Friday, April 17, 1936. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Sevea BUILD MONEY MAKING CHICKS . U//VA startenA McNeill & Co. Feed and Seed Stores Southern Pines and Fayetteville Center traction FUR GREATER GRIP FOl A GOOD TIRE- PRCEO Lc ur shew you ike world's iirs'. choice economy tire — i.iore lhan a malch for maPi> highest-priced makes in I'iPig sale inileagf., tread grip»blowout proiection and loo!.s. A value we give you because Goodyear builds the most tires by millions. ER 22 MILI.ION SOLD —THAT’S HOW GOOD IT IS! as \ov« as .50 $ GET REAL SERVICE TOO! Yoorrima eluii«l of raw-* •mill bcBt apot* Mrai^* coed ~~ DO extra eharfe. Careial iBoanling br 'irt •peeialixa. And intercilwl ■neolion tb* — thK'llftaKroal PAGE MOTOR CO. Southern Pinea SIKiVo* X UlO **Cw» ar cr fives A wonderful sense of comfort jukd securl' or feelini food drug store. ^astUthS FALSETEETH STA'r PUT' ■ PINEHURST THE ARK .Southern Pines, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts MILLICENT A. HAYES principal Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Tuck, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purcell and Mrs. Berkley LeV. Allen spent Sunday in Chapel Hill and Durham. D. M. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stewart of Lumberton were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicolls left Sun day for their home in Arlington,, after passing the .season here. Mrs. Ernest Gamache and baby daughter, Ann Louise ,left for New Yotk City Monday night to join Mr. Gamache. Mr. and Mr.s. Henry Graves and daughter, Carol of Greensbjro spent the Easter .season as giiests of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Dunlop. Mi-, and Mrs. E. C. Cunningham and Bort Cunningham returned Mon day to Zebulon after spending the! Boy Scout Movement Launched in Southern Pines 20 Years Ago guests of Mr.s. and "security. No gummy, gooey taste or feeling. Get FA" TEETH toda week-end as Journey, I Mrs. Tliomas H. Burton and Mrs. j Ivey Sally are spending this week in Union, S. C. j David Pow'ell spent the week-end with his family in Waccamaw. Orj^anized by Rev. Samuel Hold en, Lo<al Troops Have Had Their Tp.s and Downs By F^dward F. flreen The Boy Scout movement in South ern Pines was organized by the Rev. Samuel F Holden in 1914 or 1915. Mr. Holden continued to be the scout master until 1918 in which year he was called away fiom tha city. The leadership was then taken up by Mr. Bickford who seems to have done good work for the youth for some two years, after which the work was continued by Captain Thiers who with Mr. Ruggles served until 1924. -■V-t that time Max G. Backer, who had been secretary and treasurer for i several veats. was induced to take the Unidentified Coroner I'nable to Locate Rel atives of ‘Mack Smith,” Who Died in Carthase Letters of inquiry and telephone calls have b:en pouring into the .sher iff's office as a result of the broad cast of a description of a man known • locally as Jack £mith, who died a few ^ days ago and relatives the I coroner has been unable to locale. Five delegations have come from ' Stanly county to visit the undertak- I ing establishment in Carthage where the b.dy is being held, one group bringing a hearse to be prepared to Ethel ‘ ! tak: the body back with them, only to mastership. Mr. Backei’ put over the » .u . • ; ‘ * fmd that the man was not Ine miss- finest prog: am that has ever been I conducted by the scouts here. It was j his administration that the ing relative being sought. Smith came to this section Christmas, making the trip since from Mrs, A, P. Thompson, Mrs. Eric i Nclscn, Mrs. Bert Nicolls and Mrs. Alec Innes were guests Friday ot! I during , scout movement in Southern Pines , , . , , r I »■, I.. I Richmond, Va., with a produce dealer, roached ih: crest of its activity. For; ' i . .. r.f said, and for a short while he ■ two succe.s.sive years the scouts oi „ „ . had been working at a .saw mill near Southern Pines won the championship j Miss Frances McKeithen at her home I in Carthage. I Mr. and Mr-s. Charles B. Hudson ! spent ?:)aster in Chapel Hill. I Mr.'and Mrs. L. Y. Souders have i arrived for th? late spring season and |aie occupying their cottage. The I Oaks, 1 in the jamb-urees put on by the Wal- ' ter Hines Page Council of scouts, the . first year in a competition with some (five hundred scouts which met in San- Ifoid. the second held in our own city. Mr. Backer, finding his private bus- ines.*- crowding him, had to relin- cjuish scouting in the year 1930. Garland Pierce then came to the Carthage and staying in the home of Rufus Nall. He is said to have made various statments as to his place of birth. Some say that he claimed to have been born in Nebraska, others, Kansas. He had lost the sight of one ey3 in the World War, it is report ed. Master Louis Gold spent the Easter, excellent work for vacation with relatives in Carthage. I ^»34. Mr. Pierce was Miss Laivora Sally returned to! compelled to let go although he is one of the best scout leaders any- having the necessary pep and attractive per.sonality. Sally returned to | I Marshville Monday after spending the | ! ,1. r»t V, n , W he 1 . vv.ek-end at home, Mrs, Kenan Rand and daughter, Mary Elizabeth were guests last week of Mr .and Mrs, Torn Black, Miss Callie Jones has as her guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Her man Smith, Miss Marion Bradley and Ira Jones of Asheville. Monday afternoon Mrs. E. B. Keith, Mrs. Alex Stewart and Mrs. 1. C. Sledge were joint hostesses, en tertaining at a beautiful bridge-tea at the Community Club House. Those playing bridge were Mrs. Eric Nelson, Following the leadership of Mr. Pierce there camc a lapse of eome years until 193>'j. Because of the lack of records of JACKSON SPRINGS Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Outland of High Point spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. W'^. McDuffie. Mr .and Mrs. C, K, Dowd of San ford and Mr. and Mrs, G. E, Dowd of ! High Point were week-end visitors with Mr and Mrs, J. P. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Capers of Lil- th. organization the foregoing may;''^Stcn spent the week-end with Mrs. not be accurate in every detail. Cor rections therefore are requested from anyone, that something like a con- Caples’ parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bruton. E. W. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Markham of nected history of scouting in South-! Fayetteville spent Sunday with Mrs. trn Pines may be written. ! G. P- Markham. Mrs. Markham re- The Boy St outs in Southern Pines | turned to Fayetteville with them for During the summer of 1935 the a short visit. Mrs, Donald Church, Mrs. True P. i boys seemed to have little to live for, | Mrs. Maude C. McDonald, wh' nas Cheney, Mrs, Alec Innes, Mrs. H, A. Campbell, Mrs, J. F. Taylw, Mrs Clarence Lyman, Mrs. Leo. C. Fuller, Mrs, F, B. Tuck, Mrs T. R Cole Mrs, Lloyd Yost, Mrs. Harold Callaway, Mrs, F, L, DuPont, Mrs. Thomas R. Black, Mrs. A. P. Thompson, Mrs, S. R Jellison, Mrs Raymond Johnson, Mrs, David Coffey, Mrs. J. I. O’Brien, Mrs. Ralph W. Sutton, Jilrs. Lloyd Tate, Mrs. Wesley R. Viall, find Mrs, Charles B. Hudson. Prizes were pre sented to Mrs. Jellison, Mrs. Tuck, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs, O’Brien and Mrs. Taylor. Guests coming in for tea in cluded Miss Sara Cobb, Miss Lillian Moore, Miss Edla Best, Miss Evelyn Gilliam, Miss Katherine Blue Miss Eunice Gibson, Miss Dorothy Cross, Mrs. A. J. McKelway, Sr., and Mrs. A, J. McKelway. Mrs. Ellis Fields and Mrs. Charlie Fields wish to thank all those who aided in making the food sale on Sat urday a success. The proceeds were used to make a substantial payment on the piano which has been purchas ed for the Primary Department of ! the Sunday School of the Community j Church. j Mrs, Wesley R. Viall and Mrs. W. They were observed going about the I been spending the winter months j streets in groups, “all dressed up but: with her son, Carlton A. McDonald ' nowhere to go." Anyone who was ever | in Raleigh .has returned for the sum- ' a boy, and hasn’t forgotten it, know's! mer. . ! what it means for youth to grow up with tco much leisure. One of our citizens suggested to another of us that something ought to be done to add a little guidance, and some zest, to their ongoing, Cnn- srquently a picnic was arranged and put on, very much to the pleasure of the boys. Very soon another was ask ed for. It was arranged with an ap propriate hike. A third gathering with hike and eats was arranged for them. The number of the lads increas ed and the suggestion was offered as to why some thing shouldn’t be done for them in the way of an organiza tion. It was remembered that, some years ago, there was a flourishing scout organization in town. Since there is no organization for youth with so many useful phases of use ful information, character building, and development in real Americanism the idea pr:sented itself to organize the boys into a scout troop. This was for the younger boys 8 to 12 years of L. Dunlop entertained at a large | age. But what of the older boys 13 to Mrs. R, G. Matheson returned from Snowdown. Ala., last Friday. Mrs. Mathesoi. was called there on account of the .sudden illness and death of her sister, Mrs, Mary Hagan, two W'eek ago. Mrs. R. E. Hendrelite is on an ex tended visit with her sen, Fred Wood ruff. in Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Whit C. Purvis of Bakersvillg spent the Easter holidays here with Mrs. Purvis’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Henderson. Mr, and Mrs. O, S. Richardson had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Thede Autry of Autryville. Mrs. B. W, Walker returned to'H High Point Monday after spending a few days with Mrs. C. R, Cole. M.4KKIAGE LICENSES AVOID EHIARRASSMENT OF FALSE TEETH DRorriNe or suppiMe Don’t be embarrassed again by hav ing your false teeth slip or drop when you eat, talk, laugh or sneeze, •prInUe a little F^TEETH on your plates. This new, extremely fine St bridge tea Thursday afternoon at the Country Club. There w(*re eight tables of bridge and tw’elve additional guests invited for tea. Miss Katherine Blue, Mrs. W. R. Viall, and son, Billy Viall attended the Junior High School State Piano con test in Greensboro last Friday. Billy played in the contest, winning second place. F. H, Krebs and the Rev. and Mrs. I A. J. McKelway returned today from several days spent in Charleston, S. C,, and Magnolia Gardens. Thursday evening the Firemen’s Or ganization of Plnehurst held its an nual banquet at the country club, when special guests were wives and sweethearts of the firemen; making about sixty attending. Sherwood Brockwell, State Fire Commissioner of Raleigh, was present, entertaining in his inimitable style with songs storie.o and dances of the Southern Negro. An added attraction was the floor show from the Club Chalfonte. The entertainment committee for tnis delightful occasion was composed of Frank McCaskill, Harold Kelly and Travis Wicker. -\RT CONTEST HERE The Ninth district Art Apprecia tion contest will be held at Southern Pines High School Auditorium on Ap ril 24th at 10:00 a. m. Every school is entitled to two contestants, one rep resenting the high school. A program is being prepared for the contestants. All the schools In this district are invited to take part in this contest, and also the creative exhibit. 16 years of age? The real scouts are of the latter age. In order to make a complete organization it seemed to us that the older boys should be in cluded, and especially so since they manifested as great enthusiasm for the organization as did the younger boys. Since a very large part of the scout work consists of technical elements it was very necessary that the woods be scoured for a competent scoutmas ter. He was found, but because of the pressure of business he could not, through the winter season, devote the time to the scouts they really need ed. The organization was held togeth er, however, and that notwithstand ing the many nights that were too ccld and stormy to hold meetings. Enough scouts presented themselves to make up three patrols. Of the cubs there was an equal number. The organization could not be let go. There was a scout camp, or club house. It looked like an abandoned orphan asylum. A large part of the roof had been renewed; the balance cried aloud for someone to put it into shape. Scaffolding and trash littered the yard as though some sort of a black death had visited the place and there were not enough folks left to clean the place up. It is wonder the town didn’t do it as a matter of com* munity cleanliness and pride. There is a great need here that something be done for the on-coming generation of our youth. Upon re quest Principal Webster of the pub lic schools prepared a list of the Marriage licenses have been issued from the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county to the fol lowing: Milton Burns, Eagle Springs Route 1, and Lilly W’illiams, Hemp; Roy Burton Moore and Edith Seawell Benner, both of Carthage; Franklin Hussey and Jessie Hussey, both of Spies; Clifton R, Brewer of Steeds Route 1 and Alma McNeill of Spies Route 1. boys attending school whose ages ranged from eight years to sixteen. That list gives ninety-nine of them, and for whom nothing was being done in their leisure hours until the gen tlemen at present somewhat identi fied with the movement took it upon themselves to endeavor to do some thing to meet the demand. They are the future leaders in our civic life; they are the leaders of the life of our churches. They are the future of ficers and supporters of the institu tions we regard as very necessary to the perpetuation of an atmosphere in which the democratic spirit may find welcome and operate. There is a complete patrol of scouts. Another can very soon be formed. There are two complete pa trols of the cubs. Another will soon be ready for formatk>n. The gentlemen voluntarily present ing the present leadership would like to urge parents and other thought ful citizens to kindly give their mor al support to the work that it may be lifted back to something like the influence it had under the leadership of Messrs. Backer and Pierce. This should be said concerning the scout work that there is nothing In it of a foreign, or sectarian ,or «t11 bias of any sort. Its principles incul cate the very finest principles of American citizenship. Double Feature Event SALE OK CANNED PEACHES Southern Manor Sliced or Halves 3 No 2 1-2 cans Colonial Patsy Sliced or *1 No. 2'/» Halves ^ cans Sliced or O No. 2' 2 Halves L cans 29c 25c S.\1.K OF CLEANING NEEDS Octagron Soap, 4 Ija:. size ... 17c Super Suds, 3 sm. pkg 25c D. P. Ammonia, 2 qt. bots. ... 25c D. P. Soap Powder, 2 Ig. pkgs. 25e Galvanized Pails, ea 24c Sailboat Brooms, ea. — .19c OTHER SPECIALS Colonial Brand Lima Beans 2 19 l*hillips Delicious Pork & Beans 3 dn' 2S For Pies and C'akes Crisco » 21 3-lb can Brownie Boy Bread 14-oz loaf 59' S' Lettuce, large head . Celery, two bunches Strawberries, pint ... String Beans, lb. Bananas, 4 lbs. 5c 15c .10c 10c 19c LATE ?, Sold by these Dealers SOUTHERN PINES McNeill & Co. ABERDEEN Burney Hardware Co. Aberdeen Hdwe. Co. PINEHUSST Pinehurst Dept. Store Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc. Smith & Ritter VASS C. & P. store A. W. McNeill FREE ! The South's Favorite SEED CATALOG. Mail a post card to T. W. Wood & Sons, Richmond, Va.

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