GUARD YOUR BABY t/ihi OIL RUB ‘ tlrwmrtaititnitaii wftMitB 111111 i i ii 111 n n nti i»iw THE SPINNING WHEEL Aberdeen OPEN ALL SUMMER Curk market on Weclnesday mornings. All kinds of home made Cakes, Breads, and Pastries fresh daily. Orders taken for any Foods. iPENDlRS, Manager’s Week Sale Armour’s Canned Meats Potted Meat 4 15' Vienna Sausage 25' 3 4-oz cans Red Mill Creamy PEANUT BUHER Pint Jar Fresh New Stock-Tasty VANILLA WAFERS Plain or Self Rising Pender’s Best FLOUR lb. Kraft’s Miracle Whip Salad DRESSING 2 *«rr23c Colonial Fruit Juices GRAPEFRUIT ORANGE AND BLENDED Your Choice 3 13 1-2 oz cans 25 OUR PRIDE BREAD 20-cz. (Ip Loaf Southern Manor TEA \t.l5c NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS In order to avoid errors and delays in changing address, please fill in form below and mail to The Pilot, Circulation Dept., Southern Pines, N. C. Please change my address from Name Address - To Name • (In case of error in name use above line) Address Toy Nall First From County to Die in State’s Lethal Gas Chamber I Jewell Edwards is I Bride in Smithfield Triangle Gherkin or Sweet MIXED PICKLES tr 19c Murdered of Geneva Crabtree to Murderer of Geneva Crabtree to Be Executed July 17.—Bean Toy Nall, convicted slater of Ge neva Crabtree, young Moore county woman who was shot to death at the home of her employer, Earl Mace, in the Calvary section in February, was the rust frcm Moore county to be sentenced to die in the lethal gas chambir in State’s Prison, this sen tence being pronounced on last Fri day by Judge F. Donald Phillips in court in Carthage. July 7th was set as the day for his execution and he was carried to Raleigh on Friday. Nall j gave notice of appeal to the Supreme court. Mi.“s Ciabtree, housekeeper for the Mace family, was shot in the back as she fled from the heme with a baby in h:r arras. She was alone with the three Mace children when Nall called at the home and according to Billy To Address Seniors Popular Vass Resident Weds Clyde McMillan of Selma at Sister’s Home DR. E. M. POTEAT Mace, eight years old, wanted her to ' of Raleigh, who will give some sound ! go off v.ilh him, which she declined ; advice to S.uthern Pines High School I to dc. A wedding of interest in the two Carolinas was that of Miss Jewell Edwards of Vass and Mt. Olive and Clyde McMillan of Selma, which was solemnized in a beautiful ceremv-ny which was performed at 8 o’clock Sat urday evening, May 23, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Seth W. Lassiter, in Smithfield with the Rev. H. B. Baum officiating. The living room was beautifully decorated for the occasion. Long-leaf I pines formfd the background of the ' improvised altar and a profusion of | loses and ferns transformed the west- j ern corner of the room into a garden | scene, which was ligiited by cathedral ; candles burning in candelabra. Prior to the csremony, Mrs. O. M, Spuriin of Sljaron, S. C., a sister of the bride, sang “I Love You Truly,” with Mrs. Lassiter accompanying at i the piano. To the strains of the Bri- I dal Chorus from “Lohengrin’’ the bride and bridegroom entered the Mother—heed the urgent ad vice of doctors and hospKab; do as they do; give youi toby a daily body-rub with the «n<i- eeptic oil that chases away germs, and keeps the sitinSAFE. That means Mennen Antiseptic Oil. It’s med by nearly ali maternity hospitals. It gHs down into skin-folds —and pre vents infection, chafing, chap ping and roughness. Grt a bot tle today. At any druggist. MENNEN Antiseptic OIL 12c 10c ' Nall ent-errd a plea of not guilty, but on the way to the prison after his conviction, he made a complete con fession it is said, telling everything except what he had done with the gun us d in the murder. On Monday Jailer Lambert received a letter from Nall, telling him just where to find the weapon. Nall had thrown it into McLendon's Creek near the bridge on a certain road and it was recovered on Moriday. The jury in Nall’s case was as fol lows: fr m the regular panel, D. Mc- Vickers and W. R. Lewis; from the special venire of 75 men, Charles Morrison. H. Cone McPherson, H. B. Horne, C. F, Monroe, Frank Maples, iw. C Morton, C V Comer, J. E. Mor rison, Harry P. Goldsmith and J J. Williams. J. W. Hunsucker was sworn as a .special officer for this jury. Ollie Bean .\ppeals Schedule Changed For Calcote Installation Services Will Be Held Sunday Night at Vass, at Lakeview and .Manly in Morning The attention of the public is called to a change in the hour for the in stallation service to be held in Vass on this Sunday, May 31st. The Rev. Mr. Calcote will be installed as pastor of the Vass Presbyterian Church at 8:00 o’clock in the evening, and the sermon will be preached by the Rev. graduates at Commencement exer- j room togethsr and they were met at I the altar by the officiating minister who used the impressive ring cere mony. Soft music was played while the vows were being spoken. The brid3, an attractive brunette, was lovely in a handsome gown of black net cut cn simple lines which accentuated her beauty. She carried a bouquet of regal lilies. Mrs. McMillan is the youngest daughter of the late Gibson Solon and Mary Edwards of She received her education at Guilford College, where she specialized in expression and languages, won many ho/iors and took part in various college activi. ties. Since her graduation she has taught in Lucama and Mount Olive. Mr. McMillan is the son of Mrs. Mc- Malcolm Calhoun of St. aul, a brother of A. M. Calhoun, principal of the Millan of Selma, formerly of Red V''ass-LakePview school. i springs. He received his education in The installation service at Lake- springs and will engage in bus- view will be held at 10:00 o’clock in , jnrss in Vass, where he and his bridt th" morning,the hour first announced j will be at home immediately following In the case of Ollie Bean, w'ho w'as f’'" The service at Manly will be g, wedding trip to various points of charged with the murder of Andrew at 11:30 and the service at Union at interest in the north. Comer, the State asked for a verdict 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. I of murder* in the second degree or The commission is composed of the | Rev. C. A. Lawrence of Falkland, : chairman; Dr. A R. McQueen of Dunn. Rev. Malcolm alhoun of St. aul and Elders J. W. Graham of Ab. erdeen and Gordon McG. Cameron ot Pinchurst. Rev. L. M. Hall will preach in the Vass Methodist Church at 11:00 o’- r BUILD. MONQY MAKING CHICKS ujiih STARTENA McNeill & Co. Feed and Seed Stores Southern Pines and Fayetteville THE ARK Southern Pines, N. C. A Country Day and Boarding School for children under fourteen years. Open air classes, and all out-door activities. Music - Art - Handicrafts MILLICENT A. HAYES Principal manslaughter. The jury returned a verdict of guilty of manslaughter without mercy of the court. He was sentenced to serve not less than twelve nor more than fifteen years ir States Prison. Bean gave notive of appsal to the NIAGARA Supreme Court. Appeal bond was fix ed at $150 and appearance bond at | -lock Sunday morning. $10,000.00. Bean is being held in jail in Carthage. | VASS A number of other defendants were ; sent to State’s Prison for shorter i Rev. and Mrs. Dougald Monroe and Little Lois Morgan and Gladys Snipes spent the week-end with Fae Marble of Southern Pines. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spaulding, who have spent the winter months here, left lecently for their summer home in Boston, Mass. Mrs. G. B. Corbett, after spending a few days with Mrs. H. L. Stonyan, left the past week for Newport. Miss H. L. Gay, Miss Lowe and L. F. Martin, who spent a portion of the winter here, have left for their homes in Massachusetts. Mrs. Willard Reynolds, Mrs. L. M. MONTESANTI Dry Cleaning TAILORING Southern Pines Telephone 5511 terms. Matthew Ratliff, colored, who j children Mack and Margaret Monroe, was charged with going to the homeland Mrs. Christian of Greenbank, W. of Charlie Short and assaulting hisiya.., made a brief stop in town on _ wife while she was sick in bed, of go , Wednesday of last week on their way ' Hatton and Miss Bertha Welch, who ing heme and gettmg his gun and home from Florida. Margaret has spend their winter in their home here, later returning and shooting Short as i been suffering from a heart ailment ,gft the past week for their summer he left his home, seriously injuring | jqj. several years and her phy.sician him, was given from eight to ten | ^ad advised a stay in Florida, but the years in prison. |-hange made little improvement in Paul and Goldie Cuffie and Ben | jjer condition. Mr. Monroe is a form- George Harrington, colored, were, pastor of the Va^^s Presbyterian charged with breaking and entering | church. the store of C. C. Underwood in Ea- j Little Sara Ann Reece of Durham gle Spings and stealing goods. Paul | ^as the guest of her grandparents. Cuffie and Harrington were found home in West Pembroke, Maine. W. R. Wilson is away on an ex tended trip to Maine. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Irving of Wash ington, D. C.. are spending a few days here. Mis» M A. Williams and Miss Con- dit left the past week for their sum- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Oldham, a part of' „^er home in West Orange, N. J last week. She r=turned home with her q g Covington, who has been par.nts, Mr. and Mrs. Riley B. Reece w'rking in Durham for the past few days at Evelyn M. Edson PUBLIC STENOGRAPBm NOT.\RY PLBLIO John s. Ruggles INSUR.\NCE AGENCY Telephone 7062 guilty as charged and given from tw’o to three years in prison. Goldie Cuffie was found guilty of receiving stolen Sundav . • < *• , ^ - • u* iauiiuay. j weeks, Is Spending a tew goods and sent to the roads for eight ^nd Mrs. E E. Eurey had as.jjome here months. ; their guests or Sunday Mrs. Eurey’s | -he entertainment at the Village I Pinehurst Laundry Theft | parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hartman, ohurrh last Thursday night attracted I A number of jail sentences carrying | and Mr. and Mrs. M. S Hartman and a large number to see the lantern i with them employment of the roads Harry Hartman, all of Lincolton. i slides of Japan. i were meted out. Tom Hunter and | Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Beasley and | j ^ Blue and family, who have ^ Nezro Worthy, charged with break- j children, Mary and Franklin, of An- heen in Tennessee for the past year, j ing and entering the Pinehurst Laun- sonville, visited relatives here Sunday. ^ are spending a few days visiting lel- j dry garage and taking an automo- j Mrs. O. M. Spuriin of Sharon, S. C., atives in this section before going on bile generator, were sentenced as fol- lis visiting Mr. and Mrs A G. Edwards. | jq Roanoke, Va., where Mr. Blue has lows: Hunter, on the breaking and | Mrs. W. C. Byrd and children of a big contract. entering count, was given a four | Albemarle are visiting Mrs. J. A. months’ sentence and on the larceny; Keith and family. Eugene Keith ac count twelve months, suspended upon ! companied them home and returned C-O-A-L. Phone 58 C. G. FARRELL .AlK*rdeon, N. C. good behavior for two years. Wor thy was given a 90-day sentence, sus pended for twelve months upon con dition that before the close of this term of court he pay a fine of $25 and the costs, and upon condition of good behavior for twelve months. Eli Parson, James Jordon and Paul Williams, colored, were tried on a charge of breaking and entering Wlm- berley’s store In Aberdeen. Parson arid Jordon were found guilty and given twftlve months’ sentences. Willlama was found not guilty. Flossie English, a colored spectator, became so thrilled with the drama being enacted in the courtroom that she clapped her hands, whereupon the Judge declared her guilty of contempt and gave her three days in jail. A colored witness was being examined and was questioned as to where he procured his liquor. When he replied that he got it at the “ABC store,’* It struck Flossie as being funny and she applauded just once too often. Court adjourned on Friday evening, and on Monday It reconvened • with Judge J. Will Pless, Jr., presiding over the civil term. MISS ALZ.\DA KI>IBALL I BRIDE OF .I.4CK McR.\E to Albemarle Wednesday. Mrs. Monroe Chappell and little daughter Joan have returned from a visit with relatives In Blackstock, S. C. Mrs. Ben H. Wood and children vis ited friends in the Union community Friday. Miss Jessie Brooks came home Fri- day from Wilson, where she was a member of the high school faculty. Mrs. W. J. Cameron, who has been ill for nearly five weeks, Is now able to be up a part of the time. Sergeant and Mrs. J. M. Boylau of Fort Bragg came Friday to spend several days with Paul Gschwlnd and .family. Mrs. Irene Byrd of Albemarle was the guest of Mrs. G. W. Griffin from Wednesday until Friday. _ Mrs. G. W. Griffin went to Ham. let Sunday to visit her son, Richard Griffin, and family. Miss Elizabeth Keith of E. C. T. C. in Greenville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Rocgingham Jack McRae and Miss Alzada Kim ball of Vass were united in marriage recently, the ceremony being per formed in South Carolina. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimball. She was formerly a member of this year's eighth grade of Vass-Lake-view High School. The bridegroom is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben McRae of Vass. were guests of the Taylors and Miss Florence Leslie Sunday afternoon. Miss Pauline Thompson of Burling ton came Sunday to attend the clos ing exercises of the local school and is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Dun can McGill. Miss Margareta Edgar of Independ ence, Va., came last week to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. C. L Calcote, at the manse. Miss Eva Callahan and Miss Annie Harris of High Point spent laat week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Calla han. Luther Byrd has accepted a peti tion In Sanford. Drs. Neal, Beard and Wright VETERINARIANS Swinnerton Stables, Southern Pines on Mondays Race Track, Pinehurst on Thursdays ADAM 8 PAINTER — DBCORATOK PAPER HANGR WALL PAPBBS NEON SIGNS Phone €922 E. V. PERKINSON General Contractor Storagre •MrtteaPfaM^N.C. TaLitn win M ia his offfc* over Pioit Office, Saalord, N. C., •▼•ry fmv 10:00 •. m. 4:00 p. m. Don’t ftdl to htaa If roor «ytt an weak.

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