MOORE COUNTY S LEADING NEWS-V.EEKLY TP XX ¥7 JL JLJLJl^ A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding VOL. 15A, NO. 46. >jrA«THAae ^ £AOL.e spniNCS «1>KEVICW MAHLBY JA<V<SOH SPRIHOS 90UTHCRW PIMCS ASHLBV MKiCHTS AeKROCJE>i - ^PINEBLUFr irRST IN NT.WS, CIRCILATION & ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory . ;h Carolina Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, Friday, Oclobcr 11, 1935. FIVE CENTS J. FRED STIMSON IS NEW PRESIDENT OF KIWANIS CLUB Pastor of Southern Pines Bap tist Church Elected for 1936 at Annual Meeting CLUB ACTIVE THIS YEAR The Rev. J. Fred Stimson, pastor of the Southern Pines Baptist Church, was elected president of the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen for 19^6 at the annual meeting held on Wed. nesday night in the Pinehurst Com munity Church, defeating L. V. O’Cal. laghan in a close race. Ralph L. Chandler of Southern Pines was elected vice.president, A. P. Thompson of Pinehurst treasurer. The secretary is appointed by the incoming president. Directors elected were as follows: Howard P. Burns, H. G. McElroy, J. C. Musser and J. H. Schwartz of Southern Pines, Dr. E. M. Medlin and O Leon Seymour of Aberdeen and L. E. Pender of Pinehurst. Annual reports of committee chair, man, read at the meeting, revealed much work accomplished in the com. munity during the past year, includ. ing the support of a bed in the chil. d’’en’s ward of the Moore County Hospital, work on planting of the double road between Pinehurst and Southern Pines and similar projects. Mr. Stimson will succeed Willard Dunlop of Pinehurst as president on January 1st. The annual convention of the Car. olinas district will be held next week in Charleston, starting on Wednes. day, and the following plan to at tend from the local club: Herbert Vail, J. C. Musser, Dr. E. M. Med. lin and Dr. R. P. Shepard. This quartet will comprise the golf team from here to compete in the district tournament during the convention. J. Daus Davis Dies in Washington, D. C. Former Resident Here, He Mar ried Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Loomis Suffering from a hemorrhage of the brain, J. Daus Davis, a former resident of Southern Pines died in Washington, D. C., Friday, October 4th. Fimeral services were held in Chesterfield county, S. C., and inter, ment in the family plot in that coun. ty. Mr. Davis came to Southern Pines about 1920, and in 1923 built the ga. rage on the corner of East Broad street and Connecticut avenue, now the property of Frank Welch and occupied by Colton and Ferguson, and in that building became noted as one of the best automobile me. chanics and car salesmen in the Sandhill territory. Leaving Southern Pines in 1925 for Petersburg, Va., and then Wash ington, he married Marion C. Loom, is, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Loomis of Southern Pines. Born June 14th, 1892 Mr. Davis is survived by his widow, four brothers and eight sisters. TRAVEL AGENCY REPRESENTATIVESi HERE OCTOBER 25> New Management Announced For Highland Pines Inn Sandhills Will Be Hosts to 45 on Their Tour of the Two Carolinas Clyde Dunn Hurt at Illinois Ave. Fire Sideswiped by Laundry Truck While Standing Beside Apparatus Clyde Dunn of Southern Pines Fire Department was slightly injur ed on Wednesday morning when he was struck by a delivery truck be. longing to the Family Laundry and driven by Howard Woods. Dunn was standing beside his fire truck at a fire in the house occupied by C. C. Milam on Illinois avenue when the delivery truck swept by, knocking him down. He required medical at tention but was not seriously hurt. The fire, originating from a flying spark lodging in the roof shingles, was quickly subdued. Frtagments of the blazing roof fell into a closet of the room occupied by Mr. Milam, who is confined to the house by ill ness, necessitating his being carried to another part of the house. The house is owned by the Edmund Mil- len estate. The loss WEd estimated as under $100. 12-DAY, 2,000 MILE TRIF» Some 45 representatives of large travel agencies and motor clubs of the east, west and mid.west will be guests of Southern Pines and Pine, hurst on Friday, October 25th. The schedule for the trip through the Car olinas was announced this week. As announced in The Pilot several weeks ago, the agency men are be. ing shown the attractions of the two Carolinas by The Carolinas, Inc., and the Carolinas Motor Club, to bet ter acquaint them with the facili. ties of the two states to entertain northern and western visitors during the winter season. They will start on October 4th, with Coleman T. Rob. erts of iCharlotte in command, and will make a 12_day, 2,000.mile auto, mobile tour covering both slates. Roberts calls the route he has picked “America’s most historic and scenic tour.” Mr. Roberts, who is president of the Carolinas Motor Club and execu. tive vice.president of The Carolinas, Inc., in a statement given the press this week said: “The Carolinas have erred hereto, fore by advertising all kinds of high, way associations and short routes to Florida. All that has been a detri. ment to the Carolinas. It is our job to detain the travel in the Carolina®, instead of advising people how fast they can pass through our wonder, ful section.’' Aim for $100,000,000 Having given himself such a jobi Mr. Roberts is preparing to carry it out by "modern scientific merchan. dising methods” which he believes should bring the two states nearer the $100,000,000 tourist business he estimates they should get each year. The itinerary of the tour calls for a start in Greensboro and a wind up in Charlotte. The Sandhills resorts are on the schedule for the next to last day of the journey. A delegation from the Board of Commissioners and the Chamber of Commerce will meet the tourist agents upon arriv al in Southern Pines, show them the sights here, then pass them along to Pinehurst where another delegation will acquaint them with the attrac tions there. The itinerery is as follows: October 14.—Greensboro, Guilford Battleground, High Point, Winston- Salem, Lenoir, Linville. October 15— Banners Elk, Pinnacle Irn. Newlands, Spruce Pines, Old Fort, \sheville. Canton, Waynesville, Cherokee Res ervation, Great Smokies, Newfound Gap, Bryson City, October 16— Franklin, Highlands, High Hampton, Brevard, Pisgah Mountain, Asheville. October 17- Lake Lure. Chimney Rock, Hendersonville, Tryon. October 18—Into pouth Carolina to Spar tanburg, Greenville, Greenwood, Ai. ken. October 19—Lexington. Lake Murray Dam, Columbia, Camden, Sumtem, Charleston, October 20— Georgetown, Myrtle Beach, back into North Carolina. Wilmington. October 21—Jacksonville, New Bern, Eliza, beth City. October 22—Manteo, Fort Raleigh, Kitty Hawk, Nag’s Head, (Please turn to page 4) Missionary Conference Here Next Thursday Dean Russell of Duke Univer- sify Speaker at State Women’s Meeting H. L TREADWAY IS NEW OPERATOR OF HIGHLAND Hotel Company Acquires Serv ices of Head of Red Lion Inn at Stockbridge, Mas.s. SON OF CONGRESSMAN ANTI-SALES TAX LEADER TO OPEN MOORE CO. FAIR Fair Speaker Next Thursday, October 17th, the Church of Wide Fellowship in Sou. them Pines will entertain the North Carolina' Women’s Missionary Con. ference of which Mrs. Stanley C. Har. rell of Durham is president. About 300 delegates are expected, and the meetingH will be open to women of all denominations. An interesting program is arrang. ed for both morning and afternoon sessions. Dean Russell of Duke Un. iversity will be one of the speak, ers. All women in the county are in. vited to hear his address. The gen. eral theme of the conference will be “World Missions and World Peace,” Dr. Ralph McDonald, F<irsyth Legislator, Speaker at Op ening Exercises Dr. Ralph McDonald of Winston. Salem, member of the North Caro, lina House of Representatives in the 1935 legislature and a leader in the fight against the sales tax, will be the principal speaker at the opening of the Moore County Agricultural Fair which opens at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday morning in Carthage. Dr. McDonald is an able speaker and a large crowd is expected to turn out for his address. All is in readiness for the annual exhibition, with numerous features of an agricultural and entertainment nature billed for nexi week. Tuesday will be Children’s day when all school pupils of the county will be admitted there w'ill be something doing each day through Saturday, with the ex. hibits of an educational nature in. terspersed with the many free acts and midway doings. Among the tree acts advertised are Miss Mille Long, “the Dixie Sweet, heart,” in an acrobatic and contor tionist number: Howard and Ho. ward, aerial artists; Ben Beno, “the Man on the Chair in the Air;” and the Great Uniconic Troupe, “the World’s Fastest Flying Act.” isaid to be a complete aerial circus. Fun For the Children The R. H. Work Shows are stag, ing the entertainment, and one of the many features will be Deacon Hamp ton’s minstrel show. The entire or. chestra of this troupe is composed of the children of Deacon Blue’s fam. ily. Then there is a monkey, dog and pony circus which will delight the children. High diving dogs, a monkey on a tight rope, and ponies racing with monkeys and dogs as jockeys comprise another act. Mickey Mouse will be found on the midway with his whole troupe of entertainers. They present their act in a miniature city. Mountaineers and “hillbillies” are to provide a lot of good old fashioned music and fun, the fair officials promise. The gates open at 10:00 o’clock Tuesday morning, and from then on throughout the week, daytime and night.time, there’ll be something do. ing for old and young at the fair grounds just outside Carthage on the Sanford road. HE.AVY LOSS OF TOB.VrCO IN FIRE IN ABEHDEEN A large quantity of tobacco was destroyed by fire when a house and outbuilding near McDonald’s store on U, S. Highway No. 1 between Aber deen and Southern Pines were burn, ed to the ground on Tuesday night. The tobacco, stored in the two build, ings, was the property of E. B. May. nard of Aberdeen. The loss ran into several thousand dollars, it is said. GOLF “PROS” TO PLAY MARCH 23 IN SOUTHERN PINES ; First Event of Kind Here Plnn- ned at Country Club for Top Notchers l>K. K.ALPH .MCDONALD TO INSTALL AS LEGION POST CO>IM.\NDER John G. Hemmer of Pinehurst, popular photographer, will be in. stalled as commander of Sandhill Post No. 134, American Legion, at a meeting to be held tonight, Friday, in the Pinehurst Community Church. All newly elected officers will be sworn in, and a large attendance of members of the post is expectd. Southern Pines will inaugurate a professional golf tournament, Jiirst of its kind to be held on the Coun. try Club course heie, during the coming season. An invitation was issued to the “pros” when they were competing in Pinehurst last spring to come I here for a event this spring, I and vvT'rd was received by City Clerk ; Howard Burns this week from Rob. : ert Harlow, who arranges schedules for the professionals, that many of I the leading players in the country would be here on Monday, March 23d for an IS.hole medal event. I This will mean that Southern ' Pines and Pinehurst will have the country’s best in their midst for a , full week this spring, as the South. \ ern Pines tourney will be followed by the annual North and South Open at Pinehurst, starting on Tuesday, March 24th and running for three days. Heaton I. Treadway, of Stock, bridge, Mass., has been secured by the Highland I’ark Hotel Company to operate the Highland Pines Inn on Weymouth Heights this winter, and will arrive in Southern Pines in the near future to take charge. Ml'. Treadway is the operator of the Red Lion Inn and of Heaton Hall at Stockbridge, in the Berkshire mountains, well known and success, ful summer hotels. He is the son of Allen T. Treadway, prominent mem. ber of Congress from the 1st dis. trict of Massachusetts and ranking Republican member of the W’ays and Means committee. Congressman Treadway has been a frequent Sand, hills visitor. The younger Treadway has been connected with resort ho. tels for many years and comes here highly recpmmended. Announcement of the closing of ne. gotiations with Mr. Treadway was made this week by Dr. William C. Mudgett, president of the Highland Park Hotel Company. New Staff Coming Much reconditioning and some re. furnishing of the Highland Pines is planned before it opens for the win. ter season. It is understood that the new manager will have an entire, ly new staff at the inn. bringing with him some of those on the staffs at the Red Lion Inn and Heaton Hall. Since the Highland Pines Inn, de. signed by Aymar Embury and con. sidered one of the most attractive hotel buildings in the south, was completed some 15 years ago it has been Southern Pines' leading hosteL ry. Until the death three years ago of Andrew I. Creamer the Inn was under the management of Mr. Cream, er and M, H. Turner, and since Mr. Creamer’s death has been operated by Mr. Turner. The new change .'n management is believed due to Mr. Turner’s health which prevented him from devoting his entire time and en. ergy to the Inn last winter. “Bob” Beck Wins Close Election For High School Presidency U. S. Asks Bids For Long Term P. O. Lease Hope for New Federal Building Dimmed by Request from Department New Pastor Week of Campaign Oratory Pre- ceds Casting of Ballots For High Honors In an election held last Friday in the school auditorium Robert Beck was chosen by a majority vote on the first ballot as president of t^e ^he Rev. Thomas A. Williams, new student body of the Southern Pines pastor of Saint Anthony's Catholic Rev. Thomas Williams Makes First Talk at St. Anthony Church High School for the coming year. It was a close election, “Bob” winning by a majority of one vote. Since the presidency of the student body is the most honored office of the high school his nomination shows his popularity, dependability and abiL ity to perform the duties involved. He has had some experience in hand, ling the student body affairs, having been vice-president last year. Three other reliable and popular students were elected to fill the oth. er offices. Ruth Richardson was chosen vice.president, Sylvia Pethick secretary, and Mary Jane Woodward treasurer. I Church in Southern Pines, offered the Holy Sacrifice and addressed the members of the local parish for the first time last Sunday morning, and made a decided impression on his parishioners. In his talk he said, in part: “For the past 26 years Father Dillon has been the pastor of South, ern Pines, serving the people, Cath. olic and non_CathoHc alike, in sea. sen and out of season. It is with great fear that I take up the duties of pastor here, since I know I can never measure up to the fine stand, ard he has set. I can only ask the same cooperation in the future that There was much excitement over j he has received in the past.” the election of president. The facul. i Father Williams was ordained in ty picked nine students from the Boston, Massachusetts by his Emi. Senior class who were eligible for nence. Cardinal O’Connell, in June the office, Ruth Richardson, Ruth ■ 1933. He was then appointed secretary Thompson, Mary Jane Woodward, i to Mcst Rev. Bishop Hafey of the Eleanor Harloe, Eleanor Eddy. Ber. j Diocese of Raleigh, in which office tha Fowler, Walter Spaeth, Bob! he .‘served for eleven months. He was Beck and Lawrence Williams. Each then sent to Nazareth, N. C., as a member of the student body voted for j member of the North Carolina Apos. five out of nine. The five who re. I tolate, a missionary organization ceived the highest number of votes | working in the interests of the were in the final election for presi.' Catholic Church in North Carolina, dent. Every morning last week these ! During the past two summers he has five gave brief talks on schoop top. ’ served on the Chapel Cat “St. P^ ics in the various home rooms ?n9 at ter,” during the norther’i trips ad. the end of the week the puoUs voted vertising the needs of the missions of for their favorite candid ite. North Carolina. Prospects for the securing of a new postoffice for Southern Pines in the immediate future were be. lieved considerably lessened this week, upon the receipt of a request for tenders of space for quarters for a term of from five _to 10 years on lease from January 1, 1936. Bids may be submitted to Postofl *;e Inspec. tor T. L. Starr, P, O. 1856, Balti. more. Md., for either five or 10 years or for two years with an op. tion to the government of three ad. ditional^ yearj. Property submitted must be at least 2,500 square feet. Previously bids had been requested for a one.year lease and it was be. lieved that this meant early construc tion of a new federal building here, funds for which have been authorized by Congress though not allotted. Army Conquered But It’s on Golf Ct'urse in Battle Between Locals and Fort Bragg The United States Field Artil. leiy, 18 strong, armed not with 75 millimeter guns but with field pieces familiarly known as golf clubs, descended upon Southern Pines Wednesday afternoon seek ing revenge for a defeat admin, istered at the hands of a Sand, hills delegation which invaded Fort Bragg a week ago and proved de. cisively that it know how to make little pills, if not the caissons, go rolling along. The Fort Br^gg of. ficers and the men in mufti bat tled on the Country Club course here, but the local golfers again proved too much for the army.

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