MOORE COUNTY S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY IT* TXT? JL JnZ2z A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 45 Jr >^ARTHAOE EACI.K SPP'HOS VASS tNO I OACKSOH SPRIHOS I VSOUTHCRN PtNES - ^PINEBLUPr PILOT FIRST IN N»EWS, (IRCL'LATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, October 4, 1935. A 'V o ■ O, FIVE CENTS JURY RULES FOR MRS. BURGESS IN WILL LITIGATION Relatives Attempted To Upset Ai?reement Dividing Property of Late Contractor ESTATE OVER $100,000 Mrs. Molly Burgess, widow of the j late Thomas S. Burgess, prominent I business man and contratcor of j Southern Pines, was winner in a suit i in Superior Court last week in which Mrs. R>i.ssie Ellis and other relatives j of tho deceased, to the number of j around thirty, sought to have the i court set aside as having been frau. | dently obtained a deed which they j- had previously accepted in settle.' ment of the estate. I The suit was brought against Mrs. j Burgess and H. M. Poe and the quea. i tion to which the jury answered; '“No” were: “Did the defendant H.' M. Poe through false and fraudulent] representations secure the signa.' < tures to the deed referred to in the complaint?" and “Did he wrongful, ly deliver the deed as alleged?” , Mr. Burgess died without leaving; a will and as there ) ad been no : children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bur. . gess, she, according to law was en. titled to receive one.half of his per. sonal property after payment of the debts and one.third interest in the real property during ^er lifetime, the real property at her death going back to the estate. Desiring a ditierenr settlement from this, one in which she would have full powers with her part of the real property, Mrs. Burgess en. tered into an agreement with the heirs by which they were to receive a part of the real property and she was to receive all of the personal property and a part of the real in lieu of her dower and other rights that she might have. All of the parties concerned signed the deed with the exception of five, two of whom were incompetent, and these five owned only minor interests. Later, those who had signed be. came dissatisfied and filed suit to have the deed set aside. Mrs. Burgess contended that the settlement was fair and equitable, the jury agreed that it was, and the court ruled that the plaintiffs take nothing by their action and taxed them with the costs. The appraised valuation of the real property was approximately $80,000 and of tbo personal approxi. mately $45,000. By the settlement the heirs are to receive a little more than half of the real property, their share including all of the holdings of Mr. Burgess in West Southern Pines and some property in Southern Pines. Mrs. Burgess gets the home, {Please turn to page 5) Legion Adopts Resolutions on H. C. FOWNES DIES PWA Turn‘d Death of Comrade ‘Joe’ Fuller Mourn His Loss AT 79 AT HOME IN PITTSBURGH ; “Nobility and High Purposes Motivated Life of Excellent ' j Citizen-Soldier” 1 ! I J’rominent Winter Resident of Re.solut.ons of sympathy to the bo. pinghurst Was Pioneer reaved widow and estifymg to the Industrialist • great loss of one of its own comrades Hospital Request for w Wing and Water Works for 3 Towns Bethesda Pastor No Moore County IVojects Amonjf Those Approved at Washington “JOE” FULLER SUNDAY SCHOOL MOVES FOR PEACE County Association Also Adopts Resolution Ajc:ainst Liquor Traffic Ground Broken for New Office Building Dr. P. J. Chester to Remove to Rapidly Developing East Pennsylvania Avenue Ground was broken this week for a third new building on East Penn, sylvania avenue just off Broad street, Southern Pines. E. W. Rein. ecke will build for Dr. P. J. Chester a one story brick office building, an exact replica of one standing in historic Fredericksburg, Virginia built by a physician there in Revo lutionary times. The building will have a 20.foot frontage on Pennsylvania avenue, with a depth of 60 feet. The plans^ call for a slate roof. There will be one reception room, an eye_testing room, business office and three con. sultation rooms. It is expected to have it ready for occupancy early in November. During the past year Mr. Reine. eke has put up a building for his own offices and for Attorney W. D. Matthews next door to the one now in process of construction, and Dr. L. M. Daniels has a new two. story office building and apartments the other side of the Reinecke build, ing. All are of similar style, at tractive in design and of sturdy con. struction. The Reinecke office build, ing is an exact copy of James Mon roe’s office in Fredericksburg. FIN*E SESSION AT HEMP The annual convention of the Moore County Sunday School Asso ciation, interdenominational, held in Hemp last Sunday in cooperation with the state association, was one of the largest in attendance in recent years. The program, under the guidance of the general secretary, the Rev. Shuford Peeler of Salisbury, was of the highest order and challenged the attention of the audience every mo_ mnt. Miss Myrtle A. McDaniel of Salis. bury, aside from her splendid serv ice with the discussion groups for young people and children, conducted a devotional service which was in a class of its own: original, unique, and intensely spiritual. Mrs. S. R. Smith of Vass was an inspiration in her work with the young people, and in her direction of the dramatization, “Dedication of Youth to Building a New Commun. ity,” in the evening. These leaders were given an enthusiastic vote of thanks in appreciation of their work. The program included addresses by the following; “The Value of the Sunday School in Building a New Community,” Prof. W. P. Morton: “Building a New Community Through Developing Christlike Personalities,” the Rev. C. O. Newell of Pinebluff; “Personal Evangelism in Building Community Life,” the Rev. Shuford Peeler; "How May Young People Cooperate in Making a New Community?” Prof. E. A. West; dramatization, "Dedica. tion of Youth to Building a New (Please turn to page 6) j were adopted this week by Sandhill DIRECTOR OF BANK HERE Post No. 134 of the Americi Legion |on the death of Joseph W, Fuller,; „ Fownes, prominent winter who passed away at his home near Pinehurst, industrial lead, j Southern Pines on September 28th. ^j. 32 years president! 'The committee on resolutions, ap. Pittsburgh’s Oakmont Country pointed by Commander J. F. Sin. ciub, died at his home in Oakmont,^ I Clair, comprised L. L. W ooley, D. D. suburb of Pittsburgh last Friday S. Cameron and R. E. Denny. The res. ^ight, a victim of pneumonia. He olutions read: was 79 years of age. “MTiereas, The Supreme Command. Mr. Fownes had spent his winters er has called to his High Command, in the Sandhills for many years, own. our Comrade, Joe Fuller, whose ex. ing an attractive house near the cellent Citizenship and Soldierly life Pinehurst Country Club. He was a merit the highest respect and pra’se, | member of the board of directors of ' the Bank of Pinehurst and was other. ■ “Whereas, At the request of our,wise active in the upbuilding of the' departed Legionnaire this Post was'community. In Pittsburgh he was a awarded the honor of performing for director of the Union Trust Com. ■ him the last military rites, and the pany. He was one of the organizers ‘ same were executed by the members of the William Clark & Sons Com.' of the Post with the assistance of the pany, which built the first mill in! garrison of th United States Army the Homestead Steel Works and was; stationed at Fort Bragg, : instrumental in the organization of ■ “Now, Therefore, 3e it resolved, 1 the Solar Iron Company, Rust Bailer' that for each and every Legionnaire Company, Midland Steel Company, * of the Sandhills Post No. 134, Amer„ Reliance Coke Company and the lean Legion, their sympathy is ex. Standard Seamless Tube Company, tended to the Widow and other lov. Mr. Fownes was a member of the ed.ones of our Comrade; that the Duquesne Club, Hannastown Golf youth of our land mark the nobility Club, Pittsburgh Country Club, Pitts, and high purpose motivating the life burgh Athletic Club and the Alle. of our excellent citizen.soldier and gheny Country Club, that the public in general mark in ' He is sui vived by two sons, H. C. his life the sterling qualities which Fownes, Jr.. and C. B. Fownes of he possessed and which have made Pittsburgh, and two daughters, Mrs. KE\ . E. L. B.AKBEK 145TH BIRTHDAY OF OLD BETHESDA MEMORABLE ONE ONLY 52 FOR ALL N. C. America great and without America cannot endure.” which A. C. Blake Dies at Home on Midland Rd. Here Since 1912, He Huilt Man or Hotel, Residence in Pinehurst Frederick Schaeffer of Philadelphia and Mrs. Otton Tomec of Trenton, ■ N. J. W'. C. Fownes, Jr., of Knoll, wood, was a brother. i Largest Home - Coming Day Crowd in History of Church Celebrate Occasion The project for a new wing for the Moore County Hospital, for which the county had petitioned a fedeial grant of $25,000, was not among those approved by the Allot ment Board of the Public Works Administration, it was learned at State PWA headquarters in Chapel Hill this week. Projects submitted for water works in Cameron, Carthage and Hemp were also turned down in Washington. Not one dollar of PWA money was allotted Moore county. Of 300 appli cations for projects in North Caro lina approved by the State PW’A and sent on to Washington, the Allot, ment Board approved but fifty- two. Only $7,000,000 was allotted North Carolina. This does not necessarily mean that Moore county will not get any federal money. A number of projects, including new school buildings, ad ditions and alterations to present schools and a new gymnasium for the Southern Pines School are un der consideration by the other gov ernmental relief work agency, the Works Progress Administration. W’hat their fate will be remains to be seen. REV. McLEOD PREACHER MISS POLLY LOVERING TO WED STANLEY G. HASKINS Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Lovering of Hoffman announce the engage, ment of their daughter, Misa Polly Lovering, to Stanley Graves Haskins of New York City. Miss Lovering is a graduate of Concord Academy, Concord, Mass., and attended Miss Schoff’s School in Paris. She made her debut in Boston. Mr. Haskins prepared at St. Mark’s School for Harvard, where he waa graduated with the class of 1935. He is engaged in business in New York. Both he and his fiancee are excellent tennis players. The engagemnt was announced in Boston last Saturday, and the wedding is expected to take place in December. MISS TAFT TO WED A victim of ill health and despon., dency, Albert C. Blacke, a resident I of the Sandhills since 1912, shot and ^ killed himself in his residence on' Midland Road, near the Knollwood; section, last Thursday night. He j was 67 years of age. | Mr. Blake, a highly respected citi. zen here, was born in South Royal. | ton, Vermont on September 16th,! 1868, the son of Horatio C. and Small .\ddition PoHsibl^ I Much disappointment was ex- j Old Bethesda fittingly celebrated pressed locally when news came Uts 145th anniversary last Sunday, from Chapel Hill of the county’s The largest home.coming day crowd failure to get the new hospital wing, in the history of the old church re. The board of directors of the insti- turned for the services and spent a tution had waged a campaign during happy and memorable day on the the summer to raise the 55 percent grounds and in the ancient edifice on necessary to procure a PWA grant the outskirts of Aberdeen. ;of 45 percent. The wing was to cost An inspiring sermon by the Rev. approximately $56,000, and the in. R. L. McLeod of W’inter Haven, Flor. i stitution’s authorities had their share ida, a grandson of the church, fea.’of the necessary building fund in brary, held last Tuesday, Miss Ruth tured the morning service. He chose sight. Just what will be done now Burr Sanborn was unanimously as his subject. “God and the Indiv. remains for decision of the directors elected a trustee. Miss Sanborn has idual." Though more than the usual at a meeting to be held later this long been interested in the library number of tables had been spread un. month. It is possible that the pres_ and has been a valuable member of der the big trees surrounding the ent solarium will be transformed in_ the association. She is, as all know, church for the picnic lun. to additional patient quarters which, a successful and versatile author, cheon, there were not enough for the Miss Sanborn Elected To Library Board Winter Schedule Starts Mon day; New Memberships Good Through 1936 At the monthly meeting of the trustees of the Southern Pines Li. Lena J. Abbott Young and the Pearl Jones Blake a son by wife, resides in Southern Pines; He first came here in 1912, lived for a with a small addition in the rear of the building will provide some 27 extra beds. The hospital has been running nearly 25 percent over its capacity, made possible by the use Rosaline C. Blake. He was ^^^ried , ^ ^ three times, his first wife being ^ numerous Bethesda ^It was an mspiration to his sec nd A ^ stories in magazines. One of , witness the happy reunions of the IS secon ™^jher best short stories is published ; timers as they sat about surviving wi o'', vveek’s Saturday Evening grounds and talked of days gone by. of the solarium as temporary patient ° ‘ j Post. ! And all ages joined in the celebration quarters. It is believed that funds in ■ a e. a son y his first Winter hours of the library will of the nearly a century and one.half hand and in sight will be sufficient begin next Monday. The library will : good which this church has done, for such alteration and addition, be open each week day from 10 to North Carolina. | W^orks Progress Administration I J. W. Graham of Aberdeen opened projects approved for North Caro. in the afternoon. \ the afternoon program, dedicated to ' lina during the past week include one few years in Niagara and then built,,- .... ^ ^ iu J X., J '12 in the morning and from 2 to 5 his home on the double road near' ” the course. In his more active years he built the Manor! brought to the attention of reminiscences of bye.gone days in the cainng ror a geodetic survey of I u 1. " those not now members of the Li. church, and among others who spoke Moore county, for which $1,370 is al_ Hotel, the H. H. Rackham house andi, . , ^ J ,^ * • the residence of H C Fownes who I Association that memberships were Lauchhn Bethune of Clinton loted. and one for carrying out a com. also passed away durin the' ast taken out during the months and D. Scott Poole of Raeford. Mr. munity sanitation program involving week in Pinehurst October, November and December Graham has been a ruling elder in an expenditure of $15,000 in the Funeral services were held at his ''^^*''^' December 31. | Old Bethesda for 40 years; Mr. Poole! county. late residence on Sunday afternoon, ^ ^ ^ ' the Rev. Dr. C. Rexford r „d : I Mr. Bethune's associa. JVIigg Carter and of the Church of Wide Fellowship Hubert Mora^skill ship IS taken out now. The librarian All sang ‘i^od Be With You Till: tiuucri i.TlL\^d.SKlU Vt e(l officiating. Burial followed in Mount Hope Cemetery. THE CAROLINA TO OPEN INrORM.\LLY ON OCT. will be glad to explain the details of ^ We Meet Again’’ which, with the ben. 1 the various memberships. The annual j ediction pronounced by the Rev. Ern. Popular Young Pinehurst Cou- 30 Mrs. Ellen R. Taft of Southern Pines announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruby to Rupert F. Keefe of Washington, D. C. The mar. riage will take place in November. The Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst will open informaly on October 30th, formally on November 11th. The ear ly opening is to take care of a con. vention of the Yarn Manufacturers’ •A.ysociation on November 1st and 2d und for the accommodation of a membership is one dollar, the sus. est L. Barber, pastor of the church, taining membership five dollars, and | closed the day’s program, one long the patron membership twenty.five ■ to be remembered by those present, dollars. - i pie United Before Impro vised Altar in the Manse VADK.N CLUB GOLFERS ' ^ • DEFEAT FORT BR.\GG ;For Jittitown Sliooting Members of the Yadkin Golf Club of Pinehurst defeated a picked Fort A wedding of interest took place at the manse in Pinehurst Saturday af. ternoon, September 28th at 5:00 o’clock, when Miss Neva Carter, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carter. number of regular patrons of the hotel who come down for the season Wednesday afternoon, 43 1-2 to 10 1.2 N’jrman Dowdy in Hospital with. became the bride of J. Hubert Me aal 4 T m ... Bullet Wound in Left Shoulder around the first of November. Mana. ger Ed, G. Fitzgerald of the Carolina will arrive in Pinehuist this week. V/ednesday IX)ints. Playing for Yadkin were the I Amos Broadway, well known col. | following: Herbert Vail, Bradley Dav. |ored resident of West Southern Pines, idson, Frank Keating, Frank Du Caskill, son of Mrs. J. A. McCaa. kill and the late J. A. McCaskill, both of Pinehurst. The vows were spoken before an STIMSON AND 0’CALL.4GHAN KIWANIS CLLTt CANDIDATES Ipont, E. C. Keating, H. F. Seawell, I Jr., Cobe Musser, Kenneth Trousdale, Chester Williams, L. M Murray, Frank McCaskill, Charles Swoope, The annual meeting and election of Wallace, George Scott, Willard Dun. officers of the Kiwanis Club of lop. Dr. R. P. Shepard, W. T. Ives, Aberdeen will be held in the Pine. Everett Allen, Ferguson, McLeod and hurst Community Church next Wed. Donald Currie. nesday night at 7:00 o'clock. Rival —- candidates for president for next NEW FIRE ENGINE was ordered held under *1,000 b„i »ltar of pines and Ivy In. by Judge J. Vance Rowe of Record J'»»<>"» and baskets of pink roses. The Rev. McKelway officiated. The bride was attired In an early fall dress of burgundy chartreuse with accessories of black. She wore a shoulder corsage of pink rosebuds. Only intimate friends and relatives were present. Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McCas kill left for a short motor trip, af- er’s Court as the result of a shoot., ^ ^ ing affray in “Jimtown” last Sat.' urday night. Broadway is alleged to have shot at J. Brower and to have hit Norman Dowdy instead. The lead from a ,32 Colt lodged in Dowdy’s left shoulder and he is in the Moore County Hospital. The charge to be placed against Broadway will be de. termined by the outcome of the in. year are the Rev. J. Fred Stimson The Town of Southern Pines has and L. V. O’Callaghan, both of Sou_ ordered a new American.LaFrance jury. Broadway was arrested by Of-!ter which they will be at home in them Pines. f*re engine for early delivery. fleers Gargis and Newton. the Market Square Apartments.

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