Page Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and ‘Aberdeen, North Carolina THE PILOT Friday, February 21, 193& Published each Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, Southern Pines, N. C. NELSON C. HYDE Editor FR-\NCES FOLLEV Advertising Mana^'er DAN S. RAY Circulation Manager CARO-GRAPHICS ™ by Murray Jones, Jr. Subscription Kates: One Year Six Months Three Months $.2.00 „..$1 00 .50 Entered at the Postoffice at South, ern Pines, N. C., as second .class mail matter. ovnwii' DO YOU KNOW YOUR STATE? JOHN SEVIER, nRST GOVERHOR OF TfNHESSEE, WAS"WAI1TEP''IH THIS 6MTf NDYOUKNOWthat ITHASBFEHTriOlKiHTWflr 50ME0FTME AMCE5T0RS OF THE CROATAH INDIANS OFROBESOrtCO.\VERE MFM BfWOFTHE 105TC010MY or ROANOKE ? PrBLIClTY SAVES A FEW IJVES Publicity, like advertising, pays. For several months now the press of state and nation has. been making the public accident-1 conscious, with particular em-1 phasis upon the automobile and its tremendous toll of life. That! this campaign is meeting with some success in North Carolina ^ —' "■ ■ - ... - -■ ■- - is happilyj evidenced in reports begiimings the Barns- from the Division of Highwa> , Qjj (\)mpany grew to be- Safety. Sixty-one P^i'sons was | petroleum the stat s death toll in J^nu- country. From ary which, appalling as It seems, thousands of wells is the smallest number killd oj^^and a great network of pipe our highways in any one month meager beginnings since April, 134. (swelled into one of the out- In addition to 61 killed last: >jtanding refintries of the coun month, 59 persons were injured I try. in 42 accidents on the highways. ’ ‘Many of the old oil men of In January, 1935, the fatalities Penns.’dvania located here in the totalled 90, the injured 506. In' Sandhills. Oil, like many of the December we killed 115 around'other commodities, has had a the state. great romance. The early day Captain Farmer of the State operators changed the country Highway Patrol believes the bad , as if b.'i magic. Without that weather had much to do with courageou.'^ lot of explorers the the decrease last month. Driving country today would b e a was hazardous much of the mighty different place, time, and the drivers more care- McKinne;-, Barnsdall, How- ful. It shows, he said, that land, Ramage, and a long list of “people can drive carefully and others. They found a place here saflvi if they will.” GoGvernor to their liking—faith in the fu- Ehringhaus attributed the de- i ture, as in the past—all carry- crease to “making the people, ing on in the same spirit of en- more safety conscious” thi'ough : thusiasm and courage as they campaigns, and also to “better and their ancestors did in earli- enforcemerit arid observation of er tlays of America's growth the laws,” I —H. K There were 54 fatal accidents ‘ last month, and pedestrians were >IIN(il().N S involved in 26 of theni. There IHLhM.>L\ wer five children under 14 vears Moore county s tflicient and of age kilkd playing in the working health offictr. Dr. street.s. Symington, will have the sym- Speeding machines caused 12 pnicticall\ fatal and 44 non-fatal accidents f ^'iTone in the county in the di- Itmma in which he tinds him- AT THE PATTIE OF KIH65 MTH OPPOSING FORCES WORE AS PI$TIN6UISHIN0 MARK^ EITHER A PIKE OF TAPIR OR A 5PR16 OF PINF THERE WERE OVER 500 LOG SCHOOL HOUSES IN NORTH MROIINA IN 1905 DID YOU KNOW THAT CriE EARlY5TATFiA\V5AID TMATAFTFRAMAN HAD LIVED IN N.C roR5YEARV,Hff001D NOTBESUEPFORPEefT^MADE BEFORE HE EmEREPTHE5TATE ? PARK VIEW HOTEL Southern Pines, N. C. Modern, convenient, reasonable Write for Booklet; Rates CHARLES J. SADLER, Mgr. Southern Pines, N. C. • TH6 EOlTOftS OF CARO'CRAPHICS INVltr YOWTO SCNO HI INTCJiESTINO FACTS ABOUT YOOd COMMONITY • The Doctor and The Hotel Man Bv a Sandhills Hotel MaiiaRer Grains o! Sand B. while reckless driving caused nine deaths and injured 83. Skid ding resulted in six fatal acci dents and 64 non-fatal. Five fa tal and 16 non-fatal accidents were charged to hit-and-run drivers. Only three fatal accidents were caused by intoxicated drivers, compared with 13 in De cember. One daf mute was driv ing a machine involved in a fa tal accident. self. p]veryone who knows him ^ well knows that it is wholly im possible that Dr. Symington would knowingly violate any law. He is one of the most sub stantial citizens of the county , and beloved by everyone who knows him, and it is believid that if he violated any law, it was unwittingly done and for the purpose of relieving suffer ing regarded by him as most humanitarian. ' You know the old time doctor With his old time one hoss shay How the folks was sendin’ for him To come riu'^nin’ night and day. Uncle Si ha.s cut his ear off. Auntie Liz has got a rash, .Susie's gone and bust a finger, Little Bill was in a crash. Jo'’ i.s turnin’ kind o' greenish — Billy's swallowed down a pin— Selma's always kinila dizzy- - Mary's getting awful thin. Auntie Saiah's having labor, Better huiry guess it's twins. Johnny can not stop his hiccoughs, ITncle Jake is full of gin. Day and night in lain or sunshine He was going till he fell. But it's nothing to the jumpin' When you manage a hotel. Ther.'s no heat in my apartment - I There's a door that kinda squeaks. We are short of toilet paper— Fix the pipe that leaks and leaks. I Where's the .xtry chair y’ promised'.’ I Where's the music cornin' from'? Can't y' move my next door peignbor Or- up their youngster’s drum ? t Say, I’m going to give a party; Get some music, will y’—-cheap' Tell them guys in 907 To be quiet, I can't sleep. I How abut that job of paintin’? Say my steak was awful tough— Give my dough back get some menus Gee, your towels are awful rough. quick "How's my Cash this check credit ?” "Don’t you know, sir, who I am ? Th?re’s a bell hop hauling liquor—■ .\nd the night clerk’s in a jam. In only one fatal accident was a w’oman driver, involved, while thistle club’s v.\lf:ntink out-of-state cars were involved bridcje .a gkeat si ctess in four fatal and 49 non-fatal ^ wrecks. | The Valentine progressive bridge The hour between 7 and eight given by The Thistle Club for at night was the most danger- , members and their friends, was *^h>nk country doctors ous in January, nine fatal and I unqualified success. There were ® 52 non-fatal accidents occurring ' tables playing, and the nine high don’t know wha^s action in that period, while Mondays "^^de by the following: ' """ and Saturdays were the most P' Fitzgerald, Mrs. Eliza beth Davis, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Miss Mary Prizer, Mrs. E. Levis Prizer, Mrs. C. P. Everest, Mrs. H. E. Throw er, Mrs. Howard Buins and Mrs. Earl Merrill. Attractive prizes were award ed. The dcor prize, an appropriate basketball teams reaped sweet its most ^'®*'ntine box of sweets, was won by *'*^''enge wtien they took a double- dangerous da\»; with nine fatal accidents on those davs. Kept a goin’ to beat Hell rother, you doi Till j'o>i run a damn hotel. Oil rights reserved) SOI TIIKItX FINES GETS KEVEN