Friday, February 21, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pine^ and Aberdeen. North Carolina Pag'® Threl Medical Fund For ^ Reading Matter Solicited For County Poor Needed Bookless Homes in County Money Sought to Provide Indi- Kent Families With Care and Medicine LAKEVIEW A Home Demonstration Club li- Mrs. P. L. Gardner, Douglas Gard ner anti Mrs. Rnberl T. Woodruff, Jr., j and son Ralph were shopping in San- ! ford this week. VV. H. Salmon of Lining ton spent Thursday night with hi.s daughter and j son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Bul lard. ^ A. M. Stephenson of Ral igh calleil Thad Blank, white of Eastwood, on on the Mclnnis family on Thursday. Monday in Recorder's Court enter- ; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Thompson and cd a i>lea of guilty to charg.a of pub-, family and J. D. Kubanks of Hills often pul to it to secure medical at-; -'^.'^ V'; v." ” ' k" . drunkenness, disorderly conduct' b ro spent Sunday with Mr. and tention and medicines for people who 1 " ^ ^opmg to | unlawful possession of liquor. He Mis. J. O. Blue and family. ' ‘ .see come true withm the near fu- • Effort to Be Made by Home i ‘Demcnstration Club to Strat I Circulatinj*' Library An appeal is being made through | the county papers foi- money with ' which to establish a Medical Fund forI" ^^e County Home Demonstration Agent the Welfare county. Mrs. W, Gilliam Department of Moore j from Brown, County Superint. ndent of Public Welfare, is which said agent may distribute books to farm women as she goes here and there throughcut the cwm- ty to meet her clubs, is a dream Recorder’s Court Hlatk. While, is Feelinjj Blue; He Did Things That He Shouldn't Do ANNOUNCEMENT I am rcpresentin,£2: the Chicag’o Sign Sales Cor])oration, Charlotte, N. C., for a Diamond Neon Signs |{ A. L. ADAMS - - Southern Pines | ff can get along fairly well until an;, | was given a 30-day n ad sentence to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNeill of jj emergency, such as illness in the which many public-, ^pgin at the expiration of a three Southern Pines vi.sited Mr. and Mrs. l\ familv arises but have no resources’'^’’*’ people of this section w, ill | sentence imiKi.sed in a former J. R, McQueen and Mrs. Daniel Me- H ‘ , . doubtless desire to hfive a part in upon which to draw' in such an tmergcncy. For instance, three membeis of a family near Pinehurst were stricken with pneumonia and ha<l no money with which to get a doctor. Between Pinehurst and Carthage, in a family of six, the mother was narrowly sav- case. I Noil Sun<lay afternoon. Beulah Jones, coLred of Aberdeen,! Mrs. Minni. Oldham of Pinehurst ed from pneumonia by aid of the Wel fare department. Thes: cases are only, tnaga^nes to two of many. , what the “after supper The County Health Officer is not hours” are like in homes where there allowed to do private practice and it j jg a dearth of reading material, would take a very full county treas-, Demonstration Club ury to take care of all such cases. commended for their Other physicians have been most co-1 operative. One ventured out on a j I interested in the project who would bi Inging to pass. While many of the farm homes in found guilty of the unlawful pos-' culled on friends hsre Sunday. Moore county are well supplied witli i jjquor. Her 30-day sentence P. L.. Gaidner and Melvin Gauiner books, magazines and daily papers, , suspended upon her paying $20 of Patrick, S. C., spent ihe week-end there are > thera to which come no jjjid promising to pay $5 a week .it home. daily or weekly papers and perhaps i remainder cf the bill is Hiram Mclnnis, who was confined only one, if any, monthly publication. influenza week, is It is difficult for those who have Q^orge McCoy’s 60-day road sen- greatly improved and able to be out shelves lined with books and racks :: H :: :: ti II in the mud, high cost ot ^ donate one or more bocks to tence imposed for possessing and sell-' again. Winfrey Causey also was on ing liquor to be suspended upon the ' ^he sick list, but is out again. j || payment of a fine of $25 and the P- Causey of Raleigh, visited ; ;• costs. McCoy is a colored man of - Mrs. A. M. Causey and fani- ;; country road, stuck bringing the already transportation to a neat sum. It is' proposed library should get in easy to see that a way must be pro- ^ cemonstra- vided to pay at least a nominal fee.} plus medicines. j McDonald. Home Anyone wishing to rontribc'te to: Agent, at Carthage this worthy cause may s?n 1 contri-; butions direct to Mrs. W. Gilliam Aberdeen. Cleveland Hughes, colored of Aberdeen, pleaded guilty cf driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He was given sixty days on the roads, suspended upon payment of a fine ol $50 and the costs, and he is not to drive for 90 days. ily over the week-end. ! tJ Mr. and Mrs. A. Clements cf Rock- j|; ' ingham are residing in Lakeview. j II Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallace of W'est F.nd spent the week-end at the ’ ;l Mclnnis home. Miss Pearl McNeill of « I <: Charlotte t: spent the week-end with her mother, * •; jJ. R. McQueen. , Amos Howell, white of Vass was' ’Daniel McNeill and sister, Mrs t: or with Miss Flora f . , . found griulty of an assault on A. Demonstration Laubscher with a deadly weapon, but . ^ ^reen, manager of the Lake- .. ' net guilty of public drunkenness. He Hotel, was host to a nuhiber ot :j I was sentenced to serve three months ' at a quail dinner here I Brown, Superintendent of Public Welfare, Carthage. An Itemized state ment of the expenditure of all checks will be made to the donor if the ad dress is given. <’OUNTY VOTES $1,500 FOK NEEDED SCHOOL REPAIRS a quail : on the roads. Notice of appeal to Su- ' "^^iTsday night ' Ti.f.. perior Court was given and bond was REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Andy Pass and wife to Frankie ! Cameron, property in Mineral Springs I township. ‘ C. Archie Haley and wife to Oren | made to get her in an asylum, the I Farrington, property in Moore covm- j State took a nol pros with leave in | fixed at $250. It appearing that Callie Mashburn is insane and that efforts are being Mr. and Mrs. Frank Briscoe, after a few weeks’ stay in Florida, are back at home. ^ Pilot Advert'fling Payi. ty- ! an assault charge. Thomas O. Watson and wife to V., A nol pros with leave was taken in THE ARK Southern Pines North Carolina, U. S. A. A special meeting of the Boar County Commissioners was held on Monday to consider the needed re pairs to school buildings, a matter which was brought to their attention last week by the Board of Education in resolutions requesting that not less than $3,000 be made available to meet the most urgent repair needs during the remainder of the present school term. After considering the matter, the ,1 Atkins, property in Caithage town-, the case of Eugene Ra.y. colored of a Country Day and Boarding School sliip- j Aberdeen, who was chargofl with tak- V. E. Atkins to E. C. Watson, prop-; ing $2.75 from the person of James erty in Carthage township. McNeill. , Cameron and Community On Thursday evening of last week, i daughter Nancy and John Matthews Mrs. R. F. Lowry entertained at a j of Sanford w£re supper guests Sun day of Mrs. Gecrgie Matthews. Mrs. John A. Johnson of Route 2 has received an announcement of the ^ expenditure of $1,500 on necessary j emergency repairs and for current I bills. I I V'alentine bridge party at the home of I Mrs. Loula Muse. The rooms were . . , , 1 decoiated with greenery and cama- commissioners voted to authorize the i ,, , , . „ . i fl.uaged early spring flowers. Six ta bles were in play and a number of spirited progressions were enjoyed. Mrs. W. H. Abernathy held high score for the ladies. Robert McFadyen the gentleman’s high score. Low score prizes were awarded Mrs. W. G. Par ker' and W. H. Abernathy. Those play ing were Mesdames J. E. Snow. W. | H. Abernathy, L. B. McKeithen. Georgie McFadyen. J. M. Guthrie, Jewell Hemphill, Loula Muse, W. G. Parker. C. H. Eckerson, H. D, Tally. Misses Jacksie Muse, Minnie Muse. Thiirla Cole. Mary Emma Thomas. Katie Harrington, L. B. McKeithcn. W. H. Abernathy, Dr. C. N. Eckerson. R'beit McFadyen, H. D. Tally, John Hunter, Franklin Loving, J. E. Snow, and George Cole. The hostess, assist ed by Miss Minnie Muse and Mrs. for children under fourteen years. Thorough preparation for leading .1 schools. || All out-door activities in sunny, brac- y ing climate. ^ I* OPEN-AIR CLASSES ' g MUSIC, ART HANDICRAFT Ig References ' H • • Illustrated bo'klet MILLICENT A. HAYES, Principal to Taxpayers A penalty of only one-half of one per cent, is being- charged on 1935 taxes dur ing the month of February, but on March 1st the penalty will rise to one per cent, and will increase with each succeeding n:onth. Pay your taxes during the remaining days of Febmary and save the additional cost. NOORE COUNTY CONNISSIONERS :: :! •• H iutntKu STRAIGHT FOR A RECORD • And getting the jump on all contenders — Glenmore now goes recordwith this sm<ioth: well-aged, rich, full- powered Kentucky Straight Whiskey- produced byoneof Kentucky's oldest and foremost dis tilling families— and backed by more than 60 years j>f cofititiuous expe- rience.Glenmore is 100 PROOF FULL STRENOiTH 16 MONTHS OLD arrival of a granddaughter at the iiome of Mrs, Bill Hessick of W'ashing- ton, D. C. Mrs. Hessick before her j .iiarriage was Miss Eunice Johnson. ' Carl Rowan, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Rcwan of near Union church, was buried in Union ceme-1 tery on Thursday. j Miss Mary Hentz, pr imary teacher, I who unda went an operation for ap- | pendicitis at Lee County Hospital, re- ‘ turned to the home of Mrs. Alex Mc Pherson on Monday. She hopes to be ".ble to resume her school duties scon. Miss Cathrinc McDonald .teacher at Hemp, resumed her school work Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Yow spent Sun day with Mr. Yow’s father, A. W. Yo-.v in Lemon Springs. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gibson of Rock-1 ingham spent the week-end with Mrs. j KENTUCKY trdighi Whiskey j Jewell Hemphill served refreahments I Circle No. 2 of the Woman’s Aux-! Qibson’s mother, Mrs. Janie Muse, j iliary of the Presbyterian Church . met on Fi'iday afternooa of last week ■ with Mrs. H. D. Tally. Devotional and ‘ Bible study was conducted by Miss I Rachael Gilchrist. A questionaire on j the “Faith of Our Fathers” was pre- I sented by Miss Thurla Ccle. A club, as yet namelcow, is being j organized by the young people of the community, and a prize is offered for ! the best name submitted to the Mrs. Little of the White Hill sec- ’ tion is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Yew'. i Prof. and Mrs. R. F. Lowry and the 1 Rev. Frank Hare of Jonesboro were : dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hendricks. Mrs. J .W. Rogers and Mrs. O. C. Britton spent the week-end in High Point and Winston-Salem. J. f nf»!sessat i Felicia Graham of Route 1 spent , judges. Miss Jessie Thomas of Route . ; 1 entertained the enrolled members, McDermott,: at a Valentine party last Friday even- j^^n and George McDermott and Miss | ing. “Hearts” was played at several | Margaret McDermott were guest, i tables. Miss Mary Hendricks winning I Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Me, high score for the ladi-s and Frank Q^llum of Eureka I Loving for the men. Valentine re freshments were served. Miss Irene Hudson cf Louisville, Ky., field secretary cf Christian Edu cation and Ministerial Relief, will make a talk in the Presbyterian Church this evening, Friday, at 7:30 SEE US For General Electrical Refrig'erators and Ranges, PHILCO RADIOS C. J. SIMONS 4 E. Connecticut Avenue Telephone 7151 Miss Mary Smith of Route 1 was the Sunday guest of Miss Marie Park er’. Miss Martha Britton of Route 1 jpent Friday night with Mrs. Jewell Hemphill. Cameron School, after six days sus- o’clock. Everyone is cordially invit- pension, reopened Monday ed, and members of the Auxiliary and ^rs. W. M. Wooten, Miss Ruby Y. P. C.. also ladles and young peo- ^ wooten. Kenneth Wooten, Mrs. Jew- ple’s organizations of sister denomi-, Hemphill, Mrs. Loula Muse Prof. nations are especially urged to be j^rs. R. F. Lowry, Misses Kffie present. , Margaret Gilchrist and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Matthews and j ^rs. A. D. Lyon were Sanford shop- ! pers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Lee of San ford were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Loving and daughter Carolyn were guests Satur- da.y of Mr. and Mrs. Flint Loving. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Womble of Sanford were visitors Sunday of Ivir. and Mrs. J. M. Guthrie. Mi-, and Mrs. T. O. Roberts of Dur ham called on Mrs. O. C. B*itton NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ••• VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE • » • rULL-FLOATlNG REAR AXLE make Chevxolet the world's greatest truck value The Irui'k with the greatest puUing'pouvr in the entire low-price range . . , the safest truck that money can buy . . . and the most eco nomical truck for all-round duty — that's the new 1936 Chevrolet! See these new Chevrolet trucks—subject them to any and every competitive test—and you will know that they’re the ivorld's thriftiest high’poHvred trucks and therefore the world’s greatest values! CHKVROLKT MOTOR COMP.4NY, DETBOIT. MICH. NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES always equalized for quick, unswerving, “straight line” stops. NEW FULL- TRIMMED DE LUXE CABS NEW HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-HEAD ENGINE with increased horsepower, increased torque, greater economy in gas and oil j with elear-vision inHtruin<-nt panel ft>r safe eonln>l 6"^ NEW MONEY-SAVING G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN Comparf ChetrolH's toiv Jeiit^rod price* and low monthly paymentn. A GENERAt. MOTORS VALUE FULL-FLOATING REAR AXLE with barrel ty|>c wheel kearinga on 1^-ton models NEW 1936 CHEVROLET TRUCKS IVlid-SouLtlri IVlotors' Inc. Aberdeen, N. C.

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