Friday, May 15, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page THE SPINNING WHEEL Abex’deen OPEN ALL SUMMER Curk market on Wednesday mornings. All kinds of home made Cakes, Breads, and Pastries fresh daily. Orders taken for any Foods. PENPlKi 4 15' 4 'ir 18' Sale of Phillips’ Delicious CANNED FOODS Phillips Delicious Pork and Beans Phillips Delicious Tomato Juice Phillip’s Delicious Early June Peas Phillips Delicious String Beans Phillip’s Delicious Prepared Spaghetti Phillip’s Delicious Assorted Soups 6 Phillip’s Delicious Solid Pack 3 No 2 O A< cans " vF 3 No 2 on< cans "vF 15 1-2 oz can 5 10 1-2 oz cans 25 Tomatoes 4 25 Other Features! or Sour Best American PICKLES CHEESE O Quiirt Ld .Jars Liu\j 18c Lb. Lipton’s Y'ellow Label TEA '4-Lb. 91 Pkij. LWj Mother’s Salad DRESSING or Relish Spread Iced Tea Glass Free with Quart or Jar LOKj each purchase of 1-4 lb. Large Octajron Soap, 4 for .. 17c Northern Gauze, 4 for 15c Southern Manor Tea, '4-lb. 15c Brownie Boy Bread, 14-oz. 5c Fresh Lobsters, ea, - 25c Pot Roast, lb. . I7V2C Spare Ribs, lb. - - 18c Shoulder of Lamb, rolled and boned, lb. 30c Full Line of Fresh Fish The Week in Vass The Vass Woman’s Club met on Fri day tvening at the home of Mrs. C. L. Tyson with Mrs. C. J. Temple, Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews and Miss Mary Beasley as asscciate hostesses. Under the direction of Mrs. W. H. Keith, public welfare department chairman, the following program was piesented: “Why Mothers Live,’’ Mrs. j H. A. Borst; "Picking Pimples," Mrs. IW'. D. Matthews; "Spring Days, bered by her Vass friends as Miss Anna Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gladstone spent the week-end with rtjJativoj in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Ben H, Wood and children, Marilyn, Billy iind Philip Austin, went to Newton fS’ for .a visit wtih relatives. children cf Rockingham spent Sun day with their mother, Mrs. Mary Eldridge. i W. J. Poole, of Jackson Springs is spending a few days at I He home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Poole. EUREKA Mr. and Mrs. John McCaskill and children of Durham spent the week- ^ j end with Mr. McCaskill’s parents, Mr. \V. B. Graham, E. E. Eurey, Gerald McCaskill. ' and Bernice Graham were visitors to Miss R'gina Blue of FUtleigh spent H I Mrs. W. B. Graham; "Sleep, Surest j Ruffin, S. C., during thf» week-end. | *he week-end with relatives here, tl I Beauty Aid in the World,” Mrs. W. | Miss Ruth McNeill was in town Miss Virginia Rae Blue who has ** H. Keith; "A C.g in a Wheel,’’ Mrs. Mo.K'ay mcrning enroute to Falcon to been visiting relatives at Eagle I S. R. Smith. The club voted to spon- attend the funeral of her cousin. Springs has returned to her hoiTie j sor a cooking school to be put on by Laurice McLellan of Chapel Hil!, who, here. j the Carolina Power and Light Com- | with his aunt, Mrs. Hattie Culbreth Floyd Stewart who has been in pany. | Pate of Raleigh, was instantly killed Washington for some time has re- I The following pupils of Vass-Lake-| Sunday when his car crashed into a turned to his home here, view school were sight-seers in Ral- heavily loaded produce truck near ^ Mrs. Lou McDonald who has been eigh on Saturday with Miss Neolia Dunn as he was nearing the home spending some time with her sisters, McCrumm'n, seventh grade tcachor, jof his parents. Julia i Leslie accom- Mesclames Nannie McCaskill and Net- Dees, Mother—heed the urgent ad vice of doctors and hospitals; do as they ao; give your baby a daily body-rub with tiie anti septic oil that chas<’8 away germs, and keepsthe skin SAFE. That means Ivlcnnen Antiseptic Oil. It’s used by nearly all maternity hospitals. It gets down into skiii-folds — and pre vents infection, cJiafing, chap ping and roughness. Get a bot tle today. At any druggist. MENNEN Antiseptic OIL as guide: Marie Tyson, Eula Angie Marie Gilliland, Margaret Gun ter. Annie Lou Brewei’. Mary Mae Scott, Irene Seagrove, Viola McNeill, Margaret Bettina, Eula Boggs, Lucile Marks, Ernestine McFayden, Mary I McFayden, Hazel Crouse, Fletcher ! Garner, Dorothy Moore and Helen I McRae. Miss Margaret Lambert was a member of the party, also. At a recent meeting of the Women’s panied McNe.'ll. jfje McRae, has returned to her home Mrs. A. G. Edwards and the twins, near Sanford. Baxter and Max, spent last week-end in Raleigh with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bundy. PINEBLUFF Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ragsdale, had as their dinner guest Friday night, the members of the Eureka School facul- , ty- I The children and grand-children of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Blue, celebrated ' Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Wells left last Mother’s Day Sunday in the form of week for their home in FMllmore, N. Y. a home-coming. Dinner was enjoyed Mrs. Georg:anna Cavanaugh and by the following; Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Athletic Association of East Carolina s n of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., are Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Worth Blue and Teachtrd College, Miss Elizabeth occupying the Proper cottage. baby, Wilma Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Al- Keith of Vass, retiring president and Dougluas Allison of Mt. Gilead ton Blue and baby, Peggie Joyce, Mr. basketball manager, was one of two spent several days last week with his and Mrs. Edgar Blue and John, Carl- girls to receive three-years awards, mother, Mrs. Hazel Allison. | ton and Harold Blue, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miss Keith, a senior at the institu- Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Welch return- M. Blue, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Fields tion, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ed to their home in Columbus. N. Y., ' and children, Dorothy Mae, Tom and W. H. Keith. Tuesday. | James, Fred and G«rmaine Davis, The following members cf the agri- Cavanaugh of Saratoga and Misses Edith and Allie Mae Blue, culture department of Vass-Lakeview Springs, N. Y., has rented the Hold- j Quite a number of this community High School who had met certain brook house. | attended the funeral at Lemon scholastic attainments were accom- Mrs. Ralph Journey spent Sunday Springs Monday of Mrs. Floyd Mease- panied to Raleigh Thursday by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. mer of Jonesboro, director, W. E. Gladstone, for a day’s Covington in Hoffman. j The Eureka P. T. A. met Monday visit to points of interest and to a Mrs. Katherine Kinlaw spent sev- night in the school auditorium. After ball game: Billy White, Connor Cole, with her mother the reading of a financial report of ■lulian Smith, John Alex Smith, Hu;-- |P^ul. i the year by IMrs. Z. V. Blue. New of- ■ ley Jones, Sidney Cox, Hackney McCaskill returned to ficers were elected as follows: Mrs.' Marks, Edward Gschwind, Paul Good-,''"**®bington, D. C., Monday after a R. S. Blue, president; Mrs. Clifford man, George Cameron .Arthur Hvii-;King, vice president and Mrs. John dricks and James Cooper. I Alice Wilk s returned home B. Ray. seci-etary and treasurer. , Members of the Senior class of i ^P^^nding a week in Little Billie Horner was guest Sun- j Vass-Lakeview High School were i Lilly-Jordan Hospital in Fayette- day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. complimented on Thursday night of ''"’" ^"derwnt an opera- L. Blun:. BUILD MONEY MAKING CHICKS STARTENA McNeill & Co. Feed and Seed Stores Southern Pines and FayettevlUe THE ARK Southern Pines, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts MILLICENT A. HAYES Principal last week by the iiesiiman class at an ice cream social in the pine grove at Lakeview. On Tu'sday evening the Sophomores entertainei! them at a picnic at the lakeside in AoerJ.epr>. The Junior class of the local high school enjoyed a picnic at Juniper Lake on Friday evening, going f.'om there to the lake shore in Aberdeen •vhere they played games. The following pupils qf Vass-Lake- view school who are piano pupils of Mrs. Herbert Mclnnis took part in a recital given in the C.ameron school auditorium on Friday evening; Misses Edna Earle Richardson, Mary Mc- I Lauchlin, Sarah Camercn and Sarah ' McFayden. j Mrs. W’. J. Cam jron, in whose con- ; dition some improvement was noted | the first of last week, became worse on Thursday and has been confined to her bed since then. Misses Mary Bland and Gala Lee Nunnery of Fayetteville were week end guests of Mrs. B. M. Corljatt. Joseph Matthews and his room mate, Richard Kuncle, State College students, spent week-end with Joseph's parents, Mr. an