Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, October 18, 1935. For Quick Growth Feed the Milk-Makinq Feed Nursing pigs must grow from milk. 'X hen there s not much milk, they grow slow. When they have lots of miikthey grow fast. Corn alone will not make much milk. It i a fattener but not a milk-maker. Corn and tankage together are better milk-makers that* corn alone, but even corn and tankage are woefully lacking in some of the proteins that sows need to make lots of milk. 111 PURINA BanoHI CHOW Purina Pig and Hog Chow is almost like "milk in a bag,’’ for it contains everything sows need to supply an abundance of milk for all their pigs. Feed Pig and Hog Chow—with corn or farm irains—to your sow* for husky pigs and quick growth. You’ll moaey ahead. McNEILL & COMPANY FEED and SEED STORES Southern Pines, Phone 6245 Fayetteville, Phone 455 Be Comfortable Before Cold Weather Arrives MODERNIZE YOUR Heating Plant and Plumbing System Estimates Gladly Given FRIGIDAIRE OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN (Automatic Coal Burner) ESSOHEAT FUEL OIL L. V. O’CALLAGHAN FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Telephone 3341 Southern Pines Cameron and Community Circle No. 1 of the Presbyterian Woman’s Auxiliary met on Wednes. day afternoon of last week, with Mrs. H. P. McPherson and Miss Manda McPherson. Mrs. Belle McKeithen was program leader. Topic for the afternoon was Mexico and a little pageant describing the daily rountine of the life of one of our lady mis. sionaries in Mexico, was presented by Mesdames Loula Muse, J. M. Outnrie and W. G. Parker. Some 15 ladies w'ere present and Mrs. O. C. Britton w'as special guest. Circle No. 2 of the same auxiliary met on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Jewell Hemphill, with Miss Thurla Cole, chairman, presiding. This cir. cle clothes a little six.year.old girl at Barium Springs, and her fall and winter outfit was displayed. The same Mexican pageant was presented by Mesdames Jewell Hemphill, Loula Muse and Miss Isabel Me. Keithen of Circle 3. The auxiliary president, Mrs. J. E. Snow and Mrs. W. H. Abernathy were special guests. The Cameron Woman's Club held its October meeting on Thursday af. ternoon of last week, the president, Mrs. Raymond Thomas, presiding. Hostesses were Mesdames J. E. Snow, J. M. Guthrie and Miss Ra chael Gilchrist. A fine program was rendered by Mrs. Guthrie, who spoke on the “Home” and held an open discussion on "Rearing Child ren," and Miss Gilchrist, who based her talk on suggestions from the Ed ucational department. Inasmuch as Cameron is still .vithout a doctor, notwithstanding the strenuous ef forts put forth by one of our club members, the club voted to purchase and present emergency kits to both the white and colored school. On Monday afternoon, Mrs. Jewell Hemphill entertained her Sunday School class of 11 small boys. A long table was placed on the lawn and centered with a laige, decorated birthday cake, bearing four candles, emphasizing the fourth anniversary of the class. Ice cream and cake was served. After this Mrs. Hemphill, ac. companied by Mrs. L. B. McKeithen, Miss Isabel McKeithen and Prof. ! and Mrs. R. F. Lowry, carried the i boys to tha Temple Theatre in San. ; ford where they enjoyed a good pic. i ture. On Sunday Mrs. B. T. Thomasson I of Route 1 attended the funeral of I her mother, Mrs. J. A. Wood, who passed away on October 12 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Johnson, at Bonsai. Mrs. Wood was the daughter of the late Henry and i Rachael Briggs of Stem, and the wid. j ow of Joseph Allen Wood, who died j in 1911. Mrs. Wood had been ill for a long time. She is survived by six daughters and three sons; Mrs. B. T. Thomasson of Cameron; Mrs. L. L. Franklin and Mrs. Roy Howard, Apex; Mrs. J. W. Ingall, Durham; Mrc. Herbert Baker, Morrisville; Mrs. Walter Johnson of Bonsai; Bil. ly. Jack and Charlie Wood of Apex; 28 grandchildren and three great- grand children. All except one daughter, Mrs. Johnson, who was ill, were present at her funeral. Mrs. J. D. Carmichael of Jackson. ’ ville, Fla., spent Sunday night with hre niece, Mrs. R. L. Lowry, leav ing Monday to visit relatives in Dil lon, S. C. ' Mrs. Ann Culberson of Sanford spent last week with her daughter, 'Mrs. \V. M. Wooten. Mr.s. M. D. McNeill spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. C. C. Yates of Aberdeen, who con tinues quite ill. Miss Lillian Cole who recently spent two weeks in the Highsmith Hospi tal in Fayetteville, left Sunday for a two weeks stay at Chimney Rock to enjoy the bracing, mountain air. Miss Thurla Cole and Pete Phillips spent Sunday in Charlotte. Miss Mary Hendricks is taking a beauty culture course in High Point; Miss Eva Hendricks is working in a beauty parlor in Southern Pines. The Rev. and Mrs. Frank Hare of Jonesboro and the Rev. and Mrs. ! Charlie Howard of Buies' Creek were , supper guests Tuesday evening of Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry. I Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Britton spent ■ Friday afternoon of last week in ! Greensboro, with their daughter, , Miss Martha Britton, a student at i N. C. C. W. The A. & P. stores in Pinehurst and Southern Pines have in opera tion new coffee grinding machines of the latest type which are attracting much attention from their customers. €he Ark Southern ^tnrs. N. £. Mrs. Millicent A. Hayes, Principal A COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS kindergarten through the 8th year WUSIC—ART—LANGUAGES Tutoring Arranged for Older Groups Limited AccommodationB for Bearden LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTG.VOEE’S SALE To Outline Plan For Rural Electrification PINEBLUFF Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer. tain mortgage deed executed by W. C. Chrisco and Dela Chrisco, his vife, of date April 30, 1925, which .said mortgage deed is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moor County in Book of Mortgages No. 43, at Page 47, the undersigned mortgagee will offer for sale at pub. lie auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Carthage, N. C., on Tuesday, the 5th day of November, 1935, at the hour of twel ve o’clock Noon, the following de. scribed property: That certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and being in Sheffields Township, Moore County, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning: at the third corner of 100 acres of land granted to Tom Reeder by grant No. 4568, thence with the third line of said grant S. 81 deg. E. 12.85 chains to a stake in said third line, being a post oak and black gum pts., thence S. 21 deg, 30 W. 29 chs. to a stake in the Blue line having 2 post oak and red oak pts., thence with the Blue line N. 74 deg. 30 W''. Tl.50 chs. to a slake in Blue line on east edge of a road having a pine with a short straw and red oak pts., thence to the beginning, contain, ing thirty.three and one half acres, more or les.s. The foregoing sale is being held be. cause of the default of the mortga. gors in the payment of the indebt, ness secured by said mortgage deed, as therein provided. The terms of the sale will be cash, and the mortgagee will require a de posit of fifteen per cent of the amount bid by the succe-ssful bidder as evidence of good faith. This, the 3rd day of October. 1935. R. L. ALLBRIGHT, Oll.Nl. I record July 20, 1920, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 31, Page 305, of the Public Registry for Moore County. 2. Deed of Trust dated October 1, 1926, executed by Southland Holding Company to Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Trustee for October 15, 1926, and recorded in Book 45, Page 330, of the Public Registry for Moore County. 3. Postponement of Lien, dated May 1, 1930, executed by J. V. Healy, Attorney in Fact, Jackson Herr Boyd, J. B. Swett, and Mrs. Hattie Sanborn, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 54, Page 116, of the Pub. lie Registry for Moore County. 4. Deed of Trust, dated May 1, 1930, executed by Southland Hold, ing Company to Page Trust Com. pany. Trustee for the Owners of First Mortgage Gold Bonds In the sum of $22,5(K).00, the same being fUed for record May 23, 1930, and recorded in Book of Mortgages 54, Page 122, of the Public Registry for Moore County. Notice is hereby given that all owners and holders of any bonds se cured by the deeds of trust hereto fore described are hereby ordered to make themselves parties to this ac. tion within thirty days after No. vember 15, 1935, or forever be barred of any rights that they may have by reason of their liens on the property described in the foregoing deeds of trust. •This 2nd day of October, 1935. JOHN WILLCOX, 011,N1 Clerk of Superior Court. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEES S.\LE Mass Meeting To Be Held in Counties and Projects Considered s I F’URN ACE OIL^S Get the Proper Weight for Your Burner Rural electrification plans are to be taken direct to the .pejpple of every county in North Carolina d\ir. ing the next several months by means of a series of county meetings. Chairman Dudley Bagley, of the Rur. al Electrification Authority, an. nounces. Mass meetings will be held at night in county courthouses, af. ter due anno.mcement by county agents, and on the following day projects that are suggested will be visited by electrification officials. Explanations will be made of the plans and purposes by David S. Weaver, extension engineer, and his assistant, A. D. Jones, and by Chair man Bagley and Acting Secretary C. W. Burton. This will facilitate preparations and result in quicker improvements. The idea of "taking it to the peo. pie" was suggested by Josh L. Horne, Jr., of the Authority, and will be much easier and cheaper than having delegations go to Ral. | elgh to present their wishes. Easy payment or rental plans for the use of electrical appliances are being worked out by some power compan. ies. PROMPT DELIVERY PAGE & SHAMBURGER Distributors GULF REFINING COMPANY Telephone 26 (Call Collect) Aberdeen PLANS ANNOUNCED FvyK I Pl'BLIC WELF.VIIE INSTITUTE The Rev. C. O. Newell attended ' the Blue Ridge conference at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Win. iston.Salem last week. This week he r is attending the Holston conference I at Knoxville, Tenn. Pinebluff peo. I pie regret that Mr. and Mrs. Newell will not live among them next year. The Rev. B. W. Lowry has been ap. pointed the pastor of this church. Misses Charlene Parker and Mar. garet DeYoe, Morrison Howie and ' Hoov ,r Adcox, students at Pfeiffer College at Merisenheimer, spent the week.end at their hunie here. Mr. and Mrs. Pitschke and grand, daughter. Katherine of Pittsburgh, Pa., have returned to their home for the winter, Mr. and Mrs. John Fiddner, J. L. De Yce and Airs. C. O. Newell at. tended M. E. Conference at Win. ' ston.Salem last Friday. Friends of Airs. Eugene Vander Mersch will be pleased to learn that her sight has been restored as the result of two operations performed by Dr. Lilly at Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Davis of Aberdeen spent Sunday at the home of J. H. Suttenfield. Mrs. C. O. Newell and son, Everest, I spent the week.end with Mrs. New. ell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. ; Dennis at Troy. Mr. and Mrs. Horne are occupy. I ing Charles Austin's house. Mr. [Horne is a buyer at the tobacco marl , ket at Aberdeen. NOTICE NORTH C.\ROLIN.\, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR C’Ol RT Lucy B. Heywood, Plaintiff vs. Southland Holding Company, et al. Defendants. 1 An action entitled as above is now being prosecuted in the Superior Court of Moore County in order to determine the priority of liens of the following instruments: 1. Deed of Trust dated May 22, 1920, executed by Southland Hotel Company to Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, in the sum of $30,000.00, the same being filed for Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain pur. chase money mortgage given by Al. ton Munn to J. E. Hasty, default having been made in the payment of said note, which is secured by said mortgage, and the power of sale in said mortgage having become opera, tive, the undersigned will on MONDAY, NOV. 4th, at 12 O’CLOC K NOON, at the courthouse door in Carthage, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Situated in Block K, and fifteeo and beginning at the Ea.sterly corner of said Block and the Knollwood line, also the present corporation line, and runs thence with the line of Carlisle Street fifty feet to a stake; thence in a W’esterly direction, parallel with the said line of Knollwood one hun. dred feet to a stake; thence parallel with Carlisle Street fifty feet to a stake in the Knollwood line; thence with that line in an Easterly direc. tion one hundred feet to the point of beginning. TIME OF SALE: 12 o’clock Noon. DATE OF SALE: Nov. 4th, 1935. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. H. F. Seawell, Jr. J. E. HASTY, Attorney. Mortgagee. Oil, Nl. ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE Having qualified as Administra trix, c. t. a., of Frank McDougall, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be- fore the I7th day of August, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in. debted to "^aid estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 17th day of August. 1935. IRENE G. McDOUGALL, S3.018. Administratrix, c. t- a. Business Opportunity Will lease, sell, or accept a half interest partnership in I MONTESANTI’S SPAGHETTI CAMP »« it Located Midway Between Southern Pines II and Pinehurst »• I* Inquire A. Monte.santi, Southern Pines, N. C. The 16th annual Public Welfare Institute will be held at Chapel Hill October 21.25, with principal night addresses by President Frank P. Graham, Dr. Howard W. Odum and Dr. E. R. Groves, of the University faculty, and Frank Bane, director of the Aberdeen Public Welfare Asso. ciation. Mrs. W. T. Bost, State commissioner of public welfare and several members of the welfare de. partment and county superintendents are also on the speaking program. Social workers, juvenile court judges, county welfare boards, re. lief administrators and officers, and county and city officials will attend. REAL EST.\TE TR.VNSFERS NIAGARA Mrs. E. W. Marble and little Faye of Farmington, Maine a.-rived Sun. day to spend the winter months here, j Mrs. Charles A. Gauld and daught. ers. Miss Ruth Gould of Farming. ' ton, Maine spent a few days visiting friends in Niagara the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold and daughter of Miami, Florida, were callers on friends here on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold were among the first settlers in Niagara some 3(1 years ago, but later drifted into Florida and have made good. COTTON OINNINGS Mrs. Cora Lane Allen and husband, Hugh Allen, to George M. Blue, property in McNeills township. J. L. McGraw and wife to S. R. Hoyle, property in Carthage town, ship. Ervin Davis and wife to Wallace Brothers, property in Carthage town, ship. ; The census report shows that there were 170 bales of cotton ginned in : Moore county from the crop of 1936 ! prior to October 1st as compared j with 159 bales ginned to October 11st a year ago, William D. Smith, 1 special agent reports. I I New Fall Shoes for men and wo. 1 men at Melvin’s in Aberdeen. The Citizens Bank and Trust Co. SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. D. G. STUTZ, President N..L. HODGKINS, Cashier GEO. C. ABRAHAM, V.-Pres. ETHEL S. JONES, Ass’t. Cashier U. s. POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITORY A SAFE CONSERVATIVE BANK DEPOSITS INSURED BY The Federal Depesit Insurance Corporation WASHINGTON. D. C. CiSnnn maximum insurance #«IUUU FOR EACH DEPOSITOR $5000 NOW OPEN COL.ONIAL. INN A Southern Home, Open To Winter Guests NEW YORK AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE LIBRARY MRS. LEIGHTON HUSKE Phone 5013 Southern Pines, N. C.