Friday, October 18, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina It'* all rafher bewildering...(hii question of which wine to buy and why. But there's one sure way to make yoifr selection...ask for's, the finest wine made in the world famed Finger Lakes Sec tion of New York State. Ask for Widmer'*. Port, Claret, l>ry Sauterne, Haiit Sauterne, Sherry, Mus. oatele, Tokay. Sparkling Burgundy. Also VVhit« Gold and Brandled Wine, IDidmer^ AMERICA'S FINEST WINESI Always in Good Taste ... Since 1688 The Home School and Playground Under the Direction of RUSS LAURA >L JENKS K’g’n. First and Second Grades. Limited Accommodations Moderate Rates Cameron Treasurer of U. S. No. 1 Association Dr. L. B. McBrayer' Elei'ted Vice President For North Carolina D. D. Shields Cameron of South, ern Pines was elected treasurer of the United States Highway No. 1 As. sociation at its annual meeting held last week in Henderson, and Dr. L. B. McBrayer of Southern Pines made vice-president for North Carolina. R. L. Burns wf Sanford was elected president: O. L. Kirkland, Hender. son, general vice-president; C. R. Lano, Sanford, executive secretary and publicity agent. State vice.pres. ident are, in addition to Dr. Me. Brayer: For Virginia, S. A. Abbey, Fredericksburg; South Carolina, Dr. B. C. McLain, Aiken; Florida, H. B. Kessler, Miami. Northern states vice, presidents will be elected later. The meeting went into plans for attracting further traffic over U. S. No. 1 by direct contact and by pub licity and advertising. One liundred delegates attended the sessions. No Sandhills delegation was present. JACKSON SPRINGS /A Will b« in his officc ov«r Um Peat Office, Sanford, N. C., crerj Wednesday, frjom 10:00 ». a. to 8:00 p. m. Don't fail to him If 7onr ejTM an WMk. J. N. POWELL, INC. Funeral Directing Embalming Ambulance Service Day and Night Phone 6161 East Broad St., Southern Pines Ser\'ice Since 1893 Drs. Neal and Beard Sanford, N. C. Veterinarians Swirmerton’s on Mondays Carolina Pharmacy, Pinehurst, Fridays Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGR.VPHER NOT.ARY PUBLIC John S. Rug'g’les INSUR.\NGE AGENCY Phone 5721 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Beuthern Pines, N. C. TeL 5038 Betty’s Beauty Shop Open for the Season about October 18th Guiranteed Investments (Retirement Income and Armuities) ASSURE Life and Accident Protection through Carl G. Thompson Phone Southern Pines 7363 Representing The Travelers Insurance Co KLife.Accldent and Group Dept.) Hartford, Conn. f JONQUIL BULBS The first flowers seen in the Sandhills are Mrs. Leavitt’s extra early yellow jonquils. Bulbs on sale for 25 cents per doz. or ?1.50 per hundred. Mrs. Benjamin Bradin 81 Ashe Street Southern Pines N. C. Misses Juanita and Jeanette Bru. ton of Raleigh were the week-end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bruton. Mrs. Bullard, who has been threat, ened with pneumonia, is much im. proved. Mrs. Frank Everett was in Fort Bragg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Sox of Wilmington were the week.end guests of their son and, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Sox. Mrs. Ida MacKenzie and Miss Flora Jones, who have been ill are improving. Mrs. James of Sanford called on Mrs. Maude MacDonald Thursday. William Capers of Lillington was the weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bruton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Woodruff spent the week-end with Mrs. Ada Hen- derlite. Mrs. Dan McDuffie is visiting her daughters. Miss Florence Hinson of Eagle Springs spent the week-end at home. Rally Day exercises were held at the Church Sunday morning. A nice sum was realized for Christian Edu cation. Mrs. C. C. Sox was shopping in High Point Tuesday. Jeff and Gene stopped for the week-end at Mr. J. P. Richardson’s on their way to Florida from New York. WEST END t Miss Treva Auman went with Miss Lucile McGilvary to the home of her mother, Mrs. E. J. McGilvary, in Jonesboro for the week.end. Mrs, F. W. Von Canon spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. J. W. McCaskill, at Farm Life. North Lewis was at home from Elon last week-end. Mrs. C. H. Benton and children of Richmond, Va., are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mimms. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hart- sell on October 13, a nine.pound son. Miss Lucile McLeod was at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod, in Eureka Saturday and Sunday. Miss Pauline Barber visited her mother, Mrs. William Barber in Bis. coe over the week.end. Mrs. Vivian Tucker spent Wednes day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Thomas in Jones, boro. Mrs. Charles Logan and children of Mt. Gilead was here the end of the week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Williams. TO COMPLETE DOUBLE ROAD GRASS PL.\NTING THIS WEEK i The double road between Southern Pines and Pinehurst has been hav ing the attention of a striped road gang all week, grubbing and sowing with Italian rye grass the section be tween the two traffic lanes and the roadsides. The work is expected to be completed before the end of the week. J. S. REYNOLDS HURT WHEN ROAD SIGN FALLS J. S. Reynolds of the Jefferson Inn is suffering from a broken nose, fractured rib and other injuries as the result of an accident last Satur day afternoon. While supervising the erection of a road sign on the high, striking him and causing the injur. way above Manly, the sign fell, ies,which at first gave much con. cern, but Mr. Reynolds is now re ported on the road to recovery. Carters inks. Paste and Carbor paper at Hayes.’ Page Thre« Vice President DR. L. B. McBRAYER CARTHAGE W. H. Currie made a business trip to New York and Philadelphia Sat. urday. Miss Dorothy Cole of Greensboro spent the week.end in Carthage with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bartlett and family of Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Wallace. Mrs. J. L. Currie is visiting her son, Dr D. M. Currie in Baltimore. Israel Wainer, who has been work. ing in Georgia for several months is at home C. V. Meredith spent the week-end at his home iu Lawrenc'eville, Va. He was accompanied to Lawrence- ville, Va. He was accompanied to Carthage by Mrs. Meredith and their children, Laura and Chesley. Doyle Miller and Mrs. Joe Pin kerton left Saturday for Bowling Green to visit Miss Grace Blue. They were joined in Nashville by Mr. Pinkerton. Mike Burns returned to Chicago Monday after a week’s visit here. Mrs. Mary Jane Cole, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Doug Shields, has gone to Hemp to spend several weeks with her daught er, Mrs. J. F. Davis. Miss Anne McRee Roberts of Queens-Chicora College and the Rev. J. K. Roberts of West Virgin ia spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. J. K. Roberts. Mrs. Joe Allen has returned from a visit with relatives in Lile.sville. I Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Spencer at tended the Duke-Clenison football game at Duke University Saturday afternoon and the State-Wake For est game at Statt Saturday even ing, Mrs. Lucy Edwards, Mrs. Char, les Barringer and L. W. Edwards attended funeral services for Mrs. J. Lawrence Knight Wednesday af. ternoon at Pittsboro. Mr. Knight was the brother of Mrs. Edwards. Miss Lucille Farrell spent the week.end at her home in Pittsboro. Miss Adele Blue went to her home in Laurinburg for the week.end. Mayor J. L, McGraw has return ed from a trip to Atlanta, Ga. Miss Julia Thompson spent the week.end at her home in Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Carter, Mr, and Mrs. Dan Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Carter, Mrs. W. R. Clegg, the Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Durham, the Rev and Mrs. W. S. Golden, Mrs. S. H Miller, Mrs Joe Allen and Miss Mildred Sinclair attended the fun eral services for Julius Neal in San ford on Monday afternoon The Carthage Music Club had the October meeting on Wednesday with Mrs, R, W. Pleasants. The study for the afternoon was on Edward Me. Dowell. Some interesting f;lippings from the life of McDowell were read by Mrs. I. W. Williamson and oth. ers in the program were Mrs. O. B. W’elch, Mrs. J, K. Roberts, Mrs. H F. Sea well and Mrs. John Beasley. Mrs. J. M, Lane was hostess at contract on Friday afternoon. Miss Johnsie Redding held high score, Mrs, W. G. Brown second high. Mrs. C. G, Spencer was hostess to her contract club on Friday, with Mrs. W. G. Brown winning high score prize. Mildred Sinclair entertained the Book Reviewers Saturday even, ing. The Junior Orchestra opened the program with several selections and I Miss Judith Wainer read the play, “Helena’s Husband,” by Phillip Moel. j ler. ! UNDERWOOD S.VLESMAN TO MAKF: HE.\DQl’ARTERS HERE CCCINA’X suet) Importer Harvard Building Next to Bank of Pinehurst ANNOUNCES ITS FALL OPILNING Friday, October 18 with a complete line of Fall and Winter Sportswear Accessories FEATURING MARINETTE KNITTED WEAR Also—Negligees, Hand-made Lingerie and Hosiery I Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lee Brown, for merly of Charlotte, have lease-a the jstutz.Flynn cottage in Pinedene for [the year, and have taken possession, Mr. Brown is a salesman for the Un. i ; derwood Typewriter Company and I finds that Southern Pines is well lo. Icated for him to make li'is home and I headquarters from which to travel {throughout his large territory. Fire and Casualty Insurance GARLAND A. PIERCE Representing The Great American Insurance and Indemnity Companies of New York tv I' sei4 to hiitkr United Tredsufy BuitJmg From 1900 up to 1934 the leaf tobacco used for cigarettes in creased from 13,084,037 lbs. to 326,093,357 lbs.; an increase of 2392% • • • It takes mild ripe tobacco tn mnhp n tSnn/1 riann>tt£> 4 ^9^ fA During the year ending June 30, 1900, the Government collected from cigarette taxes $3,969,191 For the year ending June 30, 1934, the same taxes were $350,299,442 an increase of 8725^ —fl lot of money. • • • Cigarettes give a lot of pleasure to a lot of people. © 1935, liGGETT Si Mykks Tobacco Co. 'WLore cigarettes are smoked today because more people know about them—they are better advertised. But the main reason for the increase is that they are made better—made of better tobaccos; then again the tobaccos are blended—a blend of Domestic and Turkish tobaccos. Chesterfield is made of mild, ripe tobaccos. Everything that science knows about is used in makingit a milder and better-tasting cigarette. We believe you will enjoy them.

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