THE STATE FARMER SECTION PAGE NINE Forests Artiial fiKiires on tlic value forrsr in lontrolling aiul preventinj; flixiils arc bronnlit out in tests by the .I’oK'st Scrvicc of the f)epai tniCMt of A|»- riciilturr. In tlu* Ohio Valley, forest soil is is to JO per lent more porous than fiehl soil an«l absorbs 50 times as much water as bare soil. Forest s(tils absorb more water not only in single storms, but in successive rains, an important item in flood control. On 2;? small w.itershetls at the head waters of the Mississippi, the floo<l flow from foicste<l waterslieds for one yeai uas onlv {S cubic feet of water per sec- (incl per s(|uari- mile. Hut tlu' tlo<nl water fmm jirassed and abandoned :if;ricul- tural lanii> wa'- 4,^2 cubic fir.t. iviore f))an M> time> a^ much. National b'orcbts liave jjained 1 7(1.- 492 acies in area throunh purchaM’s ap proved by the National Forest Keserva tioii C'onimi>sion since July 1, i<).}4, the U. S. Department of Agriculture re ports. * * * GrciU Britdin I'he number of pigs contracted for delivery to bacon curing establishments in I'nglanti durin*: under the pro- viNions of the Pigs and Bacon Market ing Scheme, is approximately 2,(Hx»,tKH) head compared with (.SsS.o***) head in I'MS. I'nder the I0.?6 contract, at least 2S per cent ot tire total itumber had to he delivered during the first four months of the year, A special bonus was paid farmers who delivered in excess of the Miunber duritrg this period. Accordiirg to the new basic import tpiota for cured pork, as airnoimced by the Mntish Hrrard of Trade, the im ports from noir-Fmpire sources ihniitg the four monthN Ma\-.\ugust are linut (d to 20<.i(>7.iHK) pountis. ♦ Death Death on the highways will be slovveil down when road and traffic officials put into effect generally those regula tions of proved value that have already b<‘ert widely adopted. 'I'he mere lack ot uniformity in traffic regulations says Thomes M. .MacDonald, Chief of the Bureau of I’ublic Roads, is the cause of many accidents. riv National Conference orr Street and Highway Safety has prepared mo- tt»r vehicle codes and traffic onliirances. rhirty-niire states have adopted these proposals irr part, hut only a third of the states are iir reasonably close agree- trrcnt with the code. Only 19 states have the stamlard li- censirrg system based on a thorough ex amination. Not more than 20 states h.ive a highway patrol of even reason- ablv aihquate character. ‘brevities TREE STORIES I m Man can help Nature in the reproduction and growth of good timber. Finding out how to help most effectively is one of the principal jobs of^the Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Sunlight and water are vital to healthy tree growth. - The diagrams illustrate three conditions common on forest lands. Where the overstory tree* (those trees which o.vertop the rest) monopolize the sunlight and soil moisture, yoiung new growth does not come in and the understory stagnates. The first diagram shows an overstory of old growth where old, mature and defective trees may be getting more than their share of a limited place in the sun, to the detri ment of the second-growth and new-growth. The second represents an ovorstory of second-growth monopolizing the light with new growth again as the victim. In tht third diagram an overstory of new growth itself is overtopping smaller new trees. Fences Scientific advances iir the making of more durable fence will save farnrers of the countrv millions of dollars in de ward for many years. Intlian cotton is for the Jnost part the shortest staple irr comirrercial use, most of the crop ranging from .^.S to 7-8 inch. The Indian government has been en deavoring not only to incre.ase the length of the average st.iple, but also to increase yields per acre. Poultry This is how your fence looks as it cotnes from the weaving machine. Each single strand is as lustrous as it was before the weaving process. ( Steel Photo). preciatioir costs, according to Prof. H. \V. Riley of Cornell University. Pro fessor Riley estimates the savings irr New Y’ork state at $2,s<k),(KX) annually. l/orrger life iir fence rrreans air annual saviirg of frorrr :f>30 to $50 on the aver age i6(>-acre livestock farm. Better fencing also increases farm in come, according to the Departirient of Agriculture. M he department estiirrates that hogs raised under satritary crmdi- tions, made possible by adequate feircing, returrr their owners $6 a head more thair those kept irr srrrall tiirty pens. • « * India J'he cotton irop in India is now estimated at 4,70.?,<KX> bales of 478 pounds rret weight fronr 2S,i.l8,(xxi acres, accordiirg to the Bureau of Agri cultural F.cononiics. This estimate is 17.9 per cent above last seasoir. The productioir trend in India has been up- Reflector ■ v;.'wr Belt Designed To Combat : Death On Dark Roads Designed to protect night pedestrians, a reflector belt has been patented to cut down the tremendous death toll of per sons struck by automobiles while walking on dark highways. Studded with reflector buttons, the leather belt is worn around the arm or body. The buttons are said to catch the light from an on-coming car and reflect it back to the motorist, giving him notice of a pedestrian as far as 1,000 feet away Although the light may hit the buttoi at as much as a 25 degree angle, the re flectivity is said to be equally good. two years it is expecte<l that approxi mately 6(X>,(XX> acres of this area will be available for tlv production of food. This reclam.'ition project is one of the importarrt tasks undertaken by the gov- ernnrent to secure the nutritive self-suf ficiency of the natioir. ^I'hroughoiit (Jer- nrairy, under goverivnrent guidance, fer tility of soil is being iiriproved, yields are being increased by improved soil preparation and better crop rotation. The inrproveirient in cultivatioir t>f waste land is being promoted and new land is being reclainred from the .sea. ’I'he territory at (lermany’s disposal for food productioir is relatively small, anronnting to only 111 acres per kx") inhabitants. In the United States, it is 297 acres, in Denmark ami France 210 acres, and in Italy 138 acres, according to the Bureau of Agricultural Fcono- mics. 4-H Clubs Nearly i,ikk),(X)0 farm boys and girls are now enrolled in 4-H club work, ac cording to Dr. C. W. Warburtoir, di rector of extension, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 'I'hese young people, who are studying improved methods of farm ing and homemaking and learning co- operatiorr aird good citizenship uirder the direction of the extension service, are lo cated in all of the 48 states, and in Fla- waii, Puerto Rico, aird Alaska. Chib work is carried on in the United States in 2,f)6(> counties. Extension agents are assisted in directing this work by 1(16,215 local volunteer club lea<iers. Thirty-four states are taking part in the National Poultry Impiove.wnt Plan, under the guidance of the United States Department of Agriculture. The department has for distribution, a tabu lation showing the particular phases oi the plan in which each state is partici pating. 'I' desirirrg names and addresses of hatchery men and breeders taking part in the plan may obtain this iiitor- mation h\ writing to tite State College of Agricultun- or tire State l)e|>artment of .Agriculture. • * * Gerwa?iv .Adoption by (lermany of a maxinrunr agricultural sufficiency has dc- 11 eased the voliurie of (Jennair net im ports of agricultural products by 18 per cent, and the value by 70 per cent, ac cording to th<- U. S. Departnrent of Ag riculture Attache I,. V. Steere in Berlin. All large agricultural exporting coun tries, espei'ially the United States have been affected by this (-erinan policy. Of the six farm products of primary impor- tarrce in trade with the Utrited States— cotton, lard, tobacco, .ipples, prunes aird raisins, oirly three- cottorr, pniires and raisins are not pro«luced in (leimany. Reclamation projects now under way in (lermany cover an area of approxi mately 3,(KX),(XX) acres. Within the next PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM RcnuiTci DanJruff-S(op< Hiir Filling Imparts Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair 60c. and $i .00 at Druggiits. Hiicoxchcm. WIti. Piichngue.N.T. A NEW SKIN! Pimples Blickhcads Co»r«Ptor«s miiiwt.VMckit Mtk •MaitlitA ••itr Read this Free Offer IN 3 DAYS and learn that what was conatdered impoMibia ba(or»~ the removal of plmplea, blackhead*, frerklea, tan. 0II7 flkin, iarce porea. vrrlnkles and other defecta in the outer Hkin—ran now be done harmi«8sly and economically at home in three day*' time, as stated by ihe legions of nifn and women, young and old. It is all explained in a new free treatise called “BEAirTlFtX NEW RKIN IN S DATS** which is b^iog mailed absolutely free to readers of this ntaicar.lne Ho worry no more over your humiliating sl&in and complexion or signs of aging If your outer akin looks Roiled and worik Simply nend your name and address lo .VIARVO BRAUTT LABORATORIES, Dept. 90. No. 1700 Broadway. New York. N. T„ and you will receive this new treatise by return mail In plain wrapper, poet- paid and absolutely free. If ple«ned, tell friends. ST^ Your Rupture Worries! Why worry and suffer any longer? Learn about our per fected invention for all forms of reducible rupture. Auto matic air cushion acting as an agent to assist Nature has brought happiness to thou- sanas. Ptnnitt natural |*trmi|r(Aenin0 of the weak- \mted mutdet. Weighs but a •few ounces, is inconspicuous c.K.Brmtkt. i»mmirr and sanitary. No obnoxious ■prlnss or hard pada. No aalvea or plastcm. DurMble. rbeap. Sant m trial t« prove It. Beware of imita- tiofifl Never aold in atorea or by a^nti. Wrlta to day for full informatkm aant free in plain eavalopa. AH correipondencr L-onfldaotial. ■HOOKS CO tMA. lf*a liaraliall. MMi. EY HABIT , _ 4S. ml for TREE TRIAL of INOXALCO. a Ku.«r»nt»<*d h.irmlrs« home llreatm*-nt (\in st tn'ily in food or dnnk to V anyone who dnnks or erases SN’^iiitkev. Beer. (ii». Wine, etc Your ^ brinfc^ trial tuf^y ^ return msil snd full t8.00 treatment which you nu ■ trv W refund guarantae at our nsk. ARLCC CO K-M 6A1 TiMORC. MO THE TRUTH ABOUT Stomach Ulcers Ca«e«4 by 0«strl« HyperMldlty Booklet on .simple home treAtmei»<. I r%Ci Cm Hundreds report they were saved from eapeosive operations. iMitn all at>out this amaslng inexpensive home treatment. Pain relievod from the start. No rigid or liquid diet. This valuAble booklet aent PRBE with information as to guaraivteed trial offer. TWIN CITY VON CO.. Dep*. m. »i. rMl. MImI/

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