Friday, June 19, 1936. THE PILOT, Southern Pipcfl Mid Aberdeen, North CaroliiMi Pajfe Sevi .KNOCK THE [out of your TIRE COSTS! NOP OVER AND SEE THE TIRE TN*T DOES IT— S PEEDWAY t A big handsome husky with all these Goodyear Safety features— THE GOODYEAR MARGIN OF SAFETY THICK, TOUGH, LONG- MILEAGE BLOWOUT PROTECTION IN EVERY PLY A Prize Value made pos sible by the largest tire sales in the world. If you want to save money safely, come here! TT~i Kill ii» —' ; i'r' • R«sUt«r«4 SELLtNG NOW AS LOW AS 46 Pagre Motor Co. Southern Pines, N- C. This Double-Quick pfute—gives you REALIY WHITE TEETH • Tooth pastes only partially effective can’t keep teeth really white. E>on’t waste time with them; use Dr. West’s Double- Quick Tooth Paste. It cleans over twice as fast as some leading Ijrands, yet cannot scratch enanuT. For briUiant white teeth, try it today. BIG TUBE 25' m Farmers Should Plant Legume Crops Early These Are Necessary in Order to Qualify for Soil Con- servinjar Payment A WEEK BUDGET PUN u4e ike. BABY POWDER tJwii o ANTISEPTIC I Don’t be satisfied with ordinary baby powders that are not anti septic. Without paying a cent more you can get Menntn Anti septic Powder—which not only docs everything that other baby powders do, but also sets up an antiseptic condition all over baby's skin and fights off germt and mfections. It stops chafing and rawness, too So get a tin of Mennen Antiseptic Powder at your druggist’s today. HHENNIN Antiseptic POWDiR By E. H. tiarrlM>D, County Agent Due to the unfavorable seasons caused by the dry weather, many of the farmers of the state have lost some of their “legume crops such as lespedeza, especially where it was sown late in the spring, and a good many of the other legume crops have not been planted due to the unusual weather conditions. These crops are necessary in order to qualify for the soil conserving payment under ine Soil Conservation Prcgram. We would like to stress to every grower the importance of seeding, be fore it is too late, a sufficient acreage of conserving crops in order to qual ify for the soil conserving payment and as large as soil building payment as possible. In this state we are allowed, for the year 1936, to use soybeans and cow- peaa as conserving crops even though the hay is cut. This is a very liberal interpretation of conserving crops. Realizing the legume seed is scarce, if peas or beans are planted in two and one-half to three feet rows and cultivated once or twice, yo\i will gen erally make as much as if the peas, beans are sown broadcast. This will certainly make the seed go further and will enable the grower to receive lis payments under the Soil Conserva- linn Program. The question frequently arises as to whether .sorghum or Sudan grass sown with peas or beans for hay is Sill conserving. If beans or peas pre dominate the acreage will count soil conserving but if the sorghum or Su- ian grass predomintes and is cut for hay the acreage will count as deplet ing. Provision is being made in the clas- «ification of crops to provide that sor ghum and rye left on the land and not harvested will be classified as 3 il conserving for 1936. Provision was made recently which provides that in case lespedeza. peas or beans on wheat land, that one- half of the acreage would count as soil conserving. Under a new schedule of division any cotton farmer, who has a base acreage of five acres or less, can di vert two full acres of his base and get paid for it by planting soil con serving crops. This should be of great interest to the small cotton growerk Sixty percent of the cotton farmers of Moore county have a base of five acres or less and can take advantage of the above rule. In order to get any of the above benefits it will be necessary to sign •» work sheet if it Has not already been signed. The County Agent or somecne in his'office will explain any of the above to anyone interested. The Week in Carthage Miss Mary Wykoff of Columbia, S. C., is visiting her lister, Mrs. J. Symington. Mrs. N. J. Mus3 returned home Sunday from Burrus Memorial Hos pital in High Point where she und