Friday, November 15, 1935. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Thre* Past Three Years Good to the Farmer The Week in Carthage Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Wallace, Mrs. lias been invited to join the Blue Key ConKres^man Lambeth Praises A • A _ - > A o ^ T . 7 A 4* ^ T ¥ AAA, Purchasing Power and Live-at-Home Program Featured by an address by Con- gr» 3sman Walter Lambeth, the an nual meeting of the Moore County Federation of Home Demonstration clubs was held in Carthage last Thursday with approximately 200 men and women present. Mr. Lambeth discussed the eco nomic outlook of the farmers three years ago and the present. He brought out that three years ago a farmer could not make a living on on the farm and the auctioneer’s cry was heard everywhere. He gave as the causes of collapse of agriculture the tremendous surplus, the debt sit uation, the high interest rate and the high tariff policy of the country for a great many years. The change in the last three years has been due to the AAA program reducing the farm surplus, the pur chasing power of the farmer, and the live-at-home program. He cited North Carolina as taking the lead in the live-at-home program back in 1927. He urged the home to keep records for information and future plans. Quoting Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Lambeth closed “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Mrs. W. J. Harrington, Jr., presid. «d at the meeting. W. H. Currie, chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, brought greetings. He said the farm women could get what they wanted for two reasons: they never asked for impossibilities and when they made requests they knew what they wanted, its use and cost. He commended the women on their work. Mrs. Ben Gulledge of the Springfield club responded. Mrs. J. AI. Guthrie presented the speaker of the day and E. H. Garrison, Jr., farm agent, presented Mr. Jones of State College. Mr. Jones outlined the rural electrification program. spent ’Vedn.7sday in Charlotte. J. L. McGraw, S. H. Miller and the Mrs. Henry Seawell and children Rev. W. S. Golden attended the fun- are visiting Mrs. Seawall’s mother in eral of O. B.Welch’s father at Derita Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pleasants of High Point spent Sunday with Mrs. George Muse. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Welch have re turned from Derita where they were called by the death of Mr. Welch’s father. Friday. Mrs. Alice Watson of Oxford spent the week.end at her home in Carth. age. Mrs. Charles Barringer, Mrs. Myr- ton Stew'art and Mrs. Frank McDon ald spent Saturday in Raleigh. Bill Hall spent the week-end In The Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Billups Marion, S. C., and was accompanied have returned to their home in Ker- to Carthage by Mrs. Hall and son, nersville after a visit with Mrs. Bil- Billy. lup's mother Mrs. Mollie Person. } Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Spencer are The Rev. W. S. Golden has return- j spending a few days in Appalachia- ed from Augusta, Ga., where he was cola, Fla. called by the illness of an uncle. John Sinclair, Miss Mildred Sin- Milton Glass of Piedmont, Ala., is | clair, Mrs, J. E. Muse and George the guest of his sister, Mrs. Lee Me-' Muse spent Saturday in Fayetteville. Donald. | Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baker, Mr. and Alex Wainer of Valdosta, Ga., is Mrs. J. V. Williamson spent Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. j in Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wainer. i Kennedy. Dwight Durham, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Dwight Durham, pastor of the Carthage Methodist church, who is an honor student at State Colloge Miss Margaret Clegg visited rela tives in Charlotte last week. The Rev. I. N. Clegg is spending a few days in Robeson county. JACKSON SPRINGS KNIFE AND BKKK BOTTLES \\E.\I*()NS IN' HEMP AFFKAY WILSON to. ABC STOKES NET $15,918 in ({r.AKTEH Without investing a single cent, Wilson county made $15,918.04 net profit from the legal sale of liquor in A. B. C. stores operated by the coun. ty during the three months ending October 1, the first quarterly audit showed. Four of the six stores operated by the county showed a net profit, with the Wilson and Southern Pines estab. li.shments leading. The other two stores, which underwent alterations and for w'hich furnishings had to be purchased, showed a total loss of less than $70. After paying all expenses for the six stores, the county realized a profit of $16,755.83 of w'hich five per cent., or $837.79, was set aside for law enforcement, leaving the net prof it of $15,918.04. Gross sales for the three months for the stores in Wilson county total, ed $77,682.80. The store in Southern Pines did about $8,000 worth of bus. iness up to October 1. Drive Carefully September Claimed Toll of 116 Lives in State, One Short of Kecord In a statement given out at Ral. eigh, Saturday by the motor ve. hide division, it is shown there were 116 people killed by automo. biles on the North Carolina high ways during September, which is only one less than the all.time record of December, 1934, w'hen 117 people were killed. In the nine months this year au. tomobile accidents claimed 757 lives in the state, 110 more than the 647 killed in the similar per iod of 1934. NIAGARA j A surprise birthday dinner was giv en Sunday in honor of Mrs. C, L. Dut ton. Her many friends presented her with baskets laden with cakes, cook ies, chicken and all kinds of good things to eat, A long table was set up in the yard and was filled to over- I flowing. More than ICO persons were ‘ present and it was indeed an enjoy able occasion. I Mr. and Mrs. W, P, Irving of Washington, D, C„ are spending a few weeks here while on their vaca_ tion. The Rev. and Mrs, J, A, Wood, who spent the summer near Boston, Mass., have returned to their home here for the winter. Mrs. George Smith of East Hebron, week to U ANTEO: f'LOTHINti, SHOES FOR NEEDV ('HILI)KEN HERE EUREKA Mrs. F. W. VonCanon and family of West End visited Mrs. Nannie and Miss Annis McCaskill Sunday. Mrs. Alton Blue spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans of John Hardj’ and family of Cameron and Mr. and Mrs. Edd Blue of this section visited Mr. Verge Hardy and children during the Week-end. Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Blue and fam ily and Mrs, Matie L, Blue visited in the homes of H. A. McCallum and Misses Maggie and Ida McLeod Sun day afternoon. Mary Janice and Lois McLeod were dinner guests Sunday of Treva and Lilia King. Miss Ida McLeod, who has been sick is much improved, but is still con fined to her bed. The Rev, and Mrs, R, G. Hutcheson and children of Virginia were dinner guests Thursday in the home of Mrs. D, J. Blue. They were on their way to Mullins, S. C., where Mr. Hutcheson has b' in called to the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs, Will McCaskill and son Billie Glen spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Vass. Miss Bertha Britt of near Bensa- lem, who has been spending a few days with her aunts. Misses Maggie and Ida McLeod, has returned to her home. Miss Myrtle McCaskill, member of the Farm Life School faculty, visited Mr. and Mrs. John McCaskill of Dur ham during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Frank and Mrs. | John Frank, Jr., of Niagara were | f'Sbt which occurred Monday guests in Jackson Springs Tuesday, j in Stutts beer emporium in Dr, and Mrs, Wayland Blue and daughters of Jonesboro were guest of Mrs. A. A. McDonald Sunday. ■ Hemp landed W. C, Brown in the hos- j pital and a man named Roberts in JOHN DAVIS PROMOTED Captain R, G. Matheson, Jr., Com mandant of Cadets at Bailey Military Academy last week announced the promotion in the Corps of Cadets of Cadet John Mark Davis, M., of Ab erdeen, who becomes a sergeant. Dav. is is a son of C. B.Davis of Aberdeen. Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee Bainette who were recently married, have mov ed Into the Clark home. Mrs. Brownlee Bainette and Mrs. Claude Barbee were the luncheon guests of Mrs. Heibert Carter on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Mesemer of Jonesboro wei'e guests of Mrs, Betty Currie Sunday. Walter (Red) McKenzie, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McKenzie, has joined the army and is at Fort Br.igg, Neil McDuffie of the Federal In spection Service is spending his vaca. tlon with Mr, and Mrs, D. W. McDuf. fie here. . Mrs. Winston and children, who have been living in Jackson Springs for the past two j’ears, have moved to her hom? In Yonngvllle. Mrs. Flora Jones was a guest at the Manse Tuesday. Leon McKaskill of the Miami Her ald in Miami, Fla., and his children arc visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McKaskill. Mr, anti Mrs, C, K, Dowd have mov ed to Sanford wheie Mr. Dowd is working. Mrs. Clyde Causey and daughter Virginia Ann of Laurlnburg are spending Si. me time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. W, Bruton. Irvin Markham of Greensboro was home Sunday. The Rev. R, G, Matheson, who was slightly injured in a wreck, is able to bo about his work again. The Rev. J, F. Matheson of Colum bia, S. C., is holding the meetings at Jackson Springs Church, and is a guust at the Manse. The preaching Is of the highest order and enjoyed by large congregations. Tuesday afternoon Mrs, J, P, Rich ardson and Mrs. C. K, Dowd enter tained the Jackson Springs Home Demonstration Club, Miss Flora Mc Donald talked on the use and care of rugs and upholstery. The hostess, as sisted by Miss Waldo Stubbs served refreshments to the following guests. Mesdames J. P. Clark, E. W. Bruton, T. B, Graham, Ada Henderllte, Ada Markham, W. W. Hurley, W. L. Patterson, Misses Flora McDonald Stubbs, M. E. MacDonald, Duncan Esther Hurley and Dorothy Fishel. GUESTS AT BEVERLY The Rev. and Mrs. Harry E. Clark of Long Beach, Cal., were recent guest of The Beverly, as stated on last week’s Pilot. Mr. Clark is a son of Captain Clark, original owner of The Beverly. ; jail. Brown, according to officers, slashed Roberts In the side with a I knife and Roberts struck Brown on I the head with a beer bottle, Incllfting painful injury. Dr. Symington visited , Roberts In the jail Monday night, 1 w'here he was placed. In default of bond, and sewed up his side. Both Brown and Roberts are resi dents of Hemp. Mrs. W. G, Brown, Couty Welfare Officer, is putting on a Thanksgiving drive for clothing to be distributed to needy families. She Is calling especial ly for children’s clothing and shoes, for as cold weather approaches there will be a large number of families in the county unable to provide warm garments for their children. Mrs, Brown is anxious for them to have sufficient clothing that their school attendance need not be interrupted. Donations of wearing apparel may be sent to the office of Dr. J. Sym ington, or Mrs, Brown will call at the homes for them is notified to do so. THISTLF: CLI B .MM'OINTS ITS COMMITTEES FOR YEAR I Committees for the ensuing year have been announced by the Southern Pines Thistle Club as follows: i I Prize-Mrs, Gage and Mrs, Gould; Card Mrs. Spaeth, Mrs. Merrill, I Mrs, Mills, Mrs, Cameron, Mrs. I Woodward, Mrs. Spring, Mrs, Pottle, Mrs, Eddy, Mrs, Buttry, Mrs, Skin- I ncr, Mrs. Tracy and Miss Hatfield; I Hospitality Mrs, Burns, Mrs. Mllll 'N. H., arrived the past spend the winter months, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Bowles and lit. tie daughter Bettle are recent arriv als and plan to spend the season with Mrs. George Smith, Miss M. A, Williams of West Or ange, N. J., arrived on Saturday to spend the winter in her New Hamp shire cottage in Highland Park, Mrs, E. B, Franklin of Freehold, N. Y„ arrived Saturday to spend the sea son with Miss Nettie Williams. Mrs, L, M, Warren of Pinebluff spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W. ken, Mrs. Grey, Mrs. Case, Mrs. Bar- Wilson at the Laconia cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gullege and Bill Turnley of near Carthage were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. L, Dut ton. ron, Mrs. Grover, Miss Bair and Miss Campbell; Picnic- Mrs, Nichols, Mrs. Mudgett, Mrs, French, Mrs. Pushee, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Musser. The officers of the club are: Mrs. C. P, Everest, president: Mrs. H, A. M.VRUIAGE LICENSES Gould, vice-president: Mrs. Maxwell Marriage licenses have been Issued Grey, recording secretary; Mrs. Pres- from the office of the Register of ton Kelsey, corresponding secretary, j Deeds of Moore county to the follow- and Mrs. H. F. Turner, treasurer. I ing: T. Roy Phillips of Bennett and Thistle Club Day at the Coimtry Club Maude Howard of Hallison; John Ru- this year will be Saturday ln.stead of j pert Keefe of Washington, D. C,, and Wednesday as last year. Ruby Taft of Southern Pines. -^/w-iyrlcew CuJiP Cimtils dohl* qet/your Wind I CAN CERTAINLY BACK THAT UP. I SMOKE CAMELS AS FREQUENTLY AS I LIKE. THEV never GET wy WIND. I like that rich CAWEL FLAVOR TOO IVE SMOKED CAWELS FOR ALMOST 19 VEARS THEV ARE SO MILD, THE/ DON’T GET MV WIND FRANK HAWKS Famous Aviator E. M. Johnson C^M€B»S COSTISiR TOBACCOS % Master Ue Lu^e DEALER ADVERTISEMENT Be Dare WITH IJHEVlWLErH NEW I'E/lFEf.TEU HYDnAlILU: liH/lliES Safegii Action on Master Models only, $20 additional. Priccs quoted in this advertisement are list at Flint, Michisan, and subject to change without notice. NEW CHEVROLET FOR 1956 MID-SOUTH MOTORS, Inc. Aberdeen, N. C.