Friday, May 22, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pino uid Aberdeen, North Carolina PaRe sev« EUREKA Miss Mary Kelly, teacher in Star school, and Miss Lucille McLeod, teacher in West End School, have re turned to their homes for tlie summer months. Lawrence McLeod of Raleigh visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mc Leod over the week-end. Miss Florence Henson of Jackson Springs is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blue. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferguson of Florida are on an extended visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fer guson of this section. Mrs. F. W. Vcn Canon'and daught ers, Beth, Peggi, and Clara of West End, visited Mrs. Nannie and Miss Aimes McCaskill Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. CUnt McCaskill of Carthage were guests Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCaskill. Mrs. Holt McNeill of Hemp visited Misses Edith, AJlie Mae, Mildred and Bernice Blue Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Blue and Daughters, Leroy and Lucy and Albert Hayes of Winston-Salem were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. Ida Blue. Roscoe Ferguson and children of Fairbluff spent Sunday with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson. Mrs. Jakin Tillman and daughters, Ruth Knight and Joanne, are <.n an 'xtended visit with relatives in this sc^Uon. Miss Evelyn Short of near Daugs Chappell spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. Mattie L. Blue. Mrs. Fred Bowen and Mrs. Huffman of Dallas are on an etended visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ffrguson. Mr. and Mrs. B. Presley announce the birth of a daughter on Friday, May 15. DR. MoGEE SPE.AKER Members of the Southern Pines Camp No. 24, United Spanish War Veterans, met in the Men’s Club Sun day afternoon. May 17th. An address by Mrs. Anita Newcomb McGee, a member of the camp, followed the us ual r.utine business meeting. 24 Seniors Awarded Diplomas At Pinehurst School Exercises Dr. E. V, Pullias of Duke Uni versity is Speaker at Gradu ation Last Friday Graves of Veteran» Legion Post Here Seeks Loca tions That All May Be Dec orated May 30lh Po Install Pastor 1 Calcote on May 31 Services To Be Held at Vass, Manly, Union and Lakeview Churches i On the fifth Sunday in this month, j the RevX C. I. Calcote of Vass will be ; installed as pastor of the Vass, Man- j ly, Union and Lakeview Presbyterian ' churches in separate services to be i Dressed poultry at the Curb Mar ket. On the Stage in PERSON New York Profe.ssional Cast of 25 Per.sons Direct from Broadway The F'ederal Theatre Touring Unit No. 1 Presents POST ROAD A .MYSTERY-CO.MEDY at the CAROLINA THEATRE Southern Pine.s Wedne.sday Night, May 27, 1936—8:20 o’clock Featuring Julia Fassett, Guy Standing, Jr., Tommy Carnahan and others. PRICES: Box Seats, 75c Reserved Seats, 60c Pinehurst Public schools closed a successful year last Friday evening with the awarding of twenty-four di- pl:mas to members of the Senior class. The baccalaureate sermon was Sandhills Post No. 134 of the | conducted by a commission of Pres- preached Sunday morning. May 10th, 'American Legion requests the resi-.bytery of which the Rev. C. A. Law. by the Rev. A. V. Gibson of Sanford. ' dents of Moore county to communi-(rence, former pastor of this group Special music was furnished by the cate with the adjutants, Holt McNeill | of churches, is chairman. Pinehurst Glee Club under the direc- |:f Carthage or Rassie Wicker of 'pjjg service in Vass will be held at tion of Miss Katherine Bhie. Pinehurst regarding th^ location of io:00 o’clock, and the sermon will be On Tuesday evening. May 12th, the , graves in Moore county of the de. preached by the Rev. Malcolm Cal- music pupils of Miss Catherine Blue deased veterans of all wars. This in- houn of St. Paul. Dr. A. R. McQueen gave a delightful recital. G. Stanley formation is sought for the decora-Dunn will make the charge to the Smith of Southern Pines served as t'on of graves ceremonies on Me- pastor, and Mr. Lawrence will charge judge and prizes were presented to morial Day, May 30th. A committee people. the winners. Bobby Viall and Jessie in charge of flags has been appointed i ^.t 11:30, the installation service at Ritter won prizes for having the best to decorate the graves. ! Manly will begin. Rev. Mr. Calhoun lessons during the school year. Flora ' a memorial service will be held by will preach, Mr. McQueen will charge Ellen Cameron a gold pin for giv- the American Legion Sunday morn- ^ the pastor and Rev. Mr. Lawrence, ! ing the best performance of the jng^ May 31st at the Pinehurst Com- the people, elementary group, and Bobby Viall munity Church, services to be'con- given honorable mention. Billy Viall ducted by the Rev. A. J. McKelway, won the gold pin for giving the best chaplain of this post of the American performance of the advanced group Legion. Members of the Legion, mem bers of the Auxiliary and friends are urged to attend these services. Sandhills Post meets every second Thursday of each month in Southern Mother—heed the urgent ad vice of doctors and hospitals; do as they do; give your baby t daily body-rub with the anti' septic oil that chases away germs, and ket-ps the skin SAFE. That means Mt-nnen Antiscptic Oil. It’s used by ne#irly all maternity hospitals. It gets down into skin-folds—and pre vents infection, chafing, chap ping and roughness. Grt a bot tle today. At any druggist. MENNEN Antiseptic OIL and Helen Ruth Cole won honorable mention. It w£is a very pleasing pro. gram. On Thursday mcrning, May 14th, the certificates were presented to the Pines. All veterans of the district are seventh grad? by Mrs. True Cheeny, | urged to join the post and to attend Dresident of the Parent-Teacher As- ^ these .services. John G. Hemmer of sociation. The address to the class | Pinehurst is post commander. was made by Albert S. Hall, the class ^ sponsor. On Thur.sday evening, the i ningham, prizes and medals awarded Seniors • presented ‘‘The Rainbow by Principal W. P. Morton, Lewis Trail” as their Class Night program. Frye and Edna Frye rendered two ivaxxuxtvstxtxtasivt THE SPINNING WHEEL Aberdeen OPEN ALL SUMMER Curk market on Wedne.sday mornings. All kinds of home made Cakes, Breads, and Pasti'ies fresh daily. Orders taken for any Foods. Those taking part were Prologist, Class Graham; Historian, Della Free man; Testator. Elizabeth Lewis; Stat istician. Opal Currie; Poet, Lula Belle Medford, Giftorian. Jeanne Greer; Prophet, Helen McKenzie, and Fairy Queen. Helen Fields. Other members of the class were Clarence Akins, Ellis Fields, Alex Freeman, Lewis Fiye, James Graham, Le~n McKenzie, W. P. Morton, Jr., Haywood Wicker, Marvin Wicker, Helen Ruth Cole, Edna Frye, Helen F. Frye, Annabelle Kennedy, Sadie Lee, Rose Anna Moore, Ethel Moore and Mary E. Robert.son. Dr. E. V. Pullias of Duke Univer sity made the address of the evening at the graduation exercises last Fri day night. After the invocation by the Rev. A. J. McKelway, the Girls’ Glee Club sang, W. P. Morton, Jr., gave the salutatory, Helen Ruth Cole and Della Freeman played a selection cn two pianos, Ellis Fields gave his oration as class orator, the Boys’ Glee Club sang “Away to Rio,” athletic honors were awarded by W. L. Cun- i violin duets. Helen Ruth Cole gave the valedictory, and S. R. Ransdell award ed the diplomas to the Seniors. Dr. Cheatham closed the exercises with th? benediction. The f llowing prizes and medals were awarded; the Dunlop prizes of $2,.')0 in money for making the high est averages for the year in the eighth gra A REALLY WUGH PORCH PA/MT! Tough/ That’s the only word that de* scribes the wearing quality of LOWB Brothers PORCH AND DECK PAINX Just try it once : : : you’ll find that it dries exceptionally hard, and wears weUi Hard leather heels won’t scuff it and chairs that skid across the floor won’t mar it. And the way it stands up under sun, snow, sleet and rain is truly remarkable! We can supply you with LOWB BROTHSRs PORCH AND DECK PAINT in pleasing colors; Aberdeen Hardware Company A New Car Received This Week Johns-Nanville Giant Roofing A new roof on your home now will mean protection from rain and heat all summer and fuel economy throughout the winter, plus the beauty it will add to your home. Johns-Manville Iloofing comes in standard colors. It may be applied right over the old roof, thus saving time and labor. Let Us Give You Estimates Pinehurst Warehouses, Inc Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETKIJINAKIANS Swinnerton Stables. Southern Pines on Mondays Race Track, Pinehurst on Thursdays A.Li. ADAMS TAINTER — DECORATOB PAPER HAN GBR WALL PAPERS NEON SIGNS Phone 692S E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storage fwithcni N. C. TeL ABERDEEN, N. C. Pinehurst, N. C. nmnnumnmumnmmm::: Will be in his office over tiM Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday, from 10:00 a. m. to 8:00 p. m. Don’t fail to see bin if yoar eyts are weak.