THE STATE FARMER SECTION PAGE ELEVEN Market Better Eggs BY C. J. MAUPIN N. C. State Collage Poultry Dept. Egg producers in the South should know the vahie of grades and secure the advantages of marketing on a graded ba sis. Producers wonder sonietiines why their eggs can not be sold in large quan tities on northern markets for fancy prices. As fine eggs can be produced in the Carolinas as in any other states, but there is a jireat lack of uniformity of the eggs bought by our consumers. Fundamental Step* Fundamental steps in management that will produce eggs of high quality follow: 1—Froduce healthy birds, bred to lay large eggs. 2—Feed a ti ell balanced ration to get good yolks and whites in eggs. .3—Produce infertile eggs, especially during the hot months, 4—(idther eggs tu'o or three times daily. 5—(jOoI eggs well before placing in cases or cartons. 6—Hlace eggs in containers, large end up. 7—Keep in a cool, dry place. • S—Don't wash dirty eggs, (^lean with steel ivool or sandpaper. q—Market eggs at least twice a week, lo—(trade eggs at the farm. Use small, abnormally shaped, dirty, or cracked eggs at home. I^arge eggs are required to get best prices on large markets where grades have been established. Sinc^ egg size is inherited, flock owners should know the breeding back of their birds. It is im portant that well-balanced rations be fed to produce firm whites and yolks of good color. Handle as Perishable Eggs are perishable food and must be handled as such. When laid they have a temperature of around to2 degrees. If fertile, the germ in the yolk is active and the egg will incubate at a temperature above 70 degrees. To pre\ent this, the egg must be cooled below 70 degrees. It is better to have it go below 60 degrees as soon as possible. During the hot months, eggs should be gathered two or three times daily either in wire baskets, or spread out on wire screen, laid on a clean shelf in a cool cave, room, or cellar. If fertile eggs re main long above 70 degrees, the germ disc on the yolk eidarges, a “heat spot” appears and the quality drops to a U. S. grade or standard. Such eggs are now quoted five to seven cents or iiwre below U. S. specials and extras on the New York market. While the food value of the egg is still all right, its market value is greatly reduced ; and those who buy from producers may have to sell these grades at a loss. It is, therefore, important to everyone cx>n- nccted with the egg industry that eggs be quickly and carefully cooled on the farm. Candling Important It is important that olily infertile eggs bi' produced during the Summer. Unless the rooster is a valuable breeding bird he should be sold since he will eat con siderable feed before another year. Val uable breeding birds should be penned to themselves during hot weather. When possible, all eggs sold on the markets should be candled, especially where a trade is built.on special, fancy or extra grades. Candling permits location of blood clots, meat spots, or watery whites. While these do not interfere with the food value, they affect internal ap pearance and are not wanted by partic ular consumers. Candling is a simple operation and can be done by anyone having a lamp, candle or electric bulb, with the light pa.ssing in a beam through an opening 3-4 to 1 inch in diameter. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT 20c A WORD—CASH-WITH-ORDER Count each initial and wh<rie number as one word. Orders must be received at Asheville on or before the 10th of month preceding month of issue. THE STATE FARMER Scenic BIdg., Asheville, N. C. PLANTS. SEEDS. ET('. HAKDT AI.FAI.FA »5.90, Orlm Alfalfa $7.50. While Sweet I'lover J2.90. Yellov *4.00. Red Clover $10..10. All 60 lb. liUHhel, triple re- rleaneil. Return seeil If not satisfied. GEO. BOW.MAN. CONCORDIA, KAN.S. SWKKT POTATO IT.ANTM — IMPROVED NANCY HALLS, 500—65r, 1000—$1.15, iOOO— $1.10. Postpaid. Full count, safe arrival Kuaranteeil. S.MITH fLA.NT FARMS. Olea- Bon, Tonn. MILLIONS NANCY HALL AND I’ORTA RICAN POTATO PLANTS. S5c per tliuusanti, 5000 or m-ore 80i' per thoufianil. Prompt shipment, full count. F.\HMERS PLANT COMPANY, Gleason, Tenn., PHOTO F1NISHIN(; K(JLL DKVKLOHKD. printetl. Two Gj»7 en- lari^enientR Ic oach. IU)WAKI>'S. 2947 Jarvis, ('hirago, KILMS nEV'KL<>l*Er>. Any size, 26c coin, in- i-ludiriK two enlai'Keinent^. CENTl'RY PHOTO SKHVK'K. Hox 829, (..arroaBe, WJ». HULLS DEVKLOPF:!) -TWO BEAUTIFl'l^ DOUHLK WeiRht Prnfe»sional KnlarKemenls and 8 guaranteed never Fade Perfect Tone prints. 25c toln. HAYS PHOTO SEllVICE, liaCrosne, WiBouniiin. SPKC'IAJ, TRIAL UKFKR. Your next Kodak film developed &<‘. prlnt.s 2c each. MtKSEK & SON, Dept. 9. Wulnut Hills, Cincinnati. Ohio. THOICE. NEW CROP FIELD PEAS. $2.00 per bushel LIOHTSRY BROTHERS, Brun son, S. C. MILLION TOMATO, 75c; 11.25, 1000. r^rompt shipment. Courtland, Va. CABBAGE PLANT&—600, Prepaid. Best varic(ie.*i. BRAXTON HOLCOMB, ROLLS I)EVKLOPKI>. Two double^clear prints each negative 25r. Reprints 2^c. Enlarge ment coupon. WILLARD'S, Box 353S-M. ('leveland HeiKHts, Ohio. R01.<L DEVELOPED and eight quality prints 25c. Reprints 3c. Was reglHtered No. 1 by NRA. NORTH STlM)IO. North. S. C. BAIiV ( HK'KS REDUCED PRICES ON OUR MASTER BRED CHICKS. They cost you no more and will make you bigger broilers, better layera and more profits. Barred. Buff, White Rocks. S. C. Reds. Buff Orpingtons. Buff, White Minorcas, White W'yandottes. 100—17.45, 500—IS6.75. 1000—172.50. Large type White Leghorna. Brown. Buff Leghorns, Anconas. 100r-|6.»5. 500—$34.25. 1000—967 50. Giants. New Hampshires, Brahmas. Australorps. J8.95. Sliver Laced Wyandottes $7.95. Heavy Assorted $6.90. Assorted 95.50. Get prices on Sexed chicks. We pay postage. Guaran tee 100% live arrival and replace any you lose first two weeks half price. Can ship C. O. D. Catalog Free. Prompt deliveries. CLOVER VALLEY POULTRY FARM. Bo* 85, Ramsey. Indiana. ROLL J>KVKL(JPKD. 8 never-favle Velox Prints. One ENLARGEMENT 25c. JACK RABBIT CO.. Spartanburg. S. Carolina. ROLL DEVELOPED and 10 GlosKy Prints 20c. Reprints 2c. PILGRIM PHOTO SERVICi*:. ('harlotte. N. C. QUALITY BRED, BLOOD TESTED, depend able chicks of unquestionable quality. 96.90 per hundred up. Free Information. TRAIL*s END POULTRY FARM, GordonsviUe. Va. C. O. D. ROCKS. Reds, Wyandottes, Brown, Whke Leghorns. Anconas. Heavy Mixed, 97.85 per 100 plus postage. Immediate ship ments. MT. HEALTHY HATCHERIES AND POULTRY FARMS. Mi. Healthy, Ohio, Box 20. YESTERLAID CHICKS—Hatched RiKht--Priced Right. 10U% bioodte»ted Barred Kocks, White Rocks, Redn (BIk type), White Leghornii~|7.r»0 )icr hundred. Guaranteed 10U% Hve delivery. Other breeds hatched. Send for price list. YESTERLAID HATCHERY, NASHVILLE. TENNESSEE. FEMALE HELP WAXTED IF YOU AGREE to show them to friends. I will Mend you absolutely tree two actual samples amazing Snag-Pruofed silk hosiery, and show you huw to earn up to 922 a weftk. stale site. AMERICAN MILLS. Dept. C-118, Indianapolis. MALE HELP WANTED LOCAL AOENTH wanted to wear and demon strate Free Hulls to friends. No convassinK. Up to $12.00 in a day easy. Experience un necessary. V'aluable demonstrating equip ment, actual ftamples Free. PROGRESS TAILORING, DEPT. F-330, 600 Throop, Chicago. WANTED: Man. with car, to supply cutomers with more than 125 farm and home necessi ties, including BLACK DIAMOND LINl- .MENT. WHITMER COMPANY. Dept. B, Columbus, Indiana. TOMBSTONES & MONUMENTS TOMBSTONES AND MONUMENTS $9.00 Up. LETTERED. DELIVERED. GUARANTEED. Free Catalog. Marble-Granite Factory. A-70.. Oneco, Fla. I’ATENTS OK IN\ ENTORS PATENTS. LOW COST. Book and advice free. L. F. RANDOLPH. Dept. 717, Washington, D. C. RH E U M ATISM-N E L RITIS RHEUMATIC PAIN8. Simple Neuralgia and Muscular Lumbago are quickly relieved with Keene’s Wlnlernrecn Tal)lets Compound, or your money is cheerfully refunded. Consult your druggist or write direct for free litera ture. Department H. THE KEENE PHAR- .MACAL CO., Hoard of Trade Building. Indi anapolis, Indiana. RUG MATERIALS KAYON SILKS—lleautiful assortments. Four pouml.s 69c. Eight pounds $1.16. Postpaid. VARIETY STORES, De<'herd. Tenn. OLD GOl.D WANTED $36.00 FINE OUNCE for gold teeth, crowns, bridges, jewelry, watcliisB. We are smelters anti refiners and pay the m.ost because we refine into dental gold. Sa.ti»faction guar anteed or shipment returned. Licensed. Free information. Dr. Weisberg's Gold Refining Company, 1599 Hennepin, Minneapolis, Min nesota. TOBACCO POSTPAID—2 5-ears old, highgraile Redlsaf— chewing, 10 pounds $1.50: smoking $1.25. Guaranteed. CURTIS RtXJEHS. Dresden. Tenn. SELECT yUALITY Chewing S pounds. Smoking 10 pounds or HO twists $1.00. 1.. M. UALLI- .MORE. Dresden, Tenn. COLl.ECTIONS NOTES, ACCOUNTS, CLAIMS collected every where. No chargen unless collected. MAY*S COLLECTIt)N AGENCY. Somerset, Ky. FROG RAISING “FROG RAISERS WANTED”: Good possi bilities. Stan backyard. Free book. Write. AMERICAN PR<X1 BANNING COMPANY. (2I{), New Orleans. La. SPE<'!AL—Enlargement with roll developed and printed 25c. Reprints 10 for 25c. KEY STONE PHOTOS. 1126 N. Keystone. Chicago, 111. KODAK ROLL FILM IWveloped A Printed 25c. 8x10 HEAVYWEIGHT ENLARGEMENTS From F'llm 25c, Copied from Picturew 35c. ALL WORK (H^ARANTEED. WILLIAM DANIEL’S STl’DIO. Raleigh, N. C. A(;ENTS WANTED W ANTED—TWO RELIABLE hustlers, to take over Kennedy Routes. More than 250 Fast Selling Items. Big list of amazing new premium deals. This is a steady good pay position. Write immediately Ui THE KEN NEDY CO., Kokomo, Indiana. Desk SF. AGENTS: Smash go prices. Santos Coffee 12c lb. 100 sticks Chewing Gum 12c. 150 other bargains. CARNATION CO., SG-6, St. Louis, Mo. REAL ESTATE TRADE—Six Lots, Kansas City, Kans., for Florida land. Beck, 816 W. Madison. Chi cago, 111. NEW SPRING CATALOG 800 Farm Bargains; on pg 61 see 104 acres, 1000 apples, 4000 bu. crop, cement-floor house fur 1000 hens, barn 46x80, 7 room brick hou.Me; $4000 including 3 horses, cow, poultry. Implements, crops: Good terms. Card today lirings Free copy. STUOUT AG’Y, 920-AM Chemical Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. ANIMAL SERUM.S VA(('INES VACCINATE YOrR OWN LIVESTOCK AND SAVE. Anti-Hog Cholera Serum 75*.? per 100 cc; Hog Cholera Virus 9L65 per 100 ccs; Blackleg Bacteria or Aggressin 7r per dose. We have vaccmes fur all liv’estock diseases. Write for complete price lis<t and FREE IN- STRIH'TH)N BOOKLET. ANCHOR SERUM COMPANY. 222 South Pennsylvania Street, Indianapolis. Indiana. AUCTION SCHOOLS 910.00—9100.00 DAY AIU'TIONEERING. 1938 FREE catalogue. Write AMERICAN AUC TION SCHOOL (31st year), Kansas City. Missouri or Woodstown. N. J. TRICKS & HARN'KSTERS 1935 MODEL Bean Harvesters and Tobacco Trucks. Now ready for delivery. Write for prices and descriptive literature. HARDY & NEWSOM. INC., LaGrange, North Caro lina.

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