Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, December 20, 1935. w o I FULL _ MONTHS OLD with no increase in price Two Naturals is a smooth, flavory, satisfying whiskey, distilled from the finest ingredients. ^Unmore Bislitteries ^ ^ _ iNCoiiroiiATiQ kowiivttii • e««Nt*oiio Itu ' ' ' £M NOT GOING BE SATISF8ED WITH QUINBJPLETS THIS year/ NO SONa' ihould be ^.atisfied to wean only 5 pigs and you shouldn't be satisfied with the sov/ that can’t do better than that. For it takes almost 5 pigs to pay tliC cost of producing the litter. The pigs abi^ve 5 are the ones that make the prtfit. Furina Pig and Hog Chow will help you get extra profit by helping your sows farrow big and ux.;r biglitters. At the Purina Exper imental Farm, sows fed on Pig and Hog Chow v. ean an average of 3 pigs apiecc. Feed Fig and Ho<; Chow—v.>ith corn or other grain—to your fows from bi'eeJing time on for big, money- imking litters. .McNEILL & COMPANY FEED and SEED STORES Southern Pines, Phone 6245 Fayetteville, Phone 455 Southern Pines School LEGAL NOTIX^ES Wins County Prize First Institution in Moore To Raise $25.00 in Seal Sale Campaign By being the first school in the county to raise $25.00 in the Tuber culosis Christmas Seal sale drive, Southern Pines School won the prize offered by the County, a ten percent bonus. More than $25.00 worth of the seals were purchased by the pu pils in the school during the campaign which closed the forepart of the week. The Seal Sale drive is continuing through the month throughout the ] county, and reports of receipts are most encouraging. Seventy-five per cent cf the amount raised in the county is retained for the fight against the disease in the county, and this amount is alalso matched by the County Treasury up to $1,200. NIAGARA PURINA CHOW JOHNSON HOUSE CHRISTMAS DINNER ONE DOLLAR Sunny, Attractive Rooms *. A home-like place to spend the night or season. Tasty Food, RATES: $4 to $6 per day or $25 to $40 per week. Dinners, $1.00—Served 12:30 to 1:30 Luncheons—75c Noon or Night Waffles with Vermont Maple Syrup—50c, Served at any; time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hadwen 84 E. Massachusetts Ave. Phone 7265 Southern Pines Miss Nellie Williams, Mr.s. E. B. Franklin and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Frank teturned from Favetteville Monday. Mrs. J. B. Frank went to Raleigh ' on a business trip Monday. Miss Ruth Wood cf Brooklyn, New I York, is a recent arrival to spend the i Christmas holidays with her parents, I the Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Wood in the hollies cottage on Virginia avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S .H. Stutz of Gtan- I ite Quarry spent the week end with relatives in the village. J. V. Snipes and Lewis Seward mo- j tcred to Dandarrock in Hoke county 1 and returned on Saturday. ■ Rev. Johnson of near Fayetteville ! filled th3 pulpit at the Village Church I on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Finen who have , spent the summer months in Tilton, N. H., arrived Saturday and will spend the winter months in their home on Connecticut avenue. A nice program is being arranged by the ladies for the benefit of the children at Christmas time at the church. Mrs. Lura Ray and Miss Elizabeth I^Ray have returned home after visit- ! ing in Chapel Hill. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTK.ATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lucy E. Young, de ceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at the residence, Vass, N. C., Route 2. on or before the 20th day of December 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar cf their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. I This 20th day of December 1935. W. J. YOUNG, j Administrator of estate of Lucy E. Young, deceased. I P. P. Pelton, Attorney. D20J24. , NOTICE OF FOKECLOSL’BE S.ALE 1 Under and by virtue ofthe power ' of sale contained in a certain deed of T trust executed by Gordon Keith, un- i married, to L. E. Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Trustees, under date of ' October 6, 1926, which deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Moore County, North Carolina, in Book 45 at page 364, to which record reference is here by made, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness ?ecuted by the said deed cf trust, and the power of sale therein contained having become operative, and the holder of the notes thereby secured having requested and demanded the undersigned trusters to foreclose the said deed of trust, and offer the real estate therein described for sale in order to satisfy the indebtedness due as in said deed of trust prescribed. Now, therefore, pursuant to said de mand and request, and because of said default in the payment as afcre- said, the undersigned trustees will sell for cash, at p\iblic auction, r. »the main entrance cf the Court Houf^e *n the Town of Carthage, N. C., at the — hour of Noon, on the 16th day of January, 1936, the following describ- : ed real estate: That certain tract or parcel of land in Sandhills Township, Moore County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Henry A. Page, Sr. and others and bounded as follows: Lying and being in the town of Aber deen, and on the south side of West Main Street, beginning at a stake in the line of said Main Street about 100 feet west from the Aberdeen & Ashe- boro Railroad Company’s track, at the northwest corner of the brick store belonging to Mrs. Henry A. Page; runs thence South 28 deg. W. 85 feet: thence North 62 deg. W. ?,6 1-2 feet: thence N. 28 deg. E. 85 i feet to a stake in the line of West I Main Street: thence as said Mam i Street to the beginning, and being the I lot on which is located the brick 1 store building belonging to Gordon Keith. This 13th day of December, 1935. L. E. Johnson and J. Vance Rowe, Trustees. Per Johnson & McCluer, Attorneys. D20J10. NOTICE OF SALE OF L.VND BY COMMISSIONERS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Commissioner, being there unto licensed by a judgment of the Superior Court, entered at the Sep tember, 1935 Civil Term, in the con solidated causes of Frank Maples vs. M. N. Sugg and R. L. Sufjg, and M. N. Sugg and Nina M. Monroe vs, Frank Maples, being Judgment No. 19076, and pursuant to the terms and stipu lations of a certain purchase price of land first mortgage executed on the 31st day of May, 1929, by Frank Ma ples, to M. N. Sugg, which mortgage is of record in the office of Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mortgages N 52, page 438, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage, will, on the 13th day ot Januaiy, 1936, at 12 o’clock noon, in front of the Courthouse door in Car thage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, for cash, all of the land de- .scribbed in said mortgage deed and hereinafter described as follows: Lying and being in Sandhills Town ship, Moore County, North Carolina. BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the west side of the S. A. L, Railway, 50 feet from the track, Frank Maples’ corner of the White House land, in a line of Hector McNeill, 100 acre grants: thence 12 degrees 15 min, W. 347 feet to an iron pipe, a corner of said McNeill tract. Maples’ corner and a corner of 245 acres granted to C. C. Shaw; thence with a line of said Shaw 245 acres, also Frank Maples’ line N. 64 degrees 50 W. 1464 feet to an iron pipe, his corner, 25 feet east of the center cf Federal Highway No. 1: thence N. 32 degrees 15 E. parallel with the center of said Highway 196.7 feet to the point of its curve; thence with a 9 degree curve to right 302 feet making an angle of 27 de grees 10 min. to right: thence con tinuing parallel with end 25 feet from the center of said highway N. 59 de grees 25 min. E. 809 feet to a steel axle in M. N. Sugg’s line cf his Charistian A. Shaw purchase of .58.66 feet from the center of S. A. L. Rail way track; th?nce parallel with said Railway S. 25.45 W. 700 feet to the curve of said Railway; thence par allel with and 50 feet from said Rail way track 400 feet to the beginning, containing 37.35 acres, being the same land conveyed by M. N. Sugg and wife to F'rank Maples on 31st May, 1939. This the 13th day cf December, 1935. M. G. BOYETTE. D20, JIO Commissioner. NOTICE OF I..\M> S.\LE Under and by virtue of the power cf sale contained in a certain deed of trust, made by J, E. McKeithen, Mar garet McK. Jones. W. A. McKeithen, F. P. McKeithen and Mary McKeith en to the undersigned trustee. May 13, 1928, recorded in book 49, page 504, Moore County Registry, and pursuant to default and on application of the holder of the bond thereby secured, I will sell at public auctin to the last and highest bidder for cash at the Court House door of Moore County, N. C., at 12 o’clock noon, Thursday, January 9, 1936, those certain tracts of land lying and being in Sandhills and McNeills Township, Moore Coun ty, North Carolina, and more par ticularly described and defined as follows: FIRST TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being situate in Sandhills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being bounded and described aa follows; BEGINNING at a stake on the north edge of the Aberdeen-Raeford Hard Read, on the dividing line be tween C. N. Blue’s Maultsby tract and D. J. Campbell: thence with that line N. 19 E. 300 ft. to C. N. Blue’s and J. A. McKeithen’.s corner; thence S. 86 W. 33 ft. to another of their corners; thence N. 87 3-4 W. 402 ft. to a stake on the south edge cf said Hard Road; thence S. 75 1-2 E. 966 feet to the beginning containing 2 1-5 acres. Surveyed September 1911. SECOND TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or l„t of land lying’, be- *ng and situate in Sandhills Town ship, Moore County North Carolina, on the north side of Aberdeen & Rocktish Railroad, and on the north side cf the North Carolina State Highway No. 70, leading from Aber deen to Racford, about one mile east I'rom the Town of Aberdeen, and be ing described by metes and bounds as follows: BKUTNNING at a stake said Mc- Keithen's corner in the old Church R ad; thence with McKeithen & Blue’s dividing line S. 60 3-4 E., 1000 It. to a stake on the north side of the Aberdeen-Raeford hard W. 700 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 W. 700 feet to a stake; thence 77 1-4 W. 365 feet to a staka on the north edge of said road; thence N. 85 3-4 E. 381 f^iet to the beginning, con taining 3.15 acres, more or less. THIRD TRACT; Also that certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying, be ing and situated in the Town of Aberdeen, Moore County, N. C., and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the north edge of Bethesda Street in Aberdeen, N. C., running thence N. 12 deg. E. 268 feet to a stake; thence N. 78 W. 400 feet to a stake m the edge of New Street; thence S. 12 deg. W. 268 feet to a stake in the edge of Bethesda St., near the color ed Presbyterian Church; thence S. 78 E. to the beginning, containing 24-10 acres, more or less. Also that lot of land adjoining the above tract, beginning at the first corner of said above tract, and runs thence S. 75 1-2 E. with Bethesda ■St.. 346 ft.; thence N 5 1-2 E. 273 ft.; thence N. 84 W. 281 ft.; thence N 1-2 E. 40 ft; thence N. 78 W. 34 ft.; thence to the beginning, containing 1 9-10 acres. FOURTH TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate in McNeill’s Township, Moore Co., N. C., and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of the old Pee Dee Road in Gardner’s and Graham’s line, and running with said line S. 54 E. 596 ft. to Gardener’s and Graham’s and McKeithen’s corner in Moore-Hoke Co. line: thence with Co. line S. 42 W. 2270 ft. to McKeithen’s corner in Gardner’s line; thence N. 54 W. LEGAL NOTICES about 208 ft. to the clayed road; thcnce with said road N. 26 E. 700 ft.; thence continuing with said clay ed road, and now here the old Pee Dee N. 45 E. 1190 ft. to the begin ning, containing about 13 acres, more or less. FIFTH TRACT: That certain piece, parcel or lot of land lying and being in Sandhills Township, Mocre Co. N. C., and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake and pine pointers J. A. McKeithen’s corner by the road leading by point hill, run ning thence S. 87 E. 8.90 ch. to a stake and hickory pointers; thence S. 35 W. 12 ch.; thence as J. A. Mc Keithen’s line to the beginning SIXTH TRACT: That certain piece parcel or lot of land, being and situate in Sandhills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, and being described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake, three pine pts. N. of the field a corner of N. A. Blue’s land and runs thcnce S. 34 W. 27 chs. and 40 links to M. D. Be- thune’s line, a stake, black gum, oak and pine pts.; thence as Bethune’s line S. 63 deg. E. 25,40 chs. to a stake by a dead pine, black jack pts., near a road; thence S. 88 E. 15 fhs. to a stake, blank jack pts. thence N. 84 E. 9.40 chs. to a stake and pine pts,, a corner of M. M. nine’s 529 acres; thence N. 45 E. 2.90 chs. to a stake and black jack pts.; thence N. 22 E. 5 chs. to a Jtake and black jack pts. thence N. 32 5.1.*) fhs. to a stake; thcnce N. 76 E. 5.40 chs. to a stake on E. side of a road; thence N. 12 W. 17.50 chs. to a stake on west side cf said road-pines pta.; thence N. 10 E. i one ch. to a stake, 1 pine pt. on K. side of road; thence N. 3.35 chs. to a stake, pino and black jack point ers; thence west 39 chs. to the be ginning, containing one hundred and fifty one acres, more or less. SEVENTH TRACT: That piece, | parcel or lot of land lying, being and ; situate in the Town of Aberdeen, Sandhills Town.ship. Moore Co., N. C. and being described as follows: Lying and being in the Town of Aberdeen, N. C., cn Ihe south side of Aberdeen & Rockfish: Beginning at a stake 80 ft. S. from center of the tract of said railroad, same be gins in the edge of the right of way, at Mrs. Kate Bethune’s North-East corner of her home tract; runs thence with her line S. 12 W. 254 ft. to a .stake near the S. E. corner of; J. A. McKeithen’s new barn h^'nce as his line of the Alex Camp bell’s lots S. 84 1-2 E. 155 ft. to the corner of the lot deeded to heirs of Hugh McPherson; thence as the west line of that lot N. 12 W. 218 ft. to the railroad right of way; thencc as it direct to the beginning. This December 7. 1935. HARDIN GUNTER, Dec 13, Jan3. Trustee LEGAL NOTICES M nday, the 9th day of December, 1935, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, or at such time thereafter as the Judge may, at the time afore said, fix for the hearing of said ap plication and motion for the confir mation of report of said sale, which has heretofore been made and filed by the undersigned Commissioners before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Moore County, and for a decree directing deed or other pa per writing to be executed by said Commissioners for said property to the purchaser, upon the payment of the purchase price aforesaid. This, the 29th day of November, 1935. S. J. HINSDALE, M. G. BOYETTE, N29-D20. Commissioners. C-O-A-L. C-O-K-E Phone 58 C. G. FARRELL Aberdeen, N. C. Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERIN.XKIANS Office—Mnehurst RacetraoK Telephone 3045 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have qualified as Adminis trators of the Estate of Lizzie Thag- ard Yates. Any and all persons hav ing claims or demands against the said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them to the undersigned at Aber deen, N. C., within twelve months from the date hereof, duly attested. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediatf pay* ment to us. J. A. BRYANT and JULIA THAGARD BRYANT, Administrators. By Johnson & McCluer, Attys. Aberdeen, N. C., December 6, 1935. D6, JIO NORTH CAROLIN.A, ~ MOORE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE Gurney P. Hood, Commissioner of Banks of the State of North Caro lina, ex rel Page Trust Company, and all such other creditors, stockholders and persons interested in the affairs of Mcore County Securities Corpor ation as ma.y make themselves par ties to this action and contribute to the expenses thereof, and S. J. Hins dale. receiver of Moore County Se curities Corporation, Plaintiffs, vs. M-ore County Securities Corporation, Defendant. TO ALL CREDITORS AND PER- I SONS INTERESTED IN THE PROP- ! ERTY AND AFFAIRS OF TIJE DE FENDANT, MOORE COUNTY SE- ICURITIES CORPORATION: TAKE NOTICE; That on Monday, j the 11th day of November, 1935, the I imderr.igned, S. J. Hinsdale and M. G. Boyette, Comnii.HSioners, sold cer tain real estate and property of the defendant, Moore County Securities Corpcratioii (a corporation in receiv ership» consisting of certain prop erty and real r«state located in the Town of Aberdee*’, Moore County, North Carolina, on which is situated the buildings now occupied by Page Trust Company, by Aberdeen Hard ware Company, by Page Brothers, and by Page and Company, said prop erty being particularly described in full in. the advertisement of said sale made under the prior orders and decrees of the court in this cause, at'public auctton, to the highest bid der, for cash, at the courthouse dcvr of Moore County in the Town of Car thage, at the hour of twelve o’clock Noon, in accordance with the terms cf said decrees of sale, and at said sale. Dr. A. H. McLeod became the last and highest bidder and the pur chaser of aforesaid property at the sum of seven thousand five hundred five ($7,505.00) dollars. All persons will, therefore, take notice that the undersigned Commis sioners will make application to His Honor P. A. McElroy, Judge of the Superior Court presidinar in and hold ing the courts of the Thirteenth Ju dicial District, or to such other Judge as may be holding the courts of Moore County at the time cf said mo tion, at his Chambers in the court- *iouse in the Town of Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, on A. L.. ADAMS PAINTER — DECORATO* PAPER HANGER WALL PAPERS Phone 6922 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Haathem Pines, N. C. TeL 50S8 ALTON D. McLEAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER . CASH OR CREDIT ABERDEEN The Home School and Playground Under the Direction of MISS LAURA M. JENKS K’g’n. First and Second Grades. Limited Accommodations Moderate Rates J. N. POWELL, INC. Funeral Directing Embalming Ambulance Service Uuy and Night Phone 6161 East Broad St., Southern Pines Service Since 1895 W’.Il be in his office ov*r th« Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, friom 10:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see him if your eyes are weak. Clark’s Funeral Home AMBULANCE SERVICE Tel. 7401 Southern Pines Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC John S, Rugr^les INSURANCE AGENCY Phoae 5721 R. A. WARREN Jeweler Fine Repairs Watches, Cloihs, Jewelry West Broud Street

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