PtLgt Two THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen. North Cwolina Friday, June 5, 193®. THE PILOT Published each Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated, Southern Pines, N. C. NELSON C. HYDE Editor FR.4NCES FOLLEY Advertising Manager DAN S. RAY Circulation Manager Subscription Rates: One Year $2.00 Six Months 11.00 Three Months .50 CARO*GRAPHICS by Murray Jones, Jr. DO YOU KNOW YOUR STATE? I ANP m JEHT W WE )EH-\>^C01N I46|:a TilAN ikNVONt Hit OVFPTO MWOURI :. HE 5ERVEP lOfiGEB TilAM AliWHF mf S5 YR5. AfTt ItWA) RRfT JCTTIEP Wf m W£ JlATf' lAR6En TWVH-B HOVfEf j Entered at the at South, em Pines, N. C., as aecond.clasa mail matter. SATURDAY IS PRIMARY DAY Tomorrow is Primary Day, and with contests for practically every nomination for the slate to be offered the voters by the Democratic part\( there is every reason to believe that the vote j will be heavy. There is no Repub-! lican primary. ^ Moore county is fortunate in i having a choice of splendid men | to vote for for county positions.: Regardless of who is nominated, j the county should be in safe i Mrs. W. C. Leslie was hostess to Beasley and R. P. B;asley Sunday, hands. It will be unfortunate, j the Methodist Auxiliary on Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. T. C, Tickle and lit- how'ever—in the opinion of The: day evening ,at which time an im- tie daughter. Maxine, spent the week- Pilot—if the Democratic elec- j pressive program was presented un- end in Mt. Airy. DIDYOUKNOWthat T»»E PBAKOFmOM PRO- PUaiON INHf.WAnN W?5? UMCOINCOUNTV HAD FOUR RIRNACFf ANP 10 FOftOEf ! >TH6 EDITORS OFcaro-ori»sphics(n e yowto5EM0IN(MTtResnMOfAcrf«noniTY • ClWUCIfHTlOU/ OWKTORJ IN Hf. PURIM^THE RfVOlimON COUtP AVOIP 5fRVll«i HI THF ARMY BY HIRII16 A SUejTITUIf D!D\DUKNO\Vtmat EVPHAFTER7 50inHERN JTATKHAP SKEDED,HC VOTEPA^AINfrCALUrkiA CONVtNTlOH EVEN TO (ON- 5IPER 5ECE55I0M 9 The Week in Carthage Miss Frances Muse of High Point the week-end at her home near Car- The Week in Vass CARTHAGE FACULTY NAMED FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR torate fails to register its appre ciation of the efficient service der the leadership of Mrs. W. H. Mi', and Mrs. Arch Poe and son. Keith with Misses Marjorie Leslie, Lewis, of Sanford and Miss Mildred rendered by the present mem- Katharine Graham, and Louise Leslie Crowson of High Point were guests bers of the Board of County 1 Mrs. C. J. Temple and Mrs. C. L. Ty- of Mr. and Mrs. G. . Suttcn in the Commissioners. The county has i son taking part. Mrs. G. W. Griffin I Beasley Apartments Sunday. The Carthage faculty has been elec ted for the coming ye^r. Professor O. B. Welch was again elected as super intendent of the schools. Mr. Welch has been in Carthage twelve years. Miss Eula Blue of Carthage, Miss Catherine Shaukle of Mt. Gilead, Miss Sara Louise Thompson of Haw River is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Maty Worthy Spence of Salem College is spending her vacation at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Spence. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carter of Wins ton-Salem are spending the week with Miss Montie Muse. Miss Montie Muse returned home Sunday after a visit in Cullowee. Mr. and Mrs. Watty Bridges of Florence, S. C., are visiting Mrs. Ful ton S/utts. Israel Wainer left Sunday for Val dosta, Ga., where he will accept a position. Mrs. John Blue of Timberland is the guest of Mrs. H. F. Seawell, jr. Miss Margaret Kelly of Pinehurst ! spent the week-end here. Miss Nancy Butner of Elon College is at home for the summer. thage. Miss Eleanor Hurwitz is at home from W. C. U. N. C. for the summer. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. McGraw and children, Harriette and Lioyd have gone to Sullivan’s Island, S. C., where they will spend the month of June. S. B. Bartlett of Elizabeth City is vifiiting his daughter, Mrs. O. D. Wallace. Miss Margaret Clegg is spending a few days at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Black of Jones boro spent Sunday with Mrs. J. A. Davis. Mrs. Taylor of Rocky Mount is the guest of her daughter Mrs. H. Lee I Thomas. I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Seagroves and s:n of Raleigh are visiting Miss Dora Seagroves. Mrs. Myrton Stewart and Mrs. Frank McDonald entertained at the home of Mrs. Stewart on Friday ev_ Mrs. W. J. Kelly is visiting Mr, and jening honoring Mrs. Claude Kennedy Mrs. W. B. Kelly in Aberdeen. of Durham. Mrs. Margaret Penn is visiting in Miss Elize Greene entertained at Charlotte. ^ Dutch supper at Juniper Lake hon- Mrs. M. B. Brown of High Point oring her guest. Miss Anne Elizabeth has returned home after visiting Mrs. > wegger of Lake Waccamaw. After W. G. Brown. 'supper the guests enjoyed a theatre party at the Carolina Theatre in Miss Elise and Su Hunter of Char lotte are the guests of their sister, Mrs. E. S. Adams Mrs. J. E. Muse is visiting in Fayetteville. Miss Mamie Bryant of Greensboro spent Sunday with R. W. Pleasants. Miss Anne Elizabeth Wesser of Lake Waccamaw is visiting Miss Southern Pines. Miss Frances McKeithen, Miss Mary Currie and Miss Judith Wainer at tended a bridge party on Saturday evening in Sanford at the Legion Hut given by Miss Milderd Campbell an nouncing the engagement of her sis- of Moncure, 1st grades. About sixty of the younger set in Southern Pines enjoyed a dance at Lynch in Sanford Lee Campbell has returned home from the Veterans’ Hospital in Col umbia. Mrs. O. B. Welch has returned from Bath, N. Y„ where she spent several weeks. Mrs. Jim Broadie and Mrs. Will Waddell of Henderson spent Sunday in Carthage. Miss Rica Griffin has returned to this summer. Miss Campbell formerly was a member of the Carthage High School faculty. OLIVES OPEN STORE TO H.\NDLE D.VIRY PRODUCTS I ter, Miss Wilma Campbell of San- kept its finances in excellent COn-I read the Scripture lesson. W. C. Byrd and Eugene Keith of R-P-Hardie of Montgomery make j Eliza Greene. Iford to Kenneth Whithall of Albe- dition during their incumbency,' Music games and a debate on the Albemarle visited in the home of Mrs. |the high school faculty. Grade | Miss Ruth Barringer and Miss Mary marie. The wedding will take place and at the same time has taken ' relative importance of man and wo-1 J. A. Keith Sunday and Mrs. Byrd and teachers chosen are Mrs. L. P. Tyson Jackson Yow are visiting Mrs. J. R numerous forward steps, steps man furnished amusement at a de.' the children returned to Albemarle of Carthage, Miss Julia Thompson, for the good of all sections of lightful outdoor party held by local; "’ith them. th grades; Miss Adele Blue of Laur. the COUntv. The Pilot can see ’ young people at Manly Springs on i Robert Rosser, Davidson College mburg. Miss Louise Farrell of Pltts. no reason‘for any change in the ' Friday evening of last week. Man was'student, is with his parents. Dr. and boro. 6th grades; Miss Mattie Kate board declared to be of greater importance M»-s. R. G. Rosser, for the summer, Shaw of Carthage, 5th grade; Miss We also believe that Moore than woman, but a glance at the Mr. and Mrs. E, E. Eurey and chil- Mildred Cross of Sanford, 4th grade; countv has an able solicitor in! guest list will satisfactorily explain l dren, Joyce, Deanie and ••Buddie,” Miss Frances McKeithen and Miss Mr Bovette It believes that how such a decision was reached. Sunday to visit relatives in Hen- -lary Hamilton of Carthage, 3rd ShiVlds Cameron is entitled to Weiners were roasted and marshmal- | Person and Franklinton for several grades; Miss May Stuart and Miss the nomination for Register of i lows toasted by the following n ; weeks before going to Ruffin, S. C.. to Mary Currie of Carthage, 2nd grades; DeedsThrPOsition^^^^^ and 17 young men:>ake their home. Miss Kate Bryant, Miss Janie McLeod held since his appointment fol- i Katharine Graham, Myrtle McMillan, | ~ lowing the death of Will Har-j Agnes Smith, Marian Cameron, Helen CAMll-KON rington. Mr. Cameron is the only j KUngenschmidt, Jessie Thomas, Clar-1 candidate in the primary from ' ice Thomas, Annie Thomas, Edith The Womans Auxiliary of the Cam- Soiithern Pines larcest munici- Matthews, Margaret Lambert andieron Presbyterian Church presented pality< in the county, and both j Ethel Kirby; Vick Keith, Franklin its annual birthday pageant Sunday the Montesanti Cabin Wednesday eve he and his home tovvTl are entit- Matthews, Ernest Clayton, Marshall evening at the church under the di- led to representation on the tick- McRae, Edgar Oldham, Champion : rection of Miss Rachel Gilchrist, Aux- ■ Fresh, Bernice Graham, Preston Mat- iliary president. The program was op- The polls will be open all day i thews, Clifton Blue, Harold Eastwood, tomorrow — until sundown. iJim Evans, Louis Williford, Wilbur Don’t fail to express your pref-! Edwards, Teddy KUngenschmidt, erence for the Democratic can-i Henry Borst and Emerson Oldham, didates. State and County. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keith and Lin- — wood Keith went to Greenville on ONE OF THE NATION’S .Monday to attend the graduation of GREAT MINDS their daughter and sister. Miss Eliz- Miss Margaret Neal and Jean Mc Donald are visiting in Jonesboro. Miss Alma Edwards of Queens Chi- cora College is at home for the va cation. Miss Regina Blue of Raleigh spent Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Olive of the Royalton PineS Dairy are opening tor business this morning in the store ad joining Pender’s on E^st Broad street a new luncheon service specializing in dairy products, ice cream and home, cooked foods. Mrs. Olive and Mrs. Martha Hoskins will welcome their friends. Delicious home-made cakes cookies at the Curb Market. and One cannot help but admire i «^eth Keith, who was completing a the senior United States Senator' four-year course at E. C. T. c. Miss from North Carolina for stick-, Keith returned home with them, ing to his post in Washington After spending several days with while his opponents for the her niece, Mrs. C. I. Calcote, Mrs. Democratic nomination for his Robert Hail returned on Tuesday to position have been attacking him her heme in Richmond accompanied from Manteo to Murphy. It is ^y Miss Margaret Edgar, who had typical of a big man, and Sena-: ’^een visiting in the Calcote home for tor Bailey is a big man. It takes, three weeks, a big man to vote his convictions; Miss Marian Cameron returned last in these days of party politics, i Louisburg College for the Most of the attacks made! summer vacation, against the Senator have been I The Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Lawrence upon his failure to uphold Pres-! and children, Lewis and Evelyn, of ident Roosevelt on every con-! Falkland were here from Saturday ceivable issue. He is, in short,' Monday and weie guests in the being condemned for not being and Mrs. N, N, McLean, a rubber stamp. Were it not for McNeill returned Sa^r- a few Senator Baileys of inde- a visit with relatives at Rae- pendent and courageous minds, Springs commun- what need would there be of House of Representatives or a Leon Byrd of Albemarle and Ed- Senate? W'e would have had,i'^ard Griffin of Sanford visited Mr. during the past few,years with and Mrs. G. W. Griffin Sunday. Congress overwhelmingly Dem- Davis Westcott of Man- ocratic, purely a government by and Mrs. Harry Midyette of Nor- executive decree, the autocracy | visited Mrs. d. a. Smith this which our forefathers fought to | prevent in America. I Mr. and Mrs. Alton Chappell and In Washington Senator Bail-little daughter of Sanford spent the ey is looked upon as one of the I week-end with Mr. and rMs. J. E. great minds of the Senate. He|Ryrd. has been an exceptional member' Miss Ossie Edwards returned to of the upper house. It is seldom i Garner on Friday after visiting rela- that a man in his first term in tives here. Mrs. Bertie L. Matthews underwent a nasal operation in Fayetteville last week, but she is now able to be in her place in the postoffice. G. W. Griffin has been a valid for several years, but that does not keep him from being a ‘Polly- anna” in spirit. In telling about a hard fall he suf fered while walking a few days ago he remarked that it was a good thing that he didn’t have his teeth in as he would have bitten his tongue all to pieces. Luckily,,Mr. Griffin was not hurt. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. McMillan re turned last week from their wedding trip and are located in the Edwards home here. They have opened a dry goods store in the EMwards building. Mr. and Mrs. B. F, Beasley and the new member of the family, B. F. Jr., and Mrs. Nan Jennings o Raleigh, Alex Wilson and Mr. Maiigum of •New Hill were guests of Miss Mary the Senate is given important posts, important assignments. The senior Senator from North Carolina has been given both. He is already a leader in the capital. There is no telling how far he will go in national councils in six years more of Washington serv ice. To defeat him in his party primary at this time would be a tragedy. DR. RAYMOND PREACHES AT CHURCH CENTENNIAL Dr. and Mrs. C. Rexford Raymond are visiting in Bellevue, O. Dr. Ray mond preaches the sermon Sunday night, June 7, at the First Congrega tional Church in Bellevue which cel ebrates its centennial June 6, 7. This is the church in which Dr. Raymond began his pastoral ministry. They will return home in time to share in the Children’s Day services at the Church of Wide Fellowship, June 14th. ened with a duet, "What Will You Give to Jesus ” by Misses Mary Spiv ey and Jeanette Wooten, after which Mrs. J. M. Guthrie made an explana tory talk about the pageant which was entitled ’‘At the End of the Rain bow,’’ and the cause it represented, the church home, Montreat. Mrs. D. C. Britton and Mrs. L. B. McKeithen were hostesses at the home of the former Friday morning at a shower for Mrs. Loula Muse an Mrs. Jewell Hemphill. After the guests had assembled, little Carolyn Guthrie entered vwth an umbrella bearing several cards. On these cards were instructions for finding various gifts hidden in the rooms. Arch McNeill of Florala, Alabama, spent last week with his brother, the Rev. N. D. McNeill. Mrs. Loula Muse and Mrs. Jewell Hemphill are spending some time in Henderson with Dr. and Mrs. John D. Muse. Miss Montie Pearl Bullock celebrat ed her birthday Sunday and had as dinner guests Miss Jessie Thomas, Frank Loving and Ernest Badgett. Miss Margaret Mcl^an of W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro, and Mrs. J. D. Mc Lean of Vanceboro have arrived to spend several weeks here. Miss Janie Muse has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Car. lyle Gibson, in Rockingham. Misses Idell Thomas and Flora Philips spent Thursday in Raleigh. Miss Mary Ellen Yelverton of Farmville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.. H. Abernethy, E. B. McNeiJl of Raeford spent Monday with the Rev. and Mrs. N. D. McNeill. | Mrs. J. A. Rosser and daughter. Miss Hazel, Miss Flora Phillips, Mrs. M. D. Mclver and Miss Mamie Ar nold left Saturday morning for Wash ington, D. C. j Miss Helen Cooper and Francis Thomasson of^ Campbell’s College, Buie’s Creek, arrived Wednesday to [ spend the summer vacation at their home here. CERTIFICATE AWARDED SIXTH GRADE PUPILS Norma Jean Palmer and Pamela Goodwill of Mias Huntington’s sixth ' grade won certificates for perfect at- j tendance this school year in Southern Pines. Bonnie Woodell, Lois Morrison, Jsyie Maloney, Winifred Harwell, Ma rie Porter, Joyce Wilson and Phil Danty Goodwill earned the Zaner- Bloser grammar grade writing cer tificate. Nearly all the grade won reading certificates. ROYALTON LUNCH and Friday Morning ANNOUNCING the opening: of the PINES DAIRY PRODUCTS SALES ROOM ’ Next' to Penders Olive’s DAIRY PRODUCTS they’re Good Ideal summer health Foods — recommend ed for taste and economy. For the Convenience of Our • Customers We Will Have Fresh Every Day Milk Cream Lactic Acid Milk Chocolate Milk Pasteurized Milk Buttermilk Cottage Cheese and Other Varieties Ice Cream Sherbets From 2 until 3 o’clock Friday Afternoon We Will Serve To Our Visitors Ice Cream and Cake You Are Welcome We serve a delicious luncheon of Home Made Products, and will take orders for daily delivery of cold meats, salads, and Mrs. Olive’s Home Baked Cakes, Pies and other Goodies. * ROYALTON PINES General DAIRY Building Electric The Home of the Refrigerating Pure Bred Jersey Repairing Equipment Herd Wiring Cabinet Work a;nd Fixtures Inspected and Certified Screening by by C. J- Simons By The . U. S. Grovernment W. W. OLIVE H. J. MALONEY

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