Pnce KlRht THE PILOT. Southern Pines aftd Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, November 22, 1935. Quality Merchandise Is Always the Cheapest HKKK AKK A FKVV OF THE MANY QUALITY ITK>LS \IK CAKKY: Ladies Linen Dresses $1.95 Fruit of the Loom Prints, “80 square" Weave, guaranteed fast color, per yard 20c Ught Weight All Wool Dress goods, “54-inch” ... $100 Fine Grade Plaid Cotton Suit ing. fast colors 49c John W, Green and Chesterfield Hats for Men. Fine quality felts $2.50, $2.95, $3.95 Arlington Shirts, white, blue and fancy colors, all sizss $1.00, $1.35, $1.50 Men’s Dress Pants .$2.98 Get Your Winter Supplies Now. Prices are Lowest Since 1932. MELVIN BROTHERS ABEUDEEN, N. C. THE Carolina Theatre rinehurst—Soulhern Pines PRESENTS 4.0AK1IY -YIT*' At Pinehuist Mciidp-’’, P'o ’. ^3:00 and 8:15 IN OLD Pinehurst Boy Scout j Committee Elects I Dr. Cole M.»de President at En thusiastic Meeting in Scout Hall Three Girls, One Boy Win Poster Contest On Tuesday evening in the Scout hall at the Pinehurst Community Church an enthusiastic meeting was held with many fathers and others ' interested in scouting present. The following officers were elected: Dr. Thomas R. Cole, president; G. M. Cameron, vice president; John F. I Taylor, treasurer; C. E. Ransdale, ^ secretary; W^. P. Morton, scout com- ! missioner. W. E. Hardison was elect- I ed Scout master and Albert C. Hall ' Cub master. j The Scout committee voted to “Annie Oakley," the attraction at Misses Trousdell, Phillips and the Pinehurst Theatre Monday, No- Prizer and Ralph Maples vember 25th, matinee and night, is Given Awards Uie dramatic, romantic story of col- * orful Annie Oakley, legendary Miss Jane Trousdell, Miss Dorothy world’s champion markswoman—the Phillips, Miss Catherine Prizer and shooting star of a couple of genera- Ralph Maples were the respective tions ago. “Annie Oakley” stars Bar- winners of the poster contest for pu- bara Stanwyck in a role much differ- pils of the fourth, fifth, sixth and ent in character than any in which seventh grades of Southern Pines she has recently appearsd. As a bet- School, the judges announced this settling match brings champion shot week. The winning posters have been Foster and Miss Stanwyck into com- on exhibition in the window of Hayes’ 2 t Pinehurst en" s" V N-27th, 3:00 and 815 At Pinehurst Fi May, Nov. 2,')th, 3:00 and 8 15 Added: 8th Edition of “March cf Time” She Married Her Boss At Southe: n Pines Mon., Tue., Wed., Nov. 25, 26, 27, Matinee Tuesday at 3:00 nBBCn i DARRYL F. ZANUCK 20ft CCTTWIY fWOOCnOKi hoentai iff jtuvph M. SH>ef>dt 55 At Southern Pines Thurs., Fri., Sat., Nov. 28, 29, 30 8:15 Matinee Saturday at 3:00 Bookshop. I This contest was held in observ ance of National Book Week. The posters were all free-hand, done in , crayon or water cclors on show- I cards or cut paper. Each pupil tried I to express in his poster design his ‘ idea ot the book which is lepresEnted. j A group of posters from the Na tional Humane c^ntesi. are now on ex- i hibit at the school. These posters petition that shortly takes on a ro mantic love interest, the film moves into the aura of the famous Buffalo Bill Wild West Show. As the show sensationally tours the country and Europe, such characters as Sitting ^ make some repairs and improvements Rain in the Face, and Colonel in the Scout hall. Scout master Har- ^re brought to the fore, also idison stated that the boys would be prince cf Wales and Crown •ready for a Court of Honor the last Kaiser, W’ilhelni. of December. The Rev. A. J. McKel- j^ogers’ last and greatest— \vay was elected chaiiman of the KKentucky” is the I made by grammar school pu Court of Honor. The Pmehurst cou s attraction at Pinehurst Wednesday, piis a'l over the United States in meet at the hall everj Thurs ay eve November 20th, matinee and night, schools where art has been taught ' Adapted from the play whose hu-' from the first grade up. They are all I mor, sunny romance and tingling colors and the designs MISS STKW .\KT IN KEC IT.XL horse race drama have made it a AT FLOK.V MiicDON.VLD fj^yorite of three generations of ■ j Americans, ‘‘In Old Kentucky" stars The first quaiterly recital of the j^gg^j.g jjj ^ rcle that presents his j Conservatory of Music cf Flora Mac- dow’n-to-earth character in its I donald College, under the direction ot lovable light. Sam Hillman, fa-1 Hugh Williamson, dean, >vill take humorist, and Gladys Lehman' place on Monday evening, November a^iapted the play to the screen in a I 25 at 8:15 o clcck. The program will jjjo£j£.j-nization form, but preserved be varied and will include several drama and its rich comedy .compositions new to Red Springs aud- character and incident. In the pic- | i£nce. The following students will ap- Rogers enacts a shrewd and pear: Misses Ella Lee Taylor, Roa- gpjjjai tiainer of horses, whose home- Fast Worker Wiley Brown in Court Twice on Same Day for Drunk enness Public drunkenness and drunken driving cases again took the lead in Recorder’s Court last week with Wiley Brown, white of Hemp, scor ing a ringer for utter disregard for the law. Brown was in court charged with public drunkenness, was found guilty and given a 30. day road sentence, suspended upon payment of the costs. He left the court room, went out and got drunk and was in jail before court adjourned. 1#8 V«lu»ble Prlte* In <*>*» e«sj, enterialnlnK contest. th« detail* now from »">>•' Klectrlcal I>e«ler or from u«. Nothing to Buy— Notiling to Sell— Nothing to CoUpcI— CAROLINA POWER & UIGHT COMPANY This Is the Time TO THINK ABOUT YOUR are remarkable. Holiday Shopping W.XLTKU SP.XETII llONOHKI) ON HIS 7-TH BIKTHD.AY noke Rapids; Mary Curne, Parkton; Clara Lcuise Jones, Red Springs; Pouline McGee, Lincolnton; Elizabeth Wallace, Shelby; Elizabeth McKeth- an, Fayetteville; Edna Teague, Si- ly philosophy and keen wit sets right all the troubles of the impulsive peo ple about him. Russell Hardie and Dorothy W'ilson play the romantic youngsters of ‘‘In Old Kentucky.” ler City; Serene Turnage, Farmville, jg daughter of old Charles Lillie HoneycutL, Clinton, Rebecca gpnon who is fueding with Charles Muse. Laui inburg and Lena Stewart, Rjchman. Although his daughter Friday noon saw ten well known Southern Pines residents gath3ied at the hospitable table of WaUer Spa?th in honor of his birthday, and while the gathering did wonderful execution with the oysters and mince pie, ssrv- eti as only Mrs. Spaeth can serve them to hungry men, congratulations^ flew fast and furious. Guests of the occasion were Dr. R. L. Hart, Dr. J. J. Spring, S. B Richardson, P F. Buchan, E J W’oodward, R L. Chan dler, Dr. G. G. Herr. James Schwartz, F. T. Webster, D. G. Stutz and Char les Macauley. Aberdeen. CTKIJENT Tl)l‘ICS P.VKTY The Women's Society cf the Church of Wide Fellowship will meet next week on Friday at the home of Mrs. fights to win Hardie for herself it j is Rogers’ shrewd aid that finally | brings the boy to Miss Wilson. Rog- | ers’ able assistance in the picture is Bill Robinson, the tap dancing gen ius, who teache.s the comedian enough of his foot artistry to win a EXHIiilT OF P.VlNTINdS \ ittum on Connecticut avenue. All handsome widow, and thus provides I An exhibit of paintings by Miss I Mary Yeomans of S'uthern Pines j in the window of Hayes’ bookshop has creatcd much favorable commen. during tl e past v.-eek. are invited to be ready to relate or to read some'item of current inter est. to be presented in five minutes or less. An opportunity will also be given to join in sewing. the On* Cent • word etch insertion. Minimoni <*harge. 25 cents. All W%nt Ads must be pftid for before tfifcertion. FOR SALE - Battery, AtlP'’ 17 plate, eight months S. O. guarantee. Owner requires larger size for car and radio operation. Reason able, Box 1555, Southern Pines. cne of the comedy punches of picture. Thousands of music lovers will re call the triumph of Edward John.son, now director of the Metropolitan Op era Company, in the role cf "Peter Ibbetson” when the Metropolitan staged it as an opera a few .ser.sons ^ ^ , of ‘‘Metropolitan, ago, w’.th music by Deems Taylor. The screen interpretation of the fa-1 mous novel is now seen in Para- I mount’s dramatic romance, >"Peter i Ibbetson" starring Gary Cooper in the title role, and Ann Harding, which is the attraction at Pinehurst November 29th, matinee and night. “Peter Ibbetson" is a blend of the real and the f3ntasy worlds, the story of a love that nothing could destroy. Two youngsters, playmates in childhood days, are thrown to gether in later years, renew their Dressed poultry and Thanksgiving turkoy.s Saturday morning at the Curb Markoc. Southern Pines. Bruce, Alice Brady, Cesar Romero, Luis Alberni and George Marion, Sr., i are prominent in the supporting cast LET PATCH’S HELP YOU Kaiser—all the New Shadt.s 85c to $1.25 The Evening Hose $1.00 to $1.85 Shortie, the last word in Sports Gloves—Pigskin or Washable Suetle, Smart Shades and Suede and Ki(i Combination.s $2.50—$4.00 Imported Iland-Knit Gloves in white, natural and brown $2.50 Golf and Driving Gloves $2.25—$3.50 SMART APPAREL FOR TODAY Dobbs Hats $5.00 up Imported Tweed Skirts $6.50 up Hand-made and Hand-fashioned Sweaters $5.00 up or Brogue Tie. $6.50 Slater.-'—New Suede Gillie Rod Cross Shoes Daniel Green Slippers for All Occasions C. T. PATCH DEPARTMENT STORE SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. amtxxntttttxiztit CLOSING OUT ALL HOUSEHOLD goods. Call Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Flcra E. Kimball, house op- friendship and romance. Before their posite Dr. Blair's, Southern Pines, love can be consummated, Ibbetson — is sentenced to life in prison. COMPLETE LINE OF TYPEWRIT- Through the years his sweetheart’s ERS and Adding Machines includ- (jevotion and loyalty to her loved one Portables. Phone 5223 H L mg Brown, Representative of the Un derwood Elliott Fisher Co., for demonstration. Sales and Service, P. D. Box 872, Southern Pines, N. C. FOR SALE: One Milch Cow, good condition. Carl Thompson, 5 Leak St., Southern Pines. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 63 East Broad St. N29. SPECIAL BUS RATES TO FLOR IDA. Jacksonville, $6.25, St. Peters burg, $8.75; Miami, $9.95; Orlan- da, $8.50. Less 10 percent round- trip. Convenient Stop-Overs. Tick- never wavers. She creates a dream world in which they spend their lives together, although prison walls sep arate them. As an added attraction is the March cf Time. .\t Southern Pines A kissless bride craving affection starts the grandest fun since the walls of Jericho fell in ‘‘It Happened One Night" with the same star. Claudette Colbert as the lovelorn secretary in “She Married Her Boss,” is playing a return engagement at the Southern Pines Theatre Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 25, 26, 27, with a Tuesday matinee. Af ter her marriage to her employer, the battle ragos with no holds barred ex cept kissing in the clinches. And the ets and information at Postal T egraph Company, Southern Pines secretary’s disappointment when she ; and Pinehurst. D6. discovers the romance she dreamed I about was merely a dream, and how . _ ... — - - —, -- - I REMEMBER THE FRIENDS with a she eventually makes it a reality. Thanksgiving Greeting Telegram or ' create some most inteiisely humorous Cablegram by Postal Telegraph. I situations. Special Over-night rates. You can j Just because music is classical it also send money, flowers and can- | isn’t necessarily good, and by the dy by Postal Telegraph. Phone same taken all popular music is by 6381. jno means bad. Those are the conten- ! tions of that most colorful of Amer- j ~ ■ ■ J (LOST — Lady’s Hawaiian walking jca’s concert singers, Lawrence Tib- i stick; in or near curb market. Re-j bett, who returns to the talking I ward if returned to the Coffee > screen in the 20lh Century produc- Shop, Southern Pines. j tion, "Metropolitan,” playing a re- ' ■■ turn engagement at Southern Pines REWARD for the return of a green Thursday, Friday. Saturday, Novem- jade bar pin lost in, or near the jjer 28, 29, 30, with a Saturday mat- I post office. The Ark School. I j^ee. In "Metropolitan” which was ' DEPENDABLE Colored woman Personally produced by Daryl F. wants work as cook. References. ! Tibbett acts the leading role I in a dramatic comedy written about Address Gcode, Rt. 2, box 97, Aber deen, N. C. PLUMBING, HEATING and RE- pairs. Shop located at Lewis Trade an opera singer’s heartaches, thrills. ■ romance, struggle and eventual tri umph. The songs which he sings in the picture cover a wide range, from Store, W. Pennsylvania avenue., the classical prologue in ‘‘Pagliacci’’ Southern Pines. Telephone 7885.— to the ever popular Tibbett favorite, L. B. King. “The Road To Mandalay” Virginia fivvvc' tfjXve"