Friday, February 21. 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North CaroIin« Paye Flv« HHHiHmunHmnnnnninimnmmmHmmttimmHwnamnHHtmnitmnmima Arrow Shirts <. .--a' •• Deep Tone Gay Patterns With Kent Wide Spread Collar Conservative Stripes with Aroset Starchless Collar $2.00 and $2.50 ASK FOR DUFF For evening wear Arrow’s new dress shirt with Arosfct collar attached. T€G /HCP The Week in Southern Pines H. J. Maloney was called to Lan-, the regular Tuesday meeting. Meni- caster, N. H. Saturday by the death ^ bets should bring lunch, thimble and of his father, Thomas J. Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Durgin re turned Sunday from several weeks’ stay in Florida. Tha Gertrude Circle of the Bap tist Church will meet with Mrs. Louis Scheipers at her hame on Connec ticut avenue Monday night at 8:00 o’clock. Mrs. Julia C. Poate of Kaleigh Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Mr. and spent Thursday in Southern Pines. Mrs. Harold C. Buckminster, Mr. and Mrs. William Sillsby and Miss Mil- Mrs. W. W. Windle and Mr. and Mrs. dred Sillsby of Littleton, N. H., were guests last Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Grey while en route to Summit, N. J., where she at tended the wedding of her son. Mis. Gioffrey Laing has returned Local Composer Has Works on Exhibition shears. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Leonard of Ch;stnut Hills, Mass., have leased one of the Lachine houses on Weymouth Heights for the remainder of the sea.son. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Musser enter tained at dinner Monday evening at th?ir home cn Weymouth Heights for Emmet French. Mrs. Jane H. Tow'ne has returned New Orleans. Miss Margaret Carmen Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cocoanut Grove where she has Adams, a graduate nurse from the been for the past few weeks. Anson Sanatorium in Wadesboro, has recently received word that she has successfully passed the State beard examination. Miss Adams is a grad uate of the Southern Pines High School. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patch spent last Sunday in Raleigh. Miss Gwendolyn Woodbury of Bal timore, Md., has been the guest of Mrs. Shields Cameron for a month. Mrs. F. P. Starr of St. John, New Clement V. Wrenn. studsnt at Biunswick is occupying her home State College, U. N. C. spent the Weymouth Heights, week-end at his home on Ashe street. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Doyle cele- Mirs Sara DuRant, student at brated their first wedding anniver- Qucen's Chico:a in Charlotte, spent sary at a buffet supper at the home thi week-end with her parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merrill Sunday and Mrs. R. S. Durant. night. Twenty guests were present. M s. John M. FranJtlin of Glen Boylston A. Tomp- Cove, L. I., has anived to spend some Glen Cove, L. I., entertained Frederick Stanle.v Smith’s Com- positions Shown at Ha.ves’ Bookshop The published music compositions of Frederick Stanley Smith are ex hibited in Hayes B,ok Store window this week. The list incluues five com positions for organ, five for piano, two vocal solos, one violin solo, five anthems for mixed voices, and eight four-part choruses for male voices. The firms publishing Mr. Smith’s works are G. Schirmer, New York; M. Witmark & Sons, New York; Oli- v.r Dit.son Company, Boston; Clay ton F. Summy, Chicago; White-Smith Company, Boston; Theo. Presser Co., of Philadelphia, and the C. Harold Lowden Company, also of Philadel phia. Ml', Smith came to Southern Pines in September 1932 to become music .supervisor in the public school. In ad dition to this work he is music di- r.ctor at Emmanuel Episcopal Church and maintains a private studio at his home on the corner of New Hamp shire avenue and May street. Mr. Smith is also president of the N. C. Public School Music Teachers’ Asso ciation, which will meet in annual convention in Raleigh next month, and a director of the local Chamber of Commerce. The VAL.EX Careful Work *• «« Cleaners and Pressers I to the Sandhills | Prompt Deliveries Every garment insured from fire and theft from the time it leavs your door. Teephone .56.51 Southern Pines Anniversary Week This week marks the anniversary of the opening of the Pinehurst Theatre, and the opening of the re-tnod- led Southern Pines Theatre when its name was changed from “The Princess” to ‘‘The Carolina.” We have ntVer ceased striving to give our patrons the best the market offered and the particular t.\ipe of attraction we thought they would like best. If you think we have done a fairly good job, we would appreciate the opportunity to welcome you this week to all of our shows. —The Management. fmtrnttiiinmnmnmfflttmnmnttmtwmmmmtmimmmwtmmwnttmwmta Lime at The Paddock. Frank Hughes of Wa.shingtcn has leased th? George Monroe cottage on Massachusetts avenue. Mrs. Etta M. Day is the guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Day. Mr. and Mrs, A, S. Ruggles had as their guest over the week-end their son, Edward Ruggles of Ral eigh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of New' York are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W'. Burke at their home, “Bye Days.” Saturday night at a fancy dress din- ner-dance at The Paddock. Mrs. J. S. Milliken and Mrs. E. V. Perkinson entSftained last Friday at the Mid-Pines Club at a luncheon and bridge. Guests were Mesdanies Han nah Jacks n of Jefferson, Maine, Frank Pottle of Jefferson, N. H., Rob. ei't L. Hart, Jam.s W. Dickie, D, G, Stutz, Frank Goodwill, Hugh Bet- terly, E. L. Prizer and Norris Hodg kins. I Miss Thelma Metzbower and Miss Anna Cameron entertained at three tables of bridge at Miss Cameron’s Brush and timber fences have beer put in position on the Sandhills stee plechase course on the Midland Road I ( JOHN S.\IITH IN 16‘i4 In his Generali Historie, written in 1626, Captain Smith tells the story of the founding of his Eng- colony in Virginia and how, when the great Indian chief Pow- haton had ordered him beattn to death, the chief’s daughter, Poca hontas, sprang between him and the club and saved his life. The understuiuling courtesj of our slaff has fx-en made a matter of favoralile <'omment. I)ignifie<l in jM'rforniiinee, .vet attentive to the «f«‘asion's every need. * THIS is an era of "Elegance" ... of luxurious fabrlcsl and alluring lines .... demanding for their background I a satiny skin and meticulous grooming. Is your skin as finely textured, as it may be, your eyesj sparkling through soft shadowy frames . . . your brows fashionably defined? Stanley Austin is rapidly recov- Indiana avenue. High scores ing from an appendicitis operation Miss Mary Alice Weath erly and Robert Dorn. Katherine Buchan received cons:lation. I Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Healy of Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of Burlington wer; guests over the past wesk-end of Mrs. Healy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Loomis. Ml-, and Mrs. Biuce H. Lewis will performed at the Moore County Hos pital last Thursday. Mrs, R, W, Tate, Mrs. Bertha Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Lewis motored to Wilson Monday. Miss Louise Gardner is ill at her home on Connecticut avenue. \ Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jordan of Wo-dbury. Conn.. are :he guests of' Greonsbor on Saturday, where Mrs. Edson at her home on Ma.ssa- guests at a faculty re- chusetts avenue. ception in honor of the students of Mrs. Clara Lambert of Bakersville ( " omen s College w’ho made the wa.« the week-end guest of her moth- *<^^1 during the first semester, er, Mrs. Bertha Brown at her home Miss Caroline Lewis was one of tha on Page street. horjor students. Mr. and Mrs. ICrnest Lorenson are M's.s Birdil.a Bair and Mrs. H. H. both i!! at their home on Vermont attend.d the State Sunday School Convention in Winston-Salem this week. avenue. Mrs. Mabel Mann and nephew, Par-- ker Allen of Maine are stopping a few days in Southern Pines while en r„ute to Florida. Mrs. Joe Fuller is confined to her home by illness. Mrs. Carmen Peat is out again af ter having recovei'ed from a recent we.ks. Colby M. Chester attack of influenza. of New York City was the week- Miss Beatrice Cummings left Mon- guest of .Sanford Robinson at the James How of Buffalo, New York arrived at Mid-Pines on Friday for an extended stay. Mr. and Mrs, Hervey Thomps n and Sanford Robinson of Greenwich, Con necticut arrived at Mid-Pines Satur- PINEBLUFF Lavy Adcox returned to Creswell Wednesday after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Adccx. Miss Dorothy Darby of Elmira, N. Y„ is spending some time with Miss Ella Backus. Mr. and Mis. Marvin Kinlaw were called to Lumberton last week by the death of Mr. Kinlaw’s siste". Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttonfield were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, Hu bert Roberson Monday night. Miss Sally Allison of Flora Macdon. aid College spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Allison. June Howie and E, G. Adaws who have been in Moore County Hospital recovering from an automobile acci dent leturned home last Saturday. W. W. Carpenter has purchased the home of Mr. Albert Pitsky on Balti more avenue. Hanford Fiddner of Danbury, Conn,, spent last week with his brother, John Fiddner. Miss Ruth Journey and W. H. Jour- ney of Gastonia were guests Monday of their brother Ralph Journey. day for New Yoik after spending a few days at the Highland Lodge. A. L. Adams and C. L. Austin mo tored to Charlotte Saturday. club. M^. and Mrs. B. C. Olney of Ro chester, New York are at the Mid- Pines for an extended stay. Miss Illona Williams is recovering [ How of Buffalo, New York from a recent illness at her home on Mrs. Graham Johnston, 'Joan Johnston and Graham Johnston and Mrs. Harold Buckminster for dinner cn Sunday at Mid-Pines. Mr. and Mrs. F’rederick Stanley Vermont avenue. W. H. Barnum has returned from a few days’ trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Maxwell of IN PERSON Monday, March 2 Carolina Theatre Pinehudst FI NEU.VL SERVCIES FOK j Mils. LIZZIE SMITH «.\KIJXKK Mrs. Liiizie Smith Gardner, 88, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. IW. Pleasants in Carthage after an illness of two months, on Friday morning, February 14th. Funeral services were conducted from the home with the Rev. W. S. Golden, of the Carthage Presbyterian Church, officiating assosited by the Rev. I. N. Clegg and the Rev. D. W. Durham' of the Carthage M. E. church. Interment was made in Cross Creek Cemetery in Fayette ville. Mrs. Gar dner was the widow of the late John W. Gardner, a Confederate veteran. They made their home in Carbonton until the death of Mr. Gardner, since which time she had lived with her daughter, Mrs. R. W. Pleasants. Surviving are Mrs. Pleasants of Carthage, and one sister, Mrs. Mamie Brant of Florence, S, C. A daughter. Miss Mary Brant, preceded her to the grave several years ago. Washington, Pa., spent the week-end entertaining as their guests j in Southern Pines emoute to Flor- week-end. Prof. and Mrs. ida. Leslie P. Spelman of Raleigh. Mr.' I Joe Hatch is confined to his home ®P‘^^>rian is Director of Music at Mer- j by illness. edith College and Dean of the N. C. I Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ellsworth of ‘'f th? Amer-ican Guild of Cooperstcwn, N. Y., visited friends Organists. - in town Sunday. - I Miss Bertha Howell of Portland, CHI lU'H NOTES I Maine is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ' — I I Gertrude Goodwin at her home on Raymond preaches Sunday; May street. morning at the Church of Wide Fel- ! William Bryant is confined to his 'owship on “Tolerance and Brother- home on Page street by a recent at- ’ Brotherhood Day is being ob- tack of influenza. served February 22 and 23; and the I j Carlisle Hall of Washington spent, National Conference of Jews and' , the week-end with his parents. Mr. Christians asks that this year the and Mrs. Reid Hall. preservation of civil and religious ' Mrs. Irvin Frye of Asheboro was rights in America be stressed. The : I the guest of her sister, Mrs. George three major groups in America, Prot- Rose last Monday. ' estant Christians. Roman Catholics Miss Jeanette Welch of Siler City, Jews, are urged to, emphasize ^ is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. J.; those social and community tasks ' Welch. 1 which are of common concern and call Miss Geneva Hall of Salisbury for cooperation. The Conference feels spent the week-end at her home here, j that “the rights of free speech, a ' Mrs, L, M. Daniels has returned I free press and free assemblage, and from Highsmith Hospital in Fayette-1 the basic right of freedom of con- ! ville where she underwent an opera-1 science face new threats today.” j tion several weeks ago. i At the Southern Pines Baptist | J. J. Stroud, student at State Col- ^ Church Sunday morning the Rev, J., lege in Raleigh, spent the week-end; Fred Stimson will preach on "Wealth j at his home here. I of a Nation.” and in the evening on I J. D. Hobbs visited his mother in "The Keys of Heaven.’’ I Advertising in the Daily Nevra increases sales ' Fayetteville Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank V/elch left Monday to Spend several days in New York. The Willing Workers will hold an all-day meeting next Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ralpli Chandler. This will take che place of The Rev E. L. Barber of Aber deen will preach Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock at the Civic Club on “Crucifying Christ Afresh.” “Mind” is the subject of the les- son-sermon Sunday morning at the Christian Science Church. MRS. MARY L. BRADBURN 'A Special Richard Hudnut Representative from New York’/ will be at our st- re all of next vveek to tell you about the Home Method of DU BARRY BEAUTY TREATMENTS. • Mrs. Bradburn comes direct from New York, where she has taken special training in the DU BARRY Studio of Beauty, and Is prepared to give expert advice on the care of the skin in a professional way, Mrs. Bradburn will also give you smart make up hints that will enable you to wear a .new variety of colors with added becorrJngness. I AT CL'r. TCaZT CCODS C:CT[0 SANDHILL DRUG COMPANY, Inc. Service and Dependability FIREMEN’S SIXTH ANNUAL BAU Benefit Southern Pines Volunteer Fire Company Wednesday, Narch 4th 9:30 till Fred Kibler and His 9-Piece Casa Nova Orchestra Tickets—$1.00

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