Friday, October 26, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pkics and Aberdeen, North Carolina A «Miu»iiimHnmH»H»nK»i»nuttit«»HHHnmintwin»»mmmnu«m»nmoi R/^DIOS FOR SALE OR RENT From $15.00 to $225.00 All R. C. A. Victors V All The Very Best The new all metal tube 1936 models are now on sale. HAYES’ SANDHILL BOOR SHOP Eafit Broad Street Southern Pines OUR USUAL STANDARD OF COURTESY AND SERVICE PLUS The newest innovation in all branches of .beautj- cul ture as shown at the recent Convention held in New York City. AGNES DOROTBY BEAUTY SHOP Telephone 5131 FligHland L-iodge i A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly L')cated on Vermont Avenue Near the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent Mrs. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 | Southern Pines, N. C. «nn«HtHHt»n»HHnt«H»H»n>:«»»n»:»tt«n»Km»Km»tn»m«mwt»»!t»n OHAS. J. SADLER, Mf^r. Park View Hotel FINE LOCATION GOOD ROOMS OPEN ALL YEAR RATES MODERATE Newly Renovated Throughout EUL.AN! MOTHPROOFING SERVICE FOR CLOTHING, FURMTURE, RUGS and DRAPERY Guaranteed Insurance for 5 Years MONTESANTI Telephone 5541 Southern Pines ■inimiKnt»ma«an«»»«u»»ntt»i»ninnuiiimimum»»Hiuim»imimttu«w Blankets MUST BE LAUNDERED WITH CARE Wool that from lamb to loom has been handled with the utmost care should be laundered just as carefully. GET YOUR BLANKETS READY FOR COLD WEATHER The Week in Southern Pines Laundry / does U hit THE FAMILY LAUNDRY, INC Telephone 6101 Southern Pines iWHni»HHH«iiit»t»w»m:»Ht»«mi«?H:»icmnt»mnKHn:t«m««H»:mH»»c Wise Shoppers Read Plot Ads The Misses Margaret Roth, (Edith Blake and Maybelle Ward attended the State Fair in Raleigh last Frl. day. Mrs. Clarence Swaringen and chil dren, Gladys and Clarence, Jr., spent the week.end in Jonesboro. Mrs. G. R. Crosby attended the State Fair in Raleigh last Thursday. Miss Agnes White of White Plains, New York arrived in Southern Pines last Wednesday evening and will spend the winter at the home of Miss Nellie Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grinnell and children of Little Compton, Rhode Island are spending a few days in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. David Hoskins and small daughter Phyllis, and Mrs. Alice- B; Truitt left Sunday for a few days’ trip to Maryland. On their return trip, Mrs. TTuitt will remain in ChintcoteagTje, Va., for the win ter. A. S. Ruggles spent the week.end in Raleigh and attended the State Pair. Mrs. Effie Travis of Greensboro was a visitor in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jenkins of Middleburg, Virginia, who have been the recent guests of th?ir niece and nephew, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Walk er left Sunday for Virginia. They were accompanied north by Miss Ruth Atkins who will spend the win. ter there. Mrs. Laura C. Hoskins, Miss Cora Leggett, Mrs. Elizabeth Pettes and Mrs. Margaret White are attending a convention of the Congregational. Christian Churches in Charleston, S. C., this week. John S. Ruggles of Raleigh spent the week.end in Southern Pines. James Mitchell of New York ar rived a few days ago to spend the winter in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cates of Ral_ eigh were the week.end guests of Miss Lillian Roberts. Miss AHhoa Roberts accompanied them back to Raleigh and will remain there for a week’s visit. Miss Eula Weatherspoon attended the State Fair in Raleigh last Thurs day. E. J. Austin, student at the Uni versity of N. C., spent the week.end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mills spent the pa.>?t week.end with relatives in Winston.Salem. Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Swan of Bry ant Pond, Maine arrived in Southern Pines Friday night and will spend the winter here. R. L. Chandler attended a Masonic meeting in Richmond, Va., this week. Jack Weatherly of High Point was a week.end visitor in town. Tom Baker and children and A. J. Jackman spent Sunday in Eastern Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd and children have returned from a vaca tion spent in Maine ajid New York. Morris Eadie of Brattleboro, Ver mont is spending a few days in Southern Pines. Mrs. Charles S. Routh and child ren hsve been spending a few days in Greeucboio Lave returned to Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thrower spent Tuesday in Bladenboro, North Caro lina. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ehler arrived Saturday from New York City and will spend the winter in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Robinson have returned from a vacation in New York State and have opened their lovely home on Weymouth Heights for the winter. Heaton I. Treadway of Stockbridge, Mass., was a business visitor in town 'Sast week. Carl Bradshaw returned a few days ago from a vacation spent in New Hampshire. The Rev. Dr. C. Rexford Raymond is attending the convention of the Congregational-Christian Churches in Charleston, S. C., this week. Dr. M. A. Bronson has returned to Southern Pines after spending the winter Maine. Dr. Anita McGee arrived In Southern Pines Tuesday evening af ter spending the summer months in the north. Miss Mary Yeomans and Miss Margaret Bishop have returned to Southern Pines after spending the summer months in Banners Elk. Miss Ruth Raymond was a business visitor in Raleigh on Monday. The Misses Ruby Hall and Thelma Kelly spent Sunday in Sanford. Mrs. J. T. Overton and M-s. Em- mett Golden spent Saturday in Hal. eigh. Henry Silver of Raleigh was a week.end visitor in Southern Pines this past week. Mrs. M. C. Smith and Miss Leona Martin of New York City are visit ing Mrs. W. H. McNeill on East New Hampshire avenue. Gordon Gifford, student at the University of N. C., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gifford. W. S. Peasley has returned from a trip through the New England Hates. The B. Y. P. U. will hold a Hallo, we’en Social at the Baptist Church Tuesday, October 29th at 8:00. There will be an entertainment of games and stunts. Delicious refresh, ments will be served. Silver offer, ing. Proceeds for a good cause. Everybody is cordially invited to at tend. Come and join in the fun. Paul Blue, student at the University of N. C. spent the week.end in Southern Pines. F. H. Norman who is spending some time in Hemp was a week.end visitor in Southern Pines. Mrs. Claude Hayes and Mrs. Wil. liam Matchett left Tuesday fof New York City where they will purchase new fall stock for their shop. H. W. Goodman arrived Tuesday evening from North Dana, Mass., and will spend the winter in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tarlton spent Tuesday in Georgetown, South Carolina. Mrs. Emmet Golden entertained at two tables of bridge Tuesday after noon. High score prize was won by Miss Millie Montesanti. Mrs. Gold, en’s guests were the Mesdame J. T. Overton, Earl Merrill, Buster Doyle, George Rose and James Pleasants and the Misses Lenora Riggan, Millie Montesanti and Maureen Sugg. Miss Alice B. White of White Plains. N. Y., is spending this season with Miss Lillian Roberts on Penn, ylvania avenue. Elmo Catlett of Henderson spent the week.end in Southern Pines vis iting friends. Mrs. Edward A. Campbell and Miss Florence Campbell arrived the first of the week from a summer spent at Annisquam, Mass., and an ex tended visit during the autumn in Cleveland, Ohio. FOR HALLOWE’EN Take—Give—Send WHITMAN’S CANDIES Delicious Martha Washington Candy—Fresh Each Week Fresh Each Week Kemp’s Salted Nuts from the Golden Glow Shops, Boston BROAD STREET PHARMACY W’e Always Sell The Best THE ELITE DRESS SHOPPE If you wear 14 to 20 we have assembled a group of lovely NEW DRESSES That we believe you will like. JUST ARRIVED A new shipment of Fashion Topper Hats and Children’s Sweaters (Are ^leaaeb ^nttouitre dt)ur ^or the ^raBoit 1935-6 TK-WEL E.XECUTIVES ARE GUESTS OF S.\NDHILLS (Continued from page 1) and Mrs. Barton F. Plimpton, But. terfield Travel Company, Boston; Miss L. E. Stevens, Crump Travel Service, Providence; Frank S. Mont gomery, Montgomery Travel Bureau, Harrisburg, Pa.; George E. Gillespie, Osmond-Laurens, Inc., Philadelphia; Oscar Bernheim, Alfred Bamheim & Sons, Brooklyn; Mrs. Angus M. Tay lor, Taylor Travel Agency. Birming. ham, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Latus, Travel Editor, Post Gazette, Pitts- iiurgh; Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. White, Automobile Club of Philadel. phia, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Burt L. Thompson, Automobile Club of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio; Miss Dorothy Abramson, Automobile Club of New York, New York City; E. Jenkins, manager National T'liring Bureau, American Automobile Asso ciation, Washington. D. C.; Miss Em. ma T. Hodes, Automobile Club of Maryland. Baltimore, Md.; Miss Mil dred J. Cristall, Automobile Club of Buffalo, Buffalo, N. Y.; Reuben E. Mowry, Delaware Motor Club, Wil mington, Del.; Mrs. L. P. Hendrick, son, Akron Automobile Club, Akron, Ohio; Mrs. W. A. Carper, Palmyra Automobile Club, Palmyra, Pa.; Mrs. Marble Weaver, Bluefield Automobile Also Henry Stamm, M. J. Kelly Travel Agency, Brooklyn; Peter K. Hanssen, Brooklyn; John F. G. Keen, Gillespie & Keen, Inc., Philadelphia; Theodore Meyer, Alfred Bernheim & Sons, Brooklyn; Miss Florence Schmidt, Travel D<»pt., First National Bank, St. Paul, l»^inn.; Miss Anna A. Egan, Anne Egan Travel Service, Pittsburgh; W. K. S. Hershey, White Rose Motor Club of York County, York, Pa.; Miss Laura E. Beaver, Blair County Motor Club, Altoona, Pa.; Miss Helen M. Doyle, Trenton Automobile Club, Trenton, N. J ; Miss Eleanor Durr, Trenton Automo. bile Club, New Brunswick, N. J.; Miss Laura S. King, Motor Club of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Pa.; Mrs. Claire Westerman, Johnstown Motor Club, Johnstown, Pa.; Miss Martha Lyon, Louisville Automobile Club, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. Lillian McFar. land, The Atlanta Motor Club, At. lanta, Ga. With Coleman W. Roberts, direc tor of the tour were Mrs. Roberts; J. H. Monte, in charge of publicity and press relations; L. L. Froneberger, Jr., In charge of routing, registration and baggage; E. H. Spence, represent ing Ho^el Association: J. E. L. Wade, President The Carolinas, Inc.; Jos. eph P. Rawley, publisher, High Point Enterprise and member of State Conservation and Development Board; R. Bruce Etheridge of State Depart ment of Conservation and Develop ment, and J. L. Home, Jr., represent, ing Press Association. Our 78^ SALE ANNIVERSARY FOOD t MEDIUM SIZE PRUNES 7-25c FINE FLAVOR WHOLE MILK CHEESE»19c ENCORE SPAGHETTI OR MACARONI Pkg. 5c N. n. c. ST.\LEY’S RITZ IK 'xg. 21c Syrup SULTANA, BROKEN SLICE IONA Pineapple 3 50c pan loaf—6c SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER 'lb. J.r I 5C BEANS With Tomato Sauce 0 Mb. C..S 25 IONA PREPARED SPAGHEHI 15.]-oz. Can 5c Sliced Bacon, Ib. 41c Pork Sausage, lb. 31c Frankfurters, lb 21c Bologna, lb. — 21c Pot Roast, lb 15c L. I. Ducks, lb. ...37c Turkeys, lb. 35c Jumbo Squabs 75c TMIE QIRItAT -AiriLANiriir & IPaciiihic