4 < Ptge four THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, November 29, 1935. Youth Needs Attention, rLEGAL NOTICES Dr. Sherman Holds County, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at an Iron pipe witness stake, marked K. 42, being the east corner of Lot No. forty-two (-12) of the Boyd Extension, known as Wey mouth Heights, and running thence, One hundred and fifty members of | S- 46 deg. 45 min. E. 32 feet; thence the Southern ^ines and Sanford par ishes of the Episcopal diocese gath- Tells Episcopal Meeting Here Average Age of Criminals in Prisons is 19 LEGAL NOTICES ered at the Southern Pines Country Club last Friday night for a meet ing and dinner sponsored by the Bishop's team in the interest of the forward movement of the church. The Rev. David T. Eaton of Bur lington was introduced by the Rev. Craighill Brown of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church, who opened the program with a short address, later introducing Dr. Arthur M. Sherman of Cincinnati, the principal speaker of the evening. Dr. Sherman stressed the import ance of work among young people, pointing out that the average age of criminals in our prisons today is 19 years The speaker further stated that a spirit of Atheism is sweeping the colleges of this country. COTTON REPORTS SHOULD BE SENT TO COUNTY AGENTS S. 46 deg., 45 min E 125 feet; thence S. 53 deg. 15 min. W. 130 feet to the Boyd line; thence in a northwes terly direction with said line 272 feet; thence N. 53 deg. 15 min. E. 117 feet to Lot No. forty-two (42); thence with the southerly line of Lot No. forty-two (42) to the beginning, con taining one and seven one hundredths (1 7-100 ths.) acres, more or less. This the 16th day of Notember, 1935. D. G. STUTZ, Mayor. HOWARD BURNS, Clerk. N22-D13. same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 1, at page 104, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commission- 61* wil ori MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Carth. age Moore County, North Carolina sell' at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following de. scribed lands: Being Lot. No. 1 in Block L & 11, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C..” and recorded in the Moore County Registry at Carthage, N. C. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWE, fjg 29 Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Citizens Bank & Trust Company vs. John R. McQueen Et Als. By virtue of an execution direct. NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Caro- Jina, ex rel Page Trust Company, and 1 ^ thV“undersimed'from the Su. all such other creditors, stockholders j pgrior Court of Moore County, in and persons interested in the affairs entitled action, I vdll, on of Moore County Securities Corpor-, 2nd day of December, ation as may make themselves par- twelve o’clock Noon, at the ties to this action and contribute to door of said county, sell the expenses thereof, and S. J. Hlns-! highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and Interest which the said John R. McQueen, the defendant, has LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICESILEGAL NOTICES dale, receiver of Moore County Se curities Corporation. Plaintiffs, vs. “Many producers are sending foims C. A. P. 1 direct to Washing ton to secure the payment of the dif ference between the price of cotton on the date it was sold, and 12c," says W. G. Caldwell, assistant in Cotton Adjustment in this county. "These forms must be sent to the County Agent’s office In the county in which the cotton was produced. "It Is not neccessary to submit these forms on cotton which was sold on a day cotton was 12c or above as no payments will be made on these. "All producers who have finished i ginning cotton and have surplus gin certificates are urged to bring them ^n at once to be sold. This county has a large surplus but we have been fortunate lately In selling these certificates to producers in other counties which need them. The ear lier you offer your certificates for sale the nearer we will be able to sell them,” Mr. Caldwell states. M3ore County Securities Corporation, ju ^^e following described real estate: '' ' " FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a poplar tree on the East side of Cranes Creek and running thence South 81 Defendant. TO ALL CREDITORS AND PER SONS INTERESTED IN THE PROP- PINEBLUFF Dr. and Mrs. Ell3Worth Whipple ot Belfaat, N. V., were week-end guests of Miss Ella Backus. Miss Faye Lampley is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Lawton Foushee in Sanford. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMillan of Boston, Mass., who have purchased the Butterfield house, have moved to Pinebluff. They are now occupying Mrs. Ida Austin’s cottage while re pairs are being made on their prop erty. Miss Florence Fowle of Minneapo lis, Minn., returned to Pinebluff Sat urday and is occupying her house. Mi.ss Pauline Little arrived in town last week. MI.sb Mildred Brooks, field work er for the Baptist Mission Board in Eastern North Carolina and Virgin ia, is a guest of Mrs. M. P. Jack son for a few days. Miss Belle Whitney of Clayton, N. y., is a guest of Miss Ella Backus for a few weeks. Mrs. Sadie Flddner and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Schack and son, Joseph and Misses Elaine and Isabel Tread well of Danbury, Conn., are occupy ing the Stuckey cottage for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dennis and daughter Vivian of Troy were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. C. O. Newell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shannon were in Greensboro on business Tuesday. A Thanksgiving supper will be served in the Methodist church par- lar on December 3rd from 6:00 to 8:00 o’clock, cafeteria style, and served bj the ladies of the church. ERTY AND AFFAIRS OF THE DE- g^st 11.50 chains to a stake two pine FENDANT, MOORE COUNTY SE- p5inters Will Gunter’s corner; thence CURITIES CORPORATION: i as his line South 1 East 10 chs. to TAKE NOTICE: That on Monday, a pine two pines and cedar pointers; the 11th day of November, 1935, the thence South 1 Ea.st 10 chains to Bur- undersigned. S. J. Hinsdale and M. nette’s line; thence as his line South G. Boyette, Commissioners, sold cer- i East 15:45 chs. to a stake post tain real estate and property of the oak and dogwood pointers; thence defendant, Moore County Securities North 87 West 22.50 chs. to Cranes Corporation (a corporation In receiv-j creek, about 40 yards above the old erahlp) consisting of certain prop-1 niiH dam, and thence up said creek erty and real estate located in the to the beginning. Said tract being de. Town of Aberdeen, Moore County, I scribed in deed from Sallle A. Blue North Carolina, on which is situated to J. R. McQueen, recorded in the the buildings now occupied by Page' Moore County Registry in Book 71 Trust Company, by Aberdeen Hard- at page 560. ware Company, by Page Brothers, and ; SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a by Page and Company, said prop- stake with pine pointers East edge eity being particularly described in,of a swamp, a corner of J. E. McIn. full in the a'^lvertisenient of said tosh grant of 109 acres; thence North sale made unt’er the prior orders and! 67 West 10 chs. to a pine pointers in decrees of the court in this cause,; A. G. Martin’s line of 135 acres; at public auction, to the highjcst bid- thence North 14 East 22.50 chs. to der, for cash, at the courthouse door a stake in the old Fayetteville road of Moore County in the Town of Car- blackjack pointers; thence with said thage, at the hour of twelve o’clock road South 73 East 71.80 chs. to a Noon, in accordance with the terms stake in said road In a line of afore- cf said decrees of sale, and at said said J. E. McIntosh line of 109 acres sale. Dr. A. H. McLeod became the grant; thence South 45 West 6.40 chs. last and highest bidder and the pur- to its corner pine pointers; thence chaser of aforesaid property at the I South P West 18.00 .chs. to the first sum of seven thousand five hundracl station containing 22 40.100 acres, five ($7,505.00) dollars. j Said tract being described In deed All persons will, therefore, take from M. McQ. Bailey and wife to J. notice that the undersigned Commis- R. McQueen, recorded in Moore sloners will make application to His Ccunty Registry In Book 92 at page Honor P. A. McElroy, Judge of the 565. Superior Court presldlner In and hold-j THIRD TRACT: A one.half undl- Ing the courts of the Thirteenth Ju-lylded interest in and to a tract of diclal District, or to such other Judge land conveyed by U. L. Spence, Re. as may be holding the courts of jceiver of Union Home School Co. to Moore County at the time of said mo- John L. Currie and John R. McQueen, tlon. at his Chambers In the court- by deed recorded In Moore County house In the Town of Carthage,' Registry In Book 30 at page 494, de. Moore County, North Carolina, on scribed a.s follows: Beginning at a MTday, the 9th day of December, ] stake on the South-west side of the 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock : pee Dee Road, J. N. McNeill’s cor. Noon, or at such time thereafter as ner, and runs N. 45 W. 25 chs. to a the Judge may, at the time afore-‘stake on the West side of Moss said, fix for the hearing of said ap- , Branch, ash pointers; thence S. 25 W. plication and motion for the confir- j 42 chs. and 15 links to a stake, 4 mation of report of spid sale, which .pine pointers, near the head of the has heretofore been made and filed Moss Branch; thence 9. 65 E. 22 chs. by the undersigned Commissioners , and 25 links to a stake, 3 pines poln. before the Clerk of the Superior ters; thence N. 37 E. 34 chs. and Court of Moore County, and for a i 50 links to the beginning, containing decree directing deed or other pa- 91 acres more or less, per writing to be executed by said | FOURTH TRACT: A certain tract Commissioners for said property to of land in Sandhills Township, ad. the purchaser, upon the pavment of joining the lands cf Mrs.' K. J. Jchn- the purchase price aforesaid. son and others, beginning at a stake This, the 29th day of November, near the Pinebluff Depot 100 f:et McELROY TO PRESIDE AT DECEMBER CIVIL TERM A term of Sperior Court for the trial of civil cases will convene in Carthage on December 9th with Judge P. A. McElroy presiding. No cases of outstanding interest are on the cal endar. 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, M. G. BOYETTE, N29-D20 from center of railroad track on the North side of wagon road in S. A. L. ^ , , right of way running N. 49 3.4 W. Commissioners. ^ ^hs. across the road to a stake in Mrs. K. J. JV)hnson’s line on the North side of walk; thence S. 44 W. 3.75 chs. to the forked branch on the west side of the Silver Springs road; thence down Forked Branch to Aber. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir. de^rCreTk; ^th;rce do^^^'AbeXn S® I Creek to the South line of the land OiGriC or U1I6 Superior Court or t.n6 | vwr ^y,r>»-* - ^ « /-V A.„^ I purcriftSGci oy ope&ry t^ctice in &q 14th day of October 1935 in the c * t matter of the lpV)wn of (Southern stake sourwood pointers; thence North 32 W. 4 chs. and 35 links to a post oak at the race; thence with the race and the river to a stake a black gum pointers; thence South 26 E. 6 chs. and 45 links to the beginning, containing 6 2.5 acres. SEVENTH TRACT: Situate In Mc Neills Township, adjoining the lands of J. W. McCaskill, Hugh McCaskill, I. F. Chaindler and others, and situ, ate on the South prong of Little Riv. er, beginning at point near a ledge of rocks about 125 yards South.east of John W. McCasklll's residence and on the North side of said South prong of the river; running thence In a di rect line across the said prong to the South side of said prong a sufficient distance to build a dam across said prong to a point on the south bank of said prong; thence In a westerly direction or up the various courses of said prong of the River to the line of I. F. Chandler’s; thence as Chand. ler’s Mne In a northerly ydirection across said river to a stake; thence down the various of said river to the place of beginning, containing 75 acres, more or less. Together with all the water privileges conveyed to I. F. Chandler by John W. McCas. kill and Nancy McCaskill his wife, Hugh M. McCaskill and Alice Mc Caskill, his wife, by deed recorded in Moore County Registry in Book of Deeds 27 at page 612, and also the right of way conveyed in said deed to I. F. Chandler to open a canal from the new dam on the South side of the River through Hugh M. McCaskill’s land to a bluff about 75 or 100 yards below the torn of the river, together with one-half of an acre of land on the South side of the River near the end of the dam referred to In said deed, together with all land.s, real estate rights, privileges, easements and other rights f every kind and character convey, ed to said I. F. Chandler In deed of J. W. McCaskill and wife and Hugh M. McCaskill and wife. Tracts Fifth. Sixth and Seventh being described in deed from I. F. Chandler and wife to John R. Me. Queen, recorded In the Moore Coun. ty Registry in Book 86, page 317. EIGHTH TRACT: Beginning at a pine and pine pointers and runs North 5 W. 13 chs and 25 links to a stake and pine pointers; thence S. 3^ E. nine chains and 30 links to a stake, hickory and gum pointers; thence S. 9 chs. to a hickory and post oak pointers; thence West 7 chs. and 25 links to the beginning, con taining 8 acres more or less, and be. ing described in deed from H. T. Petty and wife to John R. McQueen, recorded in Moore County Registry in Book 33, page 361. NINTH TRACT: A one.half un. divided Interest In and to tract of land conveyed by D. D. Kelly and wife to J. L. Currie and John R. McQueen by deed recorded In Moore County Registry in Book 38, page 107. Adjoining the lands of Wm. Phillips and beginning at a stake with 2 hickory, white oak and blackjack pointers; thence N. 22 deg. W. 27.94 ohs. to a stake with red oak and post cak pointers, a corner of the Rod erick land; thence S. 76 W. 10.18 chs. to a stake, 2 red oak dogwood, white oak pointers; thence N. 26 W'. 16.75 chs. to a stake and post oak pointers. Wm. Phillips line; thence with his line S. 59 W. 27.60 to his corner, a stake with old field pine and persimmon pointers; thence Ts another line of his N. 66 W. 1.16 chs. to a pine stump, 3 post oak pointers, his corner in an old hedge, row; thence as the line of John Me. Leod 100 acres S. 30 deg. W. 31.63 chs. to a comer of it; thence as a line of 1 acre deeded to Daniel Me. Leod by P. McEachern S. 18 deg. W. 3.50 chs. to its corner; thence as another line of it S. 72 deg. 3.50 chs. to another corner of it, N. 18 deg. E. 3.50 chains to its corner near the creek; thence S. 67 E. 40.35 ch. to a stake, white oak and hickory pointers, a comer of 46 acres; thence as a line of it S. 46 deg. 20 min. E. 15.50 chs. to a stake, post oak, 2 black gum pointers, McCrummen’s corner; thence S. 78 E. 11.50 chs. to a red oak, formerly hickory, dogwood and pine pointers; thence N. 10 E. 32 chs. to the first station. This 25th day of October, 1935. C. J. MCDONALD, N8-29. Sheriff of Moore County. 1, at right angles with New York Avenue, 150 feet to a stake.; thence at right angles with last line, and parallel with line of New York Ave- nle and 150 feet distant therefrom, for 50 feet to a stake; thence, at right angles with last line, 150 feet to New York Avenue; thence with line of New York Avenue, for a distance of 50 feet to the beginning, the wh'>le being a rectangular plot 50x150 feet, being lands conveyed by C. N. Boggan and wife to C. H. Stubbs by deed recorded In Moore County Registry in Book 80 at page 235. J. TALBOT JOHNSON, N8.29 Commissioner. TRUSTEE’S SAI.E OF IlE.XL EST.\TE N8. 29 Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Walter McMil lan and wife, Laura McMillan, H. F. Burns, Trustee. James W. Bethea and Mattie B. Bethea, Defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 1, at page 98, in the office of the Clerk of the S\i- perlor Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commissioner, will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Carth age, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest Easterly direction to the S. A. L. railroad right of way; thence up the railroad right of way to the begin, ning, containing 20 acres more or less. Said tract being described In deed from I. F. Chandler and wife to J. R. McQueen, recorded in Moore County Registry in Book 86, page 317. FIFTH TRACT: Situate in Mc Neills Township, Moore County, ad. joining the lands of J. W. McCaskill and others. Beginning at a red oak hickory pointers below McLean, on south side of South Prong of Lower Pursuant to the power and author ity contained In a certain deed of trust dated the 5th day of Septem ber, 1934, executed by Robert M. Far mer, Guardian of Essie B. Farmer, Widow, Incompetent, to C. S. Ncble, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Regisl ter of Deeds of Mcore County, North ' 1935 Carolina, in Book of Mortgages No. ^ '’>0, page 192, securing a certain note payable to HOME OWNERS’ LOAN CORPORATIOT, default having been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and in the performance of certain covenants set cut in said de;d of trust and de mand of foreclosure having been made by the holder of said Indebtetlness, th'; undersigned Trustee, having been sub stituted a.s Trustre for C. S. Noble, said substitution being duly recorded I In the office of the Register of Deeds cf Moore County, North Carolina, in Book No. 21, page 603, will offer for I r.ale at public auction to the highest I bidder for cash at th« Court House idoor in Carthage, N'rth Carolina at ' 12 o’clock noon on the 13th day of I December, 1935, the following describ- ed real estate, to-wit: I Lying and being in the Town cf 1 Southern Pines, McNeill Township, ' County of Moore, State of North Car- I olina, and more particularly describ- I ed and defined as follows: Bounded on north by Indiana Ave- ! nue, east by John W. Wenger’s prop erty, south by E. O. Howard, and I west by Bennet Street. Beginning at I a stake in the southerly intersection I of Bennett Street and Indiana Ave- ; nue, in the town cf Southern Pines sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following de« scribed lands: The property of William Medley lies In Block J & 10 according to the map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.. and what was formerly known of West Southern Pines. This lot fronts on an unnamed alley that is approximately parallel to Connect!- cut Avenue and lies between Henley and Mechanic Streets and is mor« particularly described as follows: Be ginning at an iron stake on the south side of the alley, Mrs. Cherry Lee Morrison’s corner, and running with the alley S. 35 deg. 30 min. E. 60.75 feet to an iron stake, Mrs. Donnie Harrington’s corner; thence with her line S. 37 deg. 40 min. W. 104.6 feet to an iron stake In John Wicker’s line; thence with Wicker’s line N. 45 deg. W. 69 feet to an iron stake, corner of John Wicker, Dave Mclver and Mrs. Cherry Lee Morrison; thence with Mrs. Morrison’s line N. 43 deg. E. 114.5 feet to the begin, "ing, containing .6 jicre, more or less. Dated this 30th day of October, J. VANCE ROW’E. Commissioner EXEt'UTRIX’ NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of C. L. Jackson, deceas ed, late of Moore County. North Car. I Una. this Is to notify all pirsons hav. ing claims against the estate of said c’eceased to exhibit them to the un. (’ersigned at Pinebluff, North Caro lina, on or before the 5th day of "ovembrr, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 5th of November 1935. MARTHA P. JACKSON, Executrix of the Estate of Dr. C. L. Jackson, deceased By: H. F, Seawell, Jr., Atty. N8.D13. NOT'r’E OF S.XLE OF I-AND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Clerk of the Superior Court of Foreclosure made and entered by the Moore County on the 4th day of Oc tober 1935 in the matter of the TOWN - OF SOUTHERN PINES, Plaintiff, N. C., and running thence with In-1 p McCrimmon, Atlantic Joint .1* A o nn .1-vM A K. w« -1 ci a f I ♦ diana Avenue S. 36 deg. 45 min East about 125 feet to an iron stake, John i \V. Wenger’s cornor; thence with I said Wenger’s lin? S. 53 deg. 15 min. Vc't about 12r) feet to an iron stake . In E. O. Hov/'ard’s line: thence with ' said Howard’s line N. 8 deg. 15 min. Fast about 36.7 feet to a stake; ' thence with paid Howard’s line N. 36 ' deg. 45 min. West 100 feet to a stake I In said Bennett Street; thence with ! said Bennett Street N. 53 deg. 15 min. ' East 100 feet to the point of begin ning, comprising all of lots 13 and 1'’ and 25 feet cff of westerly side of lot No. 12, as shown In Block O and i Four, on a map entitled, "A Map of i Southern Pines, Moore County, North , Carclina,” which said map is duly re- i corded in office of Register of Deeds for Moore County. Being the same lands conveyed by Wilhelmina Kluetz j and Julius Kluetz, her husband, to ' Mrs. Essie B. Fprmer, on 5th Sep- I tember, 1920, and duly recorded in I Book of Deeds 80 at page 446 Moore I County Deed Registry. Also, being ! the same lands surveyed and platted by J. B. Swett, C. E. on April 16, ; 1934, and filed in the office of Home j Owners’ Loan Corporation, Washing ton, D. C. The purchaser at this sale will b-' required to make a cash deposits of 5 per cent of the purchase price to show good faith. This, the 11th day of November, 1935. T. C. ABERNATHY, ! Substituted Trustee. |M. G. Boyette, ' Attorney. N15-D12. NOTICE OF SALE bidder for cash, the following de- River; running South 20 W. scribed lands In Southern Pines. N. 50 links to a poplar and C. I sweet gum pointers; thence South 46 Beginning at a stake, Lydia Shaw’s j 6 chs.^to a stake two sweet guin corner in a line of James Bethea, and running thence S. 34 1.2 W. 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 61 W. 125 feet to a stake; thence N. 34 1-2 E. 100 solvrd now at Melvins, Aberdeen. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA, MOORE COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order made by the Commissioner of the Town of Southern Pines as provided by stat ute, the undersigned vill offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the municipal Building in Southern Pines, North Carolina, at the hour of Noon on the 16th day of December, 1935, the following real estate lying and being in Moore poplar pointers; thence South 85 1.2 West 3 chs. to a stake, 3 pine point, ers; thence South 53 3-4 West 13 chs. and 42 links to a stake in J. W. feet to a stake; thence S. 61 E. 125 I a dogwood and two feet to the beginning. Also a lot in jP*”® pointers; thence North 4 E. 7 Jim town, the same lot deeded to I links to a stake maple bay and black gum pointers; thence S. 86 E. 7 chs. and 23 links to a stake bay and black gum pointers; thence North 51 E. 15 chs. and 40 links to the beginning, containing Wm. Mclver by Alex Evans and be. ing the same lot conveyed to James .... . , W. Bethea from Evander Mclver by Get your winter clothes problem ^ged dated May 5th, 1905 and re. corded in the Moore County Registry In Book 92, at page 109. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWE, N8, 29 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir. tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of oMore County on the 14th day of October 1935 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Rosa Atkins and husband, Lonnie Atkins, H. F. Burns, Trustee, T. R. Goins and M. S. Callaghan, Defendants, 6 1.3 acres. SIXTH TRACT: Situate in Me. Neills Township, Moore County, ad joining the lands of P. A. Blue, Dun can Ray and others, beginning at a stake ing two hickorys and red oak pointers about 65 yards from the side of Lower Little River, a comer of P. A. Blue’s and Duncan Ray’s land; running thence as Dun can Ray’s line South 13 West 19 chs. to a stake in said Duncan Ray’s line a post oak and red oak pointers; thence North 77 West 2 chs. and 80 links to red oak, pine and hickory pointers: thence North 12 E. 16 che. and 35 links to a stake, red oak and sweet gum pointers; thence North 25 1.2 E. 1 chs. and 77 links to a Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Moore Coun ty, made in the spof^ial proceeding entitled "Emma R. W. Stubbs, Ad ministratrix of C. H. Stubbs, Deceas. ed vs. Sophie Doughtry and Mary Jones, Heirs at Law of C. H. Stubbs, Deceased,” the same being No. 3345 upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned com. missioner will, on the 2nd day of December, 1935, at 12 o’clock noon, at the courthouse door in Carthage, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the follow, ing described lands, to-wit: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land, lying, being and situate in the Town of West Southem Pines, Me. Neills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being lot No. 2, in Block L and 14, as shown on a map entitled "A Map of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina’,’ and filed in the office of the Regis, ter of Deeds of Moore County, North Carolina. Also, that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, being and situate in the said town of West South :rn Pines, McNeills Township, Moore County, Ncyth Carolina and being more particularly described as fol. lows: Beginning at the Northwest cor. ner of Lot Number One (1) in Block L and 11, aa shown upon a map en titled “A Map of Southem Pines, N. C.” and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County at Carthage, N. C. (being a point in the line of New York Ave. nue at the intersection of the line of the adjacent alley, 208 feet South, east from Stephen Street); running hence with the line of said lot No. stock Land Bank of Raleigh. Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc. Gur. ney P. Hood, Commission:r of Banks, ■''Torth Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham, Defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgement Docket No. 1, at page 101. in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Mo'-re Coun ty. the undersigned f3ommissloner, will, on MONDAY. DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bid der for cash, the following described lands; BEING LOTS NO. 22 in Block N ^ 12 and Lot No. 2 In Block M & 10, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.” and recorded in the Moore County Registry at Carthage, N. C. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWE, N8, 29 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER NOTICE OF SALE OF L.\ND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 14th day of October, 1935 In the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs A. S. Newcomb and wife, Fran ces P. Newcomb, Pinehurst Finance Corporation, Mara A. Fuller* Citl. zens Bank & Trust Company, Bank of Pinehurst, E. D. Seely, Defend, anta, same being recorded In Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 1, at page 102, in the office of the Clerk of the Superipr Court ofMoore Coun. ty. the undersigned Commissioner, will, on Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County cn the 14th day of October 1935 in the matter or the TOWN OF SOUTHERN PINES, Plaintiff, vs. SOUTHLAND HOLDING COM- PANY, Inc., H. D. GREEN, CITI. '’r^TS BANK & TRUST COMPANY, TRUSTEE, GURNEY P. HOOD, COMMISSIONER OF BANKS FOR NORTH CAROLINA, Defendants, same being recorded in Land Tax Sales Judgment Docket No. 1, at page 100, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undersigned Commissioner, will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Carth age, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for c£ish, the following de scribed lands: BEING LOTS 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 alley and square in Block J & 4, as •shown on a map entitled "A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C. ” xTrMwriAv o • recorded in the Moore County MONDAY. DECEMBER 2na, 1935 RppHqfrv at 12 o’clock Nooii. at the Court House door In Carth age, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following descrlb. ed lands: One.Half of Lots 13 and 1-1 in Block K & 8, Lot No. 14 in Block J 8, and Lot No. 6 in Block J & 8, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry at Carthage, N. C. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWK. N8, 29 Ccmmissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 41th day of October 1935 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pints, Plaintiff, vs. William Medley and wife, Medley, Defendants, same being re. corded in Land Tax Sales Judgement Docket No. 1, at page 99, in the of. flee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, the undem- siged Commissioner, will, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House doqr in Carth., age, Moore County, North Carolina, ^8, 29 Registry. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWE, N8. 29 Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF L.ANU BY COMMISSIONER Notice is hereby given that by vir. tue of the Interlocutory Order of Foreclosure made and entered by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County on the 14th day of October 1935 in the matter of the Town of Southern Pines, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Allen, widow and J. E. Hasty, Defendants, same being re- corded in the Land Tax Sales Judge, ment Docket No. 1. at page 103, in fhe officfe of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Moore County, the un dersigned Commissioner, will on MOND^'Y. DECEMBER 2nd, 1935 at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Carthage Moore County, North Carolina, sell at Dublic outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands: Being Lots No. 3 In Block L & 16, as shown on a map entitled “A Map of the Town of Southern Pines, N. C.,” and recorded in the Moore County Registry at Carthage, N. C. Dated this 30th day of October, 1935. J. VANCE ROWE, Commissiener.

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