Friday, January 10, 1936 THE PILOT, Southern Pine>j and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Thre4 Civic Club Bridge at Hollywood January 15 Dr. Green and Mrs. Young Speakers at Interesting Meet ing Last Friday This afternoon, Friday, the regular monthly business meeting of the Civ ic Club will be held at the clubhouse at 3:00 o’clock ,for club members only, with Miss Cock presiding. One of the looked forward to par ties of the Civic Club season will be on Wednesday, January 15th, at the Hollywood Hotel. This will be a De- tv,of tho rp. to resume her studies, sert Bridge, meaning that the re freshments are served ahead of play- Mrs. E. L. Barber is doing substi- ing the bridge game. Th hour is 1:30, tute teaching in the grammar school with play beginning at 2:30. Tables for Miss Allen, sixth grade teacher. The Week in Aberdeen Little Jacky Taylor is recovering from a siricus illness, having recent ly had pneumonia follcwed oy meas les. Mr. and Mrs. Gentry Womack have moved to Greensboro where Mr. Womack will be associated with the Guilford National Bank. During their Zaing Stone; The Open Door at Home, Charles A. Beard; American Beauty, Edna Ferber; The Link, Mc Donald; I Was a Spy, Martin Mc Kenna; and the Garden of Memories, Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Jordan an- |20 Men Needed For i I Hemp Mosquito Job Control Projects, Two-Thirds I Completed, Held Up For Lack ^ of Labor j "Two-thirds of the mosquito con- ■ trol project near the town of Hemp stay in Aberdeen Mr. Womack was er. Myrtle Louise, to Homer Hagler assistant liquidating agent of the ' on Sunday, December 1, 1935 at the Page Trust Company. nounce the marriage ^f their daught- has been completed and one-third re mains to be done but is held up tor lack of labor. Twenty men for about thiee months are requirde to finish Miss Frances Jean Freeman has returned to Meredith College, Raleigh, may be made up, or one may go alone and join a table at the party. The cost for everything will be fifty cents, and there will be a prize for each tabic. Playing cards should be provid ed by the players. Reservations may be made to Mrs. Pottle at the Holly wood Hotel, or by calling Mrs. Harry Gage. Last week Friday, the Civic Club presented a program that would bear repeating to a larger audience than the weather permitted to assemble, and the club feels most grateful to its speakers. Dr. Green, a winter resi dent of Southern Pins, spoke on two problems of civic interest, the crime wave sweeping the country, and his work in the prison camps, including a camp clos at hand, and then he talked of the work of the Boy who was unable to return to her work on account of a fractured hip sus- 1 heme of the Rev. Homer H. Schuller, at McColl, S. C. Miss Jordan has been the assistant manager at Mack’s Five and Ten Cent Store, and Mr. Hagler is the manager of the Stand ard Filling Station here. The Aberdeen-Pinebluff Parent- Teachers Association will hold its January meeting next Wednesday af ternoon, January 16th at 2:30 at the tained in a fall at her home at Latta, grammar school in Aberdeen. A large S. C., during the holidays. Mrs. B. D. Wilson of Chapel Hill spent several days with friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Coffey and little daughter have moved to Pine- hurst where Mr. Ccffey has accept ed a position. Mrs. J. A. Lawrence and children have returned from Chesterfield, S. C., where they have been visiting rel atives. Miss Miriam Johnson rturned to the job," Dr. J. Symington, Public | Health Officer told The Pilot this . week. ; "Other mosquito control projects in Moore county have been completed, ' and some have not been fortunate enough to bs sanctioned. ^ “Malaria is not a seriou.s problem in the county though there are some scattered cases. Mosquitos, however, can increase rapidly and it is advis able that mosquitcs always be kept under control. Old wells should be cov:ied up, indeed all wells should ' be covered and made mosquito-prcot Mr. and Mrs. Harris T. Williams of ^^.^ether in use or not. Clayton, .N. Y„ are occupying Dr. , Royce’s cottage for a few months. disgraceful to Dana McNeill, who. has been spend- ^ ing the holidays at his home here, re-, ^ mennce to turned Tuesday night to Andover, standing Mass., to resume his studies. i breeding places for Miss Dorothy Wallace of Rocky | Tin cans might be ground tliglnland L^odge A Quiet Home-Like Family Hotel Pleasantly Located on Vermont Avenue Neiar the Pines SEASON OCTOBER 1ST TO JUNE 1ST Nicely furnished comfortable apartments for rent Mrs. W. N. GREARSON Telephone 6933 Southern Pines, N. C. tmttnnnmmmmtmttmtmmtBmKmtKttnntttttttttnttttttKttttntttKnttttmnma attendance is requested. PINEBLUFF i Mount spent the week-end with her „iar. ^ J , 1. T up to i>.rm gravel tor concrete, also Randolph-Macon College at Lynch- patents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wallace. , f .. 1VI. ygg(j fgj. fiHmg up crosions, or they ! burg, Va.. last Sunday. She is a mem ber cf the Senior class. i Robert, Jr., of Nelson, Va. ,are visit- , - - T-i T3 iv/rino oy takmg the bottom cut of them and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Maynard, Miss 1 ® Mrs. Robert Carrington and son, enriching the soil Edna Maurer, Craig Maynard, Frank ig Mrs. Carrington’s parents, Mr. Scouts and the wonderful teaching Scott Russell spent last Sun. the boys, and girls too, are receiv- Raleigh. ing in being good citizens. With this Leonard Russell of the CCC Camp group of young people growing into Monroe spent the week-end in responsibility, it would look as visiting his family, though o-ur country should be sate, | j^j. y q ^yler and small and we will hope that it w^:U have a | have returned from Morristown, mighty influence on ridding us of the i Tenn., where they spent the holidays undesirables that we already have relatives. within our borders, and will also help | Frances Walker, secretary in to pass laws to keep us from allow ing any more of the Mafia type of foreign undesirables from remaining even over night on our side of the Atlantic, he said. Dr. Green explained that many of the younger men in our prison camps had done wrong because of ignorance, lack of early training and opportun ities, and finding welcome in the wrong group of society. There is a wide field for many idle hands, in fact for all to be helpful in this work not only in the cities, but in the rural communities. Another speaker of unusual inter est was Mrs. Lucy E. Young of Pittsburgh, who told stories of Sal vation Army work, not alone of as sistance given to the “down and out er” but to the intelligent class, too discouraged to go on alone, and how they are returned to normal life and usefulness. WOMAN, SHOT BY HUPBAND, H.\S LEG AMPUT.4TEU the Department cf Agriculture in Washington sjJent the holidays in Aberdeen visiting her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Worsham. Miss Alice Wilder has returned from Memphis, Tenn., where she at tended a meeting of the young peo ple of the Southern Methodist Church. Mioses Kate and Lena Stewart, Bet.'jy Jean Johnson, Mabel and Frances V/imberly returned their studies at Flora Macdonald and Mrs. Garland McCaskill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Guild and two children of Washington, D. C., were ! callers in town Sunday. They were called to Sanford by the serious ill- j ness of Mr. Guild’s mother who is i spending the winter at the Sanford Hotel. Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Tomkinson of Lansdcwne, Pa., have taken an apart ment in Southern Pines for a few j weeks. Mr. Tomkinson is a brother of Mrs. Levi Packard. j Miss Ruth Abbott of Danbury,! Conn., who has been caring for her i aunt, Mrs. Myron C. Knapp returned to her noni« \A'ounesday inght. PLUMBING and HEATING Estimates Gladly Given FRIGIDAIRE OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN (Automatic Coal Burner) ESSOHEAT FUEL OIL L V. O’CALLAGHAN FHIGID.MUE S.\LES AND SERVICE placing them in the garden as ferti- I lizer. Each tin surrounding a vege- j table or flower rock in the soil placed in this position gradually decays and is absorbed in the earth and feeds plants, vegetables or flowers. “We wish to see the road sides' kept beautiful and not made ugly and H a source of danger, and old tin cans Telephone 5341 Southern Pines «aa:a:aa:aa:aaaaa:ataa:aaxaaaa:aa:aaa:aajaaa:a:aajaa made useful instead of a blot on the landscape.” EUREKA Miss Magdalene Haru'y of Cameron .spent the week-end in the home of her uncle, Verge Hardy. rr, o* 1 r -J , K. W. and John Henry IlcCaskill of Mrs. Juha T. Stuckey of Glenside, | Springs spent Th.,rsday with , .1., is spending the winter v.’it.h her . g,. 1 si.'jter, Mrs. Levi Packard. I Raymond Evans, Mrs. Tom Bailey, Mips Florence Fowle is inviting the Mrs. Therlow Evans and Miss Effie ^ ^to Pinebliiff to an evening of Bailey of near Vass visited Mesdames °' entertainment Friday night at the j c. B. and Alton Blue Sunday after- Firemen's Hall. The children will noon. PARK VIEW HOTEL Southern Pines, N. C Modern, convenient, reasonable Write for Booklet; Rates CHARLES J. SADLER, Mgr. Southern Pines, N. C. n:aa:aaaaatataaamaaatatmaaaa:aa:aaa:aaaaaaa:aaaa::a:aaaaam CoJlege, Red Springs, after spending, ; Bilmore Johnson, colored, of Car thage, was on Monday in Recorder’s Court bound to the Superior Court under bond of $2,500 on a charge of assaulting his wife, Mary Johnson, with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. Following a quarrel with his wife Johnson is alleged to have shot her in the leg, injuring her so seriously that the wounded limb had to be am putated. Luther Dowty, colored, of the End section of the county was £cund guilty of operating an automobile in a careless and reckless manner. He was given a 30-day road sentence, to be suspended upon payment of a fine cf $25 and the costs. He gave notice of appeal to the higher court and bond was fixed at $100. A breaking and entering case against Will Goodon, colored, of Southern Pines, was continued due to the fact that Goodon is already on the roads serving time given him in j the holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Pleasants and Bob Maurer spent last Sunday in Florence, S. C., visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Maurer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Thomas spent last Friday in Mount Gilead visiting relatives. Forrest Lockey was a business visi tor in New York City during the past week. Misses Dee Batchelor and Marcella Folley have returned to Peace Col lege in Raleigh after spending the Christmas holidays at home. Miss Edythe Creel is visiting friends in Raleigh. The Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Hall were called to Windsor, Va., Sunday night, where Mrs. Hall’s sister is very ill with pneumonia. Jones Bacon, Jr., of the Army Post, Kelly Field, Texas ,is spending a 30- day furlough iu Aberdeen visiting his parents. Mrs. Walter McCaskill and child- 8:00 o’clock. Games and dancing will | leturned Saturday frcm a ten- be in order, | visit with Mrs. McCaskill’s rel- Bai’ry and daughter,, -j^tiycs near Sanford. J.Irs. H. E. Bairy and Waneta and Katherine of Rocking ham spent the week-end with Mrs. Barry’s mother, Mrs. Eldredge. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the M. E. Church will hold a Silver Tea at the home of Mrs. J. L. DeYoe on Jan uary 17 from 3:30 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Nettie McRae and Mr. and Mrs. D, J. Blue were luncheon guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I John Tillman of near Euphronia. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Johnson and ! I I i daughters Bobby of Asheboro return- 1 ed to their heme Thursday after j spending the holidays in the home of I Mrs. Johnson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Michael. G. H. Monroe of Raleigh spent sev- Mrs. F. W. Von Canon and chil- eral days during the Christmas sea- dren of West End visited Mrs. Nannie sen with his mother, Mrs. A. E. Mon- and Miss Annis McCaskill on Sunday, roe. I Dr. and Mrs. Wayland Blue and C. E. Monroe of Williamsburg, Va., 1 children of Jonesboro were luncheon spent the holidays with relatives here.' guests Sunday of Miss Kittie Blue and THE ARK Southern Pines, North Carolina, U. S. A. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under four teen years. Thorough preparation for leading schools. All out-door activities in sunny, bracing climate.. OPEN-AIR CLASSES MUSIC, ART, HANDICRAFT References Illustrated booklet. MILLICENT A. HAYES, Principal NIAGARA Charlie and Alton Green of Broad way visited friends in Niagara during the holidays. Ira Bullard and family of Lemon Springs visited relatives here the past Mrs. Lula Palmer. Miss Mary Page left this week for week. Norfolk, Va., where she will visit her cousin, Mrs. Herbert. Mrs. R. N. Page, Sr., spent last Tuesday in Raleigh where she attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Thad Page’s mother, Mrs. A. C. Hinton. John R. McLean and son Thaddeus have been ill for the past week, week. Miss Elizabeth David is returning to the Moore County Hospital this week for treatment. Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson and daught- another case. This breaking and en- j^jgg Miriam, were visitors in Fay- tering case, which did not come up for | gtteville last Friday, trial until after the defendant had already been tried fcr the other case, will be held over and will probably greet him upon the completion of the sentence now being served. M.\RY KATHRYNE WILSON IS BRIDE IN B.\LTIMORE The marriage of Miss Mary Kath- ryne Wilson, daughter of Mrs. Alice Wilson Isgett of Cameron and the late John Tibbett Wilson, and William LeCombte Richardson of Baltimore was solemnized on December 31st at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. W. A. Salmon in Baltimore. The Rev. Dr. J. R. Nelson, pastor of the Almeda; Robert Gwyn for the club. Mrs. W. A. Blue was hostess to the Walter Hines Page Book Club at her home last Thur.?«iay afternoon. The program was “Christmas,” and the house addrned with holiday dec orations. Mrs. S. E. Sloan j gave a mas tree. Mrs. S. E. Sloan gave a Christmas scripture selection, Luke 1:26-28. Mrs. C. M. Wilson a paper, “Two Portrayals of the Nativity by the Old Masters,” and a symposium, “Memories of Other Christmasses.” Mrs. Mack Wallace entertained her bridge club at her home last Friday night with three tables in play. Mrs. Jcnes Macon was winner of the high score among the guests and Mrs. Baptist church, formerly of Hender son, performed the ceremony. A din ner was given in honor of the bride and groom after which the couple left for Philadelphia and Atlantic City for a short stay. They will reside in Baltimore where Mr. Richardson is in business. Baked goods as only the farmer’s wife can bake ’em, at the Southern Pines Curb Market Saturdays. The Page Memorial Library now has on its shelves for distribution to its patrons the following new books: The Adams Family, James Thurslow Adams; The Master of Jalna, Mazo De La Roche; The Second Shot, Bark ley: Shadows on the Rock, Willa Gather; The Great Prince Shan, E. Phillips Oppenheim; So Red The Rose, Stark Young; The Ringer Returns, Edgar Wallace; Hatters Ca.stle, A. J. Crpnin; The Cold Journey, Grace The Rev. J. S. Johnson delivered a splendid sermon at the village church on Sunday morning before congregation. R. B. Smith and friends of Raleigh visited relatives in this section the past week. E. M. Marble and J. P. Goodwin of West Farrington, Maine, stopped to see friends here Tuesday while en- route on a sight seeing trip to Flor ida. The stork stoppec^ in Niagara the past week and left a bouncing baby girl in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Garner. | Signs of business picking up: C. E. | Covington is sporting a new 1936 Chevy. Mrs. W. McC. Blue and daughter Virginia Ray returned home Thurs- 1 day after being at the bedside of | Mrs. Blue’s father, Mr. McLean of j Eagle Springs, during his illness and j death. | Miss Margaret McLeod returned ; a large ! Tuesday to Flora Macdonald College ; I after spending the holidays with her j parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod. | Miss Helen McLendon of Durham spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ray before entering Farm Life School Monday. SEV EN NEW SCHOOL BUSES DELIVERED TO COUNTY MOTHER OF MRS. TH.XD P.\GE ‘ DIES IN RALEIGH HFOSPIT.^L Mrs. A. C. Hinton, mother of Mrs. Thad S. Page cf Aberdeen and Washington, D. C., died in the Mary Elizabeth Hospital in Raleigh on Monday after a critical illness of sev eral weeks. She was 69 years of ap^** and had made her home with her son, R. S. Hinton, deputy clerk of the City Court in Raleigh. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the First Presbyterian Seven 1936 model Chevrolet buses for transporting children to and from j Church, with burial following in Oak- school have been received in Moore i wood Cemetery. county and have been distributed, one to each of the following schools: Aberdeen, Cameron, Carthage, Hemp, Pinehurst, Vass and West End. The new buses are much larger Mrs. Hinton is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John D. Cooper of Henderson and Mrs. Thad Page of Washington, D. C.; three sons, R. S. Hinton of Raleigh, Jack Hinton of than the old ones and will accommo-1 Creedmoor and Andrew Hinton of There was a man in our town And he was wondrous wise; He had a little motor car Which he did highly prize. To Guiflube Winter Grade; The finest 5c oil that anyone has made! LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR • GREASING Change now to GULFLUBE WINTERGRADE MOTOR OIL 2Sc. A QUART SOUTH STREET SERVICE STATION ABERDEEN, N. C. JOHNSON HOUSE Sunny, Attractive Rooms A home-like place to spend the night or season. Tasty Food. RATES: $4 to $6 per day or $25 to $40 per week. Dinners, $1.00—Served 12:30 to 1:30 Luncheons—75c Noon or Night Waffles with Vermont Maple Syrup—50c, Served at any time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hadwen 84 E. Massachusetts Ave. Phone 7265 Southern Pines rmanmataaaaattatantaa:? date about 60 children, it is said. The buses being replaced by new ones will be used fcr substitute purposes. CLEGG OUT FOR HOUSE W. R. Clegg, Member of Assembly from Moore county in the last Legis lature, has announced for renomina tion on the Democratic ticket. Fresh eggs and country produce of all kinds. Visit the Curb Market Sat urday. Raleigh; one sister, Miss Miriam Se well of Raleigh and one brother, Jo seph Sewell of Wake Forest; and the following grandchildren: Mrs. Waddell Gholson, Jr., of Henderson; Thad and Jack Page of Washington, D. C.; R. F. Hinton, Jr., and Andrew Hinton, Jr., of Raleigh. The Sandhills Woman’s Exchange will meet this afternoon, Friday, at 3:30 o’clock at the Sojthern Pines Country Club. Opening Tuesday at Pinehurst in the Carolina Hotel Ballroom, 2 P. M. STUDIO OF DANCE With Classes in Ballet, Toe, Tap, Acrobatic and Ball Room Dances. MRS. REBECCA BALLENTINE of Raleigh, Director «a:

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