Friday, June 12, 1936 THE PILOT, Southern Piiies and Aberdeen, North Carolina Page Flv* Mrs. Fred W. Utley, Long 111, Passes Away Former Anne Battley of Carth age Was Born in Columbia, S. C. in 1906 After an Illness of several years, much of which time she was confined to her bed, Mrs. Pred W. Utley ol Pinehurst died on Monday noon in tha Moore County Hospital. Born Anne Battley in Columbia, S. C., in 1906, she spent her childhood in Carthage and after completing her education there was connected with the General Office in Pinehurst until the begin ning of her long illness.. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. A. J. McKelway of Pinehurst in the Carthage Methodist Church on Tuesday afternoon with burial in Greenwood Cemetery. The following served as pallbearers: I. C. Sledge, A, P. Thompson, Gordon Cameron, Har old Kelly, Hubert McCaskill and Wil liam Agnew. Surviving are her husband, Fred W. Utley: her father, W. H. Battley of Hyattsvllle, Md.; three brothers, J. P. and Charles Battley of Washing ton, D. C., and John Battley of New York, and five sisters, Mrs. A. L. Wicker of Carthage, Miss Caroline Battley of Pinehurst, Mrs. J. F. Egan of Brooklyn, N. Y., Mrs. Dan S. Ray of Southern Pines and Mrs George Phillips of Wallace. Mrs. Utley was beloved of a wide circle of friends who mourn her un timely passing. TUFTS AT NATIONAL OPEN Richard Tufts of Pinehurst was among the spectators at the National Open golf tournament at Baltusrol, ! at Short Hills, N. J„ last week. Tony I Manero of Greensboro, Sedgefield Country Club professional won the ' championship with the lowest score i I ever recorded for this event. j Don’t forget tomorrow is Curb Market day in ,Southem Pines. The Week in Southern Pines Mrs. N. W. Mann and children are Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKenzie left spending this week in Morehead City. Monday for Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Barrett Harris and small Newton Baker is visiting in South daughter Jo, and Mrs. L. M. Daniels Carolina. j are visiting relatives in New York ^nd Mrs. Joe Buckley and small and Boston, Mass. daughter Agnes Ann left Thursday j Mrs. J. E. Almond and small son of to spend the summer in Massachu-! Charlotte were recent guests of Mr. j setts. | Miss Julia McDermott left Tuesday , for her home in the north after spend-. HOW 00YOU S?S\JL REFftlCEftAllON”? N-0-R-6-E THAT SPEUS E-C-O-N-O-MY TOO * mm THE ROLUTOR and Mrs. Elmer Donaldson. Miss Irene Maples has returned to her home here from Charlotte where she underwent an operation at the Charlotte Sanatorium. E. Wooten and family of Florida have leased the Smilax Cottage for the summer months. Mrs. Luella C .Smiley left on Mon day night to spend several weeks in Boston and Portland, Maine. Herbert W. Jackson of Richmond, Va., w'as the guest of the Rev. W. E. C.x on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hubbell of Garden City, L. I., left Tuesday for their home there where they will sp:nd the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Johnson an nounce the birth of a daughter, Esther Louise on June 4th, 1936 at the Moore I County Hospital. The Rev. Harvey A. Cox of Raleigh ing the winter here. I Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sweezy left, Thursday morning for Hankins, N. Y.,' where they will spend the summer. | George C. Abraham and Robert Peck left Thursday to spend several weeks in Binghampton, N. Y. I Caroline Lewis is attending a Young People's convention of the Baptist Church in the Western part of North Carolina. j Mrs. Claude Haftr presented her j Southein Pines students in a piano' recital in her studio last Friday even- j ing. j Prest;.n T. Kelsey and daughter, Miss Laura, left yesterday to join Mrs. Kelsey. They will spend the sum mer in Winnetka, 111. , Mrs. Marian Stevens left Saturday spent the week-end with his brother, I night for Alexandria, Va., to spend two th; Rev. W. E. Ccx. He preacned in j weeks before going to Boston for the the E^mmanuel Episcopal Church last summer. i Sunday. i Miss Margaret Martin of Em«ry, Mrs. J. B. Baucon and children are ' Va., is visiting Misses Margaret and spending a few days in Ellerbe. Flora McQueen. j Hunt Fisher, student at State Col-1 Misses Anna and Caroline Jenks ^ lege, Raleigh, an ived home Sunday to I and Miss Alice Southworth left spend the summ£r vacation with his j Thursday for Banner Elk to spend mother, Mrs. Nellie Fisher. , the summer. Lieutenant and Mrs, R. C. Davis I Mrs. Jerry Healy of Greensboro motored to Raleigh Monday. i spent the past week-end with her par- Miss Edith Blake has returned from i ents, Mr. and Mrs. F C. Loomis, several days visit in Greensboro. | Mrs. Carrie Wintyen' and daughter John Shaw spent last week-end in ' Mary left Sunday for their home in SPECIAL Friday and Saturday, June 12th and 13th ARROW SHIRTS All fancy and colored Arrows, no whites included, regu lar $2 and $2.50 values at $1.49 DOBBS FELT HATS All $7 Hats now $4.50. $5.00 Hats now $3.25 Berg Hats including lightweights, $2.35 These Prices For Cash Only The Tog Shop Broad St. and N. H. Avenue Southern Pines :::::n:t:nxttm:nmnnmn»mmt:8. A WORD OF APPRECIATION I desire to txpress to the Democratic voters of Moore County my appreciation for the splendid support given me in last Saturday's Primary', and to ask their .continued friendly consideration should there be a sec ond Primary in the contest for Member of the Legis lature. —J. HAWLEY POOLE. C. J. Simons® ^ 9. ^ Small down payment. Terms as low as $5.00 per month Durham. Richard Pierce left last Thursday night for Leominster, Mass., after spending a month here. Mrs. William Fuller, III of Briar, cliff, N. Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson. Miss Lenora Riggan returned Fri day from Winston-Salem after spend ing several days there. Mrs. Frank Welch left Sunday night night for Leominster, Mass., to spend some time. ilisses Isabel Pelton and Miss Caro- Doylestown, Pa. Misses Laura Jenks and Miss Edith Titus are leaving Sunday for Ashe ville to spend a part of the sum mer. Mrs. C. F. Smith has closed her home here and left yesterday for New Britain, Conn., for the summer. William C. Mudgett, Jr., has re turned home from Choate School at Wallingford, Conn. Jackie Boyd is at home from Wood- berry Forest School at Orange, Va. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Eddy have left lii. Lewis returned last week from | to spend the summer in the north. Women's College in Greensboro to ^ Mrs. Nelson C. Hyde is leaving next H spend the summer at their homes week to attend the wedding in Man- The Charm of Change DINE and DANCE ED’S CAF"E The New Dining: Room Excellent Food Moderately Priced Lunch Counter 6:00 A. M. UNTIL 100 A. M. East Broad Street Southern Pines I here. I Mr. and Mrs. George Jenks left this week for Harbor Beach, Mich., to spend the summer, Chester, Mass., of Miss Polly Lover- ing of Jackson Springs and Stanley Grav-s Haskins of New York. Mrs. George W. Case is attending Ralph Chandler, Jr., has returned to , an Eastern Star Convention in Win- his home here from Davidson College i stcn-Salem. where he is a student. j Mrs. Howard Rorabaugh and Paul Blue, student at the University ! daughter, Miss Katherine Rorabaugh of North Carolina has arrived to spend the summer months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A1 Blue. Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Hart and daughter, Lina Lee spent two days this week in Reidsville. of Johnstown, Pa., are the guests of Mrs. Rorabaugh’s mother, Mrs. Alex Aeschlimann at her home on Massa chusetts avenue. Mr. and Mis. Omer Williams and daughters, Illona and Jean and Miss Mrs. Howard Burns and son How- Gertrude O'Bryan left Wednesday for ard, Jr., are leaving Saturday for j Delta, Pa., where they will spend the Minneapolis, Minn., to be gone several !j;ummer months. OLIVES f ^ ^ Whatever the occasion if it calls for re- freshments our delicious ice cream and sherbet are ready, just call 7502 DAIRY PRODUCTS Ideal summer liealth foods — recommended for taste and economy Royalton Pines Dairy Products East Broad St. Southern Pines TO THE VOTERS OF MOORE COUNTY Not being able to see each of you personallj^, I want to use this means to express to you my genuine thanks • for the splendid vote you gave me Saturday. BESS McCASKILL. weeks. Mrs, Burns was called there due to the serious illness of her mother. Mrs. E. Eadie and daughter Minnie spent Monday in Raleigh. Dr. E. W. Ruggles left Wednesday Miss Mary Webb left on Saturday for Rockport, Mass., where she is spend ing the summer. She will return to The Ark, where she is a member of the faculty in September. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilson will for his home in Rochester, N. Y., af-, leave tomorrow for Browning's Beach, ter spending several weeks in town as \ n. Y., where they will spend the sum- the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Rug gles. Mrs. Elizabeth Hewitt is visiting relatives in Pennsylvania and Ohio fcr several weeks. Mrs. Howard McNeill and four chil dren left Wednesday morning to spend the summer In Stowe, Vt., where they will visit Mrs. McNeill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barrows. Aldfn Bowers spent the week-end in Southern Pines. Mrs. M. E. DeVoe and son Milton spent Tuesday in Southern Pines en route from/ Hollywood, Fla., to their northern home. Mrs. A. Montesanti, Miss Millie Montesanti and Junior Montesanti motored to Fayetteville Tuesday. Mrs. John B. Muse is spendingf sev-1 ei^ weeks in Florida visiting rela- j tlves. I Mrs. J. H. Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. [ came to Southern Pines in 1916, was J. C. Musser and daughter Jane left' promptly employed by Mr. Hayes and this week for Akron, Ohio. \ served him steadily and well until his Miss Mary Grace Pethick arrived, untlme'j; death. He Is survived by his last week from Sweet Briar College to j widow, two sons and two daughters, spend the sununer at her home here. Funeral services were held in Rock- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peck andlingham yesterday afternoon. mer. They plan to return the lat ter part of September to occupy their recently acquired house on Pine Grove road. Mr. and Mis. James Boyd have been spending several days at Sea Island Beach, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. John Absher and Mrs. Irvin Morrison and small daughter, Carolyn Jean, accompanied Miss Nel lie Geene to Blowing Rock and spent the past week-end. M. G. Abbott, who has been spend ing the winter with his uncle, M. G. Nichols, left on Tuesday for the north. WILLI-4MS TO FACE CHARGE OF MURDER ON MONDAY {Continued from vage 1) son Robert of Binghampton, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Abra ham. Mrs. Emmett Golden and Mrs. George Rose motored to Thomasvllle Monday. Mrs. W. H. Mumford and daught er, Eleanor Harlowe left Saturday for Attleboro, Mass., to spend several weeks with Mrs. Mumford’s daught er, Mrs. Myron Adanu. . Mrs. Hattie Stevens, Mrs. S. Gra ham and Mrs. Maude Grearson left Sunday for the North to be gone sev eral months. well known by most of the residents of the community. He waw born near Rockingham 44 years ago, the son of Sandy Fletcher, a former slave who MISS STEVICK, STROUD AMONG H. S. GRADUATES In its report of the graduation ex ercises of Soutliem Pines High School last week, The Pilot inadvertently failed to list among the graduates the names of Miss Virginia Stevick and Stancil Stroud, and hastens to make amends. TODAY'S the DAT! l\ To get the refrigerator that has made millions of refrigerators I out-of-date ^ ! COLD m ECONOMY PROTECTION MoJtl illustrateti is K}-36 # If you've "waited until now — wait no longer. Come in to our store today and see the 1936 Kel- vinator. We assure you that never before have we seen an electric re frigerator which in one year has stepped out so far ahead. Visible Kclvinator gives you a Built-In Thermometer so you can see how cold it is . .. Visible Kelvinator gives you in advance a signed Certificate of an At as little as amazingly Low Cost ©f Opera tion . . . Visible Eiunu,uy~l^ci- vinator gives you a Five-Year Pro tection Plan. In addition — a ivAiber <^rid in every ice tray of this mo;L beau tiful, most convenient, inotL usable Ktlvinator ever built. See it for yourself. You’ll begla>? to find out it’s no higher in piite , than ordinary refrigeratoi s, .and that buying terras arc easier tltaA ever, • Giv«« 1936 mrmmmm L V. O’CALLAGHAN East Connecticut Avenue Telephone 5341 To keep up with the times, read THE PILOT Moore County’s Leading News-Weekly }

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