I l^Mre Six THE PILOT, Southern Pimea and Aberdeen, Nerth CaroUnn Friday, April 10, 1938. The Week in Aberdeen si^eg^l notices Mis. John R. McLean has been ^uite ill fcr the past week with in- ttuenza. Mrs. W. D. Caviness was called to the PresbyteriaJi College at Clinton. S. C., last w«ek on account of the ill- jiess of her son. Glenn Caviness, a ■tudent there. She returned home a few days ago accompanied by her »on. who will spend nis convalesence here. Dr. Alice E. Johnson cf Philadel phia, Pa„ is spending the Easter holi- «lays as the guests of her sister, Mrs. Klla J. Heckart. Mr, and Mrs. James Land have moved into the Jim McKeithen house on B thesda road, where Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Russell are also resid ing. Miss Ruth McLean of Greensboro sj)ent the past week-end in towTi vis iting her parents. Misses Kate and Lena Stewart, Betsy Jean Johns ~n. Mabel Bethune and Frances Wimberly are spending the Easter holidays at home from Flora Macdonald College. Jfrry McKeithen. a student at The Citadel, Charleston, S, C.. is spend ing the Easter vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ingram and chil- dieii of Sanford were Sunday guests •f Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McKeithen. Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson, Mrs. H. VV, Duub and Mrs. Wimberly Bowman at tended the Federation of Woman’s Clubs In High Point this week as del egates from the Walter Hines Page Book Club. . Hardin A. Gunter and Dan Allred apent several days in Florida last H’eek, where Mr. Gunter visited his brothers in Tampa and Miami. Mrs. Fred Blue and children spent several days this week in Lumberton visiting relatives. Mrs. J, R. Page was made a life member of the Woman's Auxiliary at the Presbyterial recently held in Fay etteville. Mrs. Page served this aux iliary as their president several years «go- Mr. Davis of Davis visited his iaiighter. Mrs. E. M. Medlin la.=t week en route to Charlotte. George Martin, E. B. Maynard, Xenneth Keith, Bill Maiu’er and Jim McKeithen enjoyed a few days fish ing on the coast last week. Jesse W’imberly has returned from Greensboro where he was employed at a filling station that was destroy ed in the recent tornado there. Mrs. Mary Ella David of Columbia, S. C., visited her mother last week- €nd. Miss Edna Tillman of Samarcand spent the Easter holidays visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ella J, Heckart, Mrs. William Carter, Jr,, entertain ed her Bridge Club and a number ad ditional guests at her home last Thursday night. Miss Margaret Shaw was the recipient of the high score prize, and Mrs. Malcolm Pleasants re ceived second prize. The April meeting of the Parent- Teachers Association will be held in the Community Hall at Pinebluft next Wednesday afternoon, April 1,5th. Those members having no way to ride will please be at The Teach- erage Wednesday afternoon at 2:30, where cars will be provided. As this is the last meeting of the school year all members are urged to be present. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOT!CESlLEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES secured, and the power of sale con tained therein having become opera tive, the undersignd being the duly qualified Administratrix of the estate of Thos. S. Burgess, deceased, will, on the 20th day of April, 1936, at twelve o’clock noon, in front of the Court house door, Carthage, Moore County, North Carolina, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lot, tract or par cel of land lying and being in Mc Neills Township, Moore County, North Carolina, described as follows, to-wit; BEGINNING at a stake in the edge of Indiana Avenue 36.3 feet from N. J. Mills’ corner on Ridge Street and Indiana Avenue; nmning parallel with Ridge Street 192 feet to a stake in the edge of an alley; thence with the line of said alley par allel with Indiana Avenue 60 feet to a stake, corner of Southern Pines Building Company's line 192 feet to Indiana Avenue; thence w'ith Indiana Avenue 60 feet to the beginning. The lot contains 11520 feet. This the 20th day of March, 1936. MRS. MOLLIE BURGESS, Administratrix of the Estate of Thos, S. Burgess, deceased. M. G, Boyette, Atty. M27. A17 NOTIC E OF MOUT«.\(iEE’S S.\LK N, C. Being the same lot or parcel of land conveyed by Knollwood, Inc., to i C. A. Maze and Jesse B. Maze and this mortgage is given to secure the deferred payments on purchase price. ! The terms of the foregoing sale will be cash, and the mortgagee will require a deposit of ten per cent (lO'^) of the amount bid as evidence of good faith, ' This, the 19th day cf March, 1936. KNOLLWOOD, INCORPORATED. M27,A17. Mortgagee. NOTICE OF S.\LE OF L.\ND NOTICE OF S.VLE OF RE.VL I'KOFEKTV I NDER MORTG.VGE Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGR.\PHER NOT.\RY PlBUe John S. Ruffffles INSUR.ANCE AGENCY 7062 C-O-A-L. Phone 3S C. G. FARRELL Aberdeen, X. C. Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETEKLS.\RL\NS Office—Ptn^urst Racetrack Telephone 3045 A.L., ADAIVIS fAINTEE — DBCORATOB PAPKB HAKGB WALL PAPBAS NEON SIGNS Phone «922 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage fletitlicni Pit>«£, N. C. Tel. 5M8 Will be in his office over th« Post Office, Sanford, N. C., erery Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to S:00 p, m. Don’t fail to see him U your eyea are weak. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed dated the 22nd day of December, 1925 given by S, W, W'il- son and David H. Wilson to Elizabeth M. Chapin, now Elizabeth C. Patter- S(m, the same being reccrded in the office of the Register of Deed of Moore County North Carolina in Book No. 43 at Page 2.55, default having been made in the payment of the bonds secured thereby, and the power of sale having becrme operative, the undersigned Mortgagee will on the 20th day of April, 1936 at the Court House door in Carthage, N. C,. at 12 o’clock Noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the lands described in the said mortgage as follows, to-wit: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Moore County, St»te of North Caro lina, in Mineral Springs Township, and described and defined as follows: That lot of land known as Lot No, 2 in the S, B. Chapin Sub-Division, made bv Francis Deaton. C. E. Octo ber, 1920 and described by metes and bounds a.s follows: Beginning at a stake in the north edge of the old Jackson Springs Ri>ad, in Speight’s line, the .same being Gra ham’s corner; runs thence with said road N. 74 E. 596 ft. to a stake at a slight curve in said road; thence con tinuing with said road N. 86 E. 453 ft. to a stake in the edge of said road, Speights comer; thence as Speight’s line S. 15 deg. 10 min. W. 1002 ft. to the corner of Lot No. 3 in the said Chapin Sub-Division; thence with its line N. 86 deg. 22 min. E, 2798 feet to a stake by the clay road, which leads from Brown’s school house to West End; thence with said road N, 2 deg. 53 min. West 1882 ft. to a stake, a corner of said Lot No. 1 in the said Chapin Sub-division; thence with its line N, 85 deg. 58 min. West 2566 ft. to a stake in Grahm’s line, comer of Lot No. 1 in said sub-division thence with Graham’s line S. 31 deg. W. 1703 feet to the beginning, con taining 135.45 acres, more or less, and being the same lands granted by deed of Miss Elizabeth Chapin to the said S. W. Wifson and David H. W'ilson, the said mortgage being given to se cure a part of the purchase price. This 25th day of March, 1936. ELIZABETH M. CHAPIN, now Elizabeth C. Patterson, Mortgagee. A17 Under and by virtue of the power and av.thoritv ronfeired and contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by W’. I. Johnson and Marian T. Johnson, his wife, to Knollwood, Incorporated, which said mortgage deed is dated February 22, 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Mortgages No. 46, at Page 627, and, whereas, there was default in the payment cf said mortgage deed as therein provided, the undersigned will on Tuesday, the 21st day of Ap- til, 1936, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the Courthouse door of Moore County, in the Town of Car thage, expose for sale and .sell at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate ; Being Lot No, 448 as shown on a plan entitled, “Knollwood Heights, a division of Knollwood, Inc., Mcore Count, N. C., by W’, I. Johnson, Jr., C. E..” and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County. N, C. The terms of the fcregoing .sale will be cash, and the mortgagee will re quire a deposit of ten per cent (10'"r ) of the amount bid as evidence of good faith. This, the 19th day of March, 1936. KNOLLWOOD, INCORPOR.VTED, M27, A17 Mortgagee. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred by Deed cf Trust exe cuted by J. D. Welch and wife, Decie Elizabeth Welch, dated the 1st day of September, 1928, and recorded in Book 47, Page 342, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Moore County, V. S. Bryant. Substituted Trustee, will at twelve o’clock noon on ' MONOAV, .APRIL 18th, 19»« • at the Ccurt House Door of Moore County in Carthage, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to- wit; BEGINNING at a concrete mon ument in the edge of Medlin Road, a corner of Lots Nos. 2455 and 2442; thence as a line cf Lots Nos. 2442, 2441, 2440, 2439, 2438, and 2437 South 48 degrees 54 minutes West 153.75 feet to a concrete monument, the corner of Lots Nos. 2436. 2437 and 2455; thence as a line of Lot No. 2443, North 41 degrees 06 minutes West 56 feet, with Lots Nos, 2443, 2455, 2444 and 2456 to a concrete monument, the ccrner of Lot Nos. 2456, 2444, 2445 and 2457; thence with j a line of it North 48 degrees 54 min utes East 153.75 feet to the line of said M'-.dlin Road; thence as it South 41 degrees 06 mins. East 56 feet to the beginning, being and comprising Lots Nos. 2455. and 24.56 as shown on a map of the Village of Pinehurst in the Office of the Register of Deeds cf Moore County, being the same land conveyed from Pinehurst Ga rage Company, Inc., to J. D. Welch and wife, Elizabeth Welch by War ranty Deed, dated June 29th, 1925 and recorded in Deed Book No. 96, at page 359, and also being the same land conveyed from Pinehurst Ga rage Company, Inc,, to J, D. Welch and wife, Elizabeth Welch by War ranty Deed, dated March 1st, 1928, and recorded in the Moore County Registry in Book 102, at page 371. This sale is made on account of iefault in payment of the indebted ness secured by said Deed of Trust, and Is subject to all taxes and aa- se.ssments against .said property whether now due or to become due. /A five percent (5%) cash deposit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 7th day of March, 1938. V. S, BRYANT, M20, AlO. Substituted Trustee. The Hollywood Hotel Corner Federal Highway No. J and New York Avenue Rooms are Large, Verandas Sunny» Rates Moderate. Call, write or wire J. L. Pottle & Son, SOUTHERN PINE Southern Pines, [North C&rollni^ JOHNSON HOUSE Sunny, Attractive Rooms A home-like place to spend the night or season. Tasty Food. ]\Ir. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hadwen I 84 f]. Massachusetts Ave. Phone 7265 Southern Pines ■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦a EXEC l TKIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the Will of Alexander Aeschlimann, de- ‘ ceased, late of Moore Ccunty, North' Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of, said deceased to exhibit them to the j undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., j on or before the 3rd day of April 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. CATHRINE E. AESCHLIMANN, Executrix Will of Alexander Aeschli mann, deceased. NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE’S S.VLE Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred and contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by Elizabeth Schwarberg and Mary Schwarberg. unmarried, to Knollwood, Incorporated, which said mortgage deed is dated July 1. 1928, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Bock of Mortgages No. 46, at Page 458, and, whereas, there was default in the payment of said mortgage deed as therein provided, the under signed will on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, 1936, at tUe hour of twelve o’clock noon, at tlie Courthouse door cf Moore County, in the Town of Carthage, expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Being Lot 504 as shown on a plan entitled, "Knollwood Heights, a di vision of Knollwcori, Inc., Moore County, N. C., by W. I. Johnson, Jr., C. E.,” and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, N. C. The terms of the foregoing sale will be cash, and the mcrtgagee will require a deposit of ten per cent (10'', 1 of the amoimt bid as evidence of good faith. This, the 19th day of March, 1936. KNOLLWOOD, INCORPORATED, M27, A17 Mortgagee, NOTIt E OF MORTGAGEE’S SAUF: NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER MORTG.\GE Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage of April 24, 1930, from Alice K. Fields to Thomas S. Burgess, same being of record in the office of Register of Deeds of Moore County, in Bock 51, page 267, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred and contain ed in that certain mortgage deed ex ecuted by C. A. Maze and Jesse B. Maze, his wife, to Knollwood, Incor porated, which said mortgage deed is dated January 2, 1928, and duly re-1 corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of * Mortgages No. 46, at Page 280, and, | whereas, there was default in the | payment of said mortgage deed as i therein provided, the undersigned will j on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, 1936, at the hour of twelve o’clock 1 Noon, at the Courthouse door of | Moore C:unty, in the Town of Car- j thage, expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following describ ed real estate: Being Lot 446 as shown on a plan entitled, "Knollwood Heights, a di vision cf Knollwood, Inc,, Moore County, N, C,, by W. I. Johnson, Jr„ C, E.,” and filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore County, LIST Your Property Give in Your Poll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the List Takers for Mineral Spring- Township, Moore County, will sit at the fol lowing places at the times named (and ot all other times during the month of April, 1936 at places as scheduled below), at which places and in which month all propert.M own ers and taxpayers in said township are required to return to the List Takers for taxa tion for the vear 1936, all the Real Estate, P.-rsonal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the hrst dav of April, or shall be re quired to give in then. All male persons be tween the ages of 21 and fifty years are to list their polls during the sair e time. Return of property and giving in of polls are required, under the pains and penalties imposed by law. Pinehurst Fire House all Saturday afternoon in April, 1:30—6:00 Eastwood, McKenzie’s Service Station April 9—8:30—6:00. Taylortown, Ritter’s Store, April 14. 8:30—6:00. West End, Tucker’s Service Station. April 16th, 21st, 8:30—6:00. Jackson Springs, Bank Building, April 23rd, 8:30—6:00. All other days during month of April Pinehurst, Fire House, 9 a. m.—12. Persons who shall have been exempted from the payment of poll tax will, when they come to list, be required to exhibit a certificate of such exemption from the Clerk of the Commissioners, Tho.-^e who have, through mistake, surrendered or have lost or mislaid their certificate of exemption, should make application for other certificates at the April or May meeting of the Board. This certificate of exemption is to be kept byi the person exempted. When you come to list, ask the undersigned to show you list of exempted. All persons who are liable for a poll tax, and fail to give themselves in, and all who own property and fail to list it, w'ill be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic tion, fined or imprisoned. Blanks upon which a veriued statemt nt of property is to be made by each taxpeyer can be had of the undersigned. Fill these blanks and see to it that statements be free from error, thereby obviating much trouble. Only females and non-residents of townships and persons physically unable to attend and file their lists can appoint agents to list property. IMPORTANT: Be prepared to give Farm Census Report which is required by law. A failure to list will subjject you to DOUBLE TAX. Examine your list before signing*. ALEX STEWART, Township List Taker REG'LAR FhLLtKS The Ducks Aren’t Afraid By Gene Bvmes \V>SHT WOOlDK TMhlrt NTS 0»^E/ UP 'TO THP j OP ■moSE'DucKS/ e' y OMT >rSTOO deep out there ME ' NMlllOhl about irJ iT M tukM on $OMPiK 6o CHv>6 \ j American New« Features, Ine