n. FIRST IN' NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING VOL. 16, NO. 6. CARTHAOe ^PRINCS \JlWS VA8S lakevi£w HANLBY JACX^iOH BPPlhOd SOUTHERN pin£S ASHL6V MaiCHTS PIMSBLUPP PILOT , ^V.KC. ■^'^rtOUNA ROOM MOORE ( 01 NTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina, F'riday, .lanuary SHIELDS CAMERON TO HARRINGTON Secretary of Southern IMnes Chamber of Commerce New Register of Deeds TERM EXPIRES DEC. 7 Honorary Members D. D. Shields Cameron of South- 1 ern Pines, secretary of the Chamber I of Con\morce and treasurer of the U. | S. Highway Nc. 1 Association, was , this week appointed t'ounty Regiater of Deeds by the Board of County CommissionevH. Tlw appointment rims j tlu'ough the unexpiictl term of Will | J. Harrington, wh > passed away on' Christmas liay. Ho will therefore serve until the first Monday in Ue- cenibcr, or until a successor is elected and qualified- Shields t'ameron is widely known throughout the county .and has been prominent in Democratic circles f< r many years. He was a candidate for the State Senate from this district in l»2cS. He has been in the real e.s- tate and insurance business in South ern I’ines for a number of years, and has long been secretary of the Com merce body. He was recently elected treasure!’ of the No. 1 association, in which h ha held various offices since its organization. Mr. Came on has already assui,.ed office and has spent a busy week acquainting himself wi.a the dutie.i of the worl; at Cartilage. His new position will require his spending much of his time at the c„urthouoe. There weie said to be a number of candidates lor the position made vacant by the sad and sudden death ot Mr. Harrington, and that there will be no dearth of seekers of the nomi nation in the Democratic primary in June is a safe prediction. 1 •M. McDONAI.n M. G. NII HOLS Kiwanis Club Elects 1 6 Honorary Members Dixie to Open as Movie House Monday LUt includes Tufts, Chapin, Burt Way, Nichols and Aberdeen Theatre, Completely Renovated, W ill Present New Programs Daily HORSEPOPULATION OF SANDHILLS AT ALL-TIME “TOP” Steeplechasers, Hunters, Run ners and Trotters Here in Great Numbers LAIN(i BRINGS 18 DOWN With the arrival this week of Noel Laing. prominent amateur steeple- : chase rider, with 18 horses for train ing here this winter, the horse popu- ' lation of the Sandhills is believed to ! be the greatest in the history of ! the comnumity. Last year was the previ us “top” bu* it is o'stimated thoi'e a!o more hoiSC.T in Pinehurst nnd Southern Pines this winter than last. ' Laing's hoises iiu’hule those of a I numbi'i' of owners, among them Mrs. ^Maiion duPont S mci'ville of Tlon*.- ! pelicr, Virginia, and Mrs. Verner Z. ileod, ji’,. of Newpoit and Pinehurst, j as well as a few of Mr. Laing's own I racing string. The hoiscs ho has in tiaining here won numerous races in hunt meetings in the north dur- ; ing the season which clcscd in No- I vembcr. and will now be pointed for ! the op ning of the 193C season which starts with the meeting of the Sand hills Steeplechase and Racing Asso ciation here on March 14. Assisting Laing in their training here is an- i ether well known rider, “Dick" Wal- I I''"’', 'vho ro Chariot"— victory ir. the SanJhills Cup timber event a: tf'.' inauguial meeting here last Mnrch. Pinehurst has more than its us- u 1 numbei’ of horses this season, ai.iong them H. Stacy Smith’s trot- t( s, in training for the coming year’s Giand Circuit races, and a stable of trotters ow’ned by Mrs. F. B. Vi’ilm' of the Sandhill Territol/^^>^^orth Carolina FIVE CENTS Old ^‘Aunt Amy, - Former Slave, | U. S. 4. ACQUIRES Now Rests Beside Gov. Williams JJJLg JQ FAMOUS * PLANTATION HERE Wildwood Stillness of “The Horseshoe” Broken for Einal Rites for (lentle Old Soul H.v .Mrs. .S. K. .Smith | Within the "Horseshoe" formed by a curve in the couise cf Deep Rivei' j in upper Moore county is ai\ old burying ground made fanu)us by the fact that within its wildwood stillne.'^s rests the body of a distinguished statesman. Benjamin Williams, who served as a member . f the IMovin- ciul Congress, as a member of tlie Hfni.se of Commons, as a state sena tor. member of Congie.ss, and for fouf on -year terms as gcvernor of the State of North Carolina. He died in 181}, and beside his grave is that of his wife, who passed away three years later. In cne side of thi.s hi.- toric Inuying gnmnd li.' the remain;: cf ^l;’ves who in life played their pat; in the activities cf the early homes and in death wer-e allowed to rest near tht)se whom they had scved. T''oi' years it seemed that "Kinis’ had been written above the decayed panels of what was once the enclo- sur-e of this peaceful sjtot. for n. t within the rnemoiy of middle-ageil residents of the country-side had the earth been distributed by gr:ive-dig- ger's tools. But on Christn'as day an th.i- grave was made an ! within it was placed the body of 'An t" Amy Williams, ex-slave and get ^le oUl P"iii w>io after »i'"ety-two y ars fill- < I w ;h ‘,i heap o’ livin" had laid (' '..n hj" bt i leii, "down by the river : Me." Friends of bcth races, included Lucky Younjo:sters School Openinir In ('ounty Postp«mt‘d I'nlil .Monday on Account of Weather On account of the inclement weather the riiipening of the Mooie county schools, whic.h was scheduled for "iiin.-day ( f this we.k. h;is been postponed until next Monday, according to an an nouncement maile by County Sup erintendent H. Lee Thomas. The S uthern PiiifS School, only iiinc-monlh school in the county, ro-opeiu''l yesterday. SELECTS MAJOR PROJECTS FOR ’35 To Support Hcspital, Ilii>h\vay Safety Campaiinn. ind .Aid rnderprivileyid Children INTER-TOWN (OOPERATION Maintenance of a charity bed in the Children's ward of the Moore ('lounty Hospital, cooperation in the nation wide campaign for safety cn *the highway.^, thte development of bet ter acquaintanceship and cooperation b tween residents of the leading vil lages of the Sandhills and underpriv- McDonald Six rejid:nts of the Sandhills have I been elected as honorary members ot, a number of big tr ack runners. Lee George I the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen for the ' Evans has several* race horses be Frank Shamburger and Martin of Abert^een, who recently ' ycp.r 1936, the list including two new'■ longing to Mrs. Th:mas Proctor in acquired The Dixie Theatre property! names. M. G. Nichols of Southern | training at the track, and Arthur in Aberdeen, announced this week the j Pines and Moses C. McDonald ol Hullcoat is training some dozen of lease of the theatre to J. E. Edwards I West Enil. The other four have been his own horses here, cf Dillon. S. C., and Mrs. J. B. Mc- ;honcred in a like manner in past j Lloyil M. Tate has a houseful, so Intyre of Raeford. operators cf the j years. Leonard Tufts and S. B. Chapin ! to speak, at the Pinehurst stables. Raeford Theatre. The new movie of Pinehur st and Struthers Burt and, horses which are kept in constant among whom was the kindly V\'. J Harrington who later in the day fin-1child w'ork were decided upon ished his stay in the Horseshoe, turn- Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen on ed a.vay from their Christmas festiv- me?ting yesterday in the High- iti2S to gather in this quiet spot for Pines Inn as the club's major hurstV Which ’are*' also wintering at rites, the last, in all prob- Projects for 1936. 'ability, which will ever be hEld there. To start the charity bed fund Ho- Thr;ughout the years the trees will ward Burns, treasurer of the recent murmer in the breezes and the birds, Kiwanis dance at the Southern flitting among the boughs, will sing Pines Country Club, announced that their songs, unmindful of which lies over $100 had been netted by the at- bcneath. distinguished statesman or fair, and it is probable that similar faithful slave. | dances will be held during the year. I To the club's Public Affairs commit- ! tee, cf which R. S. duRont of South- ^ J i 1 Pines is chairman, was referred ^ 0"GC| at V anCl0ri)llt the question of how Kiwanis can best serve in the highway safety cam- Former Southern Pines Resident paign. and this committee is also to Now History Profe.ssor at look into the matter of damage being the race track. W. V. Sloccck has several polo ponies in his stables at the race track, and a number of pri vate hacks and hunters are stabling there, among them Mrs. John R. Drexel'a fine mount. “Big Track" Horses Newcomers this year also include I (4 house will open on Monday, with two nightly programs, starting at 7:15 and at 9:15 except cn Saturdays when the program will be contimrous from 3:00 p. m. to 11 p m.. The program changes daily. The Dixie Theatre has been com pletely renovated in pr.paration fov the ()pening. A new marquee has been constructed in front of the Vniilding: Judge William A. Way of Southern I use by the guests at the various ho tels both for hacking about the num erous bridle paths around Pinehurst Pines Presiilent J. Fred Stimson. who took over the reitrs of club leadership last werk. has ann irnced the fol lowing committee chairmen for the various activities of the organizzation this year:' Agricidture, Jar?ies W, Tufts; Membership and Classification. Frank and for the occasional f. x hunts, gymkhanas, anti riding parties en- gitreered by Mr. Tate arril othetT. At the Thomas & Alexander stahKs on the Midland Road are 28 horses, mostly hunters, about a dozen of which arc privately owned and here for the us? of their owners during Iho entire building has l)ecn painted ; ^ Shamburger; Public Affairs, R. S.! inside arrtl out; the acoustic proper- fnterclub R.lations. Willaril j,**'*' ties have been perfected, and entire- Dunlop: LTnder privileged C’hildren. ] There are 33 hunters stabling at ly new s und and projection equip- j xaylor; V>,cational Guidance, J.;The Paddock in Southern Pines, ment installed. Kvery effort is to be ^j Howarth; Attendance an<l Recop-■ thonr 1-1 from the Thorndale made to provide high class entertain- o. Leon Seymour; Music. Char ment in a comfortable house at pop- Picquet; Publicity, Howard F ular prices, 2o c:nts for adults and ten Curns; Kiwanis Education. Rrv. A. ,1 cents for children. McKelway; Program. Dr. E. M. Med The Dixie was last used by the lin: Finance, Richard F. Tarlton. Sandhills Little Theatre for its ama <;()()!> PIUMiKA.M AN.NOl NC'KI) I’OK flVK' C’U li’S ,MKKTIN(J teur performances staged by local tal.nt. 75 ALVMM ATTKNU r. II. S. ANM AI- UAN<Jl KT The annual alumni banquet of Pinehurst High School was held in the crystal room of the Carolina Ho tel last Thursday evening with 75 former students and their gruests present. The Rev. A. J. McKelw'ay of the Pinehurst Community Church was toastmaster and introduced the Rev. A. V. Gibson of Sanford, the speaker of the even ng. A delightful part o-f the entertainment was the singing of a quartet comprising the Rev. and Mrs. Gibson and the Rev. and Mrs. McKelway. \() GYMKIIA' X THIS WKKK Due to the inclement weather, the weekly gymkhana scheduled for Fri day afternoon in Southern Pines will not be held. It is hoped to resume this event next week. This afternoon, Friday, at 3:00 o’clock, the public is invited to a meet- irrg at the Civic Clirb. Addresses will be given by Dr. F^dward F. Green on the strbj;Ct of "Boy Scouts.” Mrs. Thomas Lyons of Pittsburgh, Pa., will speak cn “W'hat The Salvation Army Ls Doing For Unemployed Wo men." There will be special singing and tea .served following the program A silver offering will be taken to cover the afternoon’s expenses. On Friday, January 10th at 3:00 c'ciock, a business meeting for club members only will be held. UNION CHUlU II SEKMCK Jim” Silver Weds Southwestern College done to small pines planted alcng hignways by the club. Dr. T. A. Cheatham of Pinehurst reported per. sonally sreing two automobile par ties pulling up these pines and load ing thonr into their cars, one of which “Broudacres" Goes into Federal Ownership for Refore.-tation and (iame Cc.nservation MANY OWNERS IN PAST Monday i f thi.s week the L uitod .s of America accpiiicd the fa- m(jus ' Broadacros" plantation lying in Richmond and Scotland coruitics as a j)ai t of the rcforcstatiim and game consoivati n pro/4ium of the licsettle- tiicnt Ailrninistration. The i)Jantati'm is a part of a large tract of land graiit.d :n l^"^) by the State of North Carolina to Andrew, Jo.'-c|ih. and .Vlc.xandcr McMillatr for n c in.'iidi-r.iti n of ten cetits an acre. In ihc ptantation was owned by William 1'. Royn(jltis. a southern planter, and in 18(59. when the I’av- a;;c.s of the Civil War liad made wiiithlcss Confeiicrate currency, flood the slaves, and undermined a‘;riculturo in the South. Reynolds Conveyed the tract to H. C. Thacher, a c tton merchant of Yarmouth and Boston, Mass., in payment of a debt contracted before the War, Reynolds having rio other means of discharging his obligation. The value of the hard pine timber, turpentin;, pitch and ether naval stores was discovered a few years la ter, and in 1895 Thacher sold the lands to the late John F'. McNair of Laurinburg, father of the former State Highway Commissioner. John F. McNair boxed the pine timber, op erated .sawmills on the tract, and finally sold the lands. After passing tht'ough specula tive hands the lands finally were purchased in 1912 by Ralph Page and Frederick T. Gates, a Baptist minister who gave up his religious calling to become private secretary to John D. Rockefeller, Sr. Land (Joes Into Peaches By this date much of the timber had been cut from the lands and the peach itidustry of the Sandhills was in its infancy. Henry Clark of Candor was the first to see the possibilities of planting peach trees on the slopes of the sandhills. Raphael Pumpelly was destined to rrturn from Russia with his father, an internationally fa mous geologist, and plant his large peach orchards at Samarcand. Kath erine Ball Ripley was yet to write that famous story of the Sandhill poach growa-s, ‘‘Sand in My Shoes.” Realizing the po.ssibilitios. Fretlorck Oates and Ralph Page assembled a gloat c terie of accountants, ongi- nrcrs. laborers and Haiv;ird gradu ates (prosi>ective purchasers i and The unioir service of Southern Pines churches will be held on Sun day night in the Southern Pines Bap tist Church at 7 ;15 c’clock, with the Rev. Dr. C. Rexford Raymond preaching the sermon. Stables at 2l!illbrook. New Ytirk, the t I pr porty of Mrs. Landon K. Thorne and Mrs. Lawrence B. Smith; five hunters belonging to Ernest I. Whrte, ;)r(miincnt horseman from Syracu.so, N. Y., arrd five th? property of Tom M. Girdler. president of the Republic .‘iLocl Corporation, vvhO’ is spending sonre time in Southern Pines this wirrtor. B. A. Tompkins, vice presi dent of the Bankers Trust Company of New York, also has several hunt ers at The Paddock. W. O. Moss and Willian; A. Laing are again operating their stables in Southern Pinrs and have a largo n\mi- ber of horses here for hacking and hunting, and frequently seen in the gymkhana events at both Pinehurst and Southern F’inos. There are also two new stables in Southern F’ines this season. Will J. Stratton having brought down a number of hunters from Princeton, N. J., and Graham of the Edgewood F''arms in Carthage, Illinois, who has a string of five- galted saddle horses at the Soirthern Pines Stables on Pennsylvania Ave nue. In addition to these more or less public stables ther-e are numerous horses privately stabled in both towns among them Mr. and Mrs. V’erner Z. {Please turn to page 6) Word has bron received here cf the marriage of Dr. James W. Silver, former resident of Southern F’ines and a son of Mrs. F'lizabeth J,. Silver, to Miss Margaret Thomps n of Mont gomery, Alabama, on Tuesday of this truck. v.'ock. A. J. McKelway t Id the Dr. Silver, always "Jim" to his members of work b ing done nuiny friends h.ro. is head of the '‘'‘long poor families in the Pinehurst History and Political Sciencc depart- neighborhood and urged the club to | with J. S. ITttor at the surveyor's rn- rnerit at Southwestern College in Win- :ic<iuaint itself with the needs of the | struments and Char lie Thompson of field. Kansas. The report (f his en- ooninninity's und r privileged families,' Hoffman finding the old corncrs and gagerncnt came here from the student study if their cc.ndition and pos-| earlier mavkers, numerous small paper at Vnnilorbilt X’niversity in ^'iblo remedial mea.'iues. He cited sev-j f.irrns were laid out and a score cf Nashville. Term., which says: *’‘id cases run across by Pine-j ten;uit houses erected. Peach tries by ".\n interesting social event of the hurst v,-oik. rs during the holidays. | the thousands were planted. Head- holiday .season will be the marriag: of Louis Scheipers of Southotn Pines | quar ters, atrd living quartet s, were at wa.s pro.-^onted to the I'lub a-; ;i new , the "House of Commons." memher by E. W. Keiitet k, and liich '!:d Tai'lton. one of the most popular co-eds to a former assistant professor in the po litical science dei)artment. Margaret ("Dutch"! T-iiornpson of M ntgoinery. Ala., will b: married to Dr. James W. ("Jim" I Silver of Southern Pines, N. C.. on December 31 at the chaj)- ter hou.se of .Vljiha Omicron Pi. TO OK<;AMZK Cl- \SS ULIJK i.\ \oi i;r i;i)iCATION A class in adult education, partic- "The marriage will be soleinnized ularly adapted to re.sidents of the at fivo o’cl ck with Dr. Howard 1. Sanilhills who did not finish their Kerr and W. F'. Christopher official- high school coursoH or who, f r any ifg. I'-or the wedding the house will reason, desir-o to continue study along bo ilocoratod with cut flowers and an undorgrailuate lines, is to be organiz- altar will be improvised with ferns, ^d at a nree’ting in the High School The color sch.nie will be gold and building in Southern Pines on Mcn- yellow. ! "Miss Thcmpsorr's orrly attendant j will be her sister, Elizabeth Thomp son, who will serve as maid of honor. Dr. Silver will have as his best man Joan McMurray oi Maryville. T.n- day afternoon next, January 9th, at 3:00 o’clock. The courses given will be fr:o. and any white person be tween the ages of 17 and 90 is wel come t attend. They are invited to register at the Monday meeting by nessee. Mrs. Robert Leatham. who will be Following the ceremony the couplo charge. This is a government pro will go tC' the home of Dr. Silver's parents in Southern Pines, whore they will spend the remainder of the holidays. They will return to Winfred in time for the opening of school on tanuary 8.” At the weekly meeting of the Ki wanis Club of Aberdeen hel 1 yester- 'ay, Richard F. Tarlton of Southern Pines was elected treasurer to suc- c.ed A. P. Thonip-on, Pinehurst, ject. (ilOT varu 1936 PLATKS Sandhills residents w'*.’e scurrying to Sanford yesterday to- procur-e new license plates for their automobiles. The 193fi plates are supposed to be on all cars NOW, and State officials from the Governcr down say no mercy is to be shown delinquents. The two sons of F'tele;..,. Gates. F'lanklin and Russell, wore j :;:t grad uating from c. llego. and th.ir lather assisted them in devloping one of the first model dairies of this section. Af- t(>r developing the plantation, and in quest of broader fielils the Gates boj-s s Id the property and F^ranklin wont to the Chase National Bank where he is now a vice-president. Henry A. Pago. Jr., and a group of associates acquired the property and subsequently sold it to the Sal vation Army. In turn it became the property cf Dr. J. Rush Shull of Char- {PlcaKe turn to page 5) I*INEHl UST BOV SCOUTS TO UK <il ESTS OF S. 1*. COl XCIL. Boy Scouts of Pinehvn'st are to be the guests ■ f Southern Pines Boy Scouts at a meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 10th in the Civic Club, and parents of the Scouts are to be included in the invitation. The purpose of the meeting is to further interest parents and others in Boy Sccut work in the community, and it is expected that a large crowd will be present to learn what the local council and the Pinehurst council are doing and planning.

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