FIRST IN NEWS, CIRCULATION & ADVERTISING THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding yplNKBUJPP PILOT MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS-WEEKLY % of the Sandhill Territory ot ^ ^%,^^«^^'‘'’rolina VOL. 16, NO. 27. Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina. Friday, May 29, 193(i. or ^ /IVE CENTS _:»? ♦ BONUS FUNDS TO ! REV. E. M. POTEAT TUNE OF $310,816 I TO ADDRESS HIGH DUE HERE JUNE 16 SCHOOL SENIORS Registered Bonds Will Be Deliv ered to Veterans at Postoffices in County WHERE MONEY WILL GO Raleigh Pastor So. Pines Com mencement Speaker; Dr. Ray mond to Preach Baccalaureate 21 IN GRADUATING CLASS Commencement exercises of the Southern Pine» High School will be gin with the baccaiareate sermon on Sunday evening, May 31, at the Church of Wide Fellowship at 8:15 o’ clock. The Class Day exercises will be held at the High chool auditorium at ll;00 o’clock Wednesday morning, June 3rd. The graduation exercises will be cn Wednesday evening. June 3rd, in the auditorium at 8:15 o’clock. The Rev. Dr. C. Rexford Raymond, pastor of the Church of Wide Fellow- i ship, will preach the baccalaureate Graduating Class of Southern Pines High School—1936 f GROUND ISBROKEN FOR TWEED PLANT ON MIDLAND ROAD Factory Ts',;ar Pinehurst To Em ploy Skilled Workers Oper ating Hand Looms WOOL AND SILK GOODS Uncle Sam's adjusted service com pensation bonds for veterans of the World War will be in the mails on June 15th, and should be available for Moore county’s former soldiers at postoffices throughout the county on the 16th or 17th. it was announced this week. Moore county vetei'ans have an es timated $310,816 coming to them as added remuneration for their services in the army, navy, or marine corps, and are not expected to waste much time in getting to their postoffices in their respective towns after the i sermon: The Rev. E. McNeil Poteat, big bags of registered mail have been j pastor of the Pullen Memorial Bap- passed out of the Railway Mail Serv- list Church of Raleigh, will give the ice cars. commencement address. — —— From Postmaster Frank Buchan of The personnel of the Senior Class i Bottom row: Virginia Stevie :. Hermann Grover, Ruth Thompson, Alaric Creighton Diew. Bertha Fowler, Ruth Southern Pines. The Pilot learned this! is: l»lia Adams. Carlos Greene Bail-| Richardson. Carlos Greene Bailey and Mary E. Cameron. Second .-ow: Lucille Grover, Eiknme Eddy. Mary Jane week the steps necessary for the' ey, Robert Beck. Mary E. Cameron. |'''^‘'^dward. Stancil Str. ud, Lelia Adams, Ruth Glllis and Eleanor Harloe. Back row: Lawience Williams, Stanley veterans to secure their much wanted' Louise Cosgrove, Alaric Creighton : Tobin. Robert Beck. Bynum Reed Bailey and Walter Spxeth. Louise Cosgrove, a member of the class, is not in and much needed payments. The' Drew, Ellenore Eddy, Bertha Fowler,' picture bonds in denominations of $50 (with ?aith Gillis, Lucile Grover, Hermann government checks for odd amounts) ' Tiover, Eleanor Harloe, Ruth Rich- wili come by registered mail addres-; ardson, Walter Spaeth, Virginia Stev- sed to the individual veterans. It | ick, Stancil Stroud, Stanl<;y Tobin, will be necessary for each veteran to Fiutb Thompson, Lawience Williams apply in person at his postoffice. If lind Mary Jane Woodward, Of the the postmaster knows the applicant 21 graduates, 16 are from Southern he can procure his registered envel- Pines, three ftom Manly, one from ope if not he will have to be Identi- ' Niagara, and one from Boston, fied; by two persons who do knew j ^-^6 program for Sunday evening him. He must sign for his envelope < opens with an organ prelude ‘‘Festi- exactly as it is addre.s-sed. i val March," played by Fredeiick To cash the bonds, they must be | Smith, A song. "The Angclus,” will endorsed and given back to the p; st- j be sung by the Girl'<’ Glee Club. Fol- master who will give him a receipt.' lowing the scripture reading by the The postmaster then sends the bonds ^Tvcv. E. L. Barber, a song, "An Easter to the Raleigh postoffice, the bond i Hallelujah,” will be rendered by a dejKJsitory for thi« district, and the double mixed chorus. A prayer by the Raleigh office will send the veteran' Rev. Rev. J. Fred Stimson will pre- a check for the value of his bonds. ; cede the “Open Doors.” by Dr. Ray- Mivy Ketiiin Bonds i mond, followed by an organ postlude, If a veteran ha.s. for example. $.'335 : "Grand March.” from Aida, played by coming to him in adjusted compensa- Mrs. Stanley Smith. RESIDENTS SUFFER HEAVY LOSSES IN FIRE AT CAMERON Village Threatened P’rom Flames Originating in (iarage cf !Vlu,se Home 2 DEPARTMENTS AID Last Thursday afternoon fire of un. determined origin broke out in the garage at the home of Mrs, LouI.h Muse in Cameron. This burned rapid ly and her home caught almost im mediately. Friends .saved part of the ho’is.hcld belongings, but many un- r<‘placeable articles of great value were ost. In an upstairs apartment tion. he will receive in the registered The program for Class Day will be | the belongings of Prof. mail ten $50 bonds and a government as follows: Address of W’elcome, Mary Lowery were a total loss A strong breeze and the general ari lity placed all the at that To Honor Dead Legion Post to Hold Memorial Day Services in Pinehurst Church Sunday check for $35. The check is cashable | Jane Woodward; Class Historian, El- anywhere. The bonds, if the veteran ’enore Eddy; Song,‘‘O Rose So Bright- desires to turn them into money at 1 ly Glowing,’ by the Lyric Club; once, goes through the procedure out- Class Grumbler, Eleanor Harloe; I end of the village in danger. The res- lined above. If he does not desire to cash them at once, however, he can retain them, and after the first year the government will pay him three percent interest on them as long as they are held. In order to facilitate delivery and certification of the bonds Postmaster Buchan has arranged to open tempo rary quarters in the store of Nick Rapatas on West Broad street. South ern Pines. After receiving their reg- (Please turn to page 5) County School Buses Damaiered by Fire Three Destroyed, 39 Others Par tially Burned in Storage Ga rage at Carthage Class Prophet, Ruth Thompson; Clas.s Song, Bertha Fowler; Class Giftorian, Ruth Richard.son; Class Testator, Lelia Adams;; Pre.sentation of Gift, ; Lawrence Williams Acceptance, F. W. Webster; Song, “Little David,” by, mixed chorus; Class Farewell, Robert' Beck. The graduation exercise^ program will bo: Invocation by the Rev. Thom- idence of H. D. Tally, across the street, caught three, times. Furniture was removed from the home cf Mrs. Geoigia Matthews and from the apartment of Dr. C. N. Eckerson, the home of J. F. Loving. R. C. Thomas i and H. P. McPherson, as all of these places were seemingly ' burn. Veterans of all wars are requested to attend Memorial Day services on Sunday at tho Community Church, Pinehurst .at 11:00 a. ni. A memorial sermon by the Rev. A. J. McKelway, chaplain of Sandhills Post, American Legion, and musical selections by a special quartette will make this service of espccial interest t> ex-.'Hi^d"'':s. Veterans of all wars, as well as members of the Legion Auxiliary, are requested by John G. Hemmer, Com mander of Post No. 134 to attend in a body. Grand Jury Acts On School Bus Accident Demands Competent Drivers and Thorough Inspection of County’s V'^ehicles I Ground was broken last week for j a ne\<’ manufacturing plant in the I Sandhills that will be heartily welcom- ’ ed, a factory that will produce an I interesting of goods and employ : a superior class of workers. I The firm, called Anglow Tweeds, i is in the nature of a family partner ship comprising Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Chatfield and their s n Henry, ot Marion. The Chatfields are newcomers to the business life of the Sandhills, but they have long been an integral part of the community, having for many years owned “The Adoketon.” a winter home just east of the Berkshire Hotel in Pinehurst. Although Mr. and Mrs. Chatfield will continue to spend the summer months in Massachusetts, where they operate a factory like the one they are building here, at Rochester, a |.short distance from their Marion , home, it is understood that they plaa j in time to make Pinehurst their per- i manent place of abode. Henry Chat field, who has been the chief execu tive of the Massachusetts plant, will occupy a like position here, and will COUNTY FARMERS move to Pinehurst in the immediate The firm has for sever’al years man- New Club To Have Representa- ufactured n .superior grade of all wool tive Membership From All and pure silk tweeds which are sold Communities ; all over the country. These are all — I made on hand looms, in the operation OFFICERS ELECTED FRIDAY of which considerable skill is required, , but Mr. Chatfield is confident that he A r.presentative gioup of Moore can train local residents to run them county faimer.s met in the Woman's in a comparatively short time. Club room at the court house in The new building, already in pro- Carthage last Friday evening and or- • of construction, is located some ganized a Farmers’ Club. O. U, Alex- 500 feet east from the Standard fill- ander wns elected president, T ,L. jng station on Midland Road about a Blue was chosen vice president, E. H. mile from Pinehui'st. It will be of Garrison. Jr., secretary and A. B. brick 1.50 feet long by 30 feet wide on Cameron, treasurer. ; some ten acres or land purchased Farmers were in attendance from through the agency of L. L. Biddle, II. all parts oi the county. A Jflightful It will house about 25 operatives, and dinner v.’an served by .Miss Flora Me- producticn w'ill begin some time dur- Donald, assisted by several young wo- ing the coming October, men and an inspiring and helpful ad- It is a noteworthy fact that before dress was given by J. . Criswell, in deciding to locate their new plant in chai'ge of the cotton program of the ^ the Sandhills, the Chatfields gave Slate College Extensi n Department. ‘ careful con.sideration to other locali- ALEXANDER HEADS ORGANIZATION OF 'The recent fatal school bus acci dent Dfings forcibly to cur attention the necessity for havirrg competent school bus drivers and the necessity d omed to | jj^^t all school busses be kept in good mechanical condition,” stated The barn and crib at the home ot' the Grand Jirry in its report last as A Williams; Song, “Heaven HavJ^rs .J. A. McPherson burned, destroy- (Please turn to page 8) i quantity of feed and much cor n. . I This was especially pathetic as her little ten-year old son was seriously ill in the home with scarlet fever. Three Moore county school buses were destroyed and 39 others were damaged in a fire which occurred in the county garage in Carthage about 8:00 o’clock last Sunday mornnig. Damage to the building is compara tively smAll, being estimated at around $100. A short circuit in one of the buses is thougrht to have caus ed the blaze. The fire was discovered by Way- land Lee, colored assistant to the school mechaiiic, who chanced to be Sen. Lindsey Pleads McDonald’s Cause vSays Candidate Can Find Neces sary Money to. Run State With out Sales Tax State Senator T. A. Lindsey of Southport outlined some of the planks ' barn. In the wagon shelter were his of Dr. Ralph McDonald’s platform in , stock cutter, two-hor se wagon, har- his campaign for the Democratic ; plows, etc. nomination for Governor at the week- departments of Carthage ly meeting of the Kiwanis Club of , Southern Pines came to help the Aberdeen held on Wednesday in the , valiarrUy Southern Pines Country Club. He told fighting the fire, and it was through of Dr. McDonald s idea of relieving , aid that many homes were saved the people of the sales tax by higher i fburning, taxation of incomes in the bigh-: Among the losses of Mrs. Muse may be counted rare old china and silver w'eek. "and we recommend and urge our proper county official to use the best eff rts of his office to have this service improved.” The Grand Jury also recommend- The barn, wagon shelter, tool house, 1 that the county commissioners be ' restrained from issuing any further licenses for coin or check machines and that the sher'iff be instnrcted to use the best efforts of his office in this parsing nearby. He hurried to the garage and attempted to extinguish I the operation of the Slate govBrn- the fire by throwing water, but the ment, including the schools, building was so filled with smoke I Senator Lindsey stated that Dr. Me- er brackets and says the candidate has figures to show a sufficient' ^ , amount of taxables not now touched ’grandmother, parnt- to raise the necessary $26,000,000 for hen house (with eleven setting hens in it. garage, and crib (with 700 bushels of corn in iti W'ere burned at the home of H. P, McPhersrn. He had just unloaded a carload of feed | eradicating all machines from and a carload of fertilizer into his county. It was recommended that the pro ceedings of the county commissioners be published regirlarly in the county papers. The Grand Jury reported that con ditions were gr>od in the various county institutions. There wei-e 24 in mates at the county home and 80 prisoners at the prison camp. The janitor service at the court house was termed “very poor,” and “should be improved.” the groirp said. These present for the meeting were A. B. Cameron. W’. E. Kelly, W. W'. Dalrymple. W'. G. Caldwell. E. H. Gar ties, including White Sulphur Springs and Hot Springs, Va., but after ex haustive investigation chose Pine- rison. Jr., Rev. T S. Guy and Martin ‘ preference to all other places. While it has not been learned that ings of inestimable value and age. (Pleswe turn, to' page 81 that L:e was forced to crawl out. He gave the alarm and the Carthage Fire Department was assisted by the Pine hurst firemen in combatting the flames. About 60 buses wei'e parked in and around the garage, as j)racttcally all of the schools in the county have closed and the buses had been stored for the summer. The garage was erected from abandoned school build ings with relief labor and was used during last summer. The buses .were insured. Donald’s platform is more in line with the Democratic party’s platform than that of liny ether candidate. And he stated that it was time some new blood was injected into “the rusty old machine” which has been nrnning the State for some time. "But whoever is nominated, we have nothing to worry,” he concluded. “We have four fine candidates, and could not have selected better men to compete for the office of Governor if we had combed the State with, a fine tooth comb.” STOKES TO CLOSE WEDNESD.AY -AFTEKNOONS THIS 81’,\IMEK Blue. Carthage. T. Frank Cameron of Cameron T. L. Blue and W. E. Glad- ■■tone, vocational teacher. Vass. O. U. Alexander and W'. A. Tyson. Deep River. J. A. Kelly, Eagle Springs; D. A. Patterson. J. D. Mclnnis. R. B. Donaldson and J H. Poole, W’est End. D A. Dunlap. Spies. W'. A. Cook. D. P Blue and J hn O’Quinn. Pinebluff. Committees were appointed to ar range for the next meeting about the middle of June, and to dr’aft a con stitution and by.laws for the club to be presented at the next meeting. .All Farmers Invited It was decided to take these month ly meetings to all parts of the coun ty, up n invitation, in order that those who do not have cars may at tend at least the meetings in their the Anglow Tweeds weave room will be open to public inspection, the weaving of cloth by hand is a most interesting process to watch ,and if visitors are admitted the new plant will be as interesting a place to visit as Judge Way’s orchid greenhouse, and an equal source of pride to Sand- ' hills residents. Frederick E. Goddard, Born in 1853, Dies Here (’ame to Southern Pines in 1917 ' and P.eslded in Niagara Un til Year Ago Agreeably with the custom started some years ago neatly all the stores in Southern Pines will close during the summer on Wednesday after noons beginning June 3rd. The Citi zens Bank and Trust Company and ' Southern Pines Country Club, the Postoffice join the Wednesday closing, but will remain open for bus iness Saturday afternoons. Stores in Aberdeen will close at H. E. ST.ACEY TO SPEAK HERE FOR ri,n)E HOEY H. E. Stacey, brother of Chief Jus tice of the State Supreme Court, will speak in behalf of Clyde Hoey, candi date for the Democratic nommatlon for Governor of North Carolina, at next week's meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Aberdeen. The meeting will be h:ld at noon on Wednesday in the DIRECTORS TO MEET P\ineral services conducted by the Rev. Myrcn Adams we... re held in the I Powell Funeral Home at 4:30 o’clock own community. It is earnestly de-1 afternoon for Frederick E. sired that every whrte farmer in the U^ddard who died in his home in pounty become a member at the earn- o tw __ n- j j • •' I Southern Pines Wednesday night. I Mr. Goddard, the son of Frederick j E. Goddard was born in Worcester, I Mfiss., in 1853, and came to Southern I Pines in 1917, where, on January 4th of the following year he married Mrs. {Please turn to page 5) FIREMEN TO ( OMl*ETE AT LUMBERTON JUNE The annual meet of the Sandhills Firemen’s Association is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, June 2d and 3d. in Lumberton Picked crews from the fire companies of Abedreen, Car thage. Pinehurst, Pinebluff. Sanford, Hamlet. Rockingham, Raeford ,Max- ‘on, St. Paul. Fayetteville, Red Springs and Southern Pines will com pete in various etvents. Representing Southern Pines will be the Water team. Tom Vann, captain. Edward Davis, John Cameron. Ted Kennedy, J. Ketchum and Stanley Dunn, and Directors of the- Kiwanis ClUb of I the Chemical team, Oscar Michael, noon cn Wednesdays starting on June .Aberdeen' will meet Tuesday night at , Harriis Cashion, Douglas Gregory and 3d. 7:00 o’clock in the Park View Hotel. Elmer Reneger. Eunice Chatfield, the widow of Fred erick Chatfield one of the early pio neers of Southern Pines. Until the destruction cf their home and loss of all their personal effects in the fire of last May, Mr. and Mrs. Goddard had made Niagara their res idence for many y Mr. Ooddard is "^ived by his wid ow', three brothers, ^A. N. and Frank Goddard of Detroit, Mich, Willis God- dad of Los Angeles. Cal.. and a son by a former marriage. Herbert God dard of Worcester, Mass. Following the funeral cortege to the followed the funeral cortege to the ?rave in Mount Hope Cemetery, crop will oe cut snoi i umeas me i

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