Page Six THE PILOT, Southern Piiies and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, February 14, 1936. $85,880 County Total I of Benefit Payments' Final Tabulation Shows Over 171 Million Paid to Farmers in State | A final tabulation of AAA benefit payments shows that North Carolina farmers received a t.tal of $17,589,-' 400.46 in 1935 for cooperating in the ciop adjustment programs. I The money was disbursrd as ren- taL-< on land retired from the cultiva-1 tian of basic crops and as adjust ment payments to the farmers who limited the production cf these crops. ^ The payments in this state tor 1935. according to figures announc ed by Dean I. O. Schaub, of State College, were divided among the growers of various crops as follows; T bacco growers $9,359,220.81, cot ton growets $6,717,981.05. peanut growers $813,904.11, corn-hog pro ducers $634,489.68, and wheat grow ers $a3,804.81. I Although this includes all the checks distributed during the year, Dean Schaub stated, it does not in clude all the money due the growers foi their part in the 1935 AAA pro- ^ granis, as some of the payments are still due. Henry A. Wallace, Secietary of Agriculture, and other high govern- ^ ment officials announced shortly af ter the Supreme Court voided the AAA, that some way would be found I to complete all payments due farm ers under crop adjustment contracts.' The total payment for all crops last year, divided by couiities, shows that farmei's in Moore county received J85,880.48. SOI THERN PINES SEEKS REVENGE ON I'lNEHl RST The Week in Aberdeen Frank Shamburger, George Martin and C. W. Seymour have returned from a hunting trip in the eastern pait of the state. Miss Susan McLean spent several days at her home here last week, her school in Shelby having been clc.oed cn account of the bad weather. Clarence Patterson visited his moth er who has been quite ill, at Jack son Springs ov:r the past week-end. James Henry Johnson has been ill with influenza for the past two weeks. Manly Davis, manager of the Sea- ^ b ard Air Line freight depot here, | has b. en tiansferred to Columbia. S. j C., and is moving his family there this i week. I Mrs. James Tarltou has returned' to her home in Portland, Indiana af ter a visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mf.s. W. \V Maurer have r, turned home from Richmond, Ken tucky, where Mr. Maurer -vas employ ed in the tobacco markets. Mrs. Melvin Creel has returned to her post at the Aberde.n postoffice after being absent two weeks on ac count of illness. Misses Dee Batcheler cf Peace Col lege and Frances Jean Freeman of Meredith College spent the past week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Macon attend ed the wedding of Mrs. Macon’s sis ter, Miss Josephine Adams, to! Douglass Wo,ley. at Linden last Sat-1 urday. The couple will make their home in Baltimore. Mrs. Wooley is ^ pleasantly remembered in Aberdeen where she often visited and has many friends who w'ish her happ ness in her new life. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Freeman and family attended the funeral of their little grands.n, Walter Duncan Me- Fayden, held in Fayetteville last Sunday afternoon. Others attending from here were the Rev. and Mrs. E, M. Harris. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Smith, Miss Lois McLeod, Leon Seymour and E, W. Norris. Mrs. H. E. Bowman is spending some time in Atlanta, Ga., where she was called <an account of the illness of her mother. Mrs. K. G. Deaton and children Free Freight Delivery Service Now in Effect Seaboard Inaugurates Shipper- to-Ccnsignee Plan for Less ' Carload Lots An intensive newspaper advertis ing campaign designed to describe the far reaching _and numerous ad vantages to its patrons of the new, free pick-up and delivery service tor less than carload freight shipments spent last Monday with her parents j been inaugurated thrcughout the at Timberland. i southeastern states by the Seaboard Mrs. Reid A. Page has been contin- j ^.ine Railway. The new service ed to her home for the past two days j became effective this week, with influenza. j Previous to the adoption of this Jesse Carter of the CCC camp at | plan it was necessary for shippers j Polkton spent the past week-end with ' and receivers of freight to take their i his parents here. j shipments to the railroad freight sta- j Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carpenter have I tion. and call there for incoming! LEGAL NOTICES with the said Vermont Avenue South 36 degs. 45 mins. East 92 feet to the point of beginniijg, being and com prising all of lets 11 and 12 in Block I (eye) and 6 (six), as shown on the aforesaid map, and beng the same land conveyed from Caroline Winder Hughes (widow) to L. C. Lorenson and wife, Ida M. Lcrenson by deed dated July 2, 1928 and recorded in the Moore County Registry in deed Book 103, at page 470, This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A five percent (5',d) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 17th day of January, 1936. JEFFERSON E. OWENS, J24-F14 Substituted Trustee. NOTK'E been confined to their home for the past week with influenza. Misses Botsy Jean Johnson and Ma- b,l Bethune, students at Flora Mac donald College, Red Springs, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. D. A. Hannon and daughters, Mi.sses Doris and Betty, attended the funeral services for Mrs. Mims, Mrs. shipments. Now, the Seabcard organ, ization assiimes full charge of tKe complete job- having trucks collect the shipments at shippers doors, take them to the freight station for trans fer to Seaboard freight trains, and then deliver by truck to the specified door at destinati'n. As an added feature of this new Hannon’s mother, held at Brickhaven ! Seaboard plan • is the allowance of i last Wednesday. j five cents per hundied pounds to con- j Misses Betty and Sarah Blue have ' signors or consignees who prefer to do their own hauling to and from the Seaboard station. C. O. D. shipments are also includ- returned from Salemburg where they sp.nt several days as guests cf Miss Eva Ruth Vandergrift. Jones Macon, Jr., has returned to! ed in this new plan, the Arm.v Post, Ki'lly Field, Texas, ^ after a 30-day fui lough at home. I LEGAL NOTICES P’red Weaver was included among those fortunate students able to | EXFXI TOR S NOTICE make the hon'r roll at the University j Having qualified on the 14th day of North Carolina. j of November. 1935 as Executor of Mrs. Garland Farrell was called to 1 the Last Will and Testament of Mrs. Miami, Florida last week on account of the serious illness of hei’ brother- in-law. The second meeting of the South ern Pines School basketball teams and their next-do r rivals, Pinehurst, will take place tonight, Friday, on the So^ithern Pines court. Pinehurst ha* long been the chief rival of the local teams, and the games tonight piomise to be exciting and interest ing. This will be the last chance this season for the Southern Pines cagers to compete with Pinehurst. As Pine hurst defeated them in the first game this season, the locals are out for revei»ge. The next gam? is scheduled for Tuesday night with Carthage. As fa'’ as is known at present this will be the last game here for the season. It is hoped that a large crowd will at tend both of these coming games. Italian Champ Here For Billiard Exhibition Mrs. Bog-gs Regent of Jl'MOR O. r. M. TO HAVE INVITATION .\T t AIITH.\<;e A district-wide class initiation for District No. 17. Jr. O. U, A. M„ will be held with Carthage Council, No. 165, at Carthage, Friday night, Feb ruary 21, at 7:30 o’clock. This is one of the Washington’s Birthday classes that are being received in each of the 28 districts in the state. A special feature of these meetings will be a broadcast fr,m Station W. B. T., Charlotte, at 10:30 p. m. by State Councilor Monroe Adams ot Statesville. All members of the coun- cifs in Moore county who can possi bly do s„ are urged to attend this meeting. Those who cannot attend this initiation are lequested to tune hi for the message of the State Coun cilor. Prof. H, A. Nanney, Mt. Gil-:ad, is District Deputy State Councilor for the 17th District, which is composed of Lee, Moore and Montgomery counties, with an aggregate of 15 Councils and 1229 members. FHA LOANS \V.\ILABLK FOU ELE<TKK' .Vl’PI.l.VNCES Of wide interest t* residents of the Carolinas is the announcement that the Governinent’s FHA finr.nce plan, which has attracted a great deal of attention and has been popularly re ceived in all parts of the country w'here it is operating, is now avail able to residents and commercial con cerns of this .section for the financing if purchases of mrious kinds of elec trical equipmetil and appliances. The FHA plan embraces many ad vantageous features as FHA terms allow the purchase of electrical appli ances for home or commercial use without any down payment except in the case of refrigerators, washers and ironera where a small initial pay ment is required, and provide for the cost to be met in small m nthly pay ments extending as long as 36 months. An exceedingly low carrying charge of only five percent applies on purchas.'s under FHA terms. Accord- mg to an announcement by R. L. Chandler, district manager of the Carolina Power and Light Company, the easy FHA terms will immediately become effective in this territory thus allowing many homes and business places to take prompt and greater ad vantage of the cheap electricity rates now prevailing in this territory by purchasing needed electrical mer chandise. Pat^y Natalie of Chicago ^Vas Sixth in Last World's Pocket Tourney Patsy Natalie of Chicago, Italian pocket billiards champion will ap pear at Straka’s Recreation parlors in Southern Pines tonight, Friday, at | 7:30 o’clock in a two-h.:ur billiard exhibition. Free instruction on bil- j Hard fundamentals to both women | and men and an exhibitiori of fancy shots will feature his program. Nat- ' alie comes here in connecti. n with the third annual national “Better Bil liards” program, sponsored by the National Billiard Association of •A.merica. Born in Italy in 1896. the Italian f’ueist first became interested in bil- liai-ds at the age of ten. Two years later he came to America and after Laving scho.l secured a position in a bowling alley in Stamford, Conn., where he seriously took up the pocket billiard game. ! His first major competition was at the age of 23 when he entered the ' N. w York State tournament. He tied i for first place but l~st in the play- * off. This defeat, however, made him more determined to keep on w’ith the ! game and as a result he has played in all the world championship tour- j naments since 1925. I The Italian cue master finished sixth in the last world's pocket bil- : liards championship tournament, held in New York last December. riNEHl RST HOUSE SHOW TO BENKFIT IlOSIMT \L - - - i Plans are well under way for the | annual Pinehurst Hcrse Show' to be held this year on March 31st and April 1st. This year's show will be ^ for the benefit of the Moore County ' Hospital. The Premium List will be [ out within the next 10 days, accordmg to Charles W. Picquet, show mana. | ger, and will offer the usual number of classes for saddle horses, hunters,! jumpers, trotters, polo ponies and' military mounts. ; At a meeting of the Executive,' committee this week Mrs. Jane A. Drexel of Pinehurst was named i chairman of the Membership commit- j tee which will have charge of the sale of family memberships and parking spaces for the two days. R. J. Palmer, deceased, late of Moore County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims 1 against the estate of said deceased, to , I present them, duly certified, to the 1* rv L.1. j undersigned, on or before the 15th Catholic Daughters ; day of January 1937, or this notice ■ ■ j will be pleaded in bar of their recov- Orpanization of New Court Here'ery. ah persons indebted to the said Completed with Election of Officers On Sunday February 2d Court Judge Willian (iaston No. 1239 ot the Catholic Daughters of America was organized irj Southei'n Pines. The ritual of the degrees was exemplified by officers from Court Bishop Hatey of Raleigh and Court Wilmington ot Wilmington. After the legrees the election of officers was held resulting Under and by virtue ot an order of the Superior Court of Moore County. North Carolina, the under signed Administratrices of J. N. Powell, dccoased, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Car thage, on Monday, the 17th day of February, 1936, at twelve o’clock noon, the capital stock of various corporations belonging to the estate of J. N. Powell enumerated and de scribed as follows: 97 shares of Southern Pines Im provement Company. 789 shares of Southern Pines Country Club stock (common). 35 shares of So\ithern,Pines Coun try Club stock (preferred). 10 shares of Citizens Bank & Trust C mpany of Southern Pines. 10 shares of Montgomery-Ward Company (common). 10 shares of Packard Motor Com pany. 10 .shares of United Corporation. 10 shares of Commonwealth & Southern. 2 shares cf Pinehurst, Incorporated (preferred). TJie sale of said stock is made sub ject to the approval and confirmation of the court after report of said sale to the court for such purpose. This 14th day of January, 1936. MARY POWELL BLACK GEORGIE A.POWELL. Administr-atrices of J. N. Powell, deceased. J24F14. LEGAL NOTICES without reference to the boundaries of said lots or the streets, alleys or center squares, shown on said Map of Southern Pines, to wit: Lots Nos. 11 to 22, both inclusive including alleys between said lots and one-half square in said block in Block Q and 15. Lots Nos. 1 to 4, both iticlusive, in Block Q and 16. Lots Nos. 1 to 4. both inclusive, and Lots Nos. 11 to 24, both inclusive, and the alleys between said lots and the .square in said block in Block 5 and 15. Block R and 16, including all lots in said block, the square and the al leys. Block R and 17, including the en tire block. Block S and 15. lots Ncs. 5 to 16, both inclusive, three alleys and part of square. Block S and 16, including all the lots and alleys and square in said block. I Lots Nos. 1 to 4, both inclusive, in Block S and 17. Lots No. 1 in Block U and 15. The foregoing lots constituting said eleven acres will be sold as one tract. THIRD TRACT: One building lot Nc-. 305 located on what is known as the Golf Links Country Club line and shown on Map No. 2, page 52, in Book of Maps in the ofhce of the Register cf Deeds of Moore County. FOURTH TRACT: Lots Nos. 8 to 18, both inclusive, situated in or near the town of Southern Pines and situ ate in what is known as "Pine Dene” and more particularly known and d; signaled on a map of "Pine Dene" recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Maps No. 1. Section 1. FTFTH TRACT: One-half undivid ed interest in what is known as Pow ell and Williams farm in Bsnsalem Township, Moore Coimty, known as the Manisee property, containing 74 acres, more or less. SIXTH TRACT: One-half interest in five building lots in Sandhill Town ship, Moore County, North Carolina, known as the Buchan and Powell building lots. The sale of said real estate is made subject to the confirmation of the court after report of said sale to the court. This 14th day of January, 1936. U. L. SPENCE. Jan. 24-F14 Commissioner. estate will please make immediate payment to me. Dated this 15th day of January, 1936. j R.L CHANDLER, ! I Executor, Southern Pinos' Executor, F7M13 Southern Pines, N. C.' . —■ ■■■ ■! '■ ■ —I ..I - , NOTH'E OF FOREC’LOSl RE ! SALE I , , , „ , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I m the following; Grand Regent, Mrs. j jjy yji-tue of the terms of! Marietta Boggs; Vice Regent, Miss i two certain deeds of trust, both ex-1 Emile Wilson; Prophetess, Miss Ger-' ecuted by C. L. Williams and wife,! O'Rrvnn- Pinanrial Sorrptarv ^ngie ^ Wdliams. and b~th in fav-i or of G. C. Seymour. Trustee, one NOTK'E OF SALE OF L.ANI) trud? O’Bryan; Financial Secretary Mrs. Sarah Lorenson; Historian. Miss Ruth Atkins: Treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Spring; Monitor, Mrs. Mary Williams; dated October 1, 1930 and recorded i in the office of the Register of Deeds j of M_ore County, North Carolina, ini Lecturer, Mrs. Harriet C. Maloney; ! ^ook 50 at page 130, and the other | „ . I November 29, 1932 and recorded in Sentinel,; Miss Millie Montesanti j office of the Register of Deeds j Trustees. Mrs. Frances Woods, Mrs. j of Mocre County, North Carolina, in j Mary James and Mrs. Helen Dunn. ! Book .'iO at page 248, default having j The following became members Mrs. I' ^ mdebtedness secured by both deeds i Ellen Taft. Mrs. Mary Mukloon, Mrs. , trust, and the powers of sale con-j Margaret Betts, Mrs. Delia A. Whit- tained in each there'f having become j comb. Mrs. Elodie Bourgault, Miss ' operative and the holder of the notes Elizabeth Jacobs, Miss Jennie Gor-I by said deeds of trust hav- mg requested the trustee to fore man, Mr'S. Mary McHugh, Mrs. j deeds of trust, the un- Mary Moore and Miss Rose Zipprich. ' dersigned, pursuant to said request, The degrees were exemplified at ' accordance with the powers ^ . I sale contained in .said deeds of the home of Mrs. Ruth Spring who , trust will offer for sale at public auc- served as h"stess to the new court i tion, for cash, before the Court House and guests. The first business meeting was held in the new Saint Anthony's Hall last Monday at which time it was decid ed to hold a social meeting on Tues day evening. February 18 with Miss Millie Monte.santi, chairman of the entertainment committee. ANOTHER IIOl SE IS LE.XBEI) FOR SEASON Mr. and Mrs. Aquila Giles of New York City have leased the VVillcox house on Midland Road fcr the bal ance of the season. The Willcox house is one of Pinehurst’s most attrac- Door in the town of Carthage, Moore Cunty, North Carolina, at the hour of Twelve O'clock Noon, on the 28th d*y of Febr\iary, 1936, the following described real estate: LOTS NOS. 35 and 36 fronting on Chestnut Street in the town of Aberdeen, as described and contain ed in a certain map of “Lakeside Heights" made by Francis Deaton, C. E., which map is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book 58 at page 602, r-eference to which is hereby made for more complete description. This 27th day of January. 1936. G. C. SEYMOUR, Trustee. J31-F21 Per Johnson & Johnson. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author- tive hemes, facing the number twolity conferred by Deed of Trust exe- LIEl'T. >\HITTEN KILLED IN .AIRPLANE CRASH Lieutenant Dudley E. Whitten of Wharton, Texas, and Lieutenant Wil liam K. Payne of Atlanta, Ga., were killed in Washington, D. C., on Tues day of last we?k when their plane crashed in an attempted landing at Bolling Field. Both were army avia tors stationed at Fort Bragg. Lieutenant Whitten was well known in Southern Pines, having been a member of the Fort Bragg tennis team which played a local team a series of matches a year ago and having been here during the j Spring Blo.ssom Festival. Th? cause of the accident is not' known. golf course Mrs. Giles is the former juiia Hoyt, famous star of the New York stage. Both she and Mr. Giles were at the Carolina J^otel several weeks ago when they decided to return for the season. At present, they are in Belair, Florida, but will take possession of their home here on the 22nd cf this month. The transaction was made through the L. L. Biddle II agency. TO SHOW FILIVI HERE OF SKIING ON PINE NEEDLES A moving picture reel showing the practicability of skiing on pine need les is coming to Southern Pines in the near future to give representa tives of the Chamber of Commerce and others an opportunity to look into the new sport’s application to the Sandhills. It will be shown pub licly, probably at the Highland Pines Inn. at a date to be announc ed shortly. Tobacco exports last year showed an increase orer 1934. cuted by L. C. Lorenson and wife. Ida M. Lorenson, dated the 15th day of February, 1929, and recorded in Book .50, F*age 39 in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Moore County. Jef ferson E. Owens, Substituted Trus tee, will, at twelve o'clock Noon on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY aiS’f, 1936 at the Court House Door of Moore County in Carthage, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit: Those two lots or parcels of land in the town of Southern Pines. Moore County, North Carolina, beginning at a point in the Southern Line of West Vermont Avenue, the same being the Northwestern corner of a sixteen foot alley, and the Northeastern corner of Lot No. 11 as shown on the official map of Southern Pines on file in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County in Book 10, at page 600; running thence with the Western line of said alley South 53 d*?g. 15 mins. west 150 feet to an iron pin in the Northern line of the Central Square thence with the Central Square North 36 deg. 45 mins. West 42 feet to an iron stake, a corner of said Cen tral Square and lots 11 and 16; thence North 8 degs. 15 mins. E. 70.65 feet to an iron pin, a corner of lots 12 14 and 15; thence North 53 degs. 1.5 mins. East with the back line of lots 14 and 13, 100 feet to the said W. Vermont Avenue; thence Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by deed of trust execut ed by Bella Ginsburg and husband. EH Ginsburg, dated the 15th day of September. 1927, and recorded in Book 47. page 242, in the office of the Reg^ister of Deeds for Moore county, V. S. Bryant. Substituted Trustee, will at twelve o'clock noon SATURD.4V, FEBRUARY 15TH, 1936 at the Court House Door of Moore County in the Town of Carthage, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to wit: Situated in Moore County. Carthage, N. C. and Beginning ^t a stake North west side of Dow'd Street, Janie Mc Leod's corner: thence with McLeod's line N. 45 1-2 W. 4.35 chains to a stake, McLeod's corner, also a corner of 7-10 acres herein included; thence with a line 7-10 acres N. 21 W. 2.25 chains to a stake at a branch, Mc Donald's corner, also the second cor ner of 7-10 acres; thence S. 71 W. 2.37 to a McDonald's corner at Branch; thence S. 27 E. 3.78 chains to a stake the beginning corner of 7-10 acres, Wadsworth corner; thence on Wads worth line's S. 40 1-2 E. 4.30 chains to a stake in the North west edge of Dowd Street; thence N. 37 E. 2.70 chains with Dowd Street to the first station, containing 2 2-10 acres, more or less. And being the same land con veyed to Bella Ginsburg and husband, Fli Ginsburg by Eli Ginsburg by deed dated the 5th day of December. 1922. and recorded in Book 87, Page 589. Moore County Registry. This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes ad assessments against said property whether now due or to become due. A five percent (5", i cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 13th day of Januar y. 1936. V. S. BRYANT. J24F14 Substituted Trustee. NOTICE OF LAND SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Moore Coun ty made in the special proceeding of Mary Powell Black and Georgie A. Po well. Administratrices of J. N. Pow ell. deceased vs. Mary Pow'ell Black, et al, the undersigned Commissioner will offer fcr sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Carthage, on Monday, the 17th day of February. 1936. at twelve o’clock noon, the following de.scribed real estate situated in Moore County, North Carolina, belong^ing at the time of his death to J. N. Powell, deceas ed to wit: FIRST TRAC'rS: Lots in the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, known, described and designated cn a map of South ern Pines filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, to which reference is made, number ed thereon and described as follows: Lot No. 20 in Block J and 3 on New Hampshire Avenue. Lots Nos. 18, 19, and 20 in Block M and 2 on Ma.ssachusetts avenue. One-third undivided interest in Lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block J and 6 with two houses, SECOND TRACTS: The following lots of land situate in the Town of Southern Pines, Moore County, North Carolina, as laid out and desif^nated on the Map of Southern Pines filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, as aforesaid set forth, which lots, however, constitute one tract of about eleven acres of land which is included in one parcel and has heretofore been cultivated C-O-A-L. C-O-K-E Phone 58 C. G. FARRELL Alx*rdeen, N. Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Office—IMnehurst Racetrack Telephone 3043 A. L,. ADAMS PAINTER — DECORATOS PAPER HANGER WALL PAPERS Phone €922 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage Southern Pines, N. C. Tel. 50SS ALTON D. McLEAN COMPLETE HOME FURNISHER CASH OH CREDIT ABERDEEN J. N. POWELL, INC. Funeral Directing Embalming Ambulance Service Day and Night Phone 6161 East Broad St., Soutliern Fines Service Since 1895 Su3SS3ESB W!!l be in his office over the Post Office. Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 3:u0 p. m. Don’t fall to lee tiin if roar eyea ere weak. Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOTARY PUBLIC John S. Ruggles INSURANCE AGENCY PhQne 5721

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