneed of Raeford, Mrs. Floyd Measemer of Jonesboro and Mrs. Betty Currie of Jackson Springs. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. J. P. Clark, the president. Two pro. ject leaders made reports. The officers for the coming year are as follows: Mrs. E. W. Bruton, president; Mrs. M. C. McDonald, vice, president: Mrs. J. P. Richard son, secretary and treasurer; Project leaders are Mrs. W. L, Stubbs, foods and nutrition; Mrs. W. W. Hurley, clothing; Mrs. M. M. Poole, home improvement; Mrs. J. P. Clark, gard ens; Mrs. Duncan Patterson, poultry: Miss Esther Hurley, recreation; Mrs. Bernard Hinson, health. Fall and winter gardens and planting for home beautificaUon plans were discus.sed. Miss Flora McDonald, home agent, talked inter estingly on table setting and serv. ice. Mrs. J. P. Clark invited the club to meet with her in October. Re freshments were served by Misses Blondell Poole and Josephine Gaddy. D. A. SMITH CRITIC ALLY- ILL AT HOME IN V.\SS LEGAL NOTICES ty in Deed Book 10, at page 600. And all of whom will further take notice that they are required to ap pear before the Clerk of the Super ior Court at his office in the Court House in Carthage, Moore County, and present and defend their respec. tlve claims within six months from date hereof, or be forever barred from any and all interest therein or claims in or to the proceeds from a sale thereof. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1935. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk of the Superior Court. Sept. 6-27. D. A. Smith, well-known Vass mail carrier and business man, is in a ’ I critical condition following a stroke | of paralysis which he suffered about ! ten o’clock Sunday night at his i home here. His entire left side is af- , fectcd. I N. M. Smith, Farm Demonstration ; Agent of Onslow county, came Tues. | day to be with his brother. | ~ j Raleigh, to be held on September 20. Miss Lang is the daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lang. She attend- | ed and was graduated from N. C. ^ C. W. in Greensboro last year. Miss i Spencer is the oldest daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Spencer and is j this year entering her senior year at | Woman’s College, University of North Carolina. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COrNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PlIBL.IC.\TION. Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Rosa Atkins and husband. Lonnie At kins, H. F. Bums, Trustee, T. R. Goins and M. S. Callaghan, defend ants. The defendants, Rosa Atkins und hucband, Lonnie Atkins and M. S. Gallaghan, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Moore County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certifi cate issued to the plaintiff on Sep tember 11th, 1933; and the defend ants, Rosa Atkins and husband, Lonnie Atkins and M. S. Callaghan, will further take notice that they are requin^d to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coun. ty v/if’.iin thirty days from the ser vice of the Summons, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1935. JOHN WILLCOX, Clerk of the Superior Court. Sept. 6-27. Sell Your Tobacco In ^ ABERDEEN Buy Your Groceries at LEGAL NOTICES ADMIXISTR.\TRIX’S NOTICE PENDER’S That’s a happy combination! Get the Most for your To bacco—and then spend it where you get the most for your dollar. Every thing points to a good market with high prices. These high prices may be reflected in a good many food items. Lay in a good supply and save money on Fall needs. Greeting the Opening of the Tobacco Markets with A Great Sale of Foods \ isit the Pender Stores and see the Special Low’ Prices —Reduced even from the regular low scale that has saved housewives many thousands of dollars. Now^ is the Time to Buy. * -and the Place Is Penders It! Having qualified as Administra trix, c. t. a., of Frank McDougall, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 17th day of August, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in. debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 17th day of August, 1935. IRENE G. McDOUGALL, S3-018. Administratrix, c. t. a. NORTH C.VKOLINA, 1 MOORE C'OrXTY. I NOTICE TO t REDITOItS I This is to certify that in accord with an order entered in a Stock. ' holders Meeting of Peachland, Incor. porated, a corporation organized and existing under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, with principal of- iice at Pinehurst, North Carolina, said meeting having been held on June 8, 1935, the issued, outstanding and paid for Capital Common Stock ia the said corporation was on the fourth day of September, 1935 reduc ed from seven hundred (700) shares to two hundred and fifty (250) shares of the par value of §100.00 each. And in compliance with Section 1161. Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, notice is hereby giv. en of the aforesaid reduction in the amount of Common Stock issued, outstanding and paid for. PEACHLAND. INCORPORATED. By: T. S. Faller, President. ATTEST: Paul Dana, Secretary. .... Sept 6-19. NORTH C.\KOLIN.\, MOORE COUNT¥. IX THE SUPERIOR COURT Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Caro lina. ex-rel Page Trust Company, and all such other creditors, stock holders and per.sons interested in the affairs of Moore County Securities Corporation as may make themselves parties to this action and contribute to the expense thereof, and S. J. Hinsdale, Receiver of Moore County Securities Corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. Moore County Securities Corpora, tion. Defendant. TO ALL CREDITORS AND PER. SONS INTERESTED IN THE PROPERTY AND AFFAIRS OF THE DEFENDANT, MOORE COUNTY SECURITIES CORPOR ATION: TAKE NOTICE: That on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1935, the un. dersigned, S. J. Hinsdale, Commis sioner. sold certain property of the defendant, Moore County Securities Corporation, (a corpora, tion in receivership) consisting of certain property and real estate lo. cated in the Town of Aberdeen. Moore County, North Carolina, on which is located a building common, ly known as the Dixie Theatre Build ing, said property being particular, ly described in the advertisement of sale made under the prior order and decree of the court in this cause, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Moore county, in the Town of Car- thage, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, in accordance with the terms of said decree of sale; and at said LEGAL NOTICES sale, George Martin became the last and highest bidder and the purchas. er of the aforesaid property at the sum of fifteen hundred $1500.00) dollars. All persons will, therefore, take no tice that the undersigned commis sioner will make application to His Honor Judge P. A. McElroy, Judge of the Superior Court, presiding in and holding the courts of the 13th Judicial District, or to such other judge as may be holding the courts of Moore County at the time of said motion, at his Chambers in the Courthouse in the Town of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, on Monday, the 16th day of September, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon or at such time thereafter as the Judge may, at the time afore said. fix for the hearing of said ap plication and motion for the con firmation of reports of said eale, which has heretofore been made and filed by the undersigned commis sioner before the Clerk of the Su perior Court, and for a decree direct ing deed or other paper writing to be excuted by said commissioner for said property upon the payment of the purchase price. This, the 5th day of September, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, Sept. 6, 13 Commissioner. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of A. F. Yates, deceased, late of Aberdeen, Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the c::tatc of the deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Aberdeen, North Carolina on or before the 15th day of August, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. ii J.btcd t; i:.; v.ili ploase nial:;: :;r.nicd.a’.o pavrr.c:;:. T1'-!3 ICtii tlay of Auju;t, I'J^j. AGNES II. YATi:3, E:;ccutor. 3v Jolincon £c Johu:;cn, Altcrncvi. Ai'-Z 13—Sept 20. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Caroline McCord Hurd, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his offiice in Southern Pines on or before the 16th, day of August 1936 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay. ment. This 16th day of August 1935. P. P. PELTON. Administrator, Estate of Caroline McCord Hurd, deceased. Aug 16—Sept 20. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of U. S. Littlefield, de. ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office in South ern Pines on or before the I6th, day of August 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 16th, day of August 1935. P. P. PELTON, Administrator, Estate of U.S. Littlefield, deceased. Aug. 16—Sept. 20. Travel Bargains IX THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH C.VKOLINA, MOORE COUXTY. XOTICE TO -\LL PERSONS Notice To .\11 Persons CUiiming .\ny Interest in the Subject Matter of This Aclion. Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs Rosa Atkins and husband, Lonnie Atkinc, H. F. Burns, Trustee, T. R. Goins and M. S. Callaghan, defend ants. The above named defendants, and all other persons claiming any inter, est in the subject matter thereof, will take notice that an action en- titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Cot'”t of County, North Carolina, to foreclose a certain tax sales certificate and Hen for taxes held by the Town of Southern Pines for the year 1932 mentioned in the Complaint against that certain lot of land, lying and be ing in McNeills Township, Moore County, Southern Pines, North Car olina and more particularly describ ed as follow^s: BEING LOT NO. 1, in Block L & 11,' as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N- C.,” and' recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore Coun_ TICKETS ON SALE DAILY FROM SOUTHERN PIN»ES Round Trip One-Way One-Way Unrestricted TO Coach Unrestricted 15 Day 6 Months Columbia, S. C. $ 2.03 $ 4.05 5 5.40 $ 6.75 Savannah, Ga. _ 4.14 8.28 11.05 13.80 Jacksonville, Fla. 6.71 13.42 17.90 22.40 West Palm Beach, Fla. .. .. 11.20 22.40 29.90 37.35 Miami, Fla. _ 12.20 24.40 32.55 40.70 Tampa, Fla. 9.88 19.75 26.35 32.95 St. Petersburg, Fla. 10.24 20.47 27.30 34.15 Athens, Ga. 4.22 8.44 11.25 14.10 Atlanta, Ga. 5.23 10.63 14.20 ■ 17.75 Chattanooga, Tenn. 7.37 14.74 19.65 24.60 Nashville, Tenn. 9.66 18.35 24.50 30.60 Birminghami, Ala. 7,82 15.63 20.85 26.05 Memphis, Tenn. 11.62 23.23 31.00 38.75 Portsmouth-Norfolk, Va. .. .. 3.65 7.30 9.75 12.00 Richmond, Va. .. 3.39 6.77 9.05 11.30 Washington, D. C. 5.14 10.27 13.70 17.15 Baltimore, Md. 6.58 11.71 16.58 20.03 Philadelphia, Pa. 10.04 15.17 23.50 26.95 New York. N. Y. .. 13.28 18.41 29.98 33.43 SIMILAR LOW^ FARES TO OTHER POINTS LET US EX1*L.\IX AIR-CONDITIONED EQUIPMENT ON SE.VBOARD TRAINS— AN EXCLUSI\'E FEATURE SHIP YOUR AUTO BY TRAIN Only one extra ticket at 3.lie per mile required when two or more persons travel in pullmans. For further information see your local Ticket Agent or write C. G. W.VRD, D. P. A. ti 505 Odd FeUows Building Raleigh. N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Air-Conditioned Comfort Means Seaboard—No Finer grains in the World.

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