Friday, April 24, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pinca and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Sev«a BUILD r MONEY MAKING CHICKS , ujiih STARTEN/lj McNeill & Co. Feed and Seed Stores Southern Pines and Fayetteville THE ARK Southern Pinea, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts MILLICENT A. HAYES Principal center traction FUR I ARI YOU m A GOOD TIRE- PRtCED if Le' ur show you tke world’s firs' choice economy tire — i.iore lhan a match for many liighest-priccd makes in I )ng safe mileage, tread grip, blowout protec'Jon and loo.iS. A value we give you because Goodyear builds the most tires by millions. 0\ EU 22 MILLION SOLD —THAT’S HOW GOOD rr ISl m Uov« as as $C,.50 GET REAL SERVICE TOO! Yooriimt oleantd of ru»t— •aull bent ipolt eocd — 0* extra eh«r<e. Ctrelal moanliof by •peciiliitt. And interetted ■tteolion «lier »h« lbat‘« wtuU 7<M> PAGE MOTOR CO. Southern Pines Msrffr/y'V FALSE TEETH STAY'PUT" W Cameron and Community DO FALSE TEETH ROCK. SLIDE OR SLIP? PASTEETH, a new, greatly im proved powder to be sprinkled on upper or lower plates, holds falsa teeth firm and comfortable. Can not slide, slip, rock or pop-out. Ka gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feed ing. Makes breath sweet and pleas ant. Get FASTEETH today at any good drug store. A splendid Elementary program was given in the school auditorium last Friday evening to a large aud ience. The opening ch rus by grades 1-4, numbering over 100 children, dressed in costumes of white and red, swaying in rythmic lime to the mus ic, was quite spectacular. An operetta, ‘‘The Land of Dreams Come True,” by the same grades, was well interpreted and effectively rtndered. The Elves, Roses, Blue-Bell.s and Daisies, togeth er with Mother Goose and her house, out of which came Little Bo-Peep, the Queen of Hearts, Little Boy Blue, Jack Horner, Jack and Jill and many of her other children, made a scene of rare “The Train to Mauro," by the 7th grade was mirth-provoking, cieating much fun and merriment. The play ‘ Miss Minerva and Wil liam Green Hill,” by the 6th and 7th grades, was well received. Murdoch McKeithen as William, with the bad boy next doar, kept the audience con vulsed with laughter by their out rageous pranks, and many forms of mischief. The Glee Club of Miss Yelverton gave a number of pleasing selections during the evening. A song and tap dance by little Carolyn Guthrie, made quite a hit and was much en joyed. The program closed with a choius, "Gcod Night Ladie.s.” The music for the program was played by Mrs. W. H. Abernathy. Some $35.00 was tidded to the school treasury. Miss Mary Ellen Yelverton, opened her school room, fifth grade, to pa trons and friends, where she had on display the work done by her child ren this year. Booklets on Geography, History, color combinations, calen dars, miniature objects in wood, a complete dining room suite, windmills, bird houses, airships, rabbits and pigs were well dene. A collection of ob jects gathered on their field walks were interesting. The girls exhibited laundry bags, table scarfs and cush ions. Circle No. 1 of the W'oman’s Aux iliary of the Presbyterian church held its April meeting last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. M. Wooten. Mrs. j James McDonald presiding. Mrs. W. G. Parker and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill gave full reports on the Presbyterial in Fayetteville. The Commencement Calendar of Cameron School is as follows: Friday, May 8, £:(K) p. m.. Music Recital; Sun day, May 10, 8:00 p. m. Senior Vesper service; Monday, May 11, 8:00 p. m., Class Day exercises; Tuesday, May 12, 8:00 p. m,, Graduation exercises; Literary address, Dr. Clyde Erwin, State superintendent of Public In struction; Wednesday, May 13, 2:00 p. m., baseball game, Sanford vs.! Cameron; Wednesday May 13, 8:00 p. i m.. High School play, ‘‘A Poor Mar- ’ ried Man.” j Little Miss Evelyn Ann Snow cele- ^ brated her 11th birthday Saturday af-! ternoon with a picnic. The friends en joying this cuting were Misses Opal Thagard Cameron, Ella May Gsch- wind, Mildred Thomas, Betsey Jean and Marilyn Tally of Buffalo, New York, Harriet McGraw of Carthage. On Sunday the same friends were in- I vited by Miss Snow to her home for I the cutting of her birthday cake, j Mrs. Anna Culberson of Sanford j and Mrs. J. C. Walker of Concord i spent Thursday with Mrs. W. M. ' Wooten. The Rev. and Mrs. M. D. McNeill and Mrs. M McL McKeithen attend ed Presbytery at Laurel Hill church, near Laurinburg on Tuesday and I Wednesday I Mrs. B. Spivey who has been nurs- I ing her grandson, who is quite ill in Sanford, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Georgie McFadyen i'j visiting her sister in Manchester this week. Miss Alice Tally of Bonsai was the week-end guest of Mr. and rMs. H. D. Tally. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tally and daughters spent Sunday night in Hamlet, guests of Mr and rMs. Arch McDougald. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hemphill, leaving for Troy in the afternoon. How To Reduce Varicose Veins lib OMrtly Uiwari TmwI Die HmtI M1^ li ValM Fbwt That Way Mknjr peopi* bare become dctpondent b«cauM they have been led to believe that there i« no remedy that will rcduc* •wollen veini and bunchea. * If you will get a two-ounce orttlnal bottle of MooiM’a Enendd Oil (full atrength) at any first-claaa drug store and apply it night and morning a* directed yon abould quickly notice an Improvement Continue to apply Emer> aid Oil until th« veina and bunchea are reduced. Meoiie’a EmeraM OH ia a barmleaa, yet moat powerful penetrator and two ounce* laat a very long time. Indeed. BO powerful Is EmeraM Oil that old chronic sores and ulcers are often en> tirely healed It has brought much com fort to worried people all over th« country. For generous sample send 10 centa (sliver or stamps) to cover cost—mail ing—packing to Dept. A.M., Interna' tlonalLaboratorlea,Inc.,Rochester,N. Y. Mrs. J. A. Phillips, Misses Thurla Cole and Mary Ferguson were guests Sunday afternoon of Mrs. Eugene Me- Iver of the Pocket community. Invitations have been received to the graduation exercises of Appala chian State Teachers College on May 1st from E. Bruce McFadyen, one of the 42 four-year graduates this year. Friends of J. A. Brown of Chad- bourn will be glad to hear that he is convalescing satisfactorily from an attack of pneumonia. The Cameron High School baseball team defeated the Sanford nine 7-2. Wcoten, Cameron pitcher, allowed only two hits. Miss Virginia Graham of Route 1 left this week for New York, where she takes a position as governess in a private home. Now is the time to purchase your new General Electric Range while the campaign prices are in effect. You get $10.00 allowance for your old range. See C. J. Simons Electric Shop. Southern Pines. Adv. ! Davidson Will Case Dropped by Statlers I .\ttorneys of Hotel Magnates Heirs Withdraw .\ppeal from Car thage Trial Verdict The appeal to the State Supreme I Court by caveators in the action to set aside the will of Mrs. Elva Stat- I ler Davidson and deprive her husband, i H. Bradley Davidson, Jr., of the es- j tate bequeathed him, formally was j withdrawn in Superior Court in Ral- : eigh last Saturday. I Judge Don Phillips, who presided over the trial in Carthage when the I will of the heiress to a part of the I fortune cf the late E. M. Statler,hotel 'magnate, wa.s held valid, signed the ' order. I J. M. Broughton of Raleigh, coun sel in North Carolina for the cavea tors, including other heirs of Statler, said he had "no statement to make” regarding the decision not to perfect an appeal. “There were several reasons why the action was taken, but I should not like to discuss them/ ton said. Brough- NO C LAIMANT FOR BODY OF JACK SMITH IN C.ARTH)\G» During the course of the trial, the caveators proposed a settlement whereby the estate would have been divided between Davidson and the Statler heir.<?, but the settlement was * declined. The estate was valued at I approximately $550,000, but of this ' amount, it was estimated David.son would inherit only about $300,000, the remainder being in a separate trust set up by the late hotel man and re verting to his other heirs. Decision of the caveators to with draw the appeal formally closes the case. Broughton said no further ac- ' tion was cotemplated. All efforts to get in touch with rel atives of Jack Smith, whose bcdy Pies in a Carthage undertaking establiah- I ment, have been unavailing. Word from the Department of Justice to which fingerprints were sent ia the effect that he has no record ther» and nothing is known of him in thr Navy and War departments. He i» said to have claimed that he was a W'orid War veteran. ON HONOR KOLI. j STOLE SLOT MACHINE i No definite clues have been found ! as to the identity of the thief who broke the lock on the front door of ^ Lswis' Filling Station in West End a few nights ago and tarried away three slot machines and a small quan- i tity of cigarettes. Pilot Advertising Pays. At the end of the third quarter the foll..wing students have met the re quirements for the Honor Roll at Southern Pines School: Senior Class, Ruth Gillis and Ruth Thompson; Junior Class, MilitreA Powell; Sophomore ClaPs, Clara Hali, Charles Phillips and James Ritchie; Fre.shman Class, Louise Blue and Sar ah Barnum; Seventh Grade, Hazel Kelley, Ruth Swett, James Ross, Marjorie Jeilison and Richard Plu- mer. Alton D. McLean .\berdeen, N. C., Announces a Clearance Sale of Furniture - Rugs and Home Furnishings AT Public Auction Sale Starts Thursday, April 23rd, at 3:00 P. M, And continues, 2 sales daily at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. for 9 days only. Entire stock new select high grade quality Furniture, Rugs and Home Furnishings of ALTON D. McLEAN, Aberdeen, N. C. To be hurled out over the auction block for cash in a few days at public auction—Selling piece by piece, suite by suite. TWO BIG SALES DAILY! 3 P. M. AND 8 P. M. STARTING THTRS. APRIL 2.?rd FREE! FREE! FREE! i A Handsome .‘M’iece Bedroom Sui'e to he Given away at conclusion of sale. Tc miss this opportunity would be a real lo.«s to evtry home-lover. Come select what you want—You make the price, we stand the loss. C ARLOADS OF BEDROO.M SUITES Living Room and Dining Room Suites. Secretarns, Kitchen Cabinet.s, Springs, Mattresses, Beds, Porch F'urniture, Rugs, Tables. Chairs, Ranges, Stoves — in fact everything for the home. Two Auctions Daily Make An Offer For This Beautiful Suite? Closing- May 2nd How Much Will You Give For This Suite? STATEMENT We are overstocked and determined to turn our surplus merchandise into cash. To do so quickly we decided to sacrifice our splendid stock at PUBLIC AUCTION. Keep the OPENING DATE in mind—Thursday, April 23rd at 3:00 P. M., and don’t let anything keep you away. PRESENT FREE To be given away absolutely free to first 25 ladies in store before 3 p. m. and Sp.m.every day of this GREAT AUCTION STARTING THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd at 3 P. M. store Open 8 A. M. TUI Closing Time. Come Early and malte your Own Selections. Chairs for Your Comfort. Beautiful I^esent^ AI>solutety FREE. Courteous Treatment and Wonderful Bargains For All. 3 P. M. and 8 P. M. ABERDEEN, NORTH CAROLINA

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