1 I Friday, January 10, 1936 THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Fiv* Chance For All in Amateur Hour Jan. 17 Prizes For Those Most Applaud* ed at Novel Civic Club Entertainment Can you sing, dance or play a mus ical instrument ? Do your friends find you entertain ing? If so, why not enter the Amateur Hour Friday night, January 17 at the Southern Pines High School and let the world know of your talents. Now is your chance to appear before the public in an A-1 entertainment, under first class conditions. The Amateur Hour is sponsored by the Civic Club. There are five crisp one dollar bills awaiting the five per sons the audience selects as the most entertaining or the most talented. The applause of the audience will be the deciding factor. So have all your friends come and give you a hand. Special prizes for the children. The first 15 minutes of the program has been reserved for an accomplished pianist from the north. Anyone who wishes to enter the Amateur Hour should communicate by letter, telephone or in person with Mrs. W. N. Hutt, chairman of ar rangements, not later than Wednes day, January 15. To be sure of a chair it would be advisable to buy a reserved seat for 50 cents at the Sandhills Drug Store. General admission, 35 cents. Not to Blame for Lindberg*h Departure Local Resident Received Reply to Letter Sent Governor of New Jersey Incensed at the departure for Eng land of the Lindbergh family a prom inent resident of Southern Pines ad dressed a letter to Governor Hoffman of New Jersey, and this week receiv ed the following answr from a mem ber of the Governor’s executive staff ; “Contrary to the stories that some of our newspaper friends seem so anxious to circulate, Governor Hoff man has never expressed sympathy for Bruno Richard Hauptman, nor has he expressed an opinion as to the in nocence or guilt of the prisoner. With his own newspaper background, the Governor should surely be able to differentiate between publicity and notoriety, and it would not be plaus ible to believe that he could be mov ed by any cheap notions of publicity or political advantage. The Governor can only honestly and honorably make his decisions as a member of the Court of Pardons in the light of evidence and information, and his trip to Trenton State Prison was entirely within propriety and not without pre cedent. A former Governor of New Jersey employed the same means of familiarizing himself with the facts in a like case, and another Governor delegated a member of the Court of Error.® and Appeals to perform this duty. "No doubt Colonel Lindbergh had gocd and sound reasons for sailing for Europe at this time, but it would de decidedly unfair to say that his departure is chargeable to the Gov ernor. Most certainly Colonel Lind bergh has never made a statement that would justify this belief.” The Week in Southern Pines Baked goods as only the farmer’s wife can bake ’em, at the Southern Pines Curb Market Saturdays. Don’t Get Up Nights MAKE THIS 25c TEST Use Juniper oil ,Buchu leaves, etc., to flush out excess acids and waste matter. Get rid of bladder irritation that causes waking up, frequent de sire, scanty flow, burning and back ache. Get Juniper oil, Buchu leaves, etc., in little green tablets called Bu- kets, the bladder laxative. In four days if not pleased go back and get your 25c. Get your regular sleep ajid feel "full of pep." H. E. Thrower. vnGHT r<iNCe Ifi68 CHAMPION OF RYE !whiskics Good Whiskey Pricrd Right D-2Z4^ MARYLAND HUNT CU^ See Us for Good Used Cars at Attractive Prices Mid-South Motors, Inc. Aberdeen, (Chevrolet) N. C. Mrs. E. J. McCarr and son, Adrian i left by motor for Philadelphia after ; spending several v.'eeks in Southern Pines. j Mrs. Emma Chittenden of Hopkin-! ton, New York arrived in town Mon- | day morning and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ruggles for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. William Bryant have leased a cottage on Page street for the season. George Moore, Jr., returned to Lexington, Virginia last Thursday af ter spending the holidays in South ern Pines. Edward Cox, Jr., has returned to Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio after visiting his parents, the Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Cox. Miss Dorothy Graff left last Fri day for Louisville, Kentucky after spending the past several weeks in Southern Pines. Mrs. J. K. Chambers and Miss Kir- wan are occupying one of the Rest- haven apartments for the season. Mrs. A. S. Ruggles is spending a few days in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of j Aberville, S. C., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McNeill. ] Mr. and Mrs. George B. Giatf have recently purchased Mrs. Chamber's residence on New Hampshire avenue.; Circle Number One of the Aberdeen Presbyterian Church met at the home ^f Mrs. Roy Newton I.Ionday after- . noon. I Miss June Anderson, who was for-1 merly associated with Pine Crest I Manor, has returned to the Wood-1 bury Forest School in Virginia atier I visiting friends in Pinehurst and Southern Pines. Recent arrivals at the Jefferson Inn include Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bick ford of New York, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palmer of Balboa, Canal Zone, Miss Annie F. Keyser, Albany, New York, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ham mond, Buffalo, New York, and Mrs. L. D. Anderson of Reading, Pennsyl vania. Mrs. Jackson Boyd has returned af ter spending a few days in Virginia. Mrs. Hugh Carter has returned from several weeks’ stay in Raleigh, j Mrs. E. Norton of New York has | leased Miss Birdilia Bair’s home in' Weymcuth Heights for the season. Mrs. T. Bodine Valle arrived Friday and has taken the James Boyd cot tage, the House of a Hundred Pines, for the winter. William Schultz of New York ar rived Monday and will spend the win ter in Southern Pines. Mrs. G. R. Draughcn has returned from several weeks’ stay in Winston- Salem. Miss Mary Jane Prillaman has re turned to Teacher’s College at New Britain, Conn., after spending the hol idays in Southern Pines. Miss Birdilia Bair has leased one of the Daniels apartments on Penn sylvania avenue for the balance of the season. Mrs. John D. Paul and daughter Gloria visited Mrs. M. D. McCallum for a few days. Mrs. Reid Hall and son L. T, Hall spent Sunday in Salisbury. Mrs. Rosa E. Gardner left Sunday for Sumter, South Carolina where .^he was called by the sudden illness of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Clayton. Mrs. Gardner was accompanied there by her daughter Louise, who return ed to Southern Pines Monday. Mrs. Helen Koues Bodine has gone to New York for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barnum of New York have arrived and are now occupying the Robert Skinner home on Valley Road for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett French en tertained Saturday afternoon at a cocktail party at their home on Country Club Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Clem- son arrived Sunday at the Mid-Rnes Club in their new cabin plane after a short stopover it Hagerstown, Md. Miss Virginia Flane was the week end guest of Mrs. Bion Butler and Miss Helen Butler. Tommy Tompkins, student at Gro ton School, Groten, Mass., left Sun day to resume his studies after pass ing the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Tompkins, at The Paddcck. Thomas Walker left Tuesday morn ing for Indianapolis, Ind., where he will attend the Lincoln College of Chiropody. Royal Treadway has returned to Lenox School for Boys, Lenox, Mass., after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heaton I. Treadway at the Highland Pines Inn. Mrs. Howard Butler has returned from several weeks’ visit with her mother, Mrs. E. K. Kane in Kushequa, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carson of Char lotte are stopping at the Hollywood. Miss Theresa Montesanti has re turned from several weeks' stay in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Boylston A. Tompkins and daughter. Miss Eleanor L. Tomp kins, returned to New York Monday after spending the holidays at The Paddock. Mrs. McCcok Morgan and Mrs. Conyes, who have been guests at the Hollywood, have gone to Miami, Flor ida for the winter. Herman L. Rogers cf Cannes, France, and Mrs. Donaldson Clark of New York are spending a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Almet Jenks at their home on Young’s Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Vale cf Princeton entertained at a small din ner Sunday at the Highland Pines Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Burke entertained friends Sunday afternoon at their home, “Bye Days,” on Young's Road. Miss Dorothy Pottle and Miss Le- ncra Riggan entertained at five ta bles of bridge Monday night at the Hollywood hotel. High score prizes were won by Miss Emilie Mae Wilson, Mrs. Clarence Edson, D. G. Stutz and Garland Pierce. A salad course was served by the hostesses after which the guests enjoyed several games of “Beano.” Mrs. Richard Tarlton was winner of this priz;. Mi.ss Cornelia Lafferty of Charlotte was the week-end guest of Misses Mil lie and Ther.sa M ntesanti. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Lewis, who have beenspanding several days with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis, returned on Wednesday to their home in New Hampshire. The Missionary Society of the Church of Wide Fellowship will meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with Mrs. Belton. Program at 3:00 o’clock on missionary work in South America. Albert Colton of Cooperstown, New York and Southern Pines, is spending the winter in West Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs. Harold Maloney and children, Joseph and Arthur have returned from a two week’s visit with rela tives in West Palm Beach, Fla. E. E. Bradley of Stockbridge, Ma.ss., is occupying the Gould cottage on Connecticut Avenue for the season and Mrs. W. F. Hoey cf Frederica, Del., has leased the Mitchell and Boles home on Vermont Avenue for the winter. Hampton E. Price of Newton Cen ter, Mass., w'as the guest cf Miss Cor nelia Phillips last week. William A. Laing and family have leased the Schwarberg house and will i arrive January 10th to occupy it tor the winter. The Misses Schwarberg will go to Lincolnton for the winter, leaving this week. Mrs. Hattie Sanborn arrived a few days ago from New Hampshire and will spend several weeks in Scuthern Pines. Mis.s Grace Vincent of Jamestown, New York was a recent guest of Mrs. J. B, Gifford en route to Florida. Mrs. Mollie Burgess is spending a few days in Cheraw, S. C., as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pee. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Stevens were the dinner guests Tuesday night at the Highland Pines Inn of Mr. and Mrs. Heaton I, Treadway. SKIING ON PINE NEEDLES PROPOSED NEW SPOKT HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW X-ERCYCLE ? A bicycle without pedals, invented by two Chic ago men, designed to operate on body motion alone. Standing on a springy footboard, a rider propels the vehicle simple by raising and lower ing the body. The rear wheel of the X-ERCYCLE has its axle mounted off center. A downward thrust of the legs tends, after the bicycle has been placed in motion, to pull this axle down to its lowest po sition, thus causing the wheel to revolve in a for ward direction. Momentum returns the axle to its highest position and the procedure is repeated. The up and down flexing of the footboard, once the rid er gets the knack, can be coordinated with the movement of the rear axle to make operation easier. GREATEST EXERCISING VEHICLE YET INVENTED And you can make 15 miles an hour. COME SEE IT WORK Finehurst Warehouses INCORPORATED PINEHURST, NORTH CAROLINA (Continued from page 1) House; Garland Pierce of The Belve dere; A. S. Ruggles of The Wood- worth; Preston T. Kelsey, Louis Scheipers, Frederick Stanley Smith, Jack White of the Highland Pines, and City Clerk Howard Burns. Dur ing the meeting a quintet, Charles W. Picquet, Frank Buchan. Shields Cam- •iron, Dr. R. P. Shepard and Willard Dunlop sang a number of songs. Suggestions made included these: Place more emphasis on horseback riding here; erect more direction signs on highways leading to Southern Pines; more advertising and efforts to bring North Carolina residents to the section during the season; stress “Mid-South Resort” rather than “Sandhills’' in advertising, lest north erners get the idea of a sand dune country here; solicit new ideas for slogans. Several spoke of the great value to Southern Pines the develop ment of its private schools will mean. Dr. George G. Herr reported on the town beautification program, of which committee he is chairman. PUPILS DISCUSS THEIR DUTIES AS CITIZENS >,^AHTHAOe /lake. VIEW MAHUEY ABEROEEX yplNE BLUFF The first chapel program since the Christmas holidays was held Friday morning in the Southern Pines School auditorium. The program, in charge of the local Hi-Y Club, consisted of group singing and talks by Robert Beck, J. D. Sittenson, Joseph O’Cal- laghan, James Spring and Walter Spaeth on the topic, "What the Com munity Has a Right to Expect from High School Students." The F>ilot Covers the Sandhills Like the Sand If you would keep up with the news of Your Neighborhood, Read The Pilot Each Week. FIRST IN THE NEWS FIRST IN ADVERTISING FIRST IN CIRCULATION

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