Friday, May 29, 1936. THE PILOT. Southern Pines and Aberd«n. North Carolina Page Thr«e Lots Auctiond Off at Jackson Hamlet Goldston Twins Perform at Op ening of New Subdivision For Pinehurst Colored Jackson Hamlet, near Pinehurst, ex, perlenced probably the most tumul tuous and €xhllarating day In its en tire and varied career on Saturday when the Goldston Twins, auctioneers, offered to the ecstatic multitude of colored folks a-ssemtled an astonish ing property in the form of delectable lots in this flower-strewn paradise. Being there we could hardly resist the compelling and forceful oratory of the Goldston Brothers and pretty nearly bought a lot, what with the heat and one thing and another. Working from the end of their pala tial sound truck the auctioneers were extremely active and threatened to go Into a song and dance routine at any moment. By the exercise of extraordinary will power and the fact that our car was inextricably bogged down in the sand of this charming spot we man. aged to resist these spell binders and not even the possible acquirement of a huge jar of money, subsequently discovered to be heavily padded with •wadded paper) could change our pur pose—which was to get away from there as quickly as possible and have a couple of bottles of beer. Anywa.’, many lots were sold in the new subdivision, ranging in price from $8.00 to $48.00. The Week in Aberdeen EUREKA Mr. and Mrs. W. M. McLeod and Mrs. Sara Jane Blue visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. McLean of Aberdeen Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. L. Blue and daughters, Mil dred, Nellie, and Bernice, and son Ed win, and Mrs Dalph Blue of Carthage, visited relatives in West End, and near Jackson Springs Thursday. Mrs. H. M. McCaskill is spending a few (lays with her sisters. Miss Kit tle Blue and Mrs. Lula Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Blue and baby Peggie Joyce visited relatives near Union Church and Vass Sunday. Mrs. A. A. McCaskill, Tom, June and Catherine McCsiskill, and Mrs. J. B. Ray visited relative* in West End and Jackson Springs Sunday. Mfss Bertie Mae Strider of Carth age is visiting Miss Lillie Blue of this comnnmity. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Blue and chil. dren visited Mrs. Blue’s pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans of Vas-, Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and children of near Aberdeen were guests Sunday of Miss Kittle Blue and Mrs. Lula Palmer. * Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horne had as their guests Sunday Mis. Kate Mark- um of Greenville, Mrs. Clyde Keith of Addor, Mr. and Mrs. John Keith of Rcckingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Horne and Children of Vass Route 1, Mr. and Mrs. Currie Home of Carth age, Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Horne of Hemp, and Oscar Caddell of Carthage, Route 3. Miss Lucille McLeod has returned to here home here from West End, where she has been recovering from a tonsil operation which she under went at Red Springs last Thursday. ALICE M.4Y HOLMES IS ELEt'TED W. C. T. U. HEAD Miss Alice May Holmes of Southern Pines was elected president of the newly organized Sandhill Women's Christian Temperance Union at the recent meeting held at The Lantana in Aberdeen. Other officers are: Mrs. C. O. Newell, Pinebluff, vice-prcsi. dent; Mrs. Claude Johns;n, Aberdeen, recording secretary; Mrs. Beatty, Southern Pines, corresponding secre tary and Mrs. R. P. Gibson, Pinebluft, treasurer. Another meeting to complete the organization is to be held at 3:00 o’clock tomorrow, Saturday, after noon, at the heme of Miss Holmes, 48 Vermont avenue. The charter mem bership list is being kept open until all women In the Sandhills interested in temperance work hav^ had an op portunity to join the union. BITTEN BY CAT John Thomas McKeithen, Vass col ored man, is taking the Pasteur treatment after having been bitten by a cat which it is thought was rabid. McKeithen was spending the night with "Uncle” William McKeith en, who is ill, and while watching over him fell asleep. He was awak ened by a bite on the hand and op ened his eyes just in time to see the animal dash from the room. DEWBRRIES NEED RAIN Dewberries are beginning to ripen and first shipments are expected to go out by express the last of the week. Dewberry growers are hcping for rain at an early date as the crop will be cut short unless the drought is soon broken. George Martin, C W. Seymour and R C Zimmerman, with Colin Osmorne of Southern Pines enjoyed a fishing tilp to the coast last week Mrs. Frank Shamburger and daugh ter, Myrtle Alice, and Mrs J. R. Page, Sr., spent the past week.end in New Bern visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Page, Jr. Miss Ruth McFarland, who has been teaching music in the Randle- man Schools for the past term, is at home for the summer vacation. Misses Mabel Bethune, Betsy Jean Johnson, Kate and Lena Stewart and Frances Wimberly have completed their school year at Flora Macdonald College, and are now at home for the summer. Mrs. E. M. Medlln and daughter, Gloria Gtay, are spending some time at Davis with Mrs. Medlin’s mother. Mrs. W. T. Huntley returned to the Charlotte Sanatorium at Charlotte last Sunday for a few days treatment. Mrs. W. A. Blue is joining Mr. Blue at Myrtle Beach, S. C., this week where they are taking a cottage for the summer. Henry Covington of Rockingham spent the week-end in Aberdeen visit ing his sister, Mrs. Ernest Byrd. Miss Julia Brown of Greenville was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. G. C. Sey mour last week. Richard Page and Millie Page of Statesville visited their grandmother, Mrs Robeit N. Page, Sr., last week. Mrs. W. C. Carter, Sr., visited her son, Jesse Carter, at the Fort Bragg Infirmary, Jesse is being transferied shortly from the CCC Camp at Pclk- ton to a camp at (Jlen Rock, Pa. Miss Mildred Campbell has complet ed her work as teacher in the schools at Lincolnton, and is spending her vacation with her moth;r, Mrs. Maiy Campbell. Mr.s. R. C. Zimmerman and ilaught-1 er. Miss Roberta, spent the past week-1 end at Richlands, S. C., visiting rel atives. Misses Dee Batchelor and Marcella Folley, students at Peace College, j Raleigh, have returned home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Campbell, Mrs.! Maiy Campbell of Aberdeen, with ^ Mr. and Mrs. J H Suttenfield of Pine- bluff and Mr and Mrs. Geoige Mo- g.r of Southern Pines attended the Commencement exercises at Elise Acadtmy, last Tuesday, at which time June Campbell graduated. Mrs. Frank Page of High Point and Miss Emma Page of Greensboro were guests of the T. B. Wilders last Tues day. . Patrolman W. C. Kelly has been transferred from Lexing'ton to Aber deen and he and his family are oc cupying the Foy Cottage on Poplar street. j Mrs. Murdoch M. Johnson of Cam. den, S. C., spent last week-end visit-1 ing relatives . Cooper Gretter of Aberdeen, Miss-, issippi, is visiting the Rev. and Mrs. E. M. Han is. Mr. Gretter has been a' teacher In the Thomasville High j School during the past session. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carpenter of; Smithfiild visited relatives in town last Sunday. j J. K. Melvin and family attended; the graduation exercises at James Walker Memorial Hospital, Wilming ton last week, at which Miss Katha rine Melvin was a member of the graduation class. James Adams of Linden, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fagan and Miss Gen- levieve Macon of Goldsboro have been recent guests of Mrs. E. J. Macon. The Rev. E. M Harris preachcd the Commencement sermon at Randleman last Sunday. Ernest Byrd who is new located in Wadesboro, spent last Sunday in Aberdeen visiting his family. The Sandy Creek W. M. U. Associa tion will hold its meeting at Rocky River Church near Siler City on [Thursday of this we:k. Among the delegates attending from the Aber deen Baptist Church are Mrs. Claude Johnson, Mrs. R. G. Farrell, Mrs. Jack Taylor, Mrs. Marvin Kin- law and Mrs. E. M Harris Mrs Charlie V. Miller was hostess to the members of the Walter Hines Page Book Club and a number cf ad ditional guests at the Community House last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. ^ George Martin read a paper on Ten nessee, The Volunteer State, with Mrs. Leon ’Hall giving a paper on Writers of Tennessee. The musical part of the program was most enjoy able under the direction of Mrs. Reid A. Page, with Misses Jean Chester and Katharine Page rendering piano selections. At this meeting a portrait of the Jate Ambassador Walter Hines Page, for whom this club is named, was presented by Mrs. Robert N. Page, and hung over the mantel of the Club’s Living Room. M. Folley of Siler City arrived Wed nesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Folley for several weeks. Miss Susan McLean has returned home for the summer vacation from Nashville where she taught for the past year CR.ADLE ROLL DAY .\T o i BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY j j Cradle Rcll Day was observed at j Southern Pines Baptist Church last I Sunday with 21 mothers there with their babies. The church was beauti fully decorated with baskets of pink I and blue flowers, the symbol of baby-1 ' land. A welcome was given to the' I mothers and children b ythe pastor, I the Fiev. J. Fred Stimson, followed by j a special program by the children of I .‘he Sunday School. Enrollment certif- ' icates were given tc the 21 new I youngsters and promotion certificates from the Cradle Roll into the Begin- ' ners’ department were presented to ' the following: Albert Lewis Adams, ' Lewis Allison Phillips, Nella Ruth ; Johnson, Fennel Thomasson, William i Baker, C. L. Worsham, Jerry Thomp-' son, Myron Adams, Jr., Betty Eat-' man and Betty Leu Reneger. Mrs. D. C Phillips, who is in charge of the Cradle Roll, deserves ,great credit for her splendid work. LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES for partition of the proceeds thereof among the tenants in commcn owning said land, the parties to this proceed ing, as alle!?ed in the petition, and the said defendants will further take no tice that they are required to appear I at the office of the Clerk of the Su-; n rior Court of Moore Ccunty, North ' Carolina, at the courthouse in Car thage. not later than ten days from the date of the service of this sum mons and notice and answer or de mur to the complaint and petition In said special proceeding or the plain tiff petitioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said peti tion and complaint. This 13th day of May, 1936. JOHN WILLCOX, J5 Clerk Superior Court. P. O. OPEN UNTIL TEN The Southern Pines Postoffice will be closed tomorrow, Saturday, after 10:00 a. m. In observance of Memorial Day. GET YOURSELF SOME NEW GOODYEARS AND eopiAces! LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATION NOTICE PINEBLUFF i Notice Is hereby given that the un- dersigned has qualified as admlnlstra-, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Suttenfield spent j tor of the estate of H. A. McCallum. Tuesday in Elise attending com- Any and all persons having claims or mencement exercises. | demands against the said estate are Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Royce have re- 1 hereby notified to present them to the turned tc Pinebluff from Florida en. j undersigned at Southern Pines, on or route to th:ir home in the north. ' befo’.e May 2, 1937, or this notice will Maj. Gen. Butner of Fort Sam be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Houston, Texas spent the week-end All persons indebted to said estate are with his brother, M. F. Butner. Gen. notified to make Immediate payment Butner has been transferred from to the undersigned. i Fort Sam Houston to Panama. M. DAVID McCALLUM, | Mrs. W. R. Jeffry and son and her i Administrator. ! brother, George Matthews of Scran- May. 2. 1936, i ton, Pa., are occupying Mr-s. Pope's | Southern Pines, N. C. cottagc. j Mr. and Mrs. War ner are spending ' COUNTY^ a few days in the mountains Julia Lampley returned home Sat urday aftJr a visit with her sister, Mrs, Lawtcm Foushee of Sanford. Willie Ray Lampley of Laurinburg •=ipent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lampley IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SUMMONS Harvey B. Jones, W. A. Jones, Nan nie Jones Mclv:r and husband, R. R. Mclver, Bessie Jones Shaw and hus band, A. W. Shaw, J. H. Jcnes, Mattie McIntosh Chears and husband, W. F. Takea trip this week-end. Nature is putting on a great show—costumed in fresh green and new blossoms. And that fragrant clean airl Come on, let’s go—free of tire worries on new Goodyears! See how much more we give you for your money in GOODYEAR BLUE RIBBON VALUES We Gw)dyear dealers sell the most tires—by millions! So e.vpect more for your money in a Goodyear—you’ll get it from us with another plus: our real service! Goodyear Margin of Safety for quickest stopping—plus 43;^ more miles of real non- skid grip—proved by ourcus- iomers’ records! Mr.. and Mrs. H. A. McNeal left ' „ . , . , I husband, Frank Street, Ola McIntosh Saturday for their h-me in College Husketh and husband, HusKeth, Em- Point, N. Y ma J. Kimrey and C. A. Jones, Plaln- R H. Delano and daughter Octavia ] tiffs of New York spent last week with Mr-s. Haywood. I Kenneth A. Jones, Anderson Mc- I Pherson, Alex McPherson, Ralph R. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas David are McPherson, Edgar H. McPherson, Dccupying Ollie Adcox's cottage .Edna McPherson Vestal, Swannie Clyde Simpson, Jr„ of Mt. Gilead . , , Lou MayBerry, Rome Woodccck, spent several days last week with Geor'gia Harris, Eva Woody, Alice Miss Ella Backus, Cox, Wiley Reynolds, Ollie Johnson, Mi.sses Florence and Jo.sephine Tal- York, Bjssie Fry, Esther Dees, fold left Monday for their home in ' “' Melvin Purvrs, Edna Purvis, Annie Maine after spending the winter here. Arnette, Annie Yelvertcn, George Mr-s. Francis Childress and her Smith, Jones Smith, Alton Campbell, •father J,' B. Zerkles cf Jacksonville,' S. Annie. M. Jones, widow, Mrs. ciq 1 . lu n 'William J. Winfield and husband, Wil- Fla.. spent last week with Mrs. Pope.' j Winfield, Mrs. Lloyd Cr-ock- Nancy Wallace spent several ett and husband, Lloyd Crockett, Mrs. dai'3 last week In Sanford visiting Julius Ferry and husband, Julius Mrs. Lawton Foushee ' Ferry, Mrs. Herman O’Steen and hus- n- 1 I . .u band, Herman O’Steen, Mrs. Charles Reece and Craig Pickier spent the husband, Charles Pond, A. week.end at Williamston. Miss Mildred Brooks has accepted a position in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Carpenter and Mrs. Luther Tyner spent Sunday in Raleigh. Miss Nancy Wallace left Tuesday for Lake Owassa, N. J.. where she will assist Mrs. Ellen Buger in a camp. Miss Helen Little left Monday for New York where she will visit rela tives. L. Jones. Jesse H. Jones, Jr., and Kenneth A. Jones, Defendants. The deftndants above named, Mrs. S. Annie M. Jones, Mrs. William J. Winfield, William J. Winfield, rMs. Llcyd Crockett, Lloyd Crockett, Mrs. Julius Ferry, Julius Ferry, Mrs. Her man O’Steen, Herman O'Steen, Mrs. Charles Pond, Charles Pond, A. L. Jones, Jesse H. Jones. Jr., and Ken neth A. Jones will take notice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been commenced in the Suprior Court of Moore County, N-orth Caro lina, to make sale of the lands de scribed in the petition in this cause ALL-WEATHER America s biggest seller-^Iatest improved edition GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY World’s ){reatest low price tire. Our prices start at 4 World’# first- choice ecooumy tire — over 22 millioo •oktt PATHFINDER Mio» ?C50 mounted out „ are M “5 Protected t “'•"onstrati Page Motor Co. Southern Pines, N. C. Want hrilliant-white teeth? Dr. West’s cleans teeth Double-Quick! #Why let an old-fashioned, bIow- deanaing tooth paste rob you of sparkling-white teeth? Dr. West’s will clean your teeth doublt-quick —over twice as fast as some lead ing brands. Cannot scratch enamel. Try it today. BIG TUBE There's always time for the pause that refreshes Sparkling ice^old Coca-Cola has mad* tne cause that refreshes a regular tfop on tne schedule of busy people every where. And after work, there Is no place like home for the enjoyment of this pure drink of natural products. It gives you a fresh start after a long day. You con get a fe;w bottles fo drinit at \ homo, fctt the best woy i« to order by tlie cas« (24 bottlos^ Te iu'3 to chill tfcoroushiy befoi* ■" you dri.nk oi sorva it. COCO-COL.\ BOTTLING CO. , ■Abi'rdfen, N. C.

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